Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Repairing what is broken and fixing society fall on the humble shoulders of all great and honorable women and men. Law enforcement sometimes suffers tragic losses of their own and do attempt to carry on with the assignments at hand. Your peaceful nature, Officer Cook, expanded the harmony and liberty for those in Dade County whom you sought out. You preserved,protected and aligned trust and truth as one unit. An element so essential to moving about with peace, joy and happiness. Your smile, Officer Cook, was priceless as was your desire,decency and drive. Determination, dedication and devotion kept your trails forevermore lit. Sacrifice brings with it a proud moment and yet sadness because the Lord took you home too early. And with more left behind for your colleagues and family to treasure, respect and adore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2021
Talent is not only tenacity. Fortune is not always fickle. Ferocity is not some bandage. Window dressing is one matter, integrity respect and principles are totally another matter. You deserved to live on, Officer Cook and for being your family and department's hero may your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every nook and cranny filled with peace and humility from a man with a wise heart and level headed trust which presented Dade County with a sense of direction to be carried by those future public servants who have taken the baton. The responsibilities can be overwhelming. The tasks can be arduous. Your spirit looks down, Officer Cook and as Our Master both blesses and rewards your heroism, may we all pray for prosperity and the understanding to make a difference for mankind's adventures to move forward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2021
Destiny and history are linked forever. Police faithfully discharge their professional obligations to eliminate terror and to bring about goodwill, resolve and hope to communities sharing similar ideas and values. Dade County is such a venue where your validation, Officer Cook, shall be felt forever as is your heroic legacy bounded on all sides by dignity, integrity and the humbleness of honesty. You surely gave every bone and muscle in your being to stop violence that day and everyday. Such a tragedy and such a heartless act that robbed your family and peers of your smiling yet serious demeanor. To be certain wisdom and vision are part of those golden gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2021
Unity, not division, hope not despair, faith not indifference, you fought for us, your family, colleagues and the entire landscape of all Dade County, Officer Cook, such a hero whose honor and integrity made an insightful impact never to be forgotten. A young man who diligence provided the backdrop for serenity and sanctity for all humanity. Wickedness and a man's disgusting behavior took a wonderful soul, a hero whose integrity and ingenuity were founded upon the principles of devoutness and truth, trust never questioned who led others through danger by being vigilant and possessing humanely humble virtues. The heavens stay aglow because of your unselfish and tireless energy to bind those separated by doubt and there was no hesitation to respond to your very last call, a domestic dispute as it was stated you were excellent in calming and in restoring tranquility and everything normal with quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heart was always engaged on the public and the truth was like honey coming from your lips.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2021
President Joseph Biden Jr becomes President today and perhaps with it a clean slate and a newer start for our country. A land full of opportunity, honor where dignity and integrity shall never be tarnished nor disrespected. When evil and violence take the lives of those who persevere, protect and serve we must mourn their loss. Grief and agony, pain and sorrow hopefully and slowly turn to healing. Humility, heart and character that you had, Officer Cook, are on the line riding together and it rode with you during your watch patrolling Dade County for a semblance of peace, freedom, unity and goodwill through prosperity. Always cherished and saluted for bravery above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2021
Though the weights of onus are great, your back, heart and shoulders handled the burdens with the utmost decency, honor and total reverence of faith, character and trusted commitments. Convictions, Officer Cook, so clear and true, a man whose journeys brought forth a new resolve, a new anticipation for citizens of Dade County trusting in the process carried forth by your direct sanctity, civility and unshakable humility from a most diligent heart of careful planning, thoughtful preparation and unrelenting heroism striving to create its circle of courage and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity, peace and freedom cost you the ultimate, Officer Cook and we won't forget what principles, scruples and morals you represented with a complete dedication and determination.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Better to lead, live and prosper by humility rather than extravagance. The effort, energy and heart were always poured into your sincerest labors of love, Officer Cook, as you were more than a token public servant so humble, heroic and honored for all your life's pursuits. Those sadly were taken by a rotten coward and man who steered away from morals and their capacities. Dade County experienced a new lease on life by the very virtue of your versatility, integrity and crispness of dignity which gave evil all it could handle. Make no mistake you saved countless lives that awful day, Officer Cook, when heaven called an heaven to His gallant honor roll. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Success never shall get into the head of a wise man, a man built upon the very fibers, fabrics and tenacity that assisted you, Officer Cook, in your hunts for heinous and callous people bent on breaking the integrity dignity and honor of Dade County. Its people relished your sweet heart and wholesome sincerity as it navigated the very streets and roads where peace not bloodshed can make lives a little less stressful. A soul and spirit as devoted as your heart of care and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and reserve work as a tandem to combat mischief and mayhem. That day, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 paid the ultimate sacrifice to better the happiness and missions of mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Your outstanding feats of character and faithfulness balance the ledgers of your learning and yearning to become the very best public servant whose honor, nobility and loyal integrity and dignity championed Dade County into a higher level of success and stability. Your comrades of the past and your beloved family, Officer Cook, have all paid homage and saluted solemnly your efforts to fix problems before they became worse. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Diligence is that very bookmark, the standard of which you planted, Officer Cook, to be treasured and cherished for always here in Dade County. When honesty,integrity and dignity can hang in there and cope, fight and battle at least the residents may be safe and more securer. Your years of serving and protecting Dade County are the benchmarks of boldness, bravery and sacred humility all from your wise heart one proud to participate in mankind's endeavors. With such respect, reverence and character came the commitments to justice and truth, the trust never flickering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
For the very sake of God's glory, Officer Cook, He certainly led you in the right direction. A most humble and devout young man searching every inch for stability, safety and the serenity that Dade County was looking for. You gave your life and career of principles never once flinching from adversity and for sense and reason, integrity, honor and dignity are in heaven now helping to keep those green pastures and gates of eternity safe from harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Sometimes evil moves as fast as sound and even the best of men and women trained and talented have a most trying time keeping up. Your morals, mettle and virtue, Officer Cook, certainly made an impact upon society, Dade County and its people. Excellence and effort all combined with sheer energy and heart to band integrity, honor and dignity together as one it's what unity can do with a little safety and security. Your vision, wisdom and maturity saw to that, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Those shots fired into the house that sad day were Our Creator's calls for your support and candor. Honor and respect treating trust, truth and humility with all care, with your undying heart and soul steadying the rudders of reliance and resolve, Officer Cook, as your heroic life and career was just beginning though you worked for six years of faithfulness, justice and all the character that lied upon the pillows of dignity and integrity battling with every breath to see wickedness gone for good. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
You cannot ever eschew details. They may lead you to a worthy solution into the circumstances that may lie ahead. The paths are paved and were made more instrumental by your own unwavering and unselfish honesty, integrity and as always your assurances of being cool, clam and collected as a most dignified servant of God. Goodwill, faith and hope may bring humanity closer to those elements of effort and efficiency than anything else. Your badge and uniform has provided Dade County the reasons to salute your heroism and esteemed loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, your family and the world greatly miss you and forever ponder a terrible loss and the what ifs had God not taken you so soon because of one's man's insatiable need to commit domestic violence against the establishment and the residents of a community looking to dig itself out of a downright tragic situation.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
We can question why any sound minded individual is willing to become a police officer risking their lives for our sense of serenity, stability and sanity. The Cook Family gave its humanely humble blessings to you, Officer Cook, to accomplish whatever you chose to be. It has its rewards and yet the dangers continue to linger cautioning those whose integrity,honor and revered dignity fight off tracks of trouble. You helped to bring a newer balance of unity and liberty to your community of Dade County where you'll forever be saluted for valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
Perpetrators, predictors and those who permeate their evil upon humanity must be stopped this second before more adversity sets its feats of everything sinister on mankind noblest of dreams. With God's blessings and His stoic compassion He directed your trails, Officer Cook, all honest, all heroic and all dignified and implanted with integrity around the boundaries of Dade County. It's said the truth shall set you free. You surely acquitted yourself wisely and most humbly and remain a cherished angel forever watching over the entire world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
The victims of violence have to be compensated by those who commit such ghastly actions of evil. Mankind, humanity must strive to travel forward with their earthly pursuits of harmony and unity for all. You worked hard, Officer Cook,with your utmost sincerity to right Dade County and its citizens. You had all he resources of honesty, character and dignity that followed your trails of truth and integrity. The journeys for those who have succeeded you continue as you observe from heaven as all humble angels must. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2021
The revolving doors of justice seem to need more oil to keep them working. Truth and trust be noted that crime costs lives and life is so very sensitive. Precious beyond any other thing. A man devotes his welfare and well being to promote and to humbly, heroically and honorably keep peace must be noted, etched upon walls and remembered solemnly and most sacredly. Your vim,vigor and vitality, Officer Cook,were all cherished and so fruitful in their journeys over Dade County where spreading peace, harmony and goodwill remain everlasting and so too does your heart and character. They were all a blessing and continue being revered and rewarded for heroism given by an honored gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
Officers DiGenova, Edgerton, Lincoln and Detective Blocker can all thank you their loyal brother and comrade, Officer Cook, for their continued life. Yours sadly ended that day, a career dictated by values and scruples all human beings much have. It's sad and terrible that Mr. Pearsall was lacking any of those. Dignity possessed. Integrity that led others and motivated through thick and thin. All the truth and the trust that produced some semblance of vision, law and order for a community still paying respects to your soul and spirit. I do hope those gentleman are doing reasonably well. Though, I know Officer DiGenova suffers and you and your colleagues are never forgotten just as Officer Cook, "Bill" to most of you left this world way too soon. God has his wonderful soul sheltered for safekeeping as eternity is the safest location around. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
By displaying dedication your determination only shows its gears of gallantry and courage more to mankind. By placing things in their proper perspective, Officer Cook, your humanely honesty, integrity and visions of dignity were able to fight off the adversity that humanity never seeks. We sought peace and togetherness, your heart and soul my neighbor, friend and hero were all instrumentally essential in these endeavors of loyalty and devoutness. Rest in peace. A man of commitments and convictions all truthful and trusted. You got the entire blueprint of boldness and professional courtesies.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
Evil and bedlam are a police officer's worst thorn in their side. It puts a certain feeling out there in the community that things don't seem right. They certainly did not that fateful day, Officer Cook, a day never to be forgotten. Your life and career all maintained a proper balance of honor,integrity and the fortitude of ingenuity. All dignity, respect and resiliency to further Dade County's hopeful times of happiness and appreciation. A job well done and you'll always be a treasured angel. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
Serene, safe and tranquil all because of your virtue and vigilance over Dade County, Officer Cook. A gentleman whose legacy of humility and honesty shines forevermore. With character and reverence comes dignity and integrity to assist in reigning in evil. So much more was left for your heart and humility to accomplish which you surely did in twenty-five years of proof positive endeavor and noted heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
Resistance can only lead to more chaos and trouble. But with society today nothing ever seems normal. You were a consummate public servant, Officer Cook, so gifted, humble and talented. Now for eternity your honorable heart and soul.dignified, respectful and full of integrity wears angel's wings to help your spirit fly higher and brighter in the heavens above. Sacred missions of hope, faith and goodwill yielding more peaceful movements for Dade County's folks never to be forgotten and only saluted for bravery and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2021
Mettle and morals should not permit wickedness to muscle in and meander around any venue. Your eyes,ears and heart,Officer Cook, all so geared to perform in unison to dash any terror that looks to run rampant here in Dade County. Character, commitment and conviction all thoughtful, trusted and the whole sacred truth, hopefully peace is on the horizon and never far from the radar. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity,honesty and dignity accompanied your virtual soul to heaven where the lights won't ever dim.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2021
You put your best feet forward, Officer Cook, to have harmony standout here in Dade County. The assurances of integrity, dignity and honesty all combined to lead those chases against pure evil. For a man so decent, classy and courageous you my neighbor, friend and hero will be celebrated and forevermore honored for stalwart performance and precision that participated in those ugly wars over crime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The clues and hints are the angels circling around us at every moment in time.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2021