Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The thunder of your tenacity, Officer Cook, pounded the pavements of justice, righteousness and resolve until your last breath, so sad and so somber. You were given an Inspector's Funeral where salutes of solemnness were given to a most regal and valiant gentleman of hope, faith and the articles of goodwill, honesty and everlasting wisdom, maturity and their partners of integrity and dignity all pressing their humility and character to address what our hearts and minds already knew. You were a consummate young man gifted, talented and forever blessed as an angel. Stability and serenity were not just handed down they were the works of a masterful public servant striving for an agenda of acumen, awareness and astuteness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are a very special and inspirational gentleman whose spirit slumbers in complete and perfect tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

The itinerary was instituted, incorporated and accentuated to the very letter in that your heroic honor, integrity and dignity was always focused and centered, Officer Cook, upon the goals of serving and in protecting the very folks of Dade County. Your home forevermore where your heart, soul and spirit rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such an outstanding job performing your tasks, assignments and basic responsibilities where danger,peril and turmoil are looking to confuse,confront and confound your goodwill and sense of direction and wisdom. The drums beat loud in heaven as an angel readies himself to walk his proverbial beat where nothing will ever harm you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

A warrior gifted and battle tested and whose sense of urgency captivated his community. A hero of humility with a heart and soul of reverence patrolling the roads for tranquility and the stability of happiness, health and propserity. You are missed by everyone, Officer Cook, family, friends and your entire Metro-Dade police Department as you were their rock of stability and strength uniting the world as only a man of character, commitment and trustworthiness would do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

A noble calling was the chosen profession and by attaining a humble status and level of expertise it was the decisions of the top brass, Officer Cook, that you would be chosen to lead other men and women through these sacred grounds of gallantry with a composed nature and always the maintenance of integrity, respect and dignity blossoming as you strove to create a renewed sense of fairness, truth and trust for humanity. Of course a humble heart and soul are that nucleus where you engaged the citizens in faithful, thoughtful and resourceful communication. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,let us ponder and try to fathom why Our Creator needed your spirit at such a young and tender age.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

Thankfully your gravestone and grass around it were clear and looked like someone recently cut it, Officer Cook. The burial spot of a devoted and dedicated hero of valor and vision must be free of obstacles as was your care, care and consideration just as your honor, dignity and integrity. They all balanced one another out while patrolling the streets of Dade County. No higher calling than giving your treasured and esteemed life for your community and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

Enrichment, enhancement and endearment take effort, resiliency and the trusted and truthful character that can overcome a challenging dilemma. You uplifted mankind, Officer Cook, with such remarkable fortitude, ferocity and the integrity that calls dignity to participate in those seemingly unrelenting battles that Dade County had to fear. Your pursuits and missions were straightforward and forever loyal to a tee. Your comrades always trusted your sense of judgment, wisdom and maturity to be saluted for its valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

Your source of light powered your heart and soul, Officer Cook, to perform the Lord's goodwill on behalf of Dade County folks. Such honesty, humility and courage won't be overlooked nor forgotten. A man with a radiant resolve who fought and gave his life of conviction and character is the ultimate reason why you are being eternally rewarded and granted your humane status as an angel to soar and fly higher every second of your now heavenly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

Today God willing I'm going to visit your grave, Officer Cook, offer a solemn salute to a well spoken, honored Dade County hero. Forty-two years ago your character, integrity and dignity were ripped from your blessed and loyal heart and soul. They will not be forgotten for their esteemed service and professional acumen, wisdom and vision. Keep watching over your family and friends,peers too along with your beloved parents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2021

When calamity befalls a community then it's the onus of the citizens to utilize their humility, honesty and respectful dignity and integrity to incorporate change. A new lease on life starts with those entrusted with the public's safety. You, Officer Cook, were one of the many excellent servants who was girded with strength and heart, blessings, a soul and character to help fulfill your heroic commitments to pride and truth. Dade County misses you as does your family and colleagues, yet because of your tireless energy abounding its security and liberty all came about precisely because wisdom,maturity and vision never suffered nor failed. Remembered and fondly saluted for bravery above and beyond what pure virtue and versatility meant to mankind's fruitful existence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your missions are carried on by those women and men with a sound mind and a mighty heart of steel, unbending and never giving up the battles, wars and fights on those dangerously narrow street corners.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

Civility and nobility are the companions that society adores. But, let us keep in our hearts and minds that without any directional compass of honesty,integrity and dignity, a man's character could be raised for questioning. No one had doubts, Officer Cook, that you would succeed and accomplish, yet no one ever thought your life and career would sadly end on May 16, 1979 due to another man's wanton disrespect and such vile and callous behavior toward authority and his fellow neighbors. Reverence, sanctity and humility of both your soul and heart will be duly honored and saluted for their unwavering virtue and diligence afforded mankind to be solemnly remembered for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

To your colleagues who survived such a brutally sad day may you have good days and years of health, peace and the prosperity of knowing your fallen comrade, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664 won't be forgotten. A most honored and yet remarkable gentleman who brought his every effort into making Dade County secure and uplifting vitality. Dignity,integrity and character all crusading for a purpose, to make humanity at ease and at rest from such strife and serious trouble. We the people salute your valor and affirm to make every moment count. You will forever be honored,blessed and treasured by your family,peers and friends for your undying trails of trust and truth now angelically united as one under your soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

That bomb went off that horrific day and you answered the call, Officer Cook. Your response was swift and to the point endeavoring to stop Mr.Pearsall from harming the citizens and creating more trouble than he was already in for shooting your colleagues and the same in tragically taking your life while in performance of your official duties. Dade County was the yardstick of your undivided attention to honesty, respectful dignity and integrity that accentuated every patrol you undertook while you were a loyal comrade,a soldier on a mission to enhance and to uplift truth, trust and whatever positive virtues could become of your duly vigilant directions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

Feats of human endurance are such but better a man's welcome and humane honor, dignity and integrity fortifying his community. Your attitude, Officer Cook, was displayed daily and it only reinforced and demonstrated without any doubt your esteemed value and reliability toward making Dade County peaceful and safer again. You'll never be forgotten for having the acumen, wisdom and vision to see truth and trust while attempting to weed out unwelcome evil and violence. Badge#1664 was about results,resolve and never relinquishing resiliency. You never ran nor gave up hope. Police work is a buzz saw of the most consequences that circumstances can dictate. Goodwill,devotion and tireless effort from your heart and soul never was more transparent that day never losing sight on your missions clearly at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

Society shifts. Humanity hunches. Mankind meanders. From where can valor, versatility and virtue enter? Which side can a righteous servant's honor, dignity and integrity stand unified to fight evil, terror and any other such adversities? You stood proud yet humble, Officer Cook, right here in Dade County where your heroic legacy stands forever among other heroes and heroines tireless in their passions and proficient in their professional details where their trials and trails may never grow cold nor be detached from their principal objectives. Yes, the patrols down here continue as your resourceful soul observes them giving their every ounce of labor and heart to restore the goodwill, hope and sincerity of our world. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

Yesterday, our precious son, Joshua had his twenty-fourth birthday. He can be a little rebellious at times but he is a good natured young man. seeing him grow up before our very eyes just as you did in front of your beloved folks may they rest in peace along their darling and heroic son, my neighbor, friend and hero. The preservation of Dade County came from your most inspiring heart and soul, devoted and fiercely loyal and cherished. Your steadfast dedication created bonds and goodwill for humanity not to overlook yet as your spirit hovers over your loved ones,friends and comrades of the past, it's found in your unassuming and unselfish character that commanded respect and the trust and truth that never will be tarnished. God has a truly remarkable angel and now together with your parents cradled together for everlasting safekeeping until your other loved ones see you again when then missions are deemed as completed. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

Tomorrow, Officer Cook will be a somber and solemn day of remembrance for your heroic and honorable heart and soul. They gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep Dade County citizens, forty-two years ago to provide safety and security. Such a humble man, still so young and forever a gentleman of grace,virtue and gallantry among your tireless and energetic integrity,dignity and character all surrounding your sacred earthly journeys never to be forgotten and eternally loyal to your comrades. Time moves on, it surely has all these four plus decades after such a distinctive career headed for more success if not for a violently wayward, heinous and wanton man of no respect, nothing that constitutes goodwill,trust and faithfulness that you, Officer Cook, maintained your entire life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2021

You graced mankind for a short twenty-five years, Officer Cook. History will forever reveal you to be a loyal and devoted officer,honest and noble, dependable and with a quiet integrity, reverence and character that captured dignity's eyes and ears that preserved the quality of life here in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

A bowl of bravery, boldness and vigilance all served up with honesty,dignity and integrity, all thoughtful and confident. Dade County had a most remarkable man protecting them in yourself, Officer Cook. You are to be commended and saluted for your unselfish and tireless actions not just on May 16, 1979, everyday you were here and you made your parents,wife and sister very pride of you forevermore. Society is greatly indebted to you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

A hero whose life and career of accomplishment was legendary and yet intuitive. Dade County won't forget you, Officer Cook, not after what you began nearly fifty years ago. A faithful, resourceful and hopeful young man fighting our battles to defend our liberties with all your dignified heart, soul and integrity of a strong character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God will shine His blessings and rewards upon your virtual spirit of bravery and enrichment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

The vapor of vile people only accentuates more evil. You perpetuated, Officer Cook, heroic actions of honor,heart and the spirit of what integrity, respect and dignity represent. Dade County needed peace and order your faithfulness and respect granted them that lease on life. Sacred passions and positive responses. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

You can lead as long as your personality is genuinely humble, humane and of sterling honor. You led, Officer Cook,by being dignified and having morals, mettle and all the integrity that gave Dade County a chance to live through adversity, though your spirit abounds in heaven, humanity misses your kind heart and wise soul of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

A humble heart can surely enhance one's true of honor, integrity and dignity which you forever had, Officer Cook. Dade County, your family and peers of loyalty can remember their colleague and loved one for heroism and character that dictated your dedication, determination and devotion. Trusted and esteemed, heaven has a special angel of virtue and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2021

Never a wavering doubt, never a second of reservation, hesitation or anything to prevent you from performing your duly assigned onuses, Officer Cook. You took to honesty, dignity and integrity and with a humble and blessed character you set out to restore law and order in and around Dade County where its residents were hopeful and safe. Heroic and humane, humility and heart working around the fringes of your sweet and special soul of appreciation. A real proud man, a gentleman and loyal forevermore to your family, beloved Karen and your department. A bond of friendship never undone even though evil took your sacred life and sadly concluded your earthly missions on behalf of mankind. You'll always be your family's adored angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Godsends are gifts to this world and should be afforded the utmost reverence, gratitude and courtesy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

Twenty-five years of self sacrifice and honored esteem, the loyalty of a grateful community, Dade County where you answered the bell of bravery, boldness and mettle, Officer Cook, to deliver a heartful support to where the volumes of dignity, integrity and wisdom would ring loud and clear. Heaven's gates have their supporter of serenity and virtue balanced around their pistons of perseverance and effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

We live and hope to learn. We shall not forget your heroism, honor and mighty brave soul and heart, Officer Cook. Energetic and unselfish, your character, commitment and convictions were all virtue, valued and versatile as they saved the folks of Dade County from more impending tragedy. Such an amazing young man gone too soon but always warmly thought of and received as an angel in heaven. Humility and vigilance all doing their responsible roles to maintain the strictest confidence in truth, trust in law and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2021

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