Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The nightmares of this seemingly never ending violence have cast some reservations over whether our venues where we roam, play and work will forever be secure again. Those measures were dealt with by a gentleman of gallantry whose heroic actions honored and reverent will always be solemnly remembered as loyal, dignified and with more than a transfusion of integrity. Dade County will keep its nobility and sacred thoughts upon badge#1664 and yourself, Officer Cook, decent, deliberate and most accountable. Virtue and vision keeping the eyes and ears upon maturity and the wisdom you lived by on and off your job. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2021
The ropes of resiliency and resolve stretched far and wide and were available for all citizens of Dade County to firmly take hold of. The world and your family have dearly and deeply missed your spirit of adventure and a heart warm with a glowing sense of pride. The security and safe travels were created exactly because of your heroism as it gently touched the wings of humanity with its honor, dignity and integrity squaring off against adversity, Officer Cook. Forever a man and a legend whose character and trust built the future paths to more tranquility blanketing your treasured community where you were raised, grew up and became a solid citizen and a first class public servant preserving our freedoms and liberties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2021
Joy to your family and happiness for mankind was your career and life of dedication, determination and steadfast devotion, Officer Cook, as you heroically, honorably and humanely served and protected the streets of Dade County. You were an angel to both your family and comrades never forgotten for being cherished, dignified, loyal and esteemed. The mandates of mettle, morals and integrity coming from your beloved heart and valiant soul served as the respectful character, sacred commitments to pride and excellence and the truthful and trustworthy convictions that enriched and broadened our serenity, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You should still be alive today, Officer Cook, retired and sharing the many lessons from hours upon hours of diligent toil, training and patience demonstrated and displayed in a most hazardous profession.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 22, 2021
Hope and devotion are faith's antidotes to violence. You prevented much worse that day, Officer Cook, simply by responding to that fateful call. Such vision, wisdom and valor won't be forgotten and Dade County can live the way they do because of heroes so esteemed as you were. Honor, dignity and integrity never got to your head as you were cool, calm and composed while patrolling your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust build commitment, conviction and resourceful character.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
Hello with a smile but unfortunately there was no goodbyes because of one man's tragic evil carried out against you, Officer Cook. You sure were a loyal buddy to your partners and colleagues, your family has continued your legacy of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County won't forget your respect, character and trust sincere and all from your caring heart and soul of virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel who have soared forever up in those glorious pastures of perfection and pristine valor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
Violence and wickedness must be cut off from society that demands and expects to live a freely peaceful life. Peace and togetherness were arranged by your tireless energy and most unselfish devotion, Officer Cook, to Dade County residents. They received effort, heart and soul along with unwavering dignity, reverence and the integrity to battle through adversity. With class, decency and full dedication all your missions of goodwill, hope and faithfulness was carried out to the letter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
One who concedes to perjury only further disrespects nature's gentle balances of what we conceive as honest, dignified and something filled with vehicles of integrity. You maintained a sensitive balance of boldness, bravery and the heart that helped to repair Dade County from the evil that threatened the citizens' lives, Officer Cook. A hero of sanctity and civility patrolling his community with all his reliable resources of acumen, wisdom and the clarity of vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
Those lifeguards in the skies above are securing God's eternal gates of honor, valor and virtue sure enough with hearts and souls intensified with the values and principles of dignity, commitment and honesty. Your outstanding career and life, Officer Cook, all versatile and all heroic accounting for your loyalty, esteem and solemn trails of trust and truth voyaging around Dade County. A man and a gentleman to be fondly saluted for his roles of sacred journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The angels above are forevermore humane and valued.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
The wise, the honorable and heroically trusted public servants are never to be forgotten nor overlooked for their dignity and integrity. Your upstanding and enriching character, Officer Cook, will forever be solemnly remembered for service to Dade County. The badge and uniform your donned was built upon the structures of virtue, versatility and due vigilance. Our King watches over you, your heart and soul of humble distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity and safe harbors were always provided by a truly loyal and true warrior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 21, 2021
Karen has never forgotten her sweetheart husband so treasured, heroic and humbly adored by everyone. Dade County has never forsaken you, Officer Cook, your name remains forever blessed, rewarded and all angelic. Our virtues, versatility and visions have come to pass because a great man stayed on top of his professional acumen, awareness and astuteness. Dignity, wisdom and respect never took a backseat to anybody. Badge#1664 was about truth,trust and gathering those leaves of learning and integrity which took the battles back to adversity. You channel your compassion, heart and soul where they can employ their unrelenting energy and you'll see the fruition of your labors of valor,civility and where nobility meets society at the end of the tunnels of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
The grandest of plans, yet the Lord decides certain events not in our very control. Yet, your courage, honesty and integrity all were stellar, sterling and passionate,dignified beyond the letters of the law and so was truth and trustworthiness. You were the consummate man of heart,soul and vigilance, Officer Cook, as you searched every spot for crime while pursuing peace and security for our neighborhoods. Ignorance is no excuse and you were a bright young man. The man who took your life was more than disturbed and ignorant. He never learned the definitions of dedication, determination only what disrespect and diabolical can do to unhinge people seeking quiet and sacred lives. Never forgotten and saluted for humanity's charm and charisma. Your smile will always be revered and always so humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
You were the breath of ingenuity, integrity and tireless commitment. Unselfish, undying and unwavering all struck a chord here in Dade County, Officer Cook and where your heroic actions shined like never before. The citizens have some harmony, some freedom and happiness to cherish all because of your decency, desire and devotion to duty and its responsibilities to assist the public. The evil remains, the terror still never seems to relent with your bravery and eternal truth and trust maybe one day goodwill and inspirations can take better hold here on earth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
A smidge of seriousness and a sensation for doing what is proper and prudent, surely Our Lord has been watching over you, Officer Cook and your soul, heart and spirit of admiration and grateful appreciation. Dade County and the entire police nation has continued paying honor and tributes to a real gentleman who spent his life and career uplifting, enriching and enhancing his very own community with dignity,character and integrity so wise, visionary and way above the crowd in maturity. Tranquility and hope can stand tall and prideful. Your built an everlasting bridge to a sounder future just wished God let you live to witness your scruples, virtues and ideals taking form. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
The bread you earn is the heart and soul of your earthly functions where its reasons, causes and purposes abound and seem never ending. A tall order for a man so honest,gifted and completely talented with tenacity, integrity and dignity coming from your heroic heart, Officer Cook. A Dade County legend whose faith , goodwill and hope more than helped you handle crime. A hero of versatility and valor to be saluted for displaying and demonstrating a rightful backbone of bravery and boldness that surrounded your loyalty and welcomed esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
One eagle flying higher. Many angels soaring forever in God's nests of heroism, honor and humility. Your heart and soul worked their hardest, Officer Cook, to spread a semblance and a balance of pea and, unity and happiness within Dade County. You'll be revered, respected and admired for loyalty, dignity and the fairness that integrity can usher in. Resolute and resourceful, it was pride and meaning that lead your sacred journeys and missions on behalf of mankind which misses you as deeply as your family does. Humbleness and virtue blessed, rewarded and eternally protected by Our Master Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 20, 2021
Mankind shares the losses of those who give their lives for a cause. Nobility and civility are all sanctity's roles of onus to be shared by all who serve and protect as you did quite supremely, Officer Cook. The serenity and goodwill Dade County folks experience was bounded by your faithfulness and missions of honor, values and the very versatility of being dignified and loyal. Never more cherished and forever admired for building a belief in trusting a system of justice and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, conviction and ingenuity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
You always gave your every ounce of tireless energy and unselfish heart and soul to formulate freedom and peace for Dade County, Officer Cook. A smile and a handsome young man embracing and engaging humanity through humbleness, courtesy and esteem. Today your honor, integrity and dignity are perpetuated by your colleagues of the future who walk those very same paths of trust, truth and righteousness as you did over forty plus years ago. Things are different and will never be the same since Our Maker called your spirit home to guard His gates of valor and pristine virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
Perfection cannot be duplicated here. Heaven is where the strides of courage, candor and charm can sincerely walk as one. The soul of an angel with a golden heart walked gently through the roads of Dade County bringing honor,class and resolve to a community looking for some semblance of law and order. Officer Cook, you were and always will be your family's hero, their knight in shining armor so replete with accountability and reliability to accomplish the challenges that lied ahead. Violence took a beautiful human being from society that still grieves at your loss as your family pursues your purposes and happiness that you too lived for and for supporting your beloved Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Loyalty, reverence and diligence are a constant source of practicality.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
Take notes but be careful in doing so. Fate and destiny travel together leading us to our purposes in life and for most during their chosen endeavors. You chose to become a public servant, Officer Cook and in doing so lead others through peril here in Dade County. A gentleman's self worth was his humility and strength of heart and respect. That you gained through your years of experience. The streets are marked with danger and only a sacred journey through them is forever your legacy to be studied and utilized as a tool of learning for other brave souls to follow in. The trails can be tricky yet the paths can be ones of perseverance and virtue. Always an angel who graced this world and delivered pride to his family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
A badge of bravery and a uniform of boldness held out the hopes and dreams of those wanting harmony here in Dade County. It was authored by a man of noble and humble distinction, the hero in your heart and soul, Officer Cook, was always dependable, faithful and most resourceful. Never an absence of integrity, honesty and dignity which held their own against evil and violence. You were durable, capable and very adept at your roles and shall be so honored by mankind forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations spread far and wide advancing your most passionate achievements.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
The cold and heinous, their acts of brazenness only lead to worse calamities. You spared Dade County much worse adversity, Officer Cook, because of your precise humility, heroic honor and composed dignity and integrity all circumventing at least attempting to do such. Excellent character, outstanding commitments to pride, goodwill and hope along with both a truthful and trustworthy heart and soul saluted for their sanctity and versatility, virtue and vision, wisdom and maturity that forever will be treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 19, 2021
Capturing callousness. Conquering evil. Courageous and well mannered. So sincere and always with a gentle and warm smile. You are going to be forever honored and solemnly saluted, Officer Cook, for your heroism, humility toward humanity and the visions that dictated your acumen and its virtuous wisdom. Dade County won't forget your heart and soul fighting fighting with every ounce of energy and tireless character to construct goodwill and trust for all society. If reverence and respect fly out of the door trouble was come brewing. A good man, a devoted public servant gone way too early with more left for your family to accomplish carrying that baton of boldness with pride, joy and virtue following behind sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 18, 2021
The puzzles keep coming, hopefully one day real shortly the pieces will finally fit together. Violence, terror and evil must be eliminated for good. Goodwill, peace and a renewal of mass proportions will occur. Patrolling Dade County kept your heart, soul and brain occupied for hours on end, Officer Cook, forever your family, police family and a whole plethora of genuine friends from around our country their hero. Your dignity, integrity and respectful character were paid the highest homage for now you can sleep peacefully under the Lord's shelters of wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, vigilance and versatility can only enrich they cannot be tarnished nor ever tainted. You paid the ultimate price for our security never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 18, 2021
One coal stokes a fire, but your ferocity and honor stoked many flames of passion. Such compassion and consideration, Officer Cook, opened many doors and avenues for Dade County residents to travel through. The hero of humbleness and dignified life and a zestful career understanding your roles and obligations to uplift our happiness and prosperity won't be overlooked. A man of youth and yearning pouring your entire repertoire into the battles of adversity, nothing is forgotten. Each moment was sacred and for all your earthly missions on mankind's behalf may Our Lord watch over your spirit that He rewards and blesses for fortitude and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 18, 2021
A reminder is to allow our thought process to channel its intuitions into reality. The thoughts of you, Officer Cook, giving your heroic life everyday must not be clouded. There was no reluctance to go to that scene that day even though you were not required to because Officers Digenova and Edgerton were assigned that situation. The circumstances changed and oh how they changed. Badge#1664 was all humility, honor and heart with a captivating soul of bravery that conducted its affairs on behalf of Dade County unselfishly enriching, enhancing and engaging. Such was your charming personality and wise versatility. Virtue and diligence accentuated to the letter of both trust and truth forevermore saluted and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 18, 2021