Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Surveillance can lead to safety and security, but it must be fueled by a passion and of course sure honesty,humbly,loyal and esteemed. You possessed the circle of gallantry, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, that certainly created a bond and blessings for all Dade County. The folks who lived there during your time and still are alive and well living there saw a man who made that impression, so enriching, enhancing and so naturally engaging. All the support and genuine efforts poured into your works to created a safer haven for all of us and your adored family who forever carries the virtue and versatility of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

Your shield of heart, courage and humility, Officer Cook, made all the difference in how Dade County's residents could thrive and prosper. So determined, dedicated and devoted to your core roles of onus and only the outstanding job of loyally keeping honest,dignified and with a soul of integrity which lent itself to those wars and battles that needed to be fought. Every ounce of energy, reverence and virtue was accentuated in those sacred missions and none will ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2021

A consummate public servant does not just unload a person's groceries. They listen, think and invent ways to stay positive in all their actions of sanctity geared towards mankind making them more efficient and able to use their natural abilities to build upon their humble accomplishments. Success breeds success. Failure was not a word in your jargon, Officer Cook, as your attention to details never got sidetracked. Integrity, dignity and humbleness creating that bond of vision and wisdom for all here in Dade County where life and property mattered. Your investments my neighbor, friend and hero have been devoutly carried forward by your future peers of esteem and loyalty as does your beloved family take hold of your precious legacy. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

A foundation created is a fruition of your most fundamental purposes here in this world. The after life is the venue where God judges our very souls, hearts and spirits blessing and cherishing them before deliberating upon our rewards. You were a most admired man, Officer Cook, a gentleman way ahead of the gathering in maturity which was the basis of our integrity,dignity and honesty and for this our tranquility rested upon your shoulders of safe harbors for all desiring them. Dade County's citizens relished your patrols day in and out even where danger and peril were using their vehicles for everything not virtuous. Your virtue and vitality were all versatile as was your due diligence and unyielding vigilance over a community that keeps honoring your memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

Time is not a commodity to be wasted as every second in this never ending war over terror continues and it must cease to exist. All excellent women and men of heroic character stand guard ready to pursue the tests and challenges of creating a peaceful haven for humility to live and to see success fully multiplied. The shelters of your serenity, Officer Cook, never more accepting to the elements of a strong heart and a soul of wisdom, unity and vision ready to advance the causes of freedom and liberty. Anguish, grief and bloodshed don't belong piercing mankind's throat, the folks have lips to speak and legs by which to walk. Dade County will never forget badge#1664, reverent, resourceful and surely candid and classy with virtue going door to door searching for any semblance of humane endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

You were a most heroic servant, Officer Cook, who never pulled any punches nor tried to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. Dade County rests nobly today and forevermore because of your unwavering conquests to build hope, peace and goodwill for mankind. Humility and heart accentuated your destinies, pathways and trails of justice, truth and respect. The eyes of all looked to your badge and uniform in times of crisis and heroic actions of honesty and dignity squared off against adversity. So faithful and completely functioning with a book of morals supporting your highest of standards, conduct becoming a policeman who recognized values, ideals and scruples all to be poignantly saluted for thoughtfulness and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

You expend your entire energy and effort in making society safer and secure, violence and evil should not have taken your young life and boldly brave career away from you, Officer Cook. Your family and Dade County's citizens needed you more. they relied upon your wisdom, vision and unselfish instincts of ingenuity, integrity and intuition to pull them to safety while tension, turmoil and unrest was saturating its sacred streets. Honor, dignity and commitment to excellence, pride and the truth of why trustworthiness is never to be frowned upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

I don't think police work is a plum and cushy job. It is a humble profession, yet one filled with danger and rewards for those heroes and honest men and women who can complete their destinations, earthly missions and journeys undertaken for the sake of mankind which is what you did, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County. For six countless years of toil and tenacity your maturity provided the impetus for happiness, harmony and the words of humility,heart,soul and character. You will be fondly and solemnly remembered and saluted for breaking ground on newer foundations for a solid and safer future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2021

The brooks of boldness and bravery flow ever gently through the day and night. Your heroism flowed throughout your body including your unrelenting and undying heart and soul, Officer Cook. A true reminder to be ever so vigilant and duly diligent to your faithfulness,hopefulness and the resourcefulness of goodwill spreading its wings of love and enrichment. Dade County was where you left behind, Officer Cook, so many memories of a warm and engaging life and such a terrific home environment. As I've said many times Karen, your beloved wife who has since remarried, your parents may they rest in peace and your big sister, Nancy, may she and her family live and be well as they continue your legacy of heroic proportions. Such a monumental undertaking with everyone pitching in the tasks should not be as daunting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity,dignity and respectful honor being safeguarded 24-7.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

For the most part 95% of America displays a certain class, a high honor and a willingness to share and work for the common cause. It's that minority that needs to be watched every eye upon them 24-7. You sincerely were devoted to your job and humble profession, Officer Cook, a man of class, desire and the honorable decency to see your assignments as completed until we all wished you could retire when that time came after such esteemed and loyal service given to Dade County with pride,prudence and the credence that a man of heart, soul and courage truly deserved. You lived by principles and gave your life and career of scruples so that serenity, security and wisdom could be bedded down here forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

The streets and roads, the corners and paths, the trails, true and trusted with an ever present smile and humble greeting were where your brutally fierce and unselfish performances were undertaken. You did perform in an outstanding manner uplifting a downtrodden Dade County, Officer Cook, their hero, your family's and department's too. Civilization has marched on a long way since honesty, dignity and integral character was given so that peace, harmony and unity could be the main focus instead of mayhem and chaos. You motivated and led other officers down those roads where resiliency, resolve and virtue must strive to become one unit. One ample element to the peace process which must not become bogged down in effigy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Gallows are where you hang someone. But, in God's glorious heights, heaven is where those divine gallows of gallantry and the richness of a hero's golden heart and soul remain hovering over their loved ones and peers of honor for all to witness. The most breathtaking view is seen and cherished as for their dignity,integrity and humility these lights never dim nor are extinguished. Dade County and your family members I'm sure, Officer Cook, misses everything positive and vibrant regarding your virtue, valor and visibility, the awareness of responsibility placed in a gallant young man's heart with broad shoulders to handle the burdens, rigors and challenges that your profession empowers one to be detailed never veering from onus. One of the best for certain and sadly all that was robbed from your young soul and crusading spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

A crimefighter with a high acumen and an arsenal of achievement believing in the systems of standards as set forth by your department, one who accomplished humbly in a short twenty-five years of life. A quarter of them spent patrolling Dade County roads where you name and badge, Officer Cook, reinforced the definitions of dignity,devotion and dedication. They spelled out succinctly what we mean by having honor, integrity and humbleness well inside your revered and admired heart and soul. Yours had a mission, a noble journey to conquer callousness with courage and conviction. Such a true warrior and a trusted leader who inspired others with something we call motivation. Simple but not always easy to ascertain. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Your livelihood is what you do that will make America safer once more. Your passion and compassion, Officer Cook, helped to shape. reset and to restore the very calmness of Dade County. It never could happen if you were not decent, fearless and dignified in honesty and the characters of integrity. For we know intuition, intelligence and ingenuity can tap into many different resources. Your successes cam about through careful studies, many hours of practice, training and labors of love and desire. Your heroism demonstrates these points clearly , precisely and with all heart and soul answering the many calls of problems sometimes one after another. Never overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A wise man with vision and virtue can walk down those trusted and truthful trails more humbly than any ordinary human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

As you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero, Officer Cook, let it be known you are an inspiration to the many young people who have dreamed of becoming a public servant. You were duly tied to your responsibilities over Dade County and the only perception is your grand commitment to pride, excellence and the integrity that identified your solemn dignity and reverent honor. It comes before all else in your daily life well lived and a career carved from the beams of impression and ingenuity. A hero forever to be paid homage for bringing come the humility and virtual spirit from your caring and kind heart. Aspirations, hopes and plans can only be fruitful if God's perfect blueprints are on top of things which they are always.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Good food cooks and then simmers until ready to serve. Mettle, morals all have meaning and must marinate in order for communities to have a certain blend of peace and unity among its frames of humanity. You were so consummate, so driven in your professional efforts and pursuits, Officer Cook and your blessed name, heart and soul of distinction will fondly be remembered and saluted for its character, charm, charisma and smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Violence is not a game. Goodwill is not a grab bag. You must summon the fortitude and courage to make every noteworthy conviction count. Trust and truth and like a fraction of the puzzle. To create and to broker serenity, safety and security you must have a certain honor, integrity and dignity running into the very flames of evil. One can't shy away from terror as you never did, Officer Cook and that is precisely why Dade County the hero with a golden heart and humane soul in yourself. Never forgotten and saluted for bonding together a struggling venue. Now those vehicles are being driven by others who must have what it takes to make accomplishment define the purposes of life so challenging yet so endearing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Abbreviated but never tarnished. Surely when one takes a human life disrespect, dishonor and disgrace all fall into that pit of ugliness. Such a nasty and cowardly man who took your life and career from you, Officer Cook and nearly ended those of your two colleagues that very awful day. Yet, honor, integrity and dignity surely perpetuated your heavenly trails where true warriors, angels of valor rest in peace. Dade County has many heroes and heroines who sacrificed for the goodwill of the people. Your vision, value and versatility were only virtuous and the career and humility of heart endeared you to the masses who appreciated your sincere endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Your physical aptitude was excellent even more so your mental capabilities were amazing seeing that danger, peril and whatever lurked out on the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, you were always vitally aware of the situations and were able to size up a dilemma before it worsened. One who maintains quality in their values,ideals and scruples usually will have more humane and humble success within their life. Your dignity, integrity and such upstanding and engaging character shall be saluted forevermore. Vigilant and diligent were your mannerisms that have enriched your community, your family and will continue to do so for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

It may be simple to speak the language but to act the part is another story. Well, badge#1664 communicated and it always acted with endearing humility,a strong heart and a mighty brave soul. Your ensemble of dedication, devotion and determination, Officer Cook, at least helped to keep terror, violence and evil at bay more often than not. Dade County has suffered since you left your family, your peers and mankind because of one man a sick and troubled individual. No doubt there was more left to accomplish, your horizons of heroism , virtue and reverence have helped to catapult your very soul and spirit where Our Maker can bless and reward them for being esteemed and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Brochures circulate information. Perseverance, pride and effort help to percolate serenity and integrity back into the mainstream of society. Dade County was your reservoir of resolve, versatility , unwavering, unselfish and tireless commitment to the very causes,principles and foundations of cherished tranquility and their sacred missions. They were undertaken and underscored by your undivided attention to detail never straying from those true and trusted pathways, Officer Cook. Honor and one bold angel now encircling his family, friends and the world at large overseeing God's divine plans for humanity that misses you greatly as does your wonderfully beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

A message of goodwill, hope and faith that could warm the cockles of your heart and soul. Dade County was duly, humbly ably and heroically protected by you, Officer Cook, a most honorable and gracious young man. Such a terrific gentleman, the ambassador of acumen, awareness and wisdom, your vision and virtue were always on par and above the channels of dignity, integrity and outstanding character poured into your pursuits of harmony, unity and happiness for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Your career was furnished with ferocity, honesty and a plethora of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, as you heroically constructed those walls of welcome relief for Dade County. You always acquitted yourself with respect, resolution, resolve and candor as you patrolled the gates, streets and roads of your cherished venue. All a vehicle of your durability, accountability and tireless heart's versatility, virtue and vigilance making valor stand up for serenity and safe shelters for all those searching for conviction and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

Wickedness, evil and violence are out we pray and hope for good. Health, happiness, tranquility and prosperity are the blessings that Our Lord remembers and rewards us for. Dade County was your pride and joy, Officer Cook, you took that baton and made bravery boldness and character all top notch and all sincerely first class. Such journeys never will be more special and cherished. You built a solid foundation for our very futures. It's inhumane and it's indecent the very thought of your absence from mankind who yearned for your refreshing convictions so trustworthy and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

A smile missed terribly. A family who carries your name, Officer Cook, in all their ventures, adventures and vehicles where they continue their happiness thinking of you, "Uncle Bo," was is and forever adored and beloved with a hero's heart and soul that measured up to your yardsticks of everything special and virtuous in sanctity, nobility, honesty and desire. Dade County was the community where your feats, exploits and prowess stand tall above the rest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

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