Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Got to shake those cobwebs off of us. You maintained vigilance and diligence over your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, in a most reverent and determined fashion. Honesty and humility from a heart gifted by Our Creator to a heroically engaging young man taken down by evil way too soon. Your courtesies and courage my neighbor, friend and hero all tackling terror while keeping dignity, integrity and character while being most trusted and truthful. You delved into being a blanket of bravery and boldness thus building a core foundation for a safer future one better served if you were here today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2021

So clear and so wise, your humbleness and respect for mankind, Officer Cook, will be stoically honored forevermore. Dade County and its citizens were simply provided excellent service by a wonderful gentleman of both dignity and integrity. The violence still burns today and your soul heroically in heaven watches over those who have taken over your watch of virtue and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2021

Sage advice is to heed the words of the wise and visual. To listen to a man with character, class and all heart leading the way here in Dade County just as you precisely motivated others, Officer Cook. A hero of honor and inspiration commanding your colleagues under stress, duress and moments of violence. It strikes the notions of dignity, integrity and humility following your basic patrols of your community while serving your onuses willingly and in fulfilling your edicts to end evil and to promote tranquility for all humanity. They certainly miss you as does your adoring family. Humility, virtue, accountability and versatile and all diligent in their cherished paths. It's sad your journeys had to end that terrible day of May 16, 1979 with more left to accomplish. The world saw twenty-five years of shining greatness indulging the pangs of civility with noble actions of never ending energy and unselfish tireless enthusiasm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2021

Compliance is that appliance to safe journeys and missions of young and old that enable us to live with thought and intuition. Your integrity, dignity and honesty prevailed in Dade County, Officer Cook, where your heroic actions saved more than a few souls. Unselfish, undying and uplifting the weights off of humanity's broadest of shoulders. Burdens are never simple, routine nor mundane. You kept pace and demonstrated true vigilance,virtue and allegiance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

Silence is that sliver of hope and fairness that makes society go around. Everything considerate, caring, concerned and calculated, Officer Cook, such a gentleman and a good son, brother and husband. Life is hard enough to ponder at times and it's when each and every moment must be measured and used rightfully. You kept the trains of tenacity, heart and soul moving forward with dignity, integrity and the humbleness of trusted character to be revered and solemnly paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

Success and acumen breed only the nobility of honesty's gentle wings. Wings of mankind that was etched in integrity, ingenuity and dignity, Officer Cook, all heroic in giving Dade County back its goodwill, hope and faithfulness to withstand any advances of evil. Adversity handled properly and promptly by a true professional servant of mind and heart. The heavens are safer because of your perfectly fitted angel's wings, Officer Cook. Serenity and civility all reaching out to their neighbors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

A true warrior unafraid to face reality smack dab in the chin. Your crusades, Officer Cook, were just the genesis of things all welcoming and warm yet to come. Dignity, integrity, honesty and character all true and respectful, your searches for serenity brought comfort and humility to the valid salvation of society yearning for a piece of happiness, health and liberty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of Dade County for unlocking those foundations to a united tomorrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

Sadly, my neighbor, friend and hero you departed this world forty-two years ago because of violence perpetrated against you, Officer Cook, your serene heart and dearly beloved and treasured soul. Dade County has not forgotten your virtuous dignity and versatile integrity all protecting us against the perils that lied down the roads that resolve must cross. Never a more esteemed and loyal friend to all and its humanity and your family that forever dearly misses your warming smile and adoring presense. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

A life filled with love and a career achieved by courage, conviction and commitment. It goes to the very heart and soul of your instrumental humility and honor, Officer Cook. You served Dade County was a blessed might and tireless energy abounding in your dignity and integrity which policed the streets with unselfish and unwavering acumen, wisdom and maturity to be nobly saluted and solemnly remembered for trusted character and truthful fruitions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2021

Your hopes may have been dashed and destroyed by a truly evil man, Officer Cook, heroism and honor will forever live on in your family's hearts, souls and their pursuits of peace and happiness just as you sought out for Dade County. Integrity, reverence and dignity to be saluted and completely treasured for eternity. So young and vibrant, your unselfish and tireless endeavors were just beginning to touch the cuspids of courage and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2021

Such a wonderful young man achieving his dreams of valor and virtue becoming a legendary servant whose honor and heroic actions will never be overlooked. Your trails and routes, Officer Cook, were marked with distinction, dignity and integrity all preserving the crisp image of Dade County's people. Character, commitment to excellence and pride in a badge and uniform of trusted and truly cherished convictions. God has your soul and spirit with your heart of civility and sacred missions circling over your loved ones and peers from the past who have saluted your bravery and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2021

Trust and truth are the peanut butter and jelly of what honesty is to dignity and integrity. You stayed loyal and respectful to your family, department and friends, Officer Cook and heroism you displayed on May 16, 1979 won't be forgotten. Dade County was under your heart and soul of humility, humanity steering your pathways with Our Creator's directional signals. Peace and hope, goodwill and resolve always giving top notch service and humane dedication to all duties that called for your assistance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2021

So true to your affirmations of acumen, awareness and the allegiances of honor, virtue and so candid and charming. Not only your beautiful smile, your heart and soul of versatility, Officer Cook, are all missed very much. Heaven has a prince of character, class and virtue guarding His gates of perfection. Dade County was your venue of opportunity never lost among its people. The years have flown by and the decades just seem to fly by just as swiftly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect breeds vigilance and with your trusted and true diligence the streets are kept a little safer though they would be much more if you were here to assist. I know you have done a tremendous job of helping Our Lord keep His spirited flock of angels together.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

The ship has left the ports of perseverance, proficiency and professionalism. You gave your entire repertoire of resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency, Officer Cook, as a Dade County hero and a legend to all who knew you, your family and honor, bravery, reverence and the sole purposes of what being dignified and having integrity can do when adversity strikes home. Always saluted, treasured and fondly remembered for being a class gentleman with a heart and soul of inspirational learning. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

You dug in and fought, battled and toiled tooth and nail, Officer Cook, for a semblance of harmony for your pride and happiness here in Dade County and you forever are missed beyond any words. Your career and life was upbeat, positive and most sincerely cherished. Those days are long gone but the hopes and dreams of others who protect and serve still leans upon your towers of tenacity and the humble bloodlines of honesty, integrity and dignity all poured into creating a forever bond of relevance. A heart and soul angels together patrolling the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

What a servant and what earthly missions you willingly undertook, Officer Cook, to make Dade County more peaceful and functionally upright. Heroism is the root of integrity, dignity and honesty, it all goes to one's unassuming character, truth and respect for humanity and with your heart and soul worked their sacred chapters of courage and commitment the jobs and tasks were all handled with a sense of goodwill, hope and faithfulness loyally clinging to every symbol and stroke of your wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

Sanctity, humanity and serenity belong in humanity's guide books for a sounder and more tranquil future. One, Officer Cook, you should have been allowed to be an integral part of. You will always be your family and department's hero for brokering goodwill, honesty and ingenuity among Dade County's residents. A man on a journey of vision and wisdom, maturity beyond your years of excellence and humbleness chasing after what your heart and soul of society yearned for. You'll always be accounted for as an angel now in heaven watching over those pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

A beloved and bold young man venturing out into Dade County to pursue his chosen field of dreams. Yet, the profession you aspired to become, Officer Cook, had its perilous times, moments of evil and that awful day when you gave your life and career serves now as a heroic legacy built on the very foundations of honor, integrity and dignity all circling around your outstanding character, staunch commitments and trusted convictions of truth and humility. Your heart and soul are forevermore tucked away for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2021

You left your heroic heart and soul on those perilous streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, for honor, bravery and all the respect you carried in the words and humble actions of integrity, dignity and character always well meaninful and now as an angel everything is perfect. Your wings are made for you to fly higher as a sacred public servant whose humility is our forever lasting safety and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2021

Brave and dignified, you'll always be solemnly and humbly saluted, Officer Cook, for service to all Dade . A man of character and heart with honor and integrity in his soul of humility. Sacred patrols for peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust keep heaven's gates forever open.County

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2021

Faith can seemingly never lead one astray so long as humility, honesty and integrity support the humane touch of dignity. Dade County was well provided for and had its tranquility and freedom so long as your convictions, commitments to pride and character, Officer Cook, stayed loyal to each other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sacred journeys ended way too soon nevertheless achievement and fulfillment were carried out to the exact letter of the law.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2021

Eternity is where angels flock together patrolling the gates of gladness, gallantry and gumption. Pure energy from your heart and a soul filled with dignity that followed the trails of both truth and trust to create that forever bond here in Dade County. For service and a smile that meant discipline and business, Officer Cook, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2021

No bows needed just bold and tireless bravery demonstrated daily here in Dade County. You are forever a warrior and your family and department's hero, Officer Cook. Dignity and integrity strolled side by side with ingenuity and intuition. Peace and quiet came to pass because of a great man with heart and soul vigilantly protecting his home community where respect and resolve crossed those bridges of esteem, loyalty and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2021

Mastering your morals and mettle can be hard for some but for you, Officer Cook, you kept your sacred truth and trust close to your heart and soul. A Dade County who was the epitome of virtue and valor while staying dignified, honest and with integrity from your outstanding character which put out the fierce fires of evil never to be forgotten. You are to be saluted for humility and caring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2021

It takes much training to properly scrutinize each and every situation that comes forth. You placed Dade County, Officer Cook, in good hands of other brave and dignified public servants who have succeeded you. A tough and difficult assignment but with integrity,character and all the trust, heart and soul you maintained, serenity and safety shall be everlasting. A loyal and most faithful servant taken before his time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2021

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