Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A brother to Nancy and a fellow brother to your professional colleagues all while serving and protecting Dade County from serious troubles that still instill fear in the public from time to time. But, never a moment when you are out of sight or mind, Officer Cook. So heroic and yet so dependably honest and intuitive. You can be sure for having dignity, integrity and wholesome character the Lord above will keep you safe and reward your soul and spirit of virtue. It was courage and heart that captivated and cajoled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2021
Facts prove more than anything. With ups and downs in life staying honest,dignified and respectful certainly helps a situation become less complex. You handled all your personal duties on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, with heroic assurance and all the composed character that one gently brave public servant can muster. Always revered and saluted for humility and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2021
Stellar, sterling, stoic and staunch all take on newer meanings when honor, character, dignity and integrity are fully supported and revered by humanity. Throughout the ages men and women of humbleness help to broaden and to expand our horizons by the very fact of their valor, versatility and total virtue. You can't begin to battle unless you maintain a certain skill level and you always possessed the right kind of traits so characteristic to serving and protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of morals, mettle and vitally essential ethical behavior of a true and trusted warrior who stood firm on his beliefs, principles and unwavering devoutness. They will be treasured and respected for their due alertness and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels soar and cannot be interrupted in their sacred eternal obligations and truly important missions on behalf of the people they enhanced.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
Faith can yield the most determination from any soul and with some humble honesty, integrity and dignity fighting onward the battles over violence, terror and evil may soon be ended. You assured Dade County through your very sacred oath of honor and virtue, Officer Cook, that safety, security and serenity would follow your heart and soul down those sometimes perilous roads where resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness could all create that hope, stability and goodwill mankind yearns for. Your family, comrades and friends will forever remember your heroism and humility all candid, charming and most engaging. So unselfish, tireless and abounding with high octane energy. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Your watch is secured by those future officers dedicated to battling as your legacy stands on firm ground.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
Guns are given to worthy, humble and honorable women and men to be used with thought, discretion and dignity. So tragically we still read and see too many shootings of other officers either willfully, accidentally, whatever the reason they are sacred and to protect the public. Even on the practice range accidents still occur and these should never happen. Your earnest life, Officer Cook, serving Dade County was created from wisdom down inside of your heart and soul. Such marvelous conduct,integrity, trust and character so truthful that made an impact over forty-eight years ago as this was the start of your law profession as a public safety officer at Jackson Hospital I do believe. Vision and promise laid the paths and trails for justice to be properly administered by a most faithful and blessed man of devoutness, desire and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
The dust of the earth receives a person's holy remains, honorable and dignified. The heavens above receive a brave and bold person's soul and spirit of humility and integrity when their earthiest of journeys has been deemed as completed. May 16, 1979 was that ultimate day, Officer Cook, in which you made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County and its fine citizens. You were a fundamental cog in wisdom,security and the knowledge so esteemed and most powerful in your youthful visions. Yesterday is gone today is now and tomorrow is not yet. Truth, reliability and trust make up your expressive legacy expanding upon your unselfish and undying virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives and takes. He took a wonderfully engaging man with Him back to help Him secure His forts of fortitude and ferocity with angels of valor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
Your heroic pursuits, Officer Cook,uplifted the underdog and deliver the harmony to all who desired some sense of stability and togetherness. Dade County and its people won't forget the polite and eager young man so dedicated to his service and profession. When honesty, dignity and integrity are well blended and mesh so well together we tend to allow them to function as they may. Humility and a smile all from a happy childhood and a home environment where virtue and faith brought a spirited life into focus. Character and cornerstones all built with a specific purpose in mind. Your being and spirit, Officer Cook, will remain legendary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A craft you honed and sharpened by listening and having visionary direction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
Adventure and sophistication are the tools of purpose and passion. The tranquil trails of trust and trust you followed your entire life and six year career with Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. One of its esteemed and cherished brothers who fought, defended and persevered in these never relenting wars over violence. You fought with a heart of humility giving every cherished bone in your being in the blessed name of heaven, dignity and integrity.A calm voice that could sooth and yet be serious when warranted. Forever mourned, a loss to your beloved family that tore away the foundations of decency, dedication and pure desire. Sheer energy and a wise sense of direction navigated your sacred missions as they abounded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
For a humble man of honor and dignity may Our Master bless and protect your heart,soul and spirit of adventure up in heaven where you walk that "Thin Blue Line." Officer Cook. You served your fellowman very well and for this humanity is extremely grateful for your career given to preserving life in and around Dade County's vast corridors where your concern,care and consideration will never be gone. You are always going to be treasured and will remain a source of light and wisdom so blessed and inspiring. The very best of virtue and diligence upraised to a higher level where perfection and angels soaring as one large flock are the truth and trust so versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
A woman with a child at home cried out and you went, answered your last call though not required to. You went and tried to coerce a man to surrender and though he did not, you'll forever be hailed a hero, Officer Cook. You'll be heralded as a public servant so revered and yet so polite. A man so honest and yet humbly dignified. A gentle soul with vitally unique character, undying commitment to excellence and well regarded professional conduct. Resolve and respect could never be misplaced nor lost on the paths of righteousness and trust. You indeed were a consummate man of truth and it reflected in your work and life you were raised with proper ethics and moral ideals to be shared, gleaned and consummated forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
A face and a smile are just a few things that cannot be forgotten nor overlooked. Dignity and valor the voices of integrity and honor so endearing and so welcome in the eyes of all Dade County. Its residents could not ever forget you, Officer Cook, a resourceful and righteous gentleman who lived and gave his life because of your highly respected conduct and courage from your golden heart. You upheld an oath so sacred and powerful never looking for the limelight and only performing in an outstanding fashion serving plates of perseverance,peace and prosperity to mankind calling out for some balance of reason and the passionate purposes for which you pursued your law enforcement career, so precise and professional all now an angel in Our Creator's blue skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
An evil man conducting such callousness against authority and your fellow officers, Officer Cook. One small car, one hot day and in less than ten minutes a life gone so suddenly. Dade County, your family and professional peers left to wonder why? At the young age of twenty-five with more left to conquer and more life left to live, honor,dignity and integrity can never be tarnished nor can the badge and uniform you donned so willingly, so masterfully, so truthfully. They all gave supreme resolve and unwavering heart. Your soul and spirit are in heaven resting in peace my neighbor,friend and hero all too soon. You certainly conducted your affairs above reproach and never hesitated to fight on against such one adversarial being. He had no class,no honesty nothing and sadly not even a criminal record until that fateful day. No one will ever know and understand what made him tick. His heart I guess was beating and so was yours and your comrades. That smile and personality so healthy and dignified it uplifted everyone's life. It's sadly missed!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
The turbo blades of boldness and tenacity always going full speed ahead never stopping. Your career and life, Officer Cook, enriched, enhanced and engaged mankind beyond any dreams you had. Always so amenable and honorable, always dignified and self-efficient, a man possessing superior integrity, all the wisdom of a sound mind and strong heart that preserved and served the people of Dade County quite well. Values, principles and scruples all well blessed as Our Lord holds you His angel so tightly in His arms as you walk your proverbial beat watching His gates of bravery and humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
A day of decisions arrives and with it comes great onus. You must think, ponder and contemplate your humblest of actions which in turn may hinge upon a community's safety and security. Dade County was the venue with which your valor, virtue and vigilance all came about, Officer Cook. A gentleman and a hero whose life and career yielded the fruits of your hard work, effort put forth daily and the anticipation that wickedness would some day be put out to pasture and be driven away from where it will harm humanity. Integrity,wisdom and maturity all traveled down those trails of truth and trust so valid and so revealing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
Free to live, free to live, free at last. Freedom comes with an expensive price tag. The chains of bondage about to be broken. Officer Cook, you were always a focused individual who served Dade County with tireless wisdom, inspiring humility and unrelenting dignity and integrity which work quicker to quash those flames of evil. Our serenity and stability all came from your unselfish heart, soul and character that has been recognized for its passionate and sacred act of heroism never to be forgotten. And today Mrs. Cook is two years since you passed away at the tender age of one-hundred and three God bless you, your son and husband may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero, Officer Cook, your darling and beloved son cherished and greatly admired by all mankind for his noble acts of responsiblity, versatility and virtue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2021
The debris from evil and its destruction of mankind are strewn upon the roads where resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness must flow as one essential element to the climates of peace and reason prevailing. Humanity surely misses its heroes and heroines who gave life to their communities such as you did for Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroism to be saluted and honor humbly bestowed upon the wise heart of a most dignified gentleman of integrity, trusted character and truthful commitments backed by the virtue of truth and reverence for a very important professional position that must dig deeper to undo the branches and roots of real trouble. You uplifted society my neighbor, friend and hero and your spirit shall rest in peace with the knowledge that although your life was cut short by violence your journeys on sanctity's behalf were completed as per the blueprints of Our Creator. His compassion and mercy shall follow your soul forevermore, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
The demons of evil seem to purposely create chaos and bedlam in society. For that which mankind and humanity represent, your goodwill, esteem and loyalty to Dade County, Officer Cook, will be solemnly remembered and saluted for your novel approaches in solving conflict. All the duly noted and heroic acumen and honor shall be fondly affixed within the doorposts where dignity and integrity breathed deep in lending a hand to gaining harmony and freedom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
You enjoyed your life, Officer Cook and being married to Karen while working as a public servant protecting and preserving the very quality of life. In a couple of years you would have been married fifty years. So much bliss,so much more left to accomplish. God gave you to your parents, sister and this world for twenty-five meaningful and impressive years of productivity, passion, perseverance and most of all, Officer Cook, you were a clean cut and decent human being, honest,dignified and extremely loyal, faithful and true to the very core of what integrity, virtue and reverence stand for. Responsibility represents something uniquely anchored to a man so well liked, talented and yet very capable. Our very tranquility and liberty all came about because of your unselfish, tireless and unwavering sacrifice so humble and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
Your days and years were well spent plugging away at your stated aspirations and dreams, Officer Cook. You never lost touch with reality and its realization that hard work and desire pay dividends to one's own humble honesty, heroic integrity and desired dignity all needed to fight an adversary as broad as wickedness. Dade County endured plenty and your cherished family suffered greatly over your loss doing your desire duties to aid and save mankind from just nastiness all accentuated by one wayward man lacking respect, character and virtue. Your soul and spirit won't be forgotten as they held your family and department together during tense moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
You throw everything to evil and you just pray for a civil outcome. Nobility and sanctity all must come from a yearning heart of heroic honor, integrity and dignity that certainly fortified the landscape of Dade County. As everyone knows you were a consummate spark plug, Officer Cook, so vital, vigilant and virtuous no one will overlook nor forget your intuitive missions all so humanely humble. Heaven holds an angel's spirit of values and principles forever and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
Politeness, courtesy and good manners must reach fruition. There can be no going against the grains of gallantry, honesty and good and sound dignity, integrity and character. Every disposable resource was properly utilize daily by you, Officer Cook, to serve and to protect Dade County lives. When peril struck it was heroism, resolve and decency that helped to overcome conflict and nothing less than none-hundred percent effort was expended by you, Officer Cook, a saluted warrior clear and then. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
Spring will be here very soon and then all the memories will start flocking in. A great man whose legendary intensity and battling heart will forever stayed etched within your family and colleagues of the past, Officer Cook, who patrolled the very same Dade County roads to make a distinct impression. You see character, commitment and conviction all support integrity, dignity and truth that sincerely try to eliminate violence. So humane and heroic, we salute your heart of passion and soul of relevance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
You were thorough and truthfully trustworthy, Officer Cook and an honorable hero of all Dade County. We shall not forget your fighting spirit of heart, soul and courage that created a sense of awareness wherever your dignity, integrity and character traveled. Such a loss to your family and peers, all the world owes you a big debt of gratitude. It was your virtue and versatility endeavoring to produce goodwill and hope among serenity and safer passageways for all to navigate on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2021
You sweat and toil can take a toll. But, it's found in true and trusted tenacity where all your paths and trails, Officer Cook, found their niches of success and endeavor. Dade County was so well served by a man of means, vision, enhancement and wisdom of a gentleman more mature than his age. You were still a relatively young man when another young man took your life, no respect for police, no character, no dignity,honesty and for sure no integrity all that you humbly and heroically possessed, Officer Cook, is now being cradled and sealed for eternal safekeeping where only angels of boldness and precision walk their crystal clear beats upon those golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2021
I would say ninety percent of the people are better off pursuing other lines of work. Policing is not for those with fear and apprehension. It is for those whose hearts are clearly wise, mature and devoted to serving mankind beyond any calls of onus. Responsibility, accountability and reliability make you grow up in a hurry. The paths to your career, Officer Cook, took you to first become a public safety officer and then to the academy to learn all about your chosen profession where good and bad, danger and peace are searching for a common ground. You'll forever be a Dade County hero so esteemed and treasured by your family,friends and close comrades who have not forgotten your stellar life accentuated by acumen and vision, reverence and enduring humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2021
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