Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Life is about taking chances to make a correction in your paths that you select out of freewill. It's goodwill, hope and faithfulness being utilized to the fullest extent and Dade County was certainly preserved by your passion and virtue, Officer Cook. A hero shining mightily in honesty, integrity and dignity, all from the very resources of character, candor and resolve to place safety and security where they rightfully belong. To be distinguished for outstanding effort and work habits may your soul,heart and spirit be extra specially blessed and rewarded for enriching and enhancing the nobility and sacred purposes of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
Your wife, Karen, your mother may she rest in peace, Mrs. Julia Cook and your sister, Nancy, all survived you, Officer Cook and now my neighbor, friend and hero, your loving and devoted parents and other relatives are all being cradled in Our Lord's loving palms to be watched over for eternity. Dade County will certainly and has missed tremendously your humility and refined honesty, dignity and integrity that touched the gentleness of mankind and character, commitment and trusted convictions so truthful and loyal not to be placed on a shelf and overlooked. Serenity, safety and unity are never easy to come by, your career and life of morals,mettle an discipline spelled out your legacy of heroism to be saluted forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
Faith, devoutness and resiliency can help at moments of grief and despair to cushion the blows of violence. The very sick and awful evil perpetrated against too many excellent and honest public servants. Your years of experience, Officer Cook, surely helped create a bridge to a stabler future but one better served if you had been allowed to witness your humble, dignified and loyal works of integrity being spread within the corridors of Dade County. No man or woman who gives their life shall be forgotten. Since you were a righteous soul whose pearls of wisdom, maturity and vision have been long remembered may God embrace your spirit with His tender loving kindness. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. One precious angel who uplifted mankind and spurned on humanity to do the very same.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
Life at times can be so fragile. Then tenacity must be applied full bore. You had a had aptitude, Officer Cook, acumen, awareness and being astute always lead your honored and dignified trails of integrity and courage throughout Dade County. Seeing that you had excellence and overall alertness in sizing up circumstances may your stellar heart and soul of virtue and vigilance be watched over as you did for those wanting a measure of unity, stability and harmony for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend andhero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
The sky is not falling. Violence does tragically take human being from among us and their loved ones. It cannot ever tarnish a badge and uniform you worn so supremely and so humbly heroic. As one who is forever honored, may Our Lord bless your dignity, wisdom,character and integrity that achieved more than just protecting the citizens of Dade County. Humanity won't overlook your humility and sanctity. Civilization will carry your legacy with humane respect, reverence and virtual admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
The rivers rise. The evil still appears to blanket our country. So where do we turn? To great men like yourself, Officer Cook, so honorable and heroic who distinguished himself in service to all Dade County. Its folks could rely upon your integrity,dignity and character to save the day. Sderenity and safe journeys for all mankind because of your tireless heart of energy and endeavor. Never forgotten and forevermore saluted for consistent bravery so sacred to a nation yearning for happiness, health and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2021
Your lion's heart, Officer Cook, should still be strong and alive racing to perform its dedicated humanitarian work. Dade County would feel less worried and nervous and the people will always recognize you had their backs and those of your diligent and most loyalest of comrades. Surely, as the bells of St. Mary's Cathedral tolled that solemn day, your honor, integrity and humbly heroic dignity would all be flying high like a kite for heaven gained a great young man, an angel in every way, shape and form. Perseverance and working through assorted issues was the plan, Our Creator must have needed your sweet and innocent soul and spirit more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
You were such a popular officer in your division, Officer Cook, always a galvanizing force with such valor and virtual convictions. The heavens are smiling because of your heroic and unyielding loyalty displayed upon the interests all Dade County can certainly forever remember. A loyal man with a heart of integrity, respect and dignified character all now being saluted for their stoic, staunch, sterling and stellar efforts redirecting the hope, faith and humble goodwill of mankind. To lead and to dedicate takes all the compassion, passion and quite persuasive proficiency all to be embraced by society for its peaceful and unified accomplishments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A smile can travel a long way, it's found in the genes of both ferocity and tenacity that will take a public servant's trails much farther.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Heroes and heroines have many common denominators. Honesty. Effort. Enduring dignity,integrity and always loyal character. Such class and reverence, Officer Cook, surely belongs where vision,wisdom and maturity are. They are tucked away in heaven for your life and career preserving Dade County's sanctity shall never be overlooked. Too much violence today and back in your day I'm certain you had your hands filled with issues,problems and circumstances you tried to stay on top of. Valor such as yours my neighbor,friend and hero surely built foundations to be supremely respected and well noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are Our King's best flock of ferocity, it represented their every hope and esteem that being cherished brings.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Better to negotiate than to haggle as it only removes another protective layer from one's heroic heart. The brain, heart and soul all function as one unit and if one part is slightly off kilter then well you can think for yourself what the final finished product might become, a bit lessened. Dade County was taught a great and humanely solemn lesson by your instrumental and most fundamental work habits, Officer Cook, calmness helps the restoration project last longer and for honor,integrity and dignity all fighting like heck may God bless your sacred character, trusted convictions and truthful commitments to everything mindful in pride and in excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Posterity and sincerity all raided the bars of standard performance and those who have succeeded you have a tough task in carrying through your legacy to be praised and saluted for courage.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Policing is real work, tough, demanding and can be at times difficult and frustrating to whoever dons a badge and wears a uniform of honesty, bravery and dedication. All the determination and leadership was there within the heart and soul of Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, as you strived for a sentiment of security and stability. Civility and humanity look for that edge and you delivered promise and hopeful enhancement to the people of Dade County. Dignity, integrity and character all uplifting and forever enriching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The soil where you slumber in peace may never be disturbed nor invaded in any way,shape or form. You meant the world to your family, colleagues and close acquaintances.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
I've said it many times that you and Karen, Officer Cook, would have made great parents. Parenthood is like the police brotherhood where humbleness and honor are the greatest components of courage and dignity composing integrity during tense and terse moments. Whenever Dade County's lives were placed in jeopardy there you were to combat evil and loyal to a tee to all who served along with you. A partner who always had his fellow brother or sister's back. Character, class and desire are placed on those pallets of proficiency always higher in behavior and ethical standards. You will never be far from your family's thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God navigated your destinies, Officer Cook, just wished you were here today!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Callous is showing no class, respect and honesty. Vile is to be removed the the sidewalks of society and heinous is inhumane and indecent exposing humanity to some of its flaws. No doubts,no concerns, Officer Cook, as you laid the groundwork for our futures because of your heroic sacrifice many decades ago. Forty plus years of undying,unselfish and unwavering response to Dade County. There will always be what if you did not go to that scene leaving your fellow comrades to fight and to battle with Mr.Pearsall. He was without a mind and character, yours, Officer Cook,was straight forward and always yearning to learn more about your roles and important profession where danger lurks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
The hits of hideous evil still come and your honored and most humbly heroic presence, Officer Cook, was just the right element to ease Dade County's tensions and frustrations. You will be remembered for being a man of your word and the persevering public servant so solidly bound in dignity,integrity and helpful character. Our very serenity and safe trails can be directly traced to your tenacious pursuits of joy, happiness and faithfulness given to everyone. The heavens are perpetually aglow with your soul and adoring spirit soaring over us every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
What is peculiar to some is normal to others. Violence, evil and a whole rash of terror and wickedness only shakes the strong branches of honor and humility. Its leaves need to be immediately clipped,pruned whatever to revive that urgency of unity,liberty for all humanity and its senses of honesty, dignity, integrity and respectful character which you steadfastly maintained throughout your life and career, Officer Cook, heroic, sacred and filled with accomplishment. Such fruition is the starting block and sounding board to a future encased with hope. Seeing you enhanced and enriched mankind, Officer Cook, upholding and uplifting our pursuits and spirits we and your family know full well Our Lord is keeping your spirit safe and protected from any more harm. You should not have had anything hurt or even take your life. Your family needed you most when tragedy struck. At least the evil man who took you from your loved ones was killed by your colleague, Detective Blocker. A whole life and a duly promising career all destroyed in five minutes of his wanton anger and total disrespect for authority. You led by example and motivated by being sincere and loyal to your department never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Fear can strike paranoia into the hearts of all who yearn for peace and freedom. You were a consummate professional with an intuitively sound mind and a heroic soul, Officer Cook, that was placed in this world to serve and to achieve a practical purpose. To bring a breath of fresh air and to instill, install and to implant a sense of commonality between all who live and thrive. To be dignified and to possess integrity is not always so routine and easy for some but for men and women who battle, fight and are fearless in their missions, no doubt history has recorded your crusades of justice steering truth and hope within trust and goodwill's heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Holidays bring out the family's best of health, peace, joy and prosperity. They also bring with them a whole host of memories that flood in. When the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families get together, "Uncle Bo," you, Officer Cook, are on their minds and hearts. Such a sweet young man, a gentle public servant, most of all a wonderful human being so heroic and honored for aiding and rendering service to all society and in particular, Dade County. A community you called home for twenty-four of your all too brief twenty-five years of life preserving the image of a venue that can be marked with fright from evil and other issues wickedness running rampant. You did your very best my neighbor,friend and hero and stoically built those very foundations and cornerstones for a safer and more harmonious future. Heaven is where you rest in peace as an angel of virtue and diligence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Faith can surely test one's fighting resolve. But, honor, dignity and reverence all can channel integrity and character into one's primary objectives. Your main thought, Officer Cook, was to stay safe and to keep Dade County's citizens safe and stable. The sense of direction, the source of ingenuity and intuition all came from your heroic heart of humane commitments to everything meaningful with excelling and having values to keep morals and mettle from ever straying which they never ever did. You saved your comrades and upheld the sacred truth and trust for which you undertook an affirmation. Never forgotten and wholesomely saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
If your attitude and fortitude are on the same plateau as your honor and humility then somehow you'll probably have some humble accomplishment. You endured and endeavored beyond demands and expectations on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroism and dignity are not small miracles as they are learned, tired and preached during one's whole life of integrity and civility. All these decades later faith and resolve, resourcefulness and virtue are being saluted and paid poignant homage everyday for now you are an angel higher up in God's perfect venue of perseverance and everlasting tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Violence and evil meander around an area and sometimes it just never seems to abate. You tried your utmost, Officer Cook, to stop a callously wayward man from creating more havoc that awful day. Dade County had your candor and charming smile, but above all it had humility, heart and honesty supporting your journeys of dignity, integrity and character making way from what should have been a brighter hour. Your beloved family and colleagues all mourned your loss which opened a gaping cavity which through these many decades later we all hope and pray for some divine inspiration it has closed a humble bit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2021
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Ferocity is a sincere form of expressing honor and integrity. Your heart of intellect, dignity and ingenuity, Officer Cook, proved to be a worthy resource here in Dade County as it stood face to face and toe to toe battling evil and conquering violence. A uniform and a shiny badge worn precisely for the duties and responsibilities prescribed to make and to create a stable environment for all society to seek the shelters of peace and liberty. No one will overlook nor forget the youthful passion and enthusiasm you happily displayed. And all the affection, love and cherished admiration will ride those wings around us forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2021
A smile may unmask some of the grief, the healing itself comes from Our Creator who in His own mercy, compassion and perfection can relieve suffering, anguish and torment from us. If we we pray, do our very best carrying out His edicts, our purposes, goals and messages will one day become a bit clearer. Your missions, pilgrimages and assorted journeys around Dade County, Officer Cook, will forever be distinctly remembered and as clear as that awful day of May 16, 1979 when the Lord called you home and brought your heart,soul and spirit of humility, honor and intelligence back to His home, it's your dignity and integrity that can serve a more spiritual mission and that's to observe your family continuing your heroism inscribed in your legacy and fulfilling what you left behind so sadly yet with pride, excellence and certainly outstanding character and its virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2021
A gentleman geared with uncanny astuteness, awareness and acumen so documented and essential to all your life's dreams, goals and aspirations. They were never off and for making headway in restoring soundness to Dade County,heroically and honorably, Officer Cook, so too may Our Master shine His grace upon you and your parents for the very dear son and beloved brother and husband who gave his life to servicing the public interest. A blessed man who was righteous in all his ways and generous in his sacred callings to bestow tranquil upon mankind's wings. Your angel wings my neighbor, friend and hero are perfectly fitted for heaven duty and may eternity be the venue where your vitality, vigilance and total virtue rests in peace. You'll always be there to watch over your family and the rest of this world until your loved ones see you smiling again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2021
Dignity graced the sidewalks of passion, honor and courage for six blessed years of public servant endearment, engagement and total enhancement. As you walked or ran to a scene, God kept His binoculars upon you never letting your trails run dry nor your paths continue without inspiration and perseverance because of your earthliest of journeys now and forever linked to outstanding character, solid commitment and convictions so true and trusted, your heart, soul and their integrity shall be resting in peace my neighbor,friend and hero with your honored virtue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2021
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Bravery and boldness are in the very heart and soul of an honored hero. Certainly you are just that, Officer Cook and for what you meant to every citizen living in and around Dade County may Our Lord bless and reward your spirit while keeping you cradled for eternal safekeeping. Always and forever a man of truth and trust, so undeniably candid and wise beyond your chronological years on this Earth. Surely, it was a very terrible and tragically trying day for your family and department losing a man so esteemed and so wonderfully authentic in all your missions, journeys and purposes in patching and in protecting our stability and harmony. Violence is like that tiger on the prowl and it must be ensnared and never set free again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2021