Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Being dazed should not faze most brave and honest men and women who devote their resources to service and preservation. You surely defended Dade County with heart, humility and all the appropriate dignity and integrity that has never been cast aside, Officer Cook. A gentleman of commitment, values and unselfish virtue to be saluted and forevermore etched within your loved ones' inner beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2021
You'll be missed forever, Officer Cook. Dade County has not been the same. A good man taken from his family and community. Though your honor, dignity and integrity remains a vital part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and loyalty share those pillows of goodwill, hope and perseverance. Angels of virtue and valor are safe from harm while patrolling the kingdom of class and faithfulness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2021
You were a modern thinker, Officer Cook and your training made you a more tenacious servant who relished serving the people of Dade County. Your life and career had more than substance and for integrity, honesty and heroic dignity paying the saddest of prices may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All heart, soul and virtue capturing mankind's imagery.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2021
Since God is the Chief Accountant all His tabulations are perfect as is your very blessed, cherished and most honorably heroic name here in Dade County, Officer Cook. No man that possessed humility, heart and integrity shall be forgotten. Heaven is where your angelic dignity and character rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2021
The offensive attack mounts and the pressure rises to combat what ails our world. That tragic day, Officer Cook, one sinister man young as yourself and dressed in a camouflage outfit was looking to kill any officer that stood in his own ignorant and dumbfounded paths of perversion and terror. No one will ever understand why he did evil taking your life and nearly those of your Dade County brethren. But, we know evil and violence cannot ever tarnish a good and blessed name of acumen, intelligence and intuitive integrity, passionate dignity and humility so heroically loyal,endearing and most of all uplifting society from its doldrums. The pangs of grace, truth and trust do yearn to see you again. Heaven has too many who sacrificed and yet the flock of fierce angels has arisen once more to protect those sacred gates where goodness,goodwill and hope remain treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be your family's warrior and savior for eternity. A cherished soul with a heart of gold and concern.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
If the ship starts taking on water, don't jump and try to stay as calm as possible. When evil began that day just before your shift was going to end, Officer Cook, just performed as any hero must and you never abandoned your fellow officers, you did not return to the station house, change and go home, you when face to face and allowed God's gifts of solemn integrity, respectful humility and diligent character to follow your trails of truth and trust where tragically fate and destiny brought your beloved soul home to heaven giving your life to save the citizens of Dade County and your loyal and esteemed brothers who wept for you and paid their fond farewells on Saturday May 19, 1979. Many wept, many remembered, one man inspired, dedicated and motivated other women and men who risked their own hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You defended your partners as well if not better than anyone! Good Friday is today and Sunday is Easter, that resurrection is coming soon. Such a devout and faithful man gone way too soon.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Being cold and callous just is not going to fight off the chilling affects of terror. You require one person gifted, talented, your humbly faithful to their truest of callings. God brought your heart, soul and honesty to a very rewarding and yet a dangerous profession, Officer Cook. Police work needs loyal and calibrated souls of courage, dignity and ingenuity to navigate the rough waters where wickedness looks not to endear, enhance and enrich, but rather unleash and ruin mankind's firmest grip on serenity and liberty. Dade County was wisely and maturely watched over by your vigilant conduct and tireless virtue bounded by unwavering resiliency to be forever honored. One man cannot go at evil alone it takes and entire force to make a dent, an impression and an everlasting imprint upon humanity which sorely misses your sweetness, heart and glorifying smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
The pious never presume that probe and attack their honest lives with candor, charm and zeal. The best defense against violence is too remain tenacious, dignified and full of heroic integrity. The articles of support and protection utilized by one gracious and gallant man that was you, Officer Cook. All heart, soul and humbleness to be recounted, blessed and solemnly remembered and humanely saluted as a gentleman of character and classic resolve. Such an outstanding servant justifying his years spent galvanizing Dade County against the forces of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
A heart and soul to be saluted for their superiority and vitality. Such humility and versatility always seen by your honored virtue, so dignified and magnificent. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where badge#1664 did its yeoman like job protecting more than life and property.Its crusades of justice were just a part of your learning and yearning to become a better public servant. Honor, integrity and dignity that shared onus making safety and society more than just routine. Now with your angelic soul and spirit watching those pearly gates where those who gave the ultimate sacrifice we can be at least comforted in knowing and in appreciating that you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero cradled in God's palms for eternal keeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
If loyalty is to be cherished than dignity, honesty, integrity had better be humane, humble and heroic when certainly counted upon. Your family, Officer Cook, counts its blessings, health and peace all the time and remembers your smiling face, heart and soul which prevented a worse calamity that fateful day. Destiny takes our very virtue to where Our Creator surely needs it and that day Liberty City, Gladeview in particular had you answering that domestic call of duty where justice, trust and truth arrived to attempt to corral a most horrible and heinous individual. The heavens are aglow for the light of your spirit resides in the Lord's home and we must give thanks for your solemn journeys on behalf of humanity. Humility, humbleness and esteem are to be serenely praised. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Better to be remembered for your heroic, honorable and humane contributions to mankind, Officer Cook. Though, the world is far less safer without your smile and adoring heart my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are those batons of integrity and dignity that are sacredly carried on by your family, colleagues and loyal friends. Never forgotten and forever esteemed and just a smart young man with more left to climb. Rest in peace. Character, commitment to scruples and conviction will always be revered for their tireless dedication.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Wisdom is the fresh air that vision inhales. Such maturity that you possessed, Officer Cook, was the humble signature of your unselfish sincerity. It helped to create the bonds of bravery and boldness and further perpetuated and accentuated your heroic dignity, integrity and wholesome and refined honor which has forever been saluted and notably revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Authority must be obeyed. Conduct must be essentially maintained. You kept your wits about you, Officer Cook, furthering your earthly missions on behalf of mankind and serenity. A man proud to lend his support and one who had composure and courage in the very face of severe adversity. Dade County was made safer and securer all because of your heroic loyalty, honor and integrity, such dignity that imparted its greatest lessons all missed terribly today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Grit and gumption stick better on a badge and uniform when dignity, honesty and humble integrity are kept in check. Dade County was well prepared and preserved when you patrolled its sacred streets, Officer Cook, giving your life and career to fortify the ideals and character of civilization. Always humility from your heart and soul and never will we forget your decency and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2021
Succinct and successful,it's a crying tragedy violence took your soul and heart, Officer Cook. A resident of Dade County who had a lion's share of trust, truth and tenacity built within your being. So venerable and versatile, your virtue and well being placed the people in good hands. Character, commitment and stood humble,humane and most heroic as those dark clouds of gloom have brightened up a little. We salute hope, dedication and sheer determination that allowed you to ably command others through danger and obstacles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
You talk and talk and talk, you just pray the messages sink in. Clarity and wisdom are visions vices of valor and versatility. Everything you learned, Officer Cook, sunk in and never wavered nor waned. The citizens of Dade County understood the meaning of tranquility at least we hope something penetrated their hearts and minds. Our thoughts are forever with your family, a devoted warrior who shunned the spotlight and permitted his honesty, dignity and integrity to fortify your trails,pathways and tracks of courage and consideration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
Honesty honed. Dignity digging in. Integrity implanted, impressed and instilled. Dade County was well protected by your sweet and innocent soul and heart, Officer Cook. A gentleman whose heroic sanctity was well placed and well spent incorporating goodwill, faith and hope among the people who depended upon your humility andnoble actions of character, trusted convictions and truthful commitments. Saluted and for eternity respected and greatly revered and fullof virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
Happiness should have been for both you and Karen to enjoy. She has remarried and I'm sure has not forgotten you and neither have the people of Dade County forgotten you, Officer Cook. Their hero and your family's. Honored, dignified and poignantly etched within all hearts and souls of those whom you worked loyally with. Character and commitment leave those indelible marks upon humanity that will remain treasured forevermore. Truth and trust form a dynamite combination where your fierceness, determination and steadfast dedication are always going to be given their sacred blessings. God has an angel so gifted and full ofvirtue, whose vigilance and due respect endeared itself to so many. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unfortunately, the letter I sent Kenneth DiGenova came back. Maybe I can locate his twin brother Keith, your close friend, former partner and tennis buddy. He survived that terrible day of violence unleashed against you and Officer Robert Edgerton.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
Ready and set to tango with the treachery that leaves its awful stains on those trails of truth, trust and tenacity. You always tried to prepare for your days and nights that you toiled exceedingly hard for Dade County, Officer Cook. Such a terrible waste for a young man proven, proficient and honored to be callously taken by another human being without the same mettle,morals and values of integrity, character and respectful dignity. You will be saluted and so humbly honored for heart, soul and the caring humility your ventured out into society to acquire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
Accessible and accountable, your acumen and awareness opened doors of peace and vision for Dade County folks to peer through, Officer Cook. Always a man above the crowd and a public servant so beloved and humble. Forever holding tightly to your heroic heart, honesty, integrity and dignity that carried your accentuated battles over violence. Safety and serenity shall remain a mainstay here because of your unselfish and tireless energy, truth and faithful trust always cherished and loyal to you fellow officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 1, 2021
You arose early that morning like a lion to hit the ground running. Chasing evil and pursuing peace take every bit of ingenuity and soul searching , you were up to the tasks tall and long that lied ahead. Dade County has changed, Officer Cook, since you made the ultimate sacrifice, but for having honesty, integrity and dignity in your wings of expression may Our Lord implant the courage in other men and women to continue your fine work. So refined, so polished and so clear your journeys all took shape and laid a humane foundation for a solid future. One you should have been privileged to witness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2021
If you don't know how to utilize your primary weapons of protection you'll probably end up in all sorts of trouble. Violence and terror don't forgive they inflict harm upon a community and certainly no one wants loss of life and hearts to be broken by senseless and tragic evil. It did happen sadly on May 16, 1979 when Dade County lost a good soul, a good heart and a most remarkable young warrior in you, Officer Cook. A hero with a rich legacy that now your family proudly passes down as that baton of boldness and valor seems to get weighted. No one forgets a soft heart with a firm and fair trust and truth that generated a following of tenacity behind its tails of efficiency, energy and passion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Picking up where you left off is tough enough shouldering responsibility and stability takes an accountable leader and master motivator. Well,you possessed those same qualities not to be overlooked.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2021
Hyperbole does not hunt for truth and justice. It's only words out of one's mouth that only hinder more than assist. You conveyed the truth, Officer Cook and the message was delivered to all who heeded your essential words of wisdom, vision and maturity here in Dade County. Service was intensified by ingenuity, integrity and the articles of honesty, dignity and those structures of character you crafted with hope, heart and heroism sheltering those searching for a humble stability and harmony. The voice is silent sadly but your spirit and soul are eternally alive in heaven where angels roam free guarding the pearly gates of valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2021
Jeopardy is putting yourself in peril's paths to secure the good nature, well being and goodwill of a community. Dade County was your most venerable venue, Officer Cook, a man so heroic and filled with charisma and a big old smile across your handsome face. You created the sparks of honor, the flames of passion all by being dignified and trusted in all your trails of integrity and such outstanding character followed your roads of resolve. It made security, safety and serenity a prime factor in our lives and you'll forevermore remain loyal, esteemed and most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2021
Convincing and most courageous, your heroism spread far and wide in Dade County where its perseverance and passions, Officer Cook, made that distinct difference. A hero true and through with a clear head to think, a heart that beat loud and mightily. Your soul was brave and full of virtue and integrity that placed itself in danger's paths to secure our navigations in peace, goodwill and the hope for a tranquil future better made brighter if God allowed you to see fruition. He did permit you to accomplish some of your goals and deemed your journeys as finished by taking your adored spirit to His final home where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 31, 2021