Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A lamb is a soft and gentle creature that roams a field looking to nourish itself. Police patrol and fly in helicopters day and night looking to cutoff evil before it unleashes its sinister forces against society. You answered sadly what was your final call, Officer Cook, such a heroically young man primed and ready to do battle with a man so lacking in honor, character and respect for mankind. Dade County misses you of course and so does your beloved family. You'll always be in their hearts, thoughts and prayers as they march on with your ideals, principles and morals from a positively with built environment raised by two loving and devoted parents. May they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Such resolve and humility all from sacred missions transcending humanity's expectations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2021

The streets are not as tranquil as when you humbly walked your beat in Dade County, Officer Cook. But always remember you are forever your family and the entire police world's hero of honesty, humility and a totally unselfish heart and soul devoted to serving the citizens. Cherished and revered, a gentleman of gallantry who had the right temper, character to calm and to restore coolness on those sometimes heated surfaces. Your dignity, integrity and wisdom has forever and will eternally be both blessed and rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2021

Twenty-five and the whole world left to conquer. Courage, charisma, charm and candor that left behind an indelible impression upon the sidewalks, roads and streets of mankind. Society and humanity can never sneer because of your understanding, patience and trust gained through your tireless energy and honesty, integrity and dignity so refreshing they never divorced one another while you guarded Dade County, Officer Cook, with your humbly heroic presence and open passions. Heaven and eternity share you with other angels who gave the ultimate sacrifice to further enhance,enrich and endear our community to your uplifting and folksy mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

The uniform fit and the badge was shiny and a humble reminder of why public servants perform the very humane and dangerous jobs that save humanity from the thralls of terror and worse. What was worse was you, Officer Cook, giving your life so that Dade County was not be disturbed by evil and everything addressed was done so fairly, firmly and faithfully. Nothing less than integrity,ingenuity and acumen riding on your patrols of justice where heroism continues to shine up above as your family's golden and guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

A baby cries. A lion roars. A police officer runs right smack dab into the fierceness that violence perpetrates. But, it's sad that you had to lose your life that day, Officer Cook, a humble honest and most esteemed Dade County police hero whose career and ideals represented a newer dawning. Such a man of class and discipline you'll never be forgotten for exhibiting excellence and pride marked by dignity and integrity accentuating and punctuating your trails and paths of truth and trust. So dearly missed and always saluted for keeping your unselfish humility,heart and soul in check. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

Take a piece here and tie a ray of hope and peace. Place a shield of light for others to navigate through and you'll finally witness some results. Your courage and consideration, Officer Cook, authored many good days for Dade County's residents. Just shameless a man could take another man's life and heart from under him. You were just performing your due diligence and showing him some dignity, respect and integrity from your soul,his had nothing and what a waste to society. Your pursuits were revered, admired and were just what your community clamored for . Now up in heaven may your wisdom. maturity and vision rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with other mighty angels of virtue and versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

Bonds last long after one departs this world for the eternal after life where redemption and resurrection are the facts of all angels of trust and truth who solemnly preserve the faithfulness and look to author a positive change. You commanded other officers, Officer Cook, by never wavering, by being unselfish and displaying tireless energy and heart concentrated within your character of dignity and intuition. Dade County needed a jolt and you acquitted yourself as all who serve must. Never more honored and saluted for maintaining the tracks of tenacity, timeliness and by never being timid. Such a warm gentleman whose heart and soul never quit just a shame you cannot be here to see your beloved family anymore. Your smile and eyes see clearly their pursuits from a porch in heaven reserved for the wise and persevering souls lost by violence and sheer terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

Humbleness, humility and leadership stay implanted and instilled in a devoted warrior forevermore. You led others here in Dade County, Officer Cook, not just because of your smile, charm and candor, you showed the way by being a man of modest honor,virtue and the due authority that was vested in you when you undertook a sacred oath to serve, protect and without a doubt demonstrate class, decency, desire and integrity throughout your career and life of scruples and the very basic essentials that steered and guided the tranquility we were seeking. You carved your bravery and resolve through consistent effort and resiliency never overlooked nor cast aside. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

You wash your clothes, place them in a dryer and hang them up. You dedicated your mind, heart and soul, Officer Cook, to sacred journeys all blessed by Our Creator of life and for this Dade County's folks could not be any happier now they are sad and a little less safer because of your absence. A painful loss to your family in which honesty, integrity and proper dignity and revered commitment were never lacking we were all the better when you navigated those circles of courage and enhancement. May your angelic wings gently lift your spirit higher every second as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everything that goes in a laundry should come out smelling that way, evil unfortunately erodes the public trust and yet, Officer Cook,a noble man you were cherished and astutely admired for your sound advice and prompt service.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

People with common sense and honor usually don't commit crime. Their rationale is within their virtue and dignity just as yours was, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of integrity, fortitude and the tenacious character that forged newer bonds between all citizens. They shall never be forgotten for all hope, goodwill and humble sincerity rested in your trustworthy heart and most treasured and truthful soul that constructed cornerstones for a safer future where from heaven you assist the Lord in guiding our righteous pathways of peace, happiness and good health to one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

Evil and violence shall not decimate nor doom society's efforts to live freely and peacefully. For six years of toil and heart, Officer Cook, you sacrificed literally and were the essential pillar of heroism and honor here on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. All your soul, dignity and integrity were poured into your humane and earthliest of labors and for composure, character, commitment and trustworthy convictions may God surround you and your family with the truest of blessings and heavenly rewards that angels of boldness, sanctity and humility shall be protected by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2021

Hope takes honesty and courage to muster up its relevance. Anything further removed from both dignity and integrity will slices up the solid cornerstones of character and its unassuming truth and trust. Seeing you provided the faithfulness, resourcefulness and companionship of each trait, Officer Cook, Dade County was brought to a humbly higher sphere for which the people were grateful. A hero who gave his all to restore order, unity and blessings deserves the very same by toward your virtuous heart and soul.They forged ahead with newer bands of boldness and bonds of bravery never shaken apart. Your life and career ended too suddenly and for your family who mourned and grieved may they found solace in your sacred journeys all cherished and all punctually authentic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

A slice of pie, a cup of tea and all the humble conversation and pleasantries of our world to be shared and discussed between you and I, Officer Cook. What a crying shame that could not transpire! If only we had met I would have witnessed a truly virtue soul and heart laying their beings down to properly and most promptly save life here in Dade County. As dignity, integrity and intuition circle the wagon trains of mankind, so does your heroic spirit as it never stops moving as Our Master Director, God Himself sees your every move and turn at each corner. Surely greatness and mercy follow you all your eternal life and He will keep every step quietly in unison. Maybe a little game of tennis exercising our hearts and minds. For that I'll keep Officer Keith DiGenova in mind, your partner, buddy on the streets and the courts where goodwill and blessings were volleyed about. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor that warmed humility's decency and desire.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

Integrity incorporated, dignified and honor delegated to uphold, uplift and endear itself and adored heart and soul to the happiness and fruition of humanity. Mankind and society drew breath from your refreshing and spirited life and public service career, Officer Cook. Such a fine character outstanding, stellar and upstanding you were nearly certain never to go wrong much less astray from those proven paths of optimism and hope which surely must spring eternal. Now as an angel identified as part of Our King's flock of tenacity may your soul and virtue go unharmed from one point to another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your parents may they rest in peace raised two distinguished and humble children who carried their goodwill until your untimely loss perpetuated by one angry and spiteful man. So sad and yet so preventable if he followed your commands to surrender peacefully that day of May 16, 1979, a day and time never lost among those who revered, adored and treasured both your esteem and loyalty. A friendship and bond forever not to be severed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

A gentleman with talents and gifts so genuinely God given, nothing fancy just real honor, humane and humble dignity and integrity giving their all to service and lay the boundaries of protection for your community of Dade County. The strokes of an artist's paintbrush passing over each door and layer and property sealing and securing our very foundations of tranquility and freedom for all to remain healthy, happy and prosperous. Officer Cook, your heroic girded valor and vigilance back into the minds and hearts of all and through your stellar and sterling commitments to excellence and pride may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Paying the price for truth and trust has its eternal rewards and blessings of which you reap every peaceful moment you sleep in protection from Our Almighty God of mercy and perfection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

Everytime I reflect upon your life and distinguished career, Officer Cook, I see the reasons why you were cherished, admired and greatly respected. A handsome face with a congenial and genuine smile that greeted your fellowman and your wife,Karen, your parents and sister everyday. Nothing was amiss with your virtue complete with humility, heart and character so refined, so fair and trustworthy. Things have obviously changed since you sacrificed your life as lives continue onward your journeys have marched skyward as an angel preserving those golden gates and paved streets above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

The citizens of Dade County certainly received an equity on their return when you patrolled and protected their very hearts, souls and lives, Officer Cook. Heroism not to be taken lightly, just proudly and prudently. You gave your life and career of honor, ingenuity and integrity to support those already solid pillars of dignity and character stoking mankind's gentle sides. You are not going to be forgotten nor placed somewhere to be overlooked as you were a valuable member of your community, department and society sometimes so fragile. Keeping things in perspective your constitution was one of candor,charm and courage so bold, well they will solemnly be remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

One step at a time is a giant step for humanity. Mankind calls out and police respond with their honesty,due diligence and values enhancement ready to create that purposeful harmony that only uplifts us all. Your kindness, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, offered a look into why you were accomplished at such a tender and young age. Twenty-five years of humility,heart and soul, raised by two loving and God fearing parents may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor,friend and hero. Their darling son a proud man with scruples to back up your security of Dade County. Such a terrible loss of an enriching angel who soars higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

A quagmire of trouble required your constant quintessential endeavors, Officer Cook, to both see and steer the public clear of violence and bedlam. Every public servant dedicates their resourceful honesty, enhanced dignity and fully enveloped integrity to shield Dade County and the public from danger and harm. Such humane and virtual heroism to be revered and given its homage for eternity. As an angel of character, truth and trusted wisdom and vigilance may Our Lord shine His compassion and loving kindness down upon your beloved family as they carefully and with a solemn heart carry on your legacy of everything civil with politeness and common sense. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

A gallery of grit, gumption and gallantry, Officer Cook, where all your professional proficiency was connected to honor, integrity and dignity which walked those humble sidewalks along with heroic character, respect and a heart of class to be solemnly saluted and rightfully revered forevermore. Dade County was where your panels of conduct, morals and values stay forever on walls of respect and memory. A sacred life with missions so meaningful to benefit mankind for generations to come though your remain very much missed and cherished by your family, colleagues of the past and present and by your plethora of friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2021

A boulder of courage was taken, Officer Cook, that very sad day your life was ended by a man whose evil just was unacceptable, vile and revolting. Dade County, your loved ones and department suffered mightily a loss to humanity so deep and so senseless. You worked tirelessly for unity and harmony and never deserved the fate that was given to you. Yet, integrity, character, commitment and dignity never waned nor wavered and neither did your unselfish efforts to stop such a disrespectful individual. Calling him a human being does not seem proper as you were a gentleman geared and raised with morals, values and whatever ethical people possess to be labeled as such. Forever an angel, so wise and mature beyond his years here on Earth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The destiny of all who live and are pious, sacred and virtuous is eternity where God protects His humane flock of ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Search within the very foundations of your heart to locate honesty, humility and the very dignity that integrity, character and respect bring to such a humbling yet perilous profession. You sought out advice and goodwill from all Dade County, Officer Cook and located those fountains flowing with welcome relief more often than not. A cherished servant whose routes to peace and stability at times with paved with obstacles accomplished his missions of resourcefulness, trust and truth more often to be admirably and solemnly recalled. We salute your esteem, loyal intuitions and all that's decent with dedication, salvation and determination yours was steadfast and spot on. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Efficiency and resiliency were more than sufficient. Dade County and its residents were given your solid and first class duties of honor, humbleness and a blessed dignity, integrity and faithful character for which they could march onward, Officer Cook. The blessings and rewards that heroes and heroines reap in heaven for their unselfish tasks and tribulations are never overlooked. You gave something virtuous and special, so uniquely qualified to serve the cause and to travel while navigating around who knew what lied ahead? You took charge and took command and for this may you remain esteemed and treasured among your family, friends and valiant comrades to forever salute their friend and gentleman of intelligence, ingenuity and maturity way above the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

We sleep peacefully by day and night because, Officer Cook, because you kept your nose and heart to the grindstone dealing with all sorts of evil and adversities that affected Dade County and its citizens who were under your tender care and honor. Nothing vague or vain about your unending dignity and integrity all incorporated to give its best truth and trust against the likes of wickedness. The scoundrel who took your life had his taken by your comrade, Detective Blocker that day. may Our Lord shelter your compassion and humility closer to His arms and humble hands at all moments as your angelic spirit soars mightily and keeps things aglow above us forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

Cliffhangers leave you scared to death. Hate, bloodshed and evil leave you mortified. Your life and career, Officer Cook, seemed to just be beginning even though you had six years of service, veteran leadership, nothing outdated, only honest, thorough and essentially the best dignity, conduct and integrity that one man's most reverent character.passionate commitment and dutiful conviction could bring to heart and your chosen profession. You'll not be forgotten for heroic action that saved your comrades who nearly died along with you and forevermore a gentleman of valor, virtue and faithfulness who exercised due authority when humility and sanctity mattered the most. To share, care and to look back upon a wonderful life and a career carved from scruples, ideals and principles of mettle and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2021

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