Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The constellations really shine bright at night and they forever will so long as your beloved soul and spirit, Officer Cook, continue keeping watch over your family and colleagues. The past is just that and the present is now. You were a public servant so authentically diligent and sacred in your missions to further the unity and quietness of humanity. Never forgotten and remembered for virtue and vigilance combining to restore and revive happiness and peace among the unrest and tensions that boiled over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2020

The anchor is the key to maintaining one's dignity, integrity and heroic honor. You were consummate and forever composed in courage, consideration and carefulness, Officer Cook. So forever remembered and paid homage to for being a Dade County hero whose legend stands tall and proud full of ingenuity, intuition and integrity. All gentle smile and charm helped you in your hunts for harmony and freedom for all mankind to exist nobly. God has a man of character, conviction and commitment so humanely truthful and eternally trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2020

Deadlines are always inevitable. Police never know what to expect from all the demands on their time. Dade County was always under your humbly heroic eyes of truth and trust. The honorable endeavor was always your sole priority. You'll forever be solemnly and proudly remembered for heroism and character beyond your basins of responsibility. Integrity and dignity are forever attached to your humanely boldest of angel's wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2020

The Statue of Liberty represents the freedom all Americans and all who live in this country seek. Opportunity and endeavor knock on all doors waiting to be called upon to discharge honor,dignity and integrity. And it's found in the hearts and souls of all heroes and heroines who sacrifice day after day for our rights and defend us against wickedness as you so faithfully,solemnly and humbly did, Officer Cook,for the citizens of Dade County, a venue your virtue called home. The starting block for your successes in life though short lived you absolutely accomplished more in twenty-five years than most who live longer life spans. Security, maturity and sanctity all with a touch of humility so much class and decency from your own angelic heart, soul and revered spirit . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

The light of a hero's honor eminates from their humanely dignified heart and soul. You probably would be stuffing those stockings to give to your relatives on Christmas morning, Officer Cook, along with your beloved Karen, if God did not transport your inspirational paths and trails to heaven where every second your respect, dignity and integrity is most solemnly blessed and abundantly rewarded for your services to Dade County. For six years of loyal,esteemed and energetic protection and responsibility, the callings go out to all who have taken over your watch to be honest, careful and most productive. Have a positive passion and more than a sliver of hope and goodwill that situations will be resolved and the blankets of serenity will spread far and wide deep within the corners of a community that continues its admiration for you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The shame,disgrace and terrible tragedy to be taken so young with many more missions and special journeys on the horizon. virtue and versatility live on in your family's hearts as they pursue happiness, peace and good health with their "Uncle Bo" looking down on all of them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

Steeped in tradition and loyal in recognition. You life and professional career, Officer Cook, is forever regarding your sacred and humanely versatile honor,integrity and character. The kind of fulfilling one that had dignity and a code of ethical conduct surrounding your onuses to serve and to protect Dade County. A mainstay and a legend never forgotten for heroism and truly admired work skills. So many decades, forty and half have passed by like the wind and yet no one will forget you, not family nor your esteemed brothers and sisters of the law enforcement community wearing the very badge of truth and trust and a crisply fresh uniform spelled out by virtue and scruples that make a heart and soul very revered. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. An angel who keeps illuminating the skies by day and by night.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

A word to the wise is sufficient. They all understand and grasp the finer points of vision and maturity. Your comprehension, Officer Cook, was beyond the crowd and probably impressed many of your older comrades and that's all because you simply cared and took pride in your job and a profession that certainly has its perilous moments. The hours and minutes seem to be running away from us as we hustle to get our affairs in order before the holiday season and its rush. In police work you'll find the kind of determination,devotion and steadfast dedication that is not an option, it's mandatory in order to search for truth and justice. Dade County's residents received a wealth of excellence distributed daily and perseverance accomplished day in and day out. Such a noble and quite frankly you were, Officer Cook, a consummate man performing your labors of love and of your solemn obligation to find truth behind the walls of doubt. Honesty,integrity and dignity all a part of your character and its eternal legacy to be saluted and greatly cherished for doing its role in conquering adversity within our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A resolve, faithfulness and resourcefulness to be perpetuated forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

A skyscraper is a tall building. Those foundations and cornerstones you laid down here in Dade County are all even in honor, dignity and the humility that is located in one's own heroic heart of sacred callings, the passions to make serenity, security and safety a focal point for all Dade County folks. You accommodated everyone, Officer Cook, as your time here in this world was tragically cut short by one rotten, nasty and evil man. Such a brave young man, a friend to all and an admired gentleman who earned his stripes and for this may your gallantry be doubly and nobly blessed, rewarded and forever treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All heart, trust and truth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

Climbing that ladder of honor and humility step by step, reaching the mountain top of morals, principles and mettle takes ample practice and training all of which you received, Officer Cook, to make a notable impression always engraved in the hearts of your beloved family,comrades and close personal friends. Dignity and integrity searching for tranquility,harmony and liberty all along the trails of truth and trust meeting together to formulate a plan of attack. Action, heroism and wisdom provided the formula for your success. Just too sad your life and career ended all too early with more left to produce. Protecting, patrolling and policing Dade County was your aspiration and goal all done very well. Excellence in an angel of diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

Roses are very sweet smelling flowers but the thorns are forever painful. Just like evil, violence and terror, they too are painful, sorrowful and leave a mark on mankind that is sometimes hard to remove. The stains are difficult to get out. Your examinations and contemplation, Officer Cook. led you to a career with Metro-Dade Police Department one of the finest in this country. You served with heart,soul and honor for a quarter of your life and if not for one man without sense of direction, heart and respect you might have retired over twenty years as some of your colleagues have done. You'll forever be revered, admired and treasured for driving dignity, sanctity and integrity where its affects would be most felt. Nothing simple,passive nor easy with public service, it's you my neighbor, friend and hero who left a legacy of esteem and energy coming from your very humble and humane heart. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

The heavenly tribunal rewards and punishes according to the transgression or deeds of honor one has performed in this world. Society, mankind and humanity all frown upon evil and its wickedness and let there no doubt whatsoever that you, Officer Cook, heroically, honorably and with clear cut dignity, integrity and distinction did your job and honored your profession with marvelous mettle, morals and an abundance of loyalty spread far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and a smile go far when fairness, truth and trust accentuate their sole missions of goodwill,hope and faithfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

One heart, one soul, one spirit all nourished by the genes of gallantry and honor. Forever a most revered hero who spoke and understood the essentials of patrolling a community. Sensitivity and creativity lend their credence upon society's goals, dreams and aspirations. Your talents, skills and God given and driven gifts,Officer Cook, are all guarding those sacred gates in heaven along with all angels of bravery who made the ultimate sacrifice to benefit humanity. Such a sweet young man, cherished and all acumen, wisdom and vision. Seeing the big picture ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

Success, accomplishment and achievement are measured upon the very basic and humble moderation of honesty, integrity and dignity. Dade County was that measuring stick of your undaunted and undying ferocity, Officer Cook, so heroic and endearing to its citizens. Sacred journeys angel like and so enhancing. Foundations of character, commitment and conviction all placed down forever as your heart and spirit remain blessed and rewarded for endeavor beyond the call of responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

When tensions boil over and escalate, you elevated your honorable humility and heroic actions, Officer Cook, to succeed humanely in creating the dividends of harmony and unity for Dade County. A public servant now forever an angel in heaven. A man with respectful character, loyal commitment and trusted convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With a heart and soul so tireless in your unselfish efforts, society will forever remember you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2020

Chances must be taken as risks are assessed. The public's safety and security is most paramount. Your policing of Dade County, Officer Cook,was most notable and most skillful. So faithful and devout, your poise and professional precision all top notch and first class. Dignity, integrity and honesty never vacillating. A good man,a wonderful soul with a caring heart all greatly missed particularly during these holiday times. But, a hero so fondly well rounded in all character, decency and commitments to pride and being proud to don a badge and to wear a uniform of pristine values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

The tides of tyranny and terror at some point must be turned around. Violence cannot be allowed to fester and to perpetuate its wickedness upon us. You performed as always, Officer Cook, so well prepared and trained to go after hideous and heinous people who commit such mayhem. Dade County's folks were given excellence in humility and in sanctity. So much of your career and life was supported by a humanely diligent amount of unselfish integrity and dignity. Forever remembered and solemnly noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

Miami is a perfect place where tourists enjoy the sun and sights. It was a venue where your vehicles to accomplishment came from virtue and valor, so vigilant and honored. A gentleman of principles, scruples and the kind of humility that makes integrity and dignity so valuable to ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism, Officer Cook, has been and always will be saluted and gratefully appreciated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

The world and Dade County is deeply indebted you , Officer Cook, for heroism and honor. It delivered the proper amount of acumen and whatever was needed for your community to thrive peacefully. Success breeds just that and truth and trust come from one's own humble heart of dignity and integrity all utilized to battle adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

If resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness are registered and ready to patrol a community then your honesty, integrity and dignity can make all the difference as yours, Officer Cook, did to combat evil on behalf of Dade County where your life and career have been held forever in the highest of regards. An angel with wings that now guard heaven's terrains. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

Your life and years, Officer Cook, were submitted only to honesty, integrity and dignity. They all support the missions of its heroes and heroines. You were a gentleman and a scholar so embedded in learning your profession and what it requires to deliver the wares of serenity, safety and security as you brought to the people of Dade County. So relevant and authentic, time never will diminish your efforts and ultimate sacrifice on behalf of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2020

Police cannot be porous in their daily perseverance and neither can they lack any vehicle to bring about stability and tranquility within any community. You were persuasive and passionate in all your God given abilities, Officer Cook,never letting Dade County's folks down. Just practical sense of direction and all the honesty,integrity and dignity that can absorb blows from evil. Your badge and uniform were donned with pristine class and noble character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels soar in heaven and are never out of Our Creator's sight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2020

Serenely and humbly rewarded and blessed for you life and career achievements that validated your youth, heart of wisdom and mind so thoughtful and dignified. values,ideals and principles will certainly inspire an individual to climb that ladder to newer heights as you so faithfully did for Dade County, Officer Cook. A hero forever instrumental in its freedom. liberties and health, prosperity and hope. Nobility and civility all coming together to serve,save and preserve the quality of why we must persevere. God's blueprints mean something and wavering and laziness are not part of the daily program we must stand up and help one another as you so valiantly did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2020

Your honorable and most humble of heroic actions that day so tragic and terrible proved once again a man's fighting resolve, your integrity, commitment and character beyond any shadow of doubt proved ingenuity and dignity all rested in your most blessed heart, Officer Cook and Dade County's residents thank you from the bottom of theirs. Your colleagues who were in dire peril witnessed their loyal comrade and trusted friend coming to their aid and preserving their lives and of those where you placed down your cornerstones of courage and foundations of ferocity to shield a community from more intense violence. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Sanctity and humanity appreciated your forthcoming and always present humility channeled and dialed in. So treasured and trustworthy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2020

Wise women and men listen exactly and then ask the tough questions. Your travels, trails and pathways to accomplishment were surely filled with God's golden gems of infinite knowledge and acumen, Officer Cook. Dade County was nobly protected by a man whose devoutness and faithfulness remains everlasting, generation after generation will see what honor, integrity and character all bring to those tables and scales of justice prevailing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect, reverence and resourcefulness demonstrate a resiliency to amaze.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2020

The glow of the sun, the rays of the its brightness all shined down on you, Officer Cook and your adoring family. Such honesty, pride and humbleness which was bestowed upon you, your heart and soul. Such integrity and dignity all was needed to defend your community of Dade County against violence. You certainly acquitted yourself justly and with truth and trust all coming from your vision, wisdom and maturity. Nothing lacking, all elements of your character,commitment and noble convictions succinct and serene. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2020

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