Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your mother and father may they rest in peace along with you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero were all geared on honesty and humility. And such faithfulness and diligence is not always witnessed today when times of strife seem to interrupt the moments of joy and happiness. You brought pride, excellence to all Dade County and to humanity in general. That is not overlooked and neither will your fortitude and intestinal courage to battle such a mean adversary. Liberty City certainly will salute you and not forget what kind of human being so thoughtful, courteous and polite you were. It's heaven that holds your soul and spirit so tightly around its giant palms of mercy and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

Handsome yet ever so mindful of your core responsibilities and tremendously difficult assignments at hand. To begin the paths and trails of resolve and effort you must maintain a certain unity among with humbleness, decency and dignity that supports everything civil in integrity and in honesty. Dade County had you, Officer Cook, for six short years of dedicated and loyal service spreading peace and reason within your borders. Now that you are a heroic angel you can soar higher and higher as you walk your proverbial beat guarding the gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

A sharp mind matched with a strong heart will more than likely be able to pull their weights together to help torment violence and evil. Surely, as the sun rises today, Officer Cook, you'll continue being paid homage for your tireless heroism and reserved honesty in defending Dade County. Its folks have cherished and paid their respects to a young man so valiant and full of dignified virtue. Integrity that lent its hand in bringing tranquility and stability to a community looking for a semblance of spark in its humane missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

It's all documented in heaven a man's character and honored traits of respectful dignity and integrity. They all went into your humbly heroic life of solving and serving the residents of Dade County, Officer Cook, who depended mightily upon your instincts, intuition and helpful ingenuity. You were the consummate gentleman so gifted with wisdom,maturity and vision what an angel! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faithful and unrelenting until the last breath Our Lord allowed you to take. It's a real tragedy what happened because of a wayward and evil man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

You possessed a sparkling smile, Officer Cook and were a twinkle in your parents and your sister, Nancy's eyes. Such a heroic and honorable heart of sacred journeys all mapped out by Our Creator. He lead your pursuits of peace and happiness throughout Dade County never letting your humility, integrity and dignity go astray. Our very serenity and safe trails were paved by your perceptive loyalty and unselfish faithfulness to duty above and beyond. You'll never be forgotten for having wholesome character, convictions true and trusted and commitments to pride and in excellence in donning a precise uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

Worry can be somewhat of a useless emotion and yet you had to be concerned and yet mature, Officer Cook, to handle the day to day rigors of a profession you chose freely knowing danger in Dade County was lurking. You were brave and most revered by all mankind, your family and peers of loyalty and esteem. Truth and trust, dignity and integrity all stationed to forever walk that proverbial beat. You were a true and dedicated servant and above all a most humble and blessed human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

Evil empties its perturbing and most diabolical stress upon humanity. You watched like a hawk, Officer Cook, over your community of Dade County and in doing so placed havens of hope, shelters of goodwill and huts of heroism over a people so desperate for something to strive for and to thrive in safety and liberty. Dignity, honesty and integrity all address those realizations where resiliency, resolve and resourcefulness can defend like never before. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

A young man of truth and trust should not have to die before his time. God watched over you, Officer Cook, guiding, steering and directing your paths and trails in life and during your public service career preserving the elements of essentiality for all Dade County. With versatility, virtue and honesty all attached to the characters of dignity and integrity it was clearly obvious that you could perform and accomplish what you set out to do. A sacrifice that won't be forgotten and with your angel's wings may you soar and be blessed forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

Your bonds of honor, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, transcended the definition of heroism, virtue and esteem. As a loyal public servant your job and career protecting Dade County created those tunnels of goodwill, character, respect and mutual admiration to be shared, saluted and paid homage well beyond the scopes of your responsibilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

Class and courage graced mankind for twenty-five years of your valiant life, Officer Cook. Heroism, honor and soul along with your unselfish heart never died. God brought them to a higher plateau to observe what is taking shape here in this world. Dignity and integrity that constructed foundations for a sounder tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

Integrity, honesty and dignity fought for Dade County's measurements of peace and stability all through your career and heroic life, Officer Cook. Humility, character and heart all now angelic in heaven watching over your family, friends and those who have been passed the torches of tenacity and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

Your tables of tenacity, Officer Cook, were covered with the utensils of faith, love and understanding. Your silverware of honesty, dignity and integrity always polished and pristine. They performed excellently to deliver a kinship of peace and security for Dade County, the community where you lived and were taught the important lessons of life by your wonderfully loving parents my they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Dependability and accountability are the tools professionals of goodwill,humility and total heart exercise while patrolling their regions and such versatility and virtue will be saluted for aiding, rescuing and preserving the quality and spirit of life. Your journeys and missions, Officer Cook, built character, commitment and were always truthful trusted and for the sake of mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

To seize the opportunity and to supply faithfulness, resourcefulness one needs honesty to abound, dignity to direct and integrity to lead you down those pathways and trails where justice, truth and trust ring loudly. You composed yourself with humility and reverence at all times, Officer Cook, in effect making way for a cavalry of everything decent about humanity. It lives and thrives on the humble and focused employees, not those with disrespect and a reputation that needs more polishing. Your conduct and morals, Officer Cook, fit the ideal servant who could heroically deliver when called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

Serious and astute, uniquely qualified to battle evil, fight through all this wickedness that filters through our various neighborhoods, it's what makes a public servant worth their salt. Your good relationships with all Dade County, Officer Cook, are surely very much missed and for loyal dedication, challenging determination may heaven bless and reward your bravery and their supplies of composure, honesty, dignity and all integrity exerted to bring in a sense of pride and tranquility. Humility and heart, the strength of your very soul and spirit now safeguarded from any harm. Nothing but a peaceful and proverbial patrol of heaven's gates and golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

The captain of the ship steadies the rudder, keeps the wheels turning forward and has the compass heading forevermore in honor,dignity and integrity's directions. Dade County had peace and freedom because you cared, Officer Cook. You mattered as one of the many fine and outstanding officers, public servants who placed their lives in harm's way to preserve the quality and virtues of life so essentially important. Nothing fragmented and words always loyal,cherished and spoken with trustworthiness and the downright truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

You are ready to jump in and lend a helping hand. Such gallantry, such humanely heroic effort never looking for accolades, you just lived a most humble life, Officer Cook and raised with scruples and honor. It just goes to show us how much dignity and integrity can conquer adversity when applied properly. Your gifts from God, humble and beloved, wisdom, vision and virtue so genuine and so emotionally enriching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County won't forget you ever!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

So special and so humble, your blessed and revered name, Officer Cook, will forever be solemnly,heroically and most fondly remembered for coming to Dade County's assistance offering honesty,hope and faithful goodwill to all society. Believe me Badge#1664 was all about specifics of courage, values, character, commitment to precision and the excellence in your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice to benefit mankind's future journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

I read these heroic stories everyday, Officer Cook and as sad as they all are it's all about what a life each one of you fine men and women have exemplified. Honesty, integrity, valor and virtue all part of a uniform and badge of humility worn with boldness and heart encased in your badge of wisdom. You certainly made Dade County safer and more secure, Officer Cook. Such a fine young man gone before his time, I guess Our Maker needed you more in heaven than to be with your beloved family who misses you and probably cries often enough. That's you everlasting legacy which is the epitome of heart, soul and character all uplifting from the skies above as you watch over everyone. Rest In peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

One very true and most brave soul with a humbled heroic heart protecting Dade County with all his effort, might and strength of integrity , dignity and outstanding character. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was about unending and relentless pursuits of excellence in keeping and in restoring harmony for one and all. Never forgotten and saluted for having the humane sanctity and wisdom fortifying your resolve and perilous tasks that lied ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2021

I meant to say that those inclined to commit evil are the curious and mischievous. You were a man of your word, Officer Cook, heroic, honorable and so positively dignified and reverent. Dade County depends upon the wisdom,vision and courage of those angels of precision and character to enrich and to uplift life giving meaning to purpose and reason. Heaven is where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of resolve and effort always implanted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

Curious and yet mischievous, you battled and fought tooth and nail for Dade County, Officer Cook, defending its folks with every ounce of your honored talent and god given humility, dignity and integrity all gathered to spread gallantry throughout its region. Your passion and compassion worked their sanctity right squarely where humanity needed your essential gentleness. A heart and soul with a spirit so supreme and for eternity ever kept safe and secure. Keep looking down my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 will forever be respected for constructing cornerstones for a sounder tomorrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

Mice scurry. Man runs to whatever passions he wants to chase after. Dade County was your home soil, Officer Cook, forever a hero of impression and integrity whose honesty and dignity were as humble as your very giving heart and soul. They endeavored to strike a chorus of courage, consistency and solemn convictions which they surely did. Every ounce of tenacity and fierceness was optimized to reign in vile and improper conduct as you lived by a code of conduct including morals and mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So dear and uplifting, society won't rest until the very last breath of evil is vanquished from among our world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

If the world one huge injection of truth serum I'm not certain what would transpire. Dade County was more than adequately served by your versatility, virtue and truth, Officer Cook. Your legacy stands firm in God's open hands of honesty,integrity and the very dignity you utilized to battle adversity. Safety, peace and togetherness never to be more blessed, rewarded and expertly treasured. God has a man whose life and career were the breathing examples of trust and resiliency. Always saluted and forever solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

A humble gentleman so detailed and polished by precision and honesty in all his trails of truth and trust,justice properly served within the very confines of Dade County. Its residents were served and protected by your inherent wisdom, vision and virtue, Officer Cook, all the bookmarks of bravery, dignity and integrity working their hearts and souls to conquer this bevy of evil. You'll be forever highly regarded, admired and proudly respected for coming to aid your fellow officers and those people who relied heavily upon the sacred affirmation you undertook to start an upward turn to serenity and safe havens for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The serum for sincerity was the very truth that came from your lips as sweet as honey.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

Evil permeates and hatred and baseless bloodshed frustrate the goodwill, hope and faithfulness that mankind relishes and cherishes. No bragging, just down to earth loyalty and honesty from your undying heart and soul of virtue and durability, Officer Cook. Dade County and its citizens were taken care of quite nicely when you patrolled the blocks and corridors in and around your community where vigilance and the due diligence came together across those paths of trust,honor and dignity all integrity duly reverent and doing its best to pacify and preserve the quality of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2021

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