Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Confidence is a humble tool to be utilized with a complete heart and a dignified soul. And with your honesty and humility, Officer Cook, you my neighbor, friend and hero won't be overlooked nor forgotten for rescuing Dade County from the clutches of someone so callous who lacked any directional compass of compassion, courage and wisdom. With your spirit watching over your loved ones, virtue, humility and diligence will forever rest in peace under Our Creator's wings of perfection. A gentleman with ingenuity, integrity and intellect will be remembered, saluted and forever a legend with a heroic legacy passed down to his family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

When a door becomes unhinged anything can occur. When terror meanders around the quiet gates of humanity all any citizen can do is pray and hope that faithfulness and never any hesitation is the rule. You were the consummate public servant, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero whose honesty, integrity and dignity were not called into question. Such devoted and outstanding character so virtuous and versatile raising the bar of excellence while spreading pride throughout your family, Officer Cook and for what you accomplished may God bless and protect your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

A life full of sunshine and trees with their leaves changing color all the hopeful signs of hope, happiness, good health and prosperity. But on May 16, 1979 that was dashed sadly you were ripped from your family, comrades and friends, Officer Cook, by evil. Your distinguished honesty, youthful truth and trustworthiness, dignity that was dedicated to serving Dade County and your humbly heroic integrity all was taken back to heaven to serve and to walk a perfectly paved beat where your virtue would never feel or see harm or hurt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

Tenacity can lead to a truce and certainly mankind frowns upon violence. You were a man of peace, Officer Cook and forever an honored and humble hero of all Dade County. Its people cannot forget your sincerity, smile and honorable virtue, integrity and dignity always focused on providing the much needed unity for all. Humility and a brave heart with a soul so reverent and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

Better to be humble and honest than to seek fame. And your blessed, rewarded and heroic name, Officer Cook, shall be fondly and solemnly remembered forever for what your heart and soul brought to the people of Dade County. A man devout, faithful and wise using his perceptive abilities of maturity and vision to deliver the brands of peace, freedom and resourcefulness while risking his very spirit every watch. Outstanding character, humane commitment to integrity, excellence and dignity all fighting against such an adversary of violence. You will remain treasured and admired for being there when lives mattered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

A glad hand bold enough to pitch in and assist his colleagues when problems, situations and circumstances dictated. That was the public servant so genuinely gifted, talented and most faithful when responsibility, accountability and reliability was called upon. Dade County that sad day, Officer Cook, was under terrible duress all by one man bent on taking a police officer's life. Your colleagues witnessed true allegiance, trusted humility and the parameters of integrity, dignity and a revered character all lying within your heart and soul. May Our Lord allow your spirit to stay forever aglow as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

A globe of gallantry, valor and bravery all created by the gentle wings of honesty, integrity and dignity. They have forever created that impression that Dade County and its residents won't overlook. And neither will you, Officer Cook, be forgotten because of your unwavering and relentless pursuits of tranquility and stability being civility and nobility's forever partners in this unending war over violence, strife and turmoil. Your humble and heroically cherished name will shine on for generations to come. Such outstanding character, commitment and both truthful and most trusted convictions all soar higher every moment on your perfectly fitted angels' wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

You yearn to learn to become a more well rounded individual. Police learn and at times have to resolve and solve conflicts on the fly. Your patience, proficiency and humble perseverance, Officer Cook, allowed you to lay the groundwork for serenity, safety and security here in Dade County. A young man with a heart of caring and concern always focused on dignity, character and integrity to be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sanctity, humility and diligence were your best companions while out on patrol. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

A journey well traveled. Missions undertaken and underscored with a renewed sense of pride and discipline. You were a first class officer, a wonderful soul and a gentleman so endearing, Officer Cook. Just why were you taken before your time? Your family, friends and comrades have asked the very same question. A man born in pride, honest and cherished beyond the world, so dignified and full of integrity that battled adversity here in Dade County. Badge#1664 was respect and cooperation, a lesson for all to learn. Heroism is a vehicle that must be driven carefully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

Everytime I see your face I just want to sob like a baby. It was ghastly and heinous what happened to you on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. But, your heroism and honesty reflected your ideals, values and morals all from a loving family. Honesty, integrity and dignity marking their trails of truth and trust and with your tireless energy you'll never be far from your family's hearts and souls. Dade County was where your roots of resiliency, resolve and evolution all made their rounds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

You lived a wonderful, humble and most heroically honorable life, Officer Cook. Your career surely was headed for more accomplishment if not for an evil man robbing you of your integrity and dignity. Dade County was your home environment and workplace where your consummate heart and soul delved into creating the stability of harmony and the staples of both excellence and pride. Always humanely saluted and never forgotten for your undying and unselfish sacrifice, virtue and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2021

What is deemed as done is done. You completed your earthly missions at age twenty-five, Officer Cook and for doing a superb job preserving lives in and around Dade County, heaven has your responsible and honest heart, soul and reverent character that dignified mankind with its wisdom, maturity and integrity that fought the loyal and dutiful battles that terror creates. No one has forgotten your pilgrimages of trust, truth and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

God certainly rules our world. Everything He does is for a reason, a plan of action, a day to fulfill our dreams, goals and to aspire to become something marvelous. Well, Officer Cook, you placed your truth and trust in Our Lord and He did not disappoint you though your life ended tragically while performing your duties towards Dade County and its citizens. Missions and journeys of loyalty and boldness holding in your solemn heart virtue and vision, so versatility was all dignity, integrity and every measure of honor that has and will be eternally saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

Sunday will soon arrive and with it so many memories of your life and career, Officer Cook. I plan God willing to visit your grave to pray for your soul and to salute a heroic man of honesty, dignity and integrity. Such righteousness that fortified your spirit and legacy all humble and all cherished. Respect, resolve and virtue all resting softly as you sleep in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Why anyone would want to harm your sweet nature and goodwill I don't know why? You befriended so many within and outside of your department. Forty-two years of thinking, pondering and trying to make any sense for why you were taken?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

Such a humanely brave servant of God. Your savvy and mettle gently stroked the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, providing leadership, dedication and the fiercest of motivation. A shining example of honor, integrity and dignity battling adversity and through your heart and soul the jobs were completed. You were such a wonderful son and brother, a beloved husband, uncle and great-uncle who is very much missed but never overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

With a strong and humble heart, Officer Cook, were you able to avert such violence. That fateful day your angel wings were being prepared for you to gain entrance to those perfect palaces where your dignity, character and esteem would protect the pearly gates. Your bravery and sacrifice on behalf of Dade County won't be forgotten, only fondly and proudly saluted for its inspirational messages of humbleness and forever will you remain treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

The diligence of a devoted hero making his dreams and aspirations come to fruition. Dade County will never forget your honesty, integrity and dignity all utilized to put out the fires of evil. Heaven has a sacred and humble angel of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2021

The sea was parted and Dade County was affixed by a stable of endeavor, energy and an unrelenting heart, a characteristic of an honored hero. Esteem and loyalty navigated Dade County with your hands on the wheels of dignity, integrity and a fighting spirit of justice, Officer Cook. One truly special angel, virtue and versatility striving for excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

A dear heart and an angelic soul now patrolling the corridors of heaven. So much as happened all these decades after your tragic loss, Officer Cook. But you can take heart that your beloved and faithful mother, Mrs.Julia Cook, joined you and your father, Charles may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and humble hero. She passed on March 7, 2019 at the humble age of 103. Your meaningful years securing Dade County were done with an endless stream of passion and compassion all carved for dignity, integrity and sacred courage to be saluted. Rest in peace. A man of character, conviction and commitment always guarded by truth and trust holding the hands of one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

Decisions sometimes take time. Police don't have those moments and have to act fast when violence threatens to put a chill in the air. You were head and toes above the crowd, Officer Cook, a man, a hero, a legend and most of all a gentleman with an honest heart, soul and spine of serenity and unshakable faith and dedication. For this Dade County can be indebted and most humbly grateful to you and your family. A Godsend of ingenuity, integrity and whatever articles of acumen and dignity could protect your community where you are to be humanely saluted for bravery and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

Your survivors, Officer Cook, have an earthly mission to march onward with your integrity and heart, dignity and soul all holding tightly to your unassuming honesty which strapped stability and tranquility to the homes and streets of Dade County where its people could enjoy their journeys in life. You gave your life and career with courage, humility and the trails of both trust and truth never departing. Always so wise and respected for preserving the pristine image of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy girded in boldness and unwavering faithfulness, thoughtful resourcefulness and such loyal devotion to all responsibilities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

Your dignity dove forward creating a lasting peace and enhancement for all Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroism that has been and forever will be stoically revered just as your unselfish integrity which stood its ground against the likes of adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

A most zestful public servant, your trails, life and professional career, Officer Cook, was abounding with honor, faith and the resilience of dignity and integrity. They all seized the opportunity to make Dade County upright in safety and security. You'll never be overlooked for diligence and virtue's valor. So much heart and soul sadly taken all too soon by one man's evil. Heaven has a most valued, principled and scrupled gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2021

Your best of friends were your smile, personality and honesty, Officer Cook and no doubt integrity, character and dignity followed you throughout your career pursuits and a life filled with happiness, peace and health. A shame that all ended suddenly by one man's deliberate actions of violence that took you from family, comrades and the world in general. Such hope and goodwill that Dade County witnessed by virtue of your feats of humility, heart and heroism to be commended, saluted and forevermore revered and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Impressions leave memories and memories though grief, sorrow and anguish trail close behind let's hope your loved ones can move forward with your legacy stamped to their hearts and prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2021

Noble and noted. Valued and devoted. Faithful, trustworthy and truthful. All your life and career,Officer Cook, every watch was exemplary and nothing less than your best of endeavors that created a lasting stability and genuine goodwill for Dade County to cherish and revere. A life of ideals and integrity all enriched and engaged in helping your comrades and those whom you were loyal to. Every channel, every avenue available to pursue harmony was exercised and nothing but boldness and civility was given to each unique set of circumstances to be paid their homage and saluted for desire and decency within your caring heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2021

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