Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The reflections of your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, still surround Dade County where your heart and heroic soul served the residents with bravery, virtue and every bit of sage wisdom coming from your wings of sanctity and nobility. A man born and raised with respectful class, decency and character, whose loyalty and commitment never wavered. We salute you and may God hold you closer toHim as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2023

The reflection of your dignity, integrity and honesty, Officer Cook, continues to heroically surround Dade County where you provided excellent service. All first class decency, devotion and dedication just as your virtue, wisdom and sacred loyalty to all folks. Never forgotten and always saluted for commitment and unselfish character and top notch nobility and sacred missions of faithfulness and wisdom poured forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True trust yields the best of outcomes. Just wished May 16, 1979 did cost you your life and career blessed by Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2023

Kindness, compassion, sensitivity all play a vital role in each man and woman's pursuits of peace and prosperity, but make no mistake having an honest and humbly blessed heart and soul when coupled with integrity, dignity and character too bring the best to the top as they did for you, Officer Cook, always the mild mannered gentleman of true grit and dedication. First class and top notch when you patrolled and protected the streets and corners of Dade County. An angel to be saluted for virtue, valor and dependable vision and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So sorely missed by everyone included your adoring and loving family who now and forevermore carries your heroic legacy forward in their daily lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2023

Officer Cook, ability, dependability and capability defined your life and cherished professional career serving the citizens of Dade County. Forever a man, a gentleman of the highest honor, dignity, character and integrity who willingly decided to become a public service hero. Your family, comrades and a host of friends all miss you and have never forgotten you and we the people salute your wisdom, heart, soul and virtue. An angel blessed by an abundance of kindness, sincerity, truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2023

One omition of heart, soul, honesty and character and the chances are your missions of sanctity and heroism may end up not succeeding. And where evil, violence and whatever else lurks you require men and women dedicated and dignified to fight those battles and wars where integrity, commitment to excel and where truth and trust reign supreme. They surely did during your life and public service career, Officer Cook, where you protected Dade County with loyalty and the highest of morals and values to be saluted and remembered for your solemn words of affirmation. Always a blessed and cherished gentleman of faith and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intuition and ingenuity need to travel down the paths and trails of trustworthiness. A truly legendary human being an angel forever guarding God's pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2023

An angel cherished, beloved and humbly heroic. That was you, Officer Cook and your life and career uplifted by dignity,heart and the blessings of humane integrity and honesty never to be forgotten. We salute you and Dade County and its people will always solemnly remember you for delivering serenity upon your sacred virtue, missions of goodwill and prideful character. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2023

Fortitude and ferocity are honesty, dignity and integrity's shields of perseverance and passion. Your humble and heroic life serving Dade County, Officer Cook, will forevermore be solemnly remembered and saluted for courage, trust and truth. May you rest in angelicpeace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2023

A proud and most heroically humble gentleman of faith, devotion and goodwill. You spread your angelic wings, Officer Cook, throughout Dade County saving its integrity, dignity andcharacter. No doubt you'll be saluted for bravery and sanctity above your normal duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2023

A brother officer so well regarded, respected and revered as you were, Officer Cook, for your consummately heroic service given to Dade County and its residents. Our tranquility, harmony and everlasting liberties were created by your loyalty, esteem and cherished character that represented your outstanding and truthfully trusted convictions and commitments. You possessed dignity,a heart and soul of blessed talents that made your humble integrity stand tall and we salute you for wisdom, virtue and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True concern. dedication and faithful devotion that now rests in peace along with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2023

Man's destiny lies in their humble, heroic and special dignity, integrity and character that uplifts society to a higher level. You, Officer Cook, enhanced and enriched your community of Dade County by virtue of being brave, wise beyond your years and a gentleman of first class desire, fortitude and dedication. We salute your kindness, warmth and grace, charm and charisma that continues to be missed by your family and peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Opportunity is trust and truth faithfully applied to all of life's passions, callings and very sacred journeys and missions of hope, goodwill and sure versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2023

A man blessed and yet humbly heroic, you gave your life, Officer Cook, so that Dade County could live in peace. When honor, integrity and dignity comb each crevice where evil lies that outcomes should be for a plus. That tragic day you performed as always and acquitted yourself suprebly never yielding to the violence one man displayed so heinously. We salute you and your family as they champion your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fine character, true trust yield the fruits of one's perilous labors.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2023

You channel your passions, aspirations and energies into fighting the battles where your bravery, honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, came into fruition while you defended our peace here in Dade County. A serious warrior whose character, decency, commitment and trustworthy convictions of truth and humbleness all blended in very well. You my neighbor, friend and hero shall rest in peace as all angels of valor must patrolling the pearly gates of heaven where perfection is underdstood.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2023

A man heroic and devout whose life and public service career exemplified dignity, integrity and a heart of character who protected Dade County with unwavering bravery. Officer Cook, you were your family's Godsend and now forevermore their angel who looks down upon them as they carry your legacy forward in their blessed and sacred missions, you will be saluted for aiding, for being loyal and remaining a vital part of your department and community with a truthful and trustworthy name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2023

You learned and prepared for all the battles of onus that came from your heroically yearning heart and soul of both dignity, integrity and stoically strong character, Officer Cook, that served, preserved and protected the vital and essential security, safety and serenity of all Dade County. Mankind, humanity and your beloved community all shared in your talents and they shared the grief along with your family when an evil man robbed you of living on through retirement. Such a good man cherished and surely an angel of valor who will be saluted for sacred journeys of wisdom, vision and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2023

Everyday I reflect about you, Officer Cook, your handsome and heroic smiling face tells the entore story of your life and career constructed through the conduct, professionalism and values of why honesty, dignity, integrity and character are important when protecting a community's serenity as you did for Dade County. Never a more humble gentleman beloved by all, loyal
to your fellow officers and cherished forever by your family who loves and misses you, friends as well. The heavens above have a true angel of trustworthiness, sincerity and the heart and soul founded upon the essential principles of ferocity and dedication all decent and all desirable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 was respected, faithful and surely resilient.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2023

Your truth, trust and tenacity, Officer Cook, was breached more than that it was robbed so heinously from you. Dignity, character, honesty and integrity so very vital to all your faithful journeys andmissions of devotion and dedication protecting the good people of Dade County. Your hopes, dreams and aspirations were realized, achieved yet there was more left for you to accomplish. Twenty-five years of productivity, class and determination left on the streets where peril and evil sadly still roams. Never forgotten and forevermore saluted for wisdom,virtue and sacred vision and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2023

Officer Cook, your heroic life and career were truly the representation of everlasting honesty, dignity and integrity that the Lord bestowed upon your family and your very humble,loyal and blessed heart and soul that served and protected Dade County with cherished and unselfish character, wisdom, virtue and commitment now flying higher each second as your family's angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, frieend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2023

With learning comes yearning. With a heroic and honorable heart and soul sprouts forth dignity,character and integrity which you utilized to the zenith, Officer Cook, to serve and to protect the people of Dade County and you'll be revered, saluted and paid homage forevermore for your life and career of blessed humility and unwavering and unselfish performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals and values constructed to produce faithfully true and trustworthy missions and journeys of resiliency, resourcefulness and sincerity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2023

You were there, Officer Cook, to serve proudly, to protect loyally and to preserve the landscape and dignity of Dade County. It was where you fought the bravest of battles and gave your sacred heart, soul and life forintegrity,character and commitment to rise above it all. A warrior unwavering and unselfish in all your duties where your wisdom, vsion and virtue shined brightly as does your spirit as you patrol the streets above where God watches over you every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and blessing surround your beloved family who forges onward with your legacy safely tucked in their hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2023

Perseverance, proficiency and prudance all running side by side of you, Officer Cook, as you heroically patrolled the very foundations in and around Dade County. A community close knit where your abundant charisma, honesty and both humble dignity and integrity followed each other down the tracks and trails of trust, truth and outstanding character, commitment and conviction. Heaven is where your angelic heart and soul now walk their beats of bravery, sanctity and versatility coming from your spirit of virtue, vision and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2023

Diligent and dedicated all we can state with clarity and assurance was and always will be that you were honorable, dependable and loyal as a hero should be, Officer Cook. Dade County appreciated your sincerest endeavors infighting violence, crime and evil. When dignity, integrity and character is heinously usurped heaven help our world. You are forevermore and angel brave,virtuous and wise beyond your years and now and for eternity may you patrol God's heavenly gates with a blessed and humble heart of nobility, sanctity and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2023

Traditions are things that are solemn and meant to be adhered to if society is to co-exist. Police work requires honesty, integrity, character and quintessential dignity of which you had, Officer Cook, all heroic,loyal and sincerely cherished as you always will remain. A man who made a commitment to truthfully and with trustworthiness went about your daily patrols serving the people of Dade County where you legacy and name will be saluted for their sacred wisdom, vision and valuable virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2023

Consumed by compassion, courage, character and commitment the very foundations of your heroic life and public service career, Officer Cook, were just what Dade County needed in a time of domestic crisis being unfurled that tragic day when you sacrificed your heart and soul for our very safety and security. A man of his word your sacred and solemn obligations of humility and honor, dignity and integrity implanted the basis of our very liberties today and forever will you be saluted, Officer Cook, for your inspiring wisdom, vision and virtue all versatile and all out on those streets where danger lurked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with your fellow angels who too gave their lives for a purpose and blazed the trails and paths of perseverance for others who dedicate themselves to peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2023

A unique mindset must be essential to the perilous obligations faced by all who wear a uniform and don a badge of honesty, integrity and dignity such as the one you wore, Officer Cook, with heroically loyal distinction while protecting the good folks of Dade County your home and community where you receive homage, solemn salutes of virtue and sacred bravery all of excellent character, truth and trust. Your paths and trails of diligence, heart and caring were consummated by your sacrifice and due vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2023

This world, Officer Cook, has changed so much since the day you left it by virtue of making the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County andits residents in order for harmony, freedom and liberty to support our truthful and trusted trails of reason, action and purpose.In fact, your professional prowess was always so loyal and heroic. It was honorable, dignified and surely one of heart, soul and integrity. Such dedication, devotion, resiliency and faithfulness ought to be shared and discussed as future have come to learn of you and the badge#1664 that was respect, wisdom, humility and blessed virtue. Such a young man, a gentleman of desire, decency and devotion poured forth to be solemnly saluted and paid the homage due. Your legacy is implanted and instilled with your family's heart and minds as they continue your passions as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero patrolling the pearly gates of heaven as one of God's humbly heroic angels of bravery, caring and character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2023

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