Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Integrity and dignity may not be disfigured and disrespected. Honesty either may not be compromised. Your character and attitude, Officer Cook, reflected your ideals, values and scruples that were so essential to preserving life and property throughout Dade County. The residents were happy and hopeful when you patrolled the corners and surrounding areas. But, your heroism and esteem remain all a vital part of your legacy which is carried on by your family. Their hopes and aspirations stay within your heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

Virtue is that very humble vehicle of honesty that transports a man's integrity, dignity and character down those trusted and truthful pathways of precision, resolve and endeavor. Your strong heart and most blessed heroic soul, Officer Cook, protected Dade County folks beyond the scopes of just ordinary service. It was so vital and revealing your earthiest missions of hope,faith and goodwill always to be solemnly saluted and revered for their every morsel of humility, sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

If you look beyond a person's honor, dignity and integrity you'll most likely locate their humane, humble and most heroic heart and soul. They are the steering units for one's unwavering, endearing and most trustworthy life. Your vehicles of valor, vision, versatility and all the virtue in your due vigilance over Dade County, Officer Cook, made your commitments to justice and serenity more vivid and valid. But then again you lived a solid life of promise,hope and relentless pursuits of excellence in all your undertakings never ever to be forgotten. Character and accomplishment all to be noted and saluted for their sanctity, nobility and civility that had upon the wings of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

The clock goes tick tick and never stops unless the batteries go out. You had a remarkable persona, heart and soul, Officer Cook, uplifting and creating a newer balance of goodwill,esteem and a mutual respect for all society. Mankind and humanity surely have missed your presence all these decades from when tragedy took your life from your loved ones and colleagues. But,you were most humble, gallant and acquitted yourself with ever ounce of being trying to stop such an evil man. His life ended when yours did for his violence and lack of character needed to be silenced at once. You cannot have one standing with a gun and holding police at bay it was more than that that fateful day as three relatively young officers laid on the pavement holding on to the threads of life. I know the doctors saved your two comrades, Officer Cook and they endeavored to save your life sadly everything they did could not revive you. Really awful, terrible and gut wrenching for your family and comrades who carry the torch of your very admired soul in their lives and future journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The integrity, dignity and honesty of a driven and proven angel they never die! I hope to hear from Officer Keith DiGenova's twin brother, Kenneth how he has been doing. You were his partner, friend and brother in arms never more saluted and honored for being elegant and wise beyond your age.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

A pilgrimage of proficient destinies all backed by the guiding lights of heaven above. What a mission and what an earthly journey you traveled to bring about an accentuated stability and serenity for Dade County, Officer Cook. So clear, crisp and meaningful the folks won't the gentleman and young man whose humble heart and humane soul brought everlasting peace. Such honesty, integrity and dignity now perpetuated by those who have taken over your consummate watch. Resolve and accountability all deemed as complete and sadly Our Maker needed your spirit in His abode to observe your loved ones and comrades fulfilling your dreams by keeping alive your humility from within. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

Officer Cook, you were the lookout for our dignity, integrity, honor and peace of mind. The compass of Dade County's citizens who steered his persevering and professional instincts right into harm's way to guide safety and harmony into that haven of peace. Adversity shall not stand nor run for your valor and grit ruled the roads where goodwill and good cheer stood. Every ounce of character, commitment to excellence and pride and trusted convictions all rested upon your proud and boldest of blessed shoulders. Angels are praised,blessed and rewarded, you will be cherished, respected and greatly admired for aiding and saving lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

A bucket of bravery and boldness is better than a basket of thorns and whatever won't permit you to protect and serve the public interest. You served Dade County most efficiently and with a candor, charm and charisma that every man and woman of ingenuity,integrity and dignity requires to accomplish your heralded feats of danger. Your vitality, versatility and vision, Officer Cook, saw to those tasks where we can find a nook of quiet and a shelter to unwind after a stressful day. You'll never be overlooked for your sincerity and wisdom, maturity above and beyond the crowd. Now and for eternity a most blessed angel who watches the heavenly venues above without interference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

The pulse of Dade County was wrapped tightly around your heroic heart, soul and honesty, Officer Cook. Where most individuals won't go you journeyed far and wide to achieve a lasting measure of harmony,unity and liberty for everyone. Mankind is indebted to your unwavering effort and the dignity,integrity and character to wisely crafted by your ambitions and fruition to make a lasting impression that would enrich, enhance and enlighten the masses. Trust, truth and virtue were not just symbols they were your fortifiers in this seemingly never ending war over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

Heroes and heroines are the rocks, pillars and support beams of a community where it's essential that tranquility and calm rules the streets where evil and other obstacles of danger lurk. You kept your wits about you, Officer Cook and went about your business of service with a smile and goodwill, hope and faithfulness revolving around sterling honor, upstanding dignity and outstanding character all from tireless, unrelenting and most unselfish integrity governing where it sought to be. Dade County stands firm inits truth and trust and solemnly salutes your legacy of fortitude, ferocity and all tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2021

Your cupboards of esteem, courage and class were never barren. So full of truth and trust, Officer Cook and forevermore dignified and clear. An honorable servant protecting and passionately pursuing his boyhood dreams. No one ever thought your intuition, integrity and intelligence would be completely torn apart by less than five minutes of heinous violence against you and your colleagues that day of May 16, 1979. A day that lives on forever in your family's hearts. A cherished legacy founded upon the principles of faith and diligence to be angelically saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

Purpose and patience should set your heart and mind at ease. But, with danger and peril lurking, the truth and trust shall make your affairs easier to handle. Thankfully you, Officer Cook, were able to balance things and were able to put details in the proper perspective. Honor, integrity, dignity and reverent character all were displayed and rightfully demonstrated. Our tranquility is still there touching the gentleness of your heroic soul. Dade County won't forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

No need to pontificate. It's essential you persevere and show positive proof that you can handle and complete your most humbly esteemed and honorable missions. This world depends upon you and your behavior of which yours, Officer Cook, gave Dade County a sense of relief. Safety, security and serenity all backing your journeys where humbleness and heroism came together as one. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for vigilance and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

Reaching out to the community it's always a good idea to have a foundation of dignity, honesty and integrity serving and protecting as a pillar of faith , hope and goodwill. Yours, Officer Cook, was well grounded in devoutness, dedication and the steadfast determination to make Dade County safer and more vibrant than ever. Those who have succeeded you since let us pray and hope they can duly uphold your legacy of trust, truth and humility of the heart, soul and their spirits who are being watched by a dearly beloved angel of acumen, resolve and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

The ropes are out there and for the people to reach out and take firm hold. Dade County was under your eyes and ears, Officer Cook and such a distinguished hero you shall be revered forevermore. Tireless energy, endeavor and total unselfish dignity,integrity all resting upon your humbly heroic honor. You were still so young my neighbor, friend and hero and cannot understand why God needed your soul and heart of virtue and versatility in His perfect of plains. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

Take that baton and hold it firmly to your chest. You certainly do, Officer Cook,with honesty, heroism and a dignity spread far and wide within the streets and corners of Dade County. Truth and trust will earn its respects and diligent salutes of bravery for your unwavering and undying character, conviction and outstanding commitments were the safety nets for the residents whom you served loyally and will remain esteemed and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2021

You will be honored, saluted and remembered for being the consummate professional who gave a concern for his community. We are put in this world, Officer Cook, to champion and provide peace, stability and a right to live freely. It took an honorable, dignified and humbly heroic young man to serve his place where your vigilance and perseverance went hand in hand. Stability and sanctity were afforded to one and all through your tireless endeavors not to be treated lightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave the ultimate for society to march forward with its causes and reasons.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

Never delay in your earthly journeys for you never know when Our Creator will call. You never delayed and always responded to all calls where life and death were hanging in the balance. Where your service was most desired, Officer Cook, this delivered mankind its harmony, integrity and dignity where security and serenity became an everyday reality. Those foundations stand humble and proud today because of your unwavering and unselfish guiding heart. Dade County received excellence, dependability and trustworthy accountability from a guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

Public servants are a community's best insurance policy against evil and mayhem. A firm and yet fair gentleman, your hopes, aspirations and dreams became a living reality many years ago, Officer Cook,yet sadly and tragically they should not have ended because of one rotten man who figured that violence against the community and its police officers was better than being honest, reverent and dignified which you, Officer Cook and your comrades that awful day were. To put an end to bedlam and evil took your entire heart and treasured soul of humbleness to try and combat this barbaric man. Always saluted and fondly remembered for enriching, uplifting and enhancing society above and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

A man of praise, a blessed hero whose compassion surpassed his heart of intuition, integrity and dignity meaning honesty and humility were worn on your uniform of virtue and valor, Officer Cook. You brought an abundance of happiness, safe passageways and gates of safety to all who lived. So many decades have come and gone since you gave your life, you'll not be overlooked or forgotten. Heaven has its angel of respect who was greatly appreciated for his roles of responsibility and resolve all resilient, all efficient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

A classy person with a smile and some wisdom that allowed you, Officer Cook, to pursue crime and evil within the corridors of all Dade County. With all heart and cherished soul were you, Officer Cook, able to capably and most superbly secure and serve the citizens of Dade County. Honesty, dignity and integrity were you mates of mettle, morals and meaningful character. Your commitments and convictions were sincere and humbly truthful trustworthy and most heroic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility is the transmission and engine which steers mankind's purposes and passions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

Memories stir images from the past and your life and career, Officer Cook, shall never be forgotten nor put away for dust to gather. You performed your job at a high level and were simply put an honest, dignified and most personable young man. Dade County was fortunate to have a public servant of class, aptitude and all the character so sacred and heroic reaching out to assist humanity which greatly misses you but forevermore will your heart,soul and spirit remain cherished, respected and admired for its sacrifice to generate goodwill,tranquility and hope for a truthful and most trusted society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2021

Not always a need to scold when a gentle and soft voice is all that's necessary. Walk humbly, drink in knowledge and have hunger pangs to absorb more dignity, integrity and character than ever. Your trails,paths and missions on behalf of Dade County residents, Officer Cook, was so pristine and clear as a day. Just no one ever imagined your life, career and everything upbeat, upheld and uplifting would commence so tragically by violence almost forty-two years ago. God certainly has one proud and lofty angel preserving and protecting His golden streets where no harm, hurt or danger will befall your heart and sweet soul ever again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2021

A load of acquaintances who have not forgotten your life and career serving Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose heroic legacy stands humbly above the crowd. Honor, humbleness and the clarity of both integrity and dignity made your journeys complete. It's sad that a nasty and disrespectful man took your life and Our Creator transferred your heart,soul and spirit to His castles of courage and charisma. There in eternity it's a perfect venue where angels soar as humane agents of Our Lord. Surely character, class and convictions were always at the top of your profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2021

A hero never does anything in vain. It was your service and inspiring wisdom,vision and maturity, Officer Cook, that lead your pursuits of justice and truth. So dignified and so trusted, Dade County was under your eagle eyes and lion's heart and so the citizens happily received great care and continuity that was well grounded. Ferocity and integrity, honesty,humility and reliability so versatile and so sagely. You are always in your family's hearts, your friends and peers, I'll never forsake your life and its memory, Officer Cook. Your value meant too much to be overlooked. A well lived life only so passionate and filled with compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2021

Heroism is not a hallucination and never is virtue in the heart of a humble man false. The truth and trust always spoke the words of wisdom, vision and versatility, always so stable and always most durable. Dade County was well cared for, Officer Cook, when you made your patrols searching for a semblance of unity,harmony and liberty for society. A man whose commitments to excellence and pride never getting out of hand. All details were given special attention by a gentleman studious and yearning to learn more. An angel not to be overlooked for his heroic feats which laid the foundations for a better humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2021

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