Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The sun warms the heart and soul of heroes whose humbleness, pride and honor rises above its feats. Yours, Officer Cook,richly enhanced, endeared itself to those residents in and around Dade County and provided the security that all who live came to expect. Such a versatile gentleman of virtue, integrity, conviction and trust so real and humane always saluted. You were still a young man so vibrant and full of promise. That was your sacred affirmation doing its Godly missions pursuing peace while being accountable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2021

Concerned with creating hope, faith and goodwill for Dade County citizens, your very humble, honorable and dignified journeys, Officer Cook, brought forth a new day. The hope is your soul of dignity, respectful integrity and commitment won't be forgotten. It won't nd Our Creator will see to that as He has cherished and blessed your unselfish character and tireless energy abounding in your truthful tails of justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2021

Adored and beloved, Dade County will always remember your heroic actions, Officer Cook, that led to tranquility and unity. You were certainly a dedicated man and a very responsible public servant who built ladders of both dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, respect and humility of your heart and soul are tucked away in heaven where you soar as an angel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2021

Facts help hold tranquility accountable. Fiction is only that and does not produce the desirable affects. You performed with honor, reverence, vigilance and the due diligence that only someone with class and character would, Officer Cook. You never let Dade County's folks down ans demonstrated true grit, gumption and a persistent dignity and integrity that underscored your values in life and during your relatively short career, six years is not always considered short and yet you were a veteran officer entrusted with safeguarding other colleagues through the roads of determination, dedication and motivation, all willingly dispersed and with a tact of truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

Your humble mother may she rest in peace along with your father and yourself, Officer Cook, my neighbors, friends and hero rightfully deserved to hold your badge when your squad presented it to her. She raised you and Nancy with decorum,ethical conduct and an environment enriched and enhanced by values, morals and the integrity that being dignified brings to a table of trust and truth. Badge#1664 served Dade County with a pillar of support and blanketed its citizens with goodwill, accountability and the durability that sanctity and nobility place on the tables of justice. Trust and a yearning to perform within the scopes where quiet and unity do exactly that. Now you can watch over those who have succeeded you. A baton that is duly made for those future men and women of courage and humble honor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

Character and class must not be amiss. The citizens expected every bone of well being and respect and you gave them one-thousand percent endeavor, Officer Cook. A Dade County hero with a backbone of integrity, dignity and all humility never deceit nor deception. Violence and evil sadly took your life my neighbor, friend and hero, it did not tarnish a badge and a uniform worn proudly with all the scruples demanded of a versatile public servant. All eyes, ears and lips of truthfulness, faithfulness and the resourcefulness of trust so uplifting and so unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

When heinous actions unhinge those doors where peace and liberty shall be it leaves society more vulnerable. Your vision,valor and virtue, Officer Cook, steered and navigated Dade County through its turbulent moments. All heart and soul constructed within those pristine walls of integrity,ingenuity, dignity and humble honesty that fought with every last ounce of your relentless and tireless energy so bold, gallant, so persuasive. Heaven hols your spirit wrapped around Our Maker's palms of perfection where one heroic angel can take flight each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

That humble letter your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook wrote to me always connects my family to your family, Officer Cook. It forevermore validates what everybody knows about such a wonderfully kind and articulate gentleman. Dade County has its integrity because of yours being composed and considerate while carrying out your daily professional affairs to protect,preserve and to persevere despite all the perilous challenges that lied before you. Serenity and safe trails all by your implanting, hope, stability,trust and truth within the corridors of your sacred journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

The realization is that civilization has not been the same since you departed this world, Officer Cook, because of a nasty man's evil committed against you and your fellow officers. But, your heroic honor, bravery and both respectful dignity and integrity, all heart and soul have been forever remembered and instilled within the hearts of all Dade County residents. An angel who contributed mightily toward humanity you can be sure your resolve and efforts won't be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2021

A basically down to earth human being with a heart, mind and soul to match, your wisdom,reverence and vision. Officer Cook, your humble nature, hope and faithful goodwill shines on in heaven as does your heroic character, honesty and never relenting dignity and integrity because of these factors our stability, tranquility and happiness have been a noted realization. Civility and sanctity can move humanity further along those righteous trails of justice, truth and trust. Saluted and fondly remembered for aiding and adhering to rules and standards of professional behavior.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

Absolutely a polished professional with a diamond heart and humanely sacred soul. Yes, your time ended all too soon, Officer Cook. The sad part is so many people including your family misses you greatly at this holy time of the year. So much honesty,humility and principled about dignity and integrity being poured into your tenacious toiling on behalf of Dade County. Every ounce of character, commitment and conviction true and trusted amplified by your attitude and fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

An achiever who never looked for the spotlight. Never a bad word, only bravery, loyalty and forever remaining esteemed and honorable. You'll forever be a hero of Dade County, Officer Cook, one who pursuits were all in dignity,integrity and in heaven's sacred name. Pillars and cornerstones built for a safer tomorrow of which you should have part a central part of. Young and bold with a passion and consideration like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

You never needed pushing or prodding, Officer Cook, as you were a humbly self-motivated leader of others. So thoughtful, trusted and loyal to your comrades, Dade County will never overlook nor forget such humbleness, dignity and the integrity which can assist in fighting off wickedness. Your blessed and heroically respected name will be fondly paid homage for its endeavors bestowed upon mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

Care and efficiency go into the daily tasks of preserving and figuring out ways of peace and stability. Your career aspirations and desires, Officer Cook, were to persevere over how to maintain trust and truth within the hearts and souls of Dade County. An angel now in eternity patrolling with honor,humility and the sacred callings of integrity and dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

You were such a sweet young man, Officer Cook, who deserved to live longer if not for the violence that cost you your life. The consummate public servant who rescued Dade County from sheer evil. From composure and courage may Our Lord protect both your heart and soul of dignity,character and integrity so cherished and vigilantly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2021

Training for a purpose and practicing for a passion, what a life and career you would have had, Officer Cook, if violence did not rob you of being with family, comrades and friends. Dade County was ultimately under your watchful and unselfish eyes and ears. Integrity, dignity and honesty were your best tools of your efforts and you performed as all heroes must without fear and hesitation. Sacred and humble you are forerver beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

A chapel of prayer and a caravan of courage they all were exceedingly blessed and rewarded by God for your heroic acts, Officer Cook,created a level of safe trails for all Dade County. A man whose legend is represented by his faith, trust and truth supporting his virtuous honor, integrity and dignified character which is never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

Evil desecrates society's goodwill and freedom. Nothing worse than being robbed of your integrity, dignity and honesty, Officer Cook. You were the consummate propriortor of stability and enriching humility all heroically displayed on behalf of Dade County where your memory stands tall and proud. Such a charming young man and a gentleman being blessed by Our Lord. Saluted and relevantly saluted for everything meaningful in your professional prowess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

A place to land, avenues to acumen, awareness and being astute, your trust, truth and tenacity, Officer Cook, gave all the answers that Dade County needed to thrive. Our serenity and stability were delivered by a most sincere and honored public servant with humility, insight and wisdom. Your upstanding character and sacrifice will be fondly and humbly saluted. All the integrity, dignity and fortitude have been transported to heaven's gates. An angel with perfectly fitted wings to fly higher each second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

No mistaking your fortitude, character and concern, Officer Cook. Dade County should probably have provided you with side panels to better protect you. But, nevertheless your tireless endeavors of heroism, honesty,dignity and integrity allowed the people of Dade County the chance tolive better lives. Ingenuity and intelligence surely enhanced your pathways of trust and trails of liberty for mankind. Always remembered and solemnly saluted for fighting resolve and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your colleagues and family will forever miss you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

Resiliency, resourcefulness and resolve rejuvenated the residents of Dade County. Yours, Officer Cook, was honorable, heroic and humanely sacred. Your sacrifice brought forth stability, serenity and security for a community expecting some measure of hope, goodwill and character. A commitment to excellence and pride always revered,diligent and duty noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humility, strong heart and integrity all encompassed your unwavering, unselfish and tireless dignity so devoted, truthful and sincerely trustworthy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2021

The balloons sail high and far and yet, Officer Cook, your heavenly heart,soul and heroically humble spirit is close to your family's wings and missions every second. though, you left this world many decades ago because of one man's evil against you and your comrades, your sacred dignity,integrity and stoic honor has always remained an important and most essential part of your legacy. It was class and desire that drove your determination toward Dade County, a community that still reveres your blessed and most humanely cherished name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

The trails you traveled on were scented with serious honor, refined dignity, integrity that imparted a brief yet valid message. Your charm, candor and concern, Officer Cook, certainly enhanced and uplifted the spirits of all Dade County and for stability, balance and hope you made the lives more worthwhile. Character and ethics make statements that always reveal a hero's make up and heart of humility. You'll be forever blessed and rewarded for your endearing career and life steered by Our Creator's guiding hands and light. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

You just need to look under the scope to view a man's life of endeavor, heroic honor, dignity that was dedicated to the causes and purposes that drove your passions to, Officer Cook. Dade County was amply served by a high class gentleman of character, everything decent and a heart full of humbleness and integrity. They strived to make peace and liberty a general rule of thumb. Just terrible your life ended as it did my neighbor, friend and hero with so much more left to achieve. You did most definitely accomplish your missions of goodwill and for this you'll forever be implanted within the hearts of your loved ones,peers of the past and your closest friends. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

Service and effort are the basis of a man's vital contribution to society. Your life, career and honored humility, Officer Cook, remain within the hearts and minds of all who knew you. Everyone always had a polite word to say about you, remembering such a noble journey on behalf of Dade County and mankind. They were truthful, trusted and most treasured. Respect, responsibility and the character that was beloved and worn faithfully upon your solemnly humane uniform with pride and versatility blanketing your virtue, undying,tireless and very unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2021

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