Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The effort and energy was always poured into your labors of honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, heroic and measured evenly to give the right shape of serious heart, courage and nobility to humanity. Dade County won't forget your name blessed, rewarded and forever sealed within gallantry's walls of wonderful characters whose trust and truth never gave into violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

Serenity and safe havens cannot ever be usurped by such awful evil. Its violence can really dishevel a community and create the kind of fierce wickedness that can tire out its residents. A gentleman, a policeman so refined and so well tuned, Officer Cook, it's found in heroes such as yourself who forever went above his duties and dignity to witness integrity and ingenuity achieving their masterful roles. Dade County will never forget you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

Clashes are those cliffhangers where the ending is never always clear. It was succinct and precise your years pursuing peace here in Dade County as a hero of the people and your loved ones, Officer Cook. You take a man in his prime and team his honesty, integrity and dignity along his side and the outcomes should be for a plus. You'll forever be respected and cherished my neighbor, friend and hero for instilling and installing the common sense and direction for mankind. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

The ones who are curious probably don't have much to do. Police work as you understood it involved more than details, it involved staying honest, dedicated and quite dignified. So much of your unwavering integrity and commitment went into sparing Dade County more infliction of harm. Though, you were and always will be your family and department's ace of acumen and vision, Officer Cook, it was your wisdom and beliefs that brought goodwill and harmony to your community which had your undivided attention. Humility and passion stoked those doors of distinction where your heroic legacy stands tall and blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

Foster faith, hope and humble goodwill it may not lick adversity but it's certainly a start. Every beginning needs some tough love but most of all all public servants must have honesty, integrity and dignity while making the toughest decisions that affect a community. You were tireless and relentless in your earthly pursuits of tranquility on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. A hero so proficient and most passionate, with your sterling character those who have taken over your watch have a demanding task ahead of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

Society must flourish in health, peace and blessings. It must not flounder nor fester in chaotic mayhem. You prevented this, Officer Cook, by being aware and most honorably heroic in defending Dade County and its people. Your character, resolve and humanely vital heart remain cherished and will always be saluted for their sacred passions and humbly notable trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An architect of acumen and vision who wisely look at what needed fixing and attempted his utmost to restore a semblance of liberty and freedom for all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2021

The tip of the iceberg is floating and your mettle and morals, principles and scruples, Officer Cook, never floated away. Dade County was seen as your battleground for some of your fiercest of fights over violence and bloodshed. It's very tragic that your life and career balanced with valor and virtue came to a crashing end because of one rotten soul of a man. Integrity, dignity and complete honesty was always leveled within those roads where you took to your patrols. Humility and sanctity are heaven's angels with your soul so humanely flying high. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

One inscribed in integrity, ingenuity and in intuition may not get irked for something is not right. For your service to Dade County, Officer Cook,was earmarked with earnest dignity and sincere honor that heroically performed your tasks of danger each day. The whole world and your family have taken note of your excellent character, humble commitment and convictions solely based upon the fountains of ferocity, sanctity and civility which you intended and succeeded in laying down upon the roads of your precious community. Admired and forever saluted for boldness and bravery now held in Our Lord's hands of compassion to protect your heart and soul from harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity and safety may not be shirked nor undercut as society expects and demands outstanding preservation from its most esteemed and beloved of public servants. They hold the flames of liberty within their souls and nothing will ever extinguish those fires.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

The hero in you, Officer Cook, may have signed off for now where eternity keeps your vessels of honor, integrity and dignity very safe and constantly blessed and most humbly revered. Forty-one years ago Dade County bade you a fond farewell at your Inspector's funeral, a lot of grieving and tears for a man so young to have left this earth. Your missions were morally righteous and your journeys were just the most faithful of trusted trials and trails paved for future women and men to sacredly follow. A difficult task and a tall order seeing your eyes and ears, heart and mind were the composite of composure and courage all undaunted,undying, unwavering and most unselfish. A tireless worker striving for justice and the simplicity of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Deliberate and trusted, it's truth and fact that can handle the rigors of crime when life and property are greatly affected. Dade County was where your seasoning and demeanor came into focus, Officer Cook. A man on a journey to release the bonds of safety and security back into the corridors of his community. Where you lived, grew up, were schooled and married a very beautiful woman, Officer Cook, there was no telling your life and career contained more promise and passion. Honesty, integrity and dignity can battle,fight and get right down into the trenches to deal with the adverse situations that evil can summon up. We are a little less safe, the memories of your life, career and humble successes are for those taking the baton to those battles. You are never forgotten and always treasured and saluted solemnly for dedication, devotion and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Venerable, virtual and valiant are way more above snuff than being petulant, truculent and a percolator of mischief and mayhem. With enough chaos and callousness sadly befalling society mankind must reach back for that special formula to solve and to humbly restore tranquility from conflict. Everything you performed on behalf of your family,friends and peers of perseverance, truth and justice. Officer Cook, was so trusted as it created a positive impact upon the walls and doors of a community so relying upon your very basic instincts. A hero in heaven patrolling his space as only an angel of bravery, boldness and gumption would do. Achievement is the resource that furthers one's precious legacy. Yours, Officer Cook,shines very brightly in the blue and darkest of nighttime skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Relate yet be relentless, it's where faithfulness is fearless and most ferocious. You were disciplined and decidedly dignified, Officer Cook and never more intense with stellar integrity and heroic honor. Versatility, flexibility and accountability must be in every officer's unit and shelf of valor. Without any set of ethics, scruples and morals, the causes,purposes and affects are a bit dull and not being sharp in today's day and age can be costly and cloud the pursuits of harmony, goodwill and hope. Dade County surely cherished your ideals and ingenuity, Officer Cook, such convictions all with a passion and a principal meant to stabilize the outreaches of your community that keeps paying you homage for your esteemed life and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Personality is everyone's own different DNA. Dignified. Devoted and never bending. Astute and thoughtful of one's personal space. You respected authority, Officer Cook and that was a reason as to why to you could others through danger while giving excellent service dedicated to the folks of Dade County. All humility is from a heart of gold so gifted and so caring.Every tent placed down for our safety was on account of your diligence, durability and the capability to inspire your comrades on the very same roads. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A sincerity of character, commitment and conviction has been forever received within God's blessings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Whether it's the mountaintops or hills heroism shall abide for eternity. Your sacred oath, Officer Cook, was undertaken and understood as a message for Dade County and those inclined to commit ghastly evil and horrendous violence. Don't go there. If in doubt stop and rethink your pathways in life. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero were paved par excellence and given a unique touch, so versatile and with highly regarded virtue. Awareness so real and one that made an impression to be etched upon society's hearts and minds forever. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

The island of integrity is not alone for dignity and honesty are its best companions. Truth be said, Officer Cook, you were a terrific individual and a class human being. A gentleman so devoted to his craft and yearning, expertise and training only elevate one's humility and character and yours my neighbor, friend and hero was so refined as you patrolled the streets and corners of Dade County hunting for humanity's rivers of hope and reservoirs of serenity. An angel not far from his family,friends and comrades it's your bravery, boldness and loyalty that will never be overlooked. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

For those who gave, it is their heavenly souls that receive heaven's humble rewards. For service and sacrifice with a smile, Officer Cook, may the Lord bless you and your family. They grow as your spirit of honesty,integrity and dignity watches over them from above. Dade County expected and certainly received excellent protection for mankind's hero of loyalty. Faith and grit covered your pathways of yearning and truth and trust always garnered and revered forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Violence stopped is accomplishment honored and humble. The respect and admiration Dade County had for you, Officer Cook, was certainly and deservedly heroic and dignified as it should be. Your integrity integrated newer bounds, newer hopes, dreams and aspirations for mankind to flourish. Inspirations to last a lifetime. The fountains of a concerned man's youth were overflowing with pride and promise just touching our very hearts and souls. You accommodated society, Officer Cook, cheerfully every moment and recognized your place where not many roam. Serenity and peace instead of apprehension and fear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

To calculate man's hours, days and years would be pretty impossible for most, though Our Creator plans and has His own uniquely special machinery to figure things out. Police work is not just about destiny or fate. It first begins with one having and maintaining a distinct honesty about them, it's worn on every garment relative to their occupation. A badge of integrity and dignity to ward off unfortunate terror, torment and turmoil so adverse it surely looks to uproot journeys of restoration and enrichment. You missions and hope for Dade County, Officer Cook, were to humanely spread some liberty and freedom for all in a safe and productively positive manner all accomplished during your short career and life one filled with memories mostly happy ones. Tonight as the clock strikes twelve let us pray as a nation that peace,health and goodwill continue to filter upon society and that strife and senseless bloodshed id no more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Certain insects carry a lethal bite or sting. Wickedness too carries a sure challenge to all who don a uniform and wear a badge full of compassion and candor. With all these characteristics in mind your assembly of acumen and being astute, Officer Cook, definitely made you a more vigilant public servant able to deal with adversity and whatever strife came your direction shielding Dade County from its aftermath. Badge#1664 was complete and careful in its dedication to society and for having the sanctity and nobility civilization must stop and your efforts, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

When the curtains rise all goodwill, resolve and hope must never dim. Faithfulness,devotion and trust appeared from every source of your humbled heart and courageous soul, Officer Cook, to further enhance and enrich the lives of Dade County residents expecting some relief from peril and whatever laid in the way of unity and harmony. With your excellence and experience everyone from top to bottom understood tasks, roles and responsibilities would be upheld. To uplift and to implement new values, ideals and keep on the very trails of virtue and versatility takes onuses beyond their due callings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

Replete with wisdom,honesty, vision and truth, your humble trails and paths in life, Officer Cook, were just a beginning of what should have been a long career policing Dade County and spreading tranquility throughout its regions. One day of nastiness and evil and your whole life and career tragically ended all too soon. Leaving your family,esteemed colleagues and cherished personal friends to mourn your loss. A total injustice perpetrated against you and the entire police nation. It seems at times all too many that nowadays humanity has lost touch with reality. It won't ever be the same without you, holidays and gatherings, dignity and integrity within your concerned heart and soul just wanted to perform the greatest of services on behalf of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

The panels of precision, perseverance and proficiency were solidly constructed by your tireless effort, unselfishly heroic honor, dignity and integrity that continues to shine brightly in the heaven's above, Officer Cook. You drove in and around Dade County in search of hope, peace and faith and just made your wife,sister and parents very proud. All the charm, caring and character setting off on new adventures. You're not forgotten. Humility, heart and a big old smile handling all your professional rigors of a most demanding position of truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2020

You close your eyes and envision yourself still here thinking and producing such marvelous success. Success is only valid when effort and efficiency are given the greatest honesty, dignity and integrity intended to insert its branches of boldness and bravery into violence . You created a change, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and its people for the better, so goodwill, faith and hope may not fail. That word is certainly not acceptable when a good man goes out and patrols his own destinies. Fruitful and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2020

Those inclined to drink on New Year's Eve had better think again because those honest, dignified and composed servants of integrity, humility and virtue are riding around looking for those violating crimes. Your youth and dogged determination, Officer Cook, allowed you to display the finer points of policing an area. Your community has revered and admired your serene and solid convictions of resolve and endeavor. Nothing will be moved nor forgotten. A savior of scruples now surveying from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was kept safe and bountiful doing your heartfelt observance of them which brought you great humble pride.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2020

The death of a hero doing his job shall be solemnly honored for all its novel fortitude and noble deeds of passion and your compassion preserved the quality of life here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man fundamentally built upon valor and virtue all while staying extra vigilant to the community's desires. Hope and integrity do spring eternal and for dignity to transform tranquility so may your soul be blessed the the Most Trustworthy One. His truth is surely everlasting and so are the cornerstones you placed down to provide safe havens and shelters of freedom and liberty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Here today to pause and reflect, tomorrow is not yet upon society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2020

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