Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With only moments to spare before your shift would have ended, Officer Cook, there you and your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were embroiled in a nasty domestic dispute in which you my neighbor, friend and hero unfortunately lost your life because of one evil and reprehensible human being was out on Dade County streets causing more than a fuss. So much so your honor, dignity and trusted integrity were all placed in harm's direction to shield and to safeguard the citizens of character and peace. You gave your very heart and spirit, totally unselfish, total respect and genuine kindness to create a bond of stability where versatility and vigilance must travel. Never forgotten and forevermore an angel so humble and beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2021

Dedication and persuasiveness will outshine and outlast violence and those sworn to justify their badges and uniforms will keep on trying until it's off the streets where impediments and obstacles imperil tranquility, good health and hopeful happiness in out our pursuits. You kept your tanks of tenacity, trust and truth running full blast, Officer Cook, honesty, desire and the integrity and dignity that never waned and was always above reproach. Unselfish and tireless, you'll be faithfully remembered and solemnly saluted for bravery and virtue following your superior heart and angelic soul to heaven where you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2021

Surrounded by love and pride, all your humble missions and their heroic journeys, Officer Cook, were undertaken with the greatest esteem and loyalty on behalf of the entire population of Dade County. With true and trust pounding those pavements of integrity, character and dignity, evil was certain to be defeated and our security, serenity and sacred unity was going to once more become a reality. A pillow of strength, a heart and soul of gold and a commitment to excellence so successful and determined. Virtue and versatility at our very doorsteps. What a wonderful man, a friend and humanity's champion of justice and equality for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2021

The death of a loved one is like a poisonous snake bite. The loss of an honored and truly humble hero is surely forever tormenting and your life and career, Officer Cook, was quite venerable and versatile. All the emotions flowing forth and yet your family carries forward with your legacy of everything humanely sacred that's located in the virtues of both dignity and integrity which served and saved lives in Dade County. Your character, commitment and trusted heart and soul have been saluted and will continue that manner for a gentleman of morals, values and proper conduct will always be revered. admired and loyally cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2021

Paths, trails and gardens all lined with lush foliage and distinctly marked for you to follow in. Dade County was your direction in life and during your police career, Officer Cook, though short, six years of unwavering faithfulness, resourcefulness and success found its own unique and humble niches. You accounted for a sense of pride, sacred journeys taken and blessed for their acumen and dignity, stellar integrity and honesty always number one. Your heart and soul gave their all nothing will ever diminish your reverence, respect and humility instilled within the hearts of humanity. Forever a true hero of trust and resolve whose resiliency was top notch. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

We cope and hope, prop our heads on our pillows just wondering how things will transpire? You gave effort and heart, Officer Cook, each and every moment you were here to protect and to serve Dade County as your family's inspiration, your department's hero of integrity and dignity and the world at large where you are now the consummate angel with a golden heart and a very blessed soul of acumen achieving some means to a peaceful future. One you should have been allowed to live and see. Our Lord had other more important plans for His valiant warrior and that was to walk a proverbial beat free of harm on His sidewalks of satisfaction and the ultimate perfection where virtue and vigilance may cross paths proudly and humbly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

Police work is a certain art and the canvas are the streets one polices. It's not a talent contest or a race to see who comes in first place. It is a broad scope of responsibility based upon certain logical needs and personal requirements for every woman and man who endeavors to properly wear a badge and don a uniform of pride, excellence and naturally honesty. You cannot have only dignity and integrity underscoring your definitions of desire, decency and dedication. True character, commitment and conviction must be sincerely from your heart and be forever undying, unwavering and unselfish which yours was, Officer Cook, heroic and enriching as it upheld and uplifted the souls and hearts of all residents who sought stability, wisdom and class. Your vision and maturity constructed those bridges now and for eternity the cornerstones to a safer haven of tranquility to be fondly saluted and bravely enriched. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

Most people read books to gain insight and knowledge. Public servants patrol venues as their vehicles to peace and pride. With your stoic life, career and family all loving you, Officer Cook,you will be forever remembered as their hero and devoted warrior who brought mettle and principles to all Dade County. It's found in the noblest of values, ideals and morals that led to your accomplishments. Humble and honored. Your golden heart gave more than we could ever ponder. Just why did God take you at still such a young age? You'll always be the pride and joy of your beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook may you too rest in peace and to you, Nancy, may you and Cecil live well as you carry your brother's soul and spirit close to your own heart. His examples will forevermore be a foundation of unselfish sacrifice and tireless energy always given to provide mankind a backdrop for peace and stability. Your versatility and virtue will be heavenly blessed and rewarded for their compassion. Rest in peace Officer Cook. Badge#1664 served the nation with exemplary trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

Whether it's the coolness of the breeze or the coolness of the air harmony and togetherness must be a staple loyal to one another. You kept peace moving forward, Officer Cook, so honorably, humbly and of course most heroically. Dade County shall never forget their hero, esteemed, loyal and concerned with the welfare and goodwill of society. A man of truth and character whose greatly missed by his family and comrades who went toe to toe to defeat violence once and for all. Your soul, heart and spirit my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace where angels soar mightily.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

The after life is supposed to be a serener venue where God's perfection uplifts the wings of all His heroic angels. Seldom is heard a discouraging word and you were the consummate human being, Officer Cook, filled with sense of direction, wisdom and vision. Such maturity that enhanced your truthful and trusted honor, dignity and integrity all employing their fruitful natures upon the people of Dade County to deliver a stability and a sacred tranquility that must forever thrive. Your professional character, commitment to pride and humility of heart won't be forgotten and neither will your sincerest of convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2021

Public servants go out and patrol their areas where honor, integrity and dignity look to hunker down and alleviate terror and mayhem. You performed your roles, Officer Cook, with a certain measure of morals and scruples never turning your back on the people of Dade County for whom you gave your heroic life and career. The hope of the future is only known when tranquility knocks on the doors and can enter an environment feasible to stability. Nothing short of that. Your upstanding character, commitment and ingenuity will forever be etched within your family's pursuits of peace,health and prosperity. They live on carrying your legacy closely in their hearts and thoughts. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

Virtue and mettle travel well together when honesty, dignity and integrity meet each other at the right venue. You provided the assets, Officer Cook and Dade County citizens were the receivers of your charm and candor. We cannot ever overlook your smile,wisdom and vision all the maturity beyond your youthful years. You were able to command other colleagues by virtue of being disciplined and trusted in all matter pertaining to your unselfish roles of resolve and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

Nothing worse than evil ruining lives and taking lives so gentle and tender. With your heroic heart,soul and spirit, Officer Cook, were you available to enhance, enrich and endear yourself to Dade County a community you called home. You left that fateful morning, your honesty, dignity and integrity all said goodbye to Karen and I guess when she received that call everything somber and sorrowful began to grow. The emotions just take over and you'll not be forgotten for being a breath of fresh air stabilizing peace and offering a measure of hope and trust where goodwill can maintain its rightful place. We salute your heroic endeavors and heaven has an angel so perfect and considerate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

You pay for what you want. Police pay everyday and that cost is always so dear and special. Your versatility, virtue and values, Officer Cook, uplifted the hearts of all Dade County residents. Your important roles of resolve and efficiency have never been overlooked nor forgotten. Honesty will always come above anything else You were the professional you gifted and talented with everything to live for and for Karen, your beloved wife who had to bury you with still more left to fulfill. God needed your humility,heart and journeys in His large palace to watch over His flock and gates of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

Snatched away from a man of violence, your years and life, Officer Cook, reflected the hope that mankind would eventually experience some measure of success and in that realm its serenity and safety for all Dade County would materialize. Such a loyal and dedicated man, still so young and vigorous who generated integrity,respectful dignity and heroic honesty at all times to be cherished and sincerely blessed, saluted and paid homage for bravery and virtue above and beyond the onuses of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

The stellar examples of faith, devotion and goodwill were exhibited and firmly implanted within the hearts and minds of Dade County folks, Officer Cook. By your dignified and honored patrols where your heroism surely shines on in God's heavenly abode. Integrity that conducted its humane and humble affairs by the letter and with character, commitment to excellence and pride, your truthful and trusted convictions have all been rewarded and blessed for their unwavering and tireless sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2021

Support, composure, calmness and coolness under duress, stress and the pressures of handling all assignments placed your way, you did a fantastic job, Officer Cook, understanding and not underestimating your intense onuses. Dade County was in loyal and steady hands of bravery and heart for six years, all too short because of the very violence that robbed you of your life and career. A goal and aspirations started but left undone because of one man, evil and wicked acting alone. No adherence to rules. No respect and honesty, surely no dignity and integrity anywhere within the shelves of wisdom, vision and maturity. All the traits you fully had my neighbor, friend and hero and carried out your precise journeys on behalf of society. How true and trusted. Your legacy stands front and center among those heroes and heroines who have sacrificed for the uplifting and enrichment of humanity. They dearly miss you as does your whole family. Their peace, happiness and prosperity were yours too now heaven has its brightest star shining both brilliantly and boldly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

Our Master gently touches each and every hero, all angels of valor and virtue. Your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, paved the way for newer channels of security and safety all through your humble wings of resolve and outstanding character. So true and so perseveringly trustworthy. Dade County remembers you and pays homage to your heart, soul and spirit all dedicated to battling those wars o0f wickedness with intelligence, ingenuity and the ultimate reverence you had for your extremely significant position where knowledge and good judgment are the kings of kindness and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

When a tidal wave of tragedy threatens to turn the tables of tranquility into bedlam and mayhem then surely that public servant's tenacity must be turned up more than a notch. Your peaceful spirit, heart and soul, Officer Cook, were Dade County's answers to hope, faith and goodwill. A good man, a real gentleman whose passions of honesty, dignity and integrity were completely ripped apart by a vicious and wanton man, you performed your humane and heroic tasks with a foundation, a cornerstone built for a safer and more sounder future. Always and forever beloved, revered, admired and esteemed and loyal to all your partners and department, the citizens should have no complaints with your tireless energy, service and unselfish acts of civility, sanctity and versatility all valid, virtuous and diligently a most vigilant protector and a truly devout warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

Danger still hunts down mankind subjecting it to all kinds of trouble. You went after evil,Officer Cook, while searching for a haven of truth and honesty on behalf of Dade County. No man, no woman will forget your sincerity and humble smile while you conducted your daily patrols around your community. It was where respect, reason and a purpose walked side by side your car. So devout and caring. You and your most beloved parents are all now resting in peace my neighbors,friends and hero. My your sister Nancy carry on with your legacy every moment she lives her life. Your brother Nancy, I was the person who got the cemetery to replace what was desecrated and vandalized off his stone and the cross. Take care you and your husband Cecil out in Arizona,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

Professional affairs take us from one spot to another. Your earthly tasks, Officer Cook, heroically uplifted the spirits of all Dade County residents. Everyday you acted accordingly and with a stellar and robust heart and soul was your dignity,integrity and thoughtful intuitions able to patrol the roads searching for a semblance of security and civility. All sacred acts of humility and character are indeed blessed, cherished and admired by mankind while Our Creator administers His beloved compassion and humane kindness upon you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

Stoic, yet sincere. Revered yet resolute. Humble yet honorable. God takes His flock of ferocity and when their lives are deemed as completed then their missions and journeys are transported to a higher level. One where perfection is the rule and for having decency, dignity and commitment, Officer Cook, Dade County and its people will never overlook your heroism and heart they worked hand in hand to combat callousness and such actions so disrespectful. Trust and truth have at least given us the golden opportunity to live serenely pleasant lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

Whenever a beloved and heroic family member passes or is suddenly taken by evil they grieve, mourn and have sorrow so deeply it cuts like a knife. The unbearable, the unthinkable and beyond. The memories of your wonderful life and all too brief police career, Officer Cook, were all steered and navigated by an unrelenting integrity, devotion to responsibility and an honest dignity that was unselfish and tireless all from your heart and soul of compassion. God surely has a sacred man with an angel's spirit floating freely while watching over your family and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence forever is revolting and unduly unwavering. Your undying humbleness, Officer Cook, prevented a worse calamity that day than we'll ever comprehend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

You made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of your community of Dade County, Officer Cook. Honor. Integrity. Dignity. Nothing hidden everything and character was left on those hot streets that awful day to protect, serve and save lives of the people and your esteemed colleagues. Heaven is where your heart of humility and humanity shall be eternally treasured for its resolve and fight against adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2021

The hills are steep and the climbs only get more demanding. You had the vigor, the vitality and the unassuming versatility, Officer Cook, to make reality come alive here in Dade County where not many go out in the streets to serve, defend and preserve life. You worn a sacred garment of humility with a badge of honor, integrity and dignity spread out within the confines of courage and decency. Those who have taken your watch must have virtue and durability to disseminate right from wrong. Your efforts were outstanding and heroism will forever be cherished and saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2021

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