Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The cold and heinous, their acts of brazenness only lead to worse calamities. You spared Dade County much worse adversity, Officer Cook, because of your precise humility, heroic honor and composed dignity and integrity all circumventing at least attempting to do such. Excellent character, outstanding commitments to pride, goodwill and hope along with both a truthful and trustworthy heart and soul saluted for their sanctity and versatility, virtue and vision, wisdom and maturity that forever will be treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2021

Capturing callousness. Conquering evil. Courageous and well mannered. So sincere and always with a gentle and warm smile. You are going to be forever honored and solemnly saluted, Officer Cook, for your heroism, humility toward humanity and the visions that dictated your acumen and its virtuous wisdom. Dade County won't forget your heart and soul fighting fighting with every ounce of energy and tireless character to construct goodwill and trust for all society. If reverence and respect fly out of the door trouble was come brewing. A good man, a devoted public servant gone way too early with more left for your family to accomplish carrying that baton of boldness with pride, joy and virtue following behind sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

The puzzles keep coming, hopefully one day real shortly the pieces will finally fit together. Violence, terror and evil must be eliminated for good. Goodwill, peace and a renewal of mass proportions will occur. Patrolling Dade County kept your heart, soul and brain occupied for hours on end, Officer Cook, forever your family, police family and a whole plethora of genuine friends from around our country their hero. Your dignity, integrity and respectful character were paid the highest homage for now you can sleep peacefully under the Lord's shelters of wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, vigilance and versatility can only enrich they cannot be tarnished nor ever tainted. You paid the ultimate price for our security never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

One coal stokes a fire, but your ferocity and honor stoked many flames of passion. Such compassion and consideration, Officer Cook, opened many doors and avenues for Dade County residents to travel through. The hero of humbleness and dignified life and a zestful career understanding your roles and obligations to uplift our happiness and prosperity won't be overlooked. A man of youth and yearning pouring your entire repertoire into the battles of adversity, nothing is forgotten. Each moment was sacred and for all your earthly missions on mankind's behalf may Our Lord watch over your spirit that He rewards and blesses for fortitude and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

A reminder is to allow our thought process to channel its intuitions into reality. The thoughts of you, Officer Cook, giving your heroic life everyday must not be clouded. There was no reluctance to go to that scene that day even though you were not required to because Officers Digenova and Edgerton were assigned that situation. The circumstances changed and oh how they changed. Badge#1664 was all humility, honor and heart with a captivating soul of bravery that conducted its affairs on behalf of Dade County unselfishly enriching, enhancing and engaging. Such was your charming personality and wise versatility. Virtue and diligence accentuated to the letter of both trust and truth forevermore saluted and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

Problems mount and when they multiply, mettle, morals and meaningful determination must be applied as like coats of paint. You persevered and tried your hardest, Officer Cook, to get that evil man to stop his violence against his girlfriend, your comrades who were nearly killed and those residents of Dade County injured by his rants and rage. Your very life, your very heart and soul were instruments of the highest level of integrity, dignity and honesty all used for the heavenly sake of peace. Character, humility and virtue were sacrificed to uplift a community which cherished and greatly admired you, Officer Cook, so beloved and dearly missed by your family and peers. Justice, truth and trust shall not be stripped of their meaning. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

Never forget the heart and soul of a mighty trusted warrior. It was his humane life of service, devotion and dedication that created the directional signals of goodwill, hope and faithfulness throughout Dade County. Your esteem, humility and excellent character and sound commitments, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse into our senses of serenity and safety. An angel saluted for valor and virtue wrapped around the ventures of versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2021

Calling all personnel daring enough to act as humble and honest angels of distinction. Valor and vigilance team up with courage, versatility and surely a heart and a soul of virtue which you, Officer Cook, steadfastly maintained your entire life and you never disappointed your parents nor the people of Dade County. You were that lifeline of spirit, principles and the present endeavor that carried your heroic days, weeks, months and years fulfilling the dignity of Our Master who forever blesses your sweet and wonderful spirit of adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

You punish the wrongdoing. You reward the righteous and you cherish your modest position even with difficult and sometimes complex roles and assignments at hand. You relished your responsibility, dependability, reliability and accountability, Officer Cook, all while making sure the folks of Dade County were at ease and living their lives in tranquility. Truth, faith and goodwill travel with the packs of integrity, dignity and heroic intellect making your life and career one to be saluted for its humble legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

There are certain events, things that take time. To adjust and to acclimate also take time just not too much when violence and evil are surveying the spots to attack the public that chooses decency and freedom over anything else. You were dignified and composed at all times during times of agony and anguish, yet character, calmness and integrity both punctuated and accentuated your very broad pathways of perseverance, truth and trust. Humbleness now fortified and blessed by Our Creator above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

Born to be a Godsend so humbly talented and humanely heroic, your years though short, Officer Cook, were filled with acumen, wisdom and the always present maturity and integrity. The streets you patrolled here in Dade County were blessed with a soul and a heart so revered and trusted. Only the truth and common sense that has expanded our very horizons. Humanity misses you as does your adoring family and treasured colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

The tiara of tenacity was worn proudly, heroically and with an earnest and richly humane honor. Your career and life, Officer Cook, provided the essential safe trails and secure roads for all to travel on. Surely a heart and soul of humility that was dignified and forever filled with the fields of integrity. You were the consummate and well respected and well rounded public servant to be saluted for bravery, civility and your actions of noble enrichment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

With a mighty heroic and honorable heart and soul, Officer Cook, were you able to carry out your duties on behalf of Dade County. Certainly integrity, wisdom and dignity always stay focused on the tasks at hand conquering evil and wickedness. You are an angel of humility and charm always smiling and humbly reserved. Such fortitude has been cherished, blessed and nobly rewarded as you are saluted for bravery and championing the causes of tranquility and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2021

Always a hearty laugh, a smile of ingenuity and some wise words of sage counsel and advice. Dade County could certainly use some cheerful piece of mind now. You were a man on a mission, an earthly journey to right a ship where tension and domestic unrest threatened an entire community. Officer Cook, your heroic life and career were banded together with sheets of integrity, respect and dignity all standing in harm's way to preserve, protect and defend our liberties. With justice, trust and truth your accentuations came true to form. A public servant so highly regarded and a gentleman of morals and the fabrics and fibers of principles and values worn proudly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

A smile and a good friend to all who knew you, Officer Cook. Such a happy and healthy young man gone way too early. Dade County had changed so much over the decades and still forever do they honor and salute your righteousness and fortitude. It changed the dynamics forevermore and with outstanding and uplifting engagement you'll never be out of sight or mind. Dignity,integrity and humility charged with breaking down obstructions and building newer bridges to a peaceful future. You should have been allowed my neighbor, friend and hero to witness these exciting times despite violence that robbed your soul and heart from your family, peers and friends. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

The calendar continues advancing forward without a stoppage of time. Time never stands still. It's a hustle and bustle world out there and we expect instant gratification. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Your humble, honored and pious life, Officer Cook, was filled with many moments even for the twenty-five relatively short years Our Lord granted your heart and soul on this earth. You cared deeply for your family and enjoyed your occupation knowing the risks involved. Your colleagues have never overlooked nor forgotten your quiet dignity,integrity and intuitive character so true and trustworthy. Forever loyal, instinctual and virtuous beyond your wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

In every walk of life respect, honesty and dignity must be forthright. Your integrity, commitment and convictions, Officer Cook, have long since stood as the measuring points for one's perseverance and effort put forth. Dade County was the focal point of your life, career and professional business where danger, peril and evil lurks constantly. Badge#1664 was reverent,cherished and humble without any doubts nor hesitation. Wisdom, vision and maturity were gifts given to you, Officer Cook and you solely utilized them to make an impression forever saluted and etched within your family's minds, hearts and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

Heroes and heroines are those angels of valor tough as nails with hearts and souls of passion, honesty and unwavering humility. You must channel your hopes, goodwill and faith where it will have its greatest affect. Yours, Officer Cook, was spread far and wide through the roads, streets and corners of Dade County where its citizens have felt those foundations of your ferocity being built. God has a gentleman of integrity,truth and trust roaming above protecting and watching over his loved ones and those willing men and women who have succeeded you. Their resolve, heart and souls must keep up with the burdens, onuses and accountability placed on their shoulders of serenity and humble courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

Police confront the heat of the battle everyday. Every second of their lives and careers where honesty, diligence and their unselfishly tireless vigilance stands front and center. Dade County was certainly make safer though a bit less now that you are an angel in heaven, Officer Cook. Your skills aptitude and acumen all fit the pieces of dignity, integrity and excellent character making their daily patrols around your community where you are forever saluted, honored and legendary for your heroic actions not just on May 16, 1979, but every watch. Sacred, sound and serene. Our happiness has come because of your humane sacrifice, humanity surely treasures your esteem, loyalty and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2021

Being tardy when trouble erupts only produces more fire for evil to rage onward. Going forward and being in command of your faculties, Officer Cook, served you and the people of Dade County well. The impact of integrity, honesty and the virtues of dignity instituted the hope, the freedom and the goodwill expected. The Lord must have needed your spirit of heroic actions more up there, always sad as your family too needed you and your smile, laugh and charming personality, all conventional wisdom, vision and that important word, maturity. Way above the crowd. You had your respect for your superiors and your colleagues had great admiration for you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

No one takes kindly to terror and turmoil. No one should have to endure evil and wickedness. All communities including Dade County deserve to live freely, peacefully and have a stable environment. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, delivered, provided and distributed the more than ample means of this. Never a better man, a gentleman with a heart and soul of diligence and the capability of virtue and wisdom. Police work challenges those women and men who willingly want to perform such dangerous and perilous tasks, assignments whatever is called for. Your strength and character were sterling, trusted and so truthful, such resourcefulness and faithfulness understanding their roles of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

Your soul of toil, your heart of heroism and your spirit of adventure, Officer Cook, all make up the meaning of life and a career of yearning, learning and purpose. Maturity, wisdom and vision accentuated your perpetual motions in and around Dade County Officer, Cook. No public servant is above reproach and yet your service, kindness and humility were surely above and they went beyond the calls od duty, desire and determination. Integrity, dignity and respect must summon the courage, the passion to prevail when all else may seem gloomy and sad. Sacrificing your life for your friends will be your legacy upon which the pillars of perseverance, proficiency and virtue stand tall forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

The sweet sound of silence forever fills our air though lately some communities around our country are experiencing a greater sound of gunfire and unspeakable violence. You sought to remedy the evil that afflicted Dade County's folks, Officer Cook, just by being composed, concerned and as calm under such duress. How you lived your life, heroically and with poise,dignity and a heart of integrity is how your family, comrades and friends will always honor your blessed name and spirit by. The wings you have donned have that extra virtue and versatility blessing your every movement with God steering your eternal efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

A gut check tells us your honesty, fortitude and deserving honors only a hero of a man shall forever receive. Cherished, respected, reliable and most able, your years of making and enriching Dade County, Officer Cook, will always be remembered and solemnly saluted and humbly admired. Ingenuity is the key that opened the doors of dignity,integrity and sacred missions of which your unselfishly undertook to make a distinct impression to last for eternity. Such a warm and welcoming heart and soul that Our Creator now watches over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

Experience is the greatest teacher and the lessons amassed are priceless. You taught others, Officer Cook, by virtue of being honest, dedicated and heroically humane. Dade County won't forget your life and career all six short years of countless effort, a tireless heart and soul determined to fight and battle for our peace and stability. The dignity, character and integrity are all patrolling the gates of God's perfect venue where angels of valor soar. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2021

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