Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

What appeals to the general population should not be so perplexing. peace, stability, safety and serenity all loyally and honorably given into your heroic hands and trustworthy heart and soul, Officer Cook, to try and figure out. Nothing easy and never something to be taken for granted. Your earthliest of missions on Dade County's behalf involved sterling conduct, stellar performances and always quick and decisive decision making,dignity and resourceful integrity to ponder and think about.Let things marinate not stew and boil over. Tensions on May 16, 1979 surely ran away from Mr. Pearsall and he took your young life away from you, Officer Cook, your family and department. Anger and hate sheer callousness and reprehensible behavior never forgotten and your heart, soul and class always fondly and solemnly saluted and remembered for reason,virtue and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Great women and men succeed because failure is a useless emotion and surrendering to terror, turmoil and torment is not proper and would never lead to any positive objective. The results and outcomes should have been better as you, Officer Cook, personified the makings of an excellent and upstanding man of character, car, consideration and class above all else. Honesty, integrity and dignity that fought, battled and gave every ounce of breath,heart and soul was exerted that day and Our Creator must have needed your grit, gumption and gallantry more in His abode as an angel so valid, versatile and virtuous. Dade County was given its assurances of solid work and its harmony,liberty and unity all rested on your humblest of shoulders. Such a fine man and human being who deserved to see retirement and the enjoyments of his fruits of toiling and extra special care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

The band beats its drums loudly for those sounds are forever passed. You could have taught music, Officer Cook and probably have been much safer. You wanted a career in law enforcement and accomplished your aspirations, dreams and goals of becoming a super servant and Dade County owes you and your family a giant debt of gratitude for the bottom of their hearts. The straw that stirred those drinks of honesty,integrity and dignity all looking to stoke a fire of passion and objectivity. To be heroic,humble and loyal you needed to be unending, unrelenting and humanely talented as God gave you a heart of wonderful acumen and vision so clear, wise and mature all not to be forgotten. The dangers did not tame your undying tenacity they made your determination and leadership motivation only more welcomed and resolute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

A smile that greeted you. A wave and friendly gesture that guided you. A gaze that endeared itself to humanity. With wings of gentleness did you, Officer Cook, go out and look to pacify and restore the calmness of Dade County. The community that relied upon your basic instincts accentuated by acumen, wisdom, vision and respect. Only such dignity,integrity and intuitive character, honest and decent could screen and provide protection for a venue wanting a semblance of security and virtue. Your undying versatility drew it out from under those pillows where perseverance and hope could sustain one another. For eternity may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero under God's quietest of spots where your angelic presence is forever necessary.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Serving and upholding law and order is not like chopping wood. You must grind and bare the sometimes roughest of patches where peril unleashes its seemingly unrelenting violence against humanity. You stayed the course, Officer Cook and heroically honored your department's rich tradition with outstanding work that endorsed tranquility and freedom for all individuals living in Dade County. Those who unfortunately could not see you could at least have a sense of your dignity,integrity by the feelings of mankind. You demonstrated outstanding endeavor in creating shelters and havens of hope where harmony could enhance the masses. Forever remembered and always so versatile and valuable. Your spirit will always fly high and with an engaging heart and soul your family, colleagues and friends all understand why you were so accountable, reliable and most dependable. Character and respect never lost in your human commitments and trusted convictions that left society better operational for the future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

The compass points out the directions but you, Officer Cook, already had heroic, honored and poignant routes of resolve to travel through preserving life and property here in Dade County. A man on a journey so earthly and humane to bring an everlasting staple of serenity to your community that still reveres and celebrates your life and dedicated career as a duly virtual public servant. For the eyes of trust and truth rely upon dignity and integrity to both uphold the law and uplift the hearts of the downtrodden by a gentleman of character, humbleness and the love of mankind and your adoring family members. Today of all holidays and gatherings you surely are missed as your beautiful smile rests in peace in heaven with you my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Always well groomed, neat and well mannered. Certainly, the very cornerstones and foundations of a well rounded and heroic career and life sadly ended all too soon by one heinous man's evil. For having an honorable heart and soul, Officer Cook, that righteously protected Dade County and its people, may Our Master of compassion and mercy shine down on your family, peace, health and the goodwill that today Easter Sunday and the last day of Passover can deliver. Your journeys and missions of truth, trust and dignity were all centered around your tireless and unwavering integrity all put to the tests each watch never to be more cherished, respected and greatly admired as we solemnly salute your unselfish bravery and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Never an outsider, but a man endearing and energetically engaging. You were immersed in your job, Officer Cook and never lost track of your tireless and undying tenacity as you drove around Dade County offering protection and wholesome stability. Such virtue has been duly blessed and rewarded for a gentleman of honor, dignity and integrity all traits and ethics poured into your labors of love. Getting home safely is the plan for some God has other more humbly heroic plans. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

A tall order for a man poised to perform. Yes, you did very well and very admirably, Officer Cook. Dade County was your venue of patrolling and nothing was going to deter your journeys of truth and honor, dignity and integrity. A hero of character and motivation instilling his heart and virtue in others to be most properly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tireless and energetic, you always acquitted yourself well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

You walk in the valley where no hurt will seize your beloved heart and soul again, Officer Cook. Dade County was the vessel where versatility, virtue and valiant vigilance all navigated the roads as did your heroic honesty, integrity and dignity. God steered your directions and never let you not succeed. He needed your soul for a more poignant mission where angels soar. Respect,truth and trust were the anvils of justice placed down where peace and prosperity could freely stroll as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

Being dazed should not faze most brave and honest men and women who devote their resources to service and preservation. You surely defended Dade County with heart, humility and all the appropriate dignity and integrity that has never been cast aside, Officer Cook. A gentleman of commitment, values and unselfish virtue to be saluted and forevermore etched within your loved ones' inner beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

You'll be missed forever, Officer Cook. Dade County has not been the same. A good man taken from his family and community. Though your honor, dignity and integrity remains a vital part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and loyalty share those pillows of goodwill, hope and perseverance. Angels of virtue and valor are safe from harm while patrolling the kingdom of class and faithfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

You were a modern thinker, Officer Cook and your training made you a more tenacious servant who relished serving the people of Dade County. Your life and career had more than substance and for integrity, honesty and heroic dignity paying the saddest of prices may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All heart, soul and virtue capturing mankind's imagery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

Since God is the Chief Accountant all His tabulations are perfect as is your very blessed, cherished and most honorably heroic name here in Dade County, Officer Cook. No man that possessed humility, heart and integrity shall be forgotten. Heaven is where your angelic dignity and character rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2021

The offensive attack mounts and the pressure rises to combat what ails our world. That tragic day, Officer Cook, one sinister man young as yourself and dressed in a camouflage outfit was looking to kill any officer that stood in his own ignorant and dumbfounded paths of perversion and terror. No one will ever understand why he did evil taking your life and nearly those of your Dade County brethren. But, we know evil and violence cannot ever tarnish a good and blessed name of acumen, intelligence and intuitive integrity, passionate dignity and humility so heroically loyal,endearing and most of all uplifting society from its doldrums. The pangs of grace, truth and trust do yearn to see you again. Heaven has too many who sacrificed and yet the flock of fierce angels has arisen once more to protect those sacred gates where goodness,goodwill and hope remain treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be your family's warrior and savior for eternity. A cherished soul with a heart of gold and concern.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

If the ship starts taking on water, don't jump and try to stay as calm as possible. When evil began that day just before your shift was going to end, Officer Cook, just performed as any hero must and you never abandoned your fellow officers, you did not return to the station house, change and go home, you when face to face and allowed God's gifts of solemn integrity, respectful humility and diligent character to follow your trails of truth and trust where tragically fate and destiny brought your beloved soul home to heaven giving your life to save the citizens of Dade County and your loyal and esteemed brothers who wept for you and paid their fond farewells on Saturday May 19, 1979. Many wept, many remembered, one man inspired, dedicated and motivated other women and men who risked their own hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You defended your partners as well if not better than anyone! Good Friday is today and Sunday is Easter, that resurrection is coming soon. Such a devout and faithful man gone way too soon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Being cold and callous just is not going to fight off the chilling affects of terror. You require one person gifted, talented, your humbly faithful to their truest of callings. God brought your heart, soul and honesty to a very rewarding and yet a dangerous profession, Officer Cook. Police work needs loyal and calibrated souls of courage, dignity and ingenuity to navigate the rough waters where wickedness looks not to endear, enhance and enrich, but rather unleash and ruin mankind's firmest grip on serenity and liberty. Dade County was wisely and maturely watched over by your vigilant conduct and tireless virtue bounded by unwavering resiliency to be forever honored. One man cannot go at evil alone it takes and entire force to make a dent, an impression and an everlasting imprint upon humanity which sorely misses your sweetness, heart and glorifying smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

The pious never presume that probe and attack their honest lives with candor, charm and zeal. The best defense against violence is too remain tenacious, dignified and full of heroic integrity. The articles of support and protection utilized by one gracious and gallant man that was you, Officer Cook. All heart, soul and humbleness to be recounted, blessed and solemnly remembered and humanely saluted as a gentleman of character and classic resolve. Such an outstanding servant justifying his years spent galvanizing Dade County against the forces of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

A heart and soul to be saluted for their superiority and vitality. Such humility and versatility always seen by your honored virtue, so dignified and magnificent. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where badge#1664 did its yeoman like job protecting more than life and property.Its crusades of justice were just a part of your learning and yearning to become a better public servant. Honor, integrity and dignity that shared onus making safety and society more than just routine. Now with your angelic soul and spirit watching those pearly gates where those who gave the ultimate sacrifice we can be at least comforted in knowing and in appreciating that you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero cradled in God's palms for eternal keeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

If loyalty is to be cherished than dignity, honesty, integrity had better be humane, humble and heroic when certainly counted upon. Your family, Officer Cook, counts its blessings, health and peace all the time and remembers your smiling face, heart and soul which prevented a worse calamity that fateful day. Destiny takes our very virtue to where Our Creator surely needs it and that day Liberty City, Gladeview in particular had you answering that domestic call of duty where justice, trust and truth arrived to attempt to corral a most horrible and heinous individual. The heavens are aglow for the light of your spirit resides in the Lord's home and we must give thanks for your solemn journeys on behalf of humanity. Humility, humbleness and esteem are to be serenely praised. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Better to be remembered for your heroic, honorable and humane contributions to mankind, Officer Cook. Though, the world is far less safer without your smile and adoring heart my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are those batons of integrity and dignity that are sacredly carried on by your family, colleagues and loyal friends. Never forgotten and forever esteemed and just a smart young man with more left to climb. Rest in peace. Character, commitment to scruples and conviction will always be revered for their tireless dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Wisdom is the fresh air that vision inhales. Such maturity that you possessed, Officer Cook, was the humble signature of your unselfish sincerity. It helped to create the bonds of bravery and boldness and further perpetuated and accentuated your heroic dignity, integrity and wholesome and refined honor which has forever been saluted and notably revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Authority must be obeyed. Conduct must be essentially maintained. You kept your wits about you, Officer Cook, furthering your earthly missions on behalf of mankind and serenity. A man proud to lend his support and one who had composure and courage in the very face of severe adversity. Dade County was made safer and securer all because of your heroic loyalty, honor and integrity, such dignity that imparted its greatest lessons all missed terribly today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Grit and gumption stick better on a badge and uniform when dignity, honesty and humble integrity are kept in check. Dade County was well prepared and preserved when you patrolled its sacred streets, Officer Cook, giving your life and career to fortify the ideals and character of civilization. Always humility from your heart and soul and never will we forget your decency and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2021

Succinct and successful,it's a crying tragedy violence took your soul and heart, Officer Cook. A resident of Dade County who had a lion's share of trust, truth and tenacity built within your being. So venerable and versatile, your virtue and well being placed the people in good hands. Character, commitment and stood humble,humane and most heroic as those dark clouds of gloom have brightened up a little. We salute hope, dedication and sheer determination that allowed you to ably command others through danger and obstacles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2021

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