Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Initiative is taking the baton of intuition, intelligence and ingenuity and utilizing its full potentials of honesty, integrity and dignity. Taking those wars and battles right into evil's unruly clutches. You took direction, Officer Cook and as all heroes must, you championed newer pilgrimages, newer bonds, bridges and crusades that have stood the tests of time here in Dade County all these decades later. A man gallant and fortified by a strong heart and soul that delivered the elegance of endeavor and upstanding character into each life, home and street that you solemnly protected and preserved its image. Ideals and values are only relevant when scruples, principles and mettle are bonded together as one component. Always well respected, greatly admired and forever a faithfully truthful and trusted gentleman. The wings of an angel floating gracefully above for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family, comrades and many friends in and outside of the law enforcement communities all dearly miss you. A life gone too soon with more left behind to humbly achieve. Success never went to your head, Officer Cook. You afforded mankind the very same rights of passage.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
For courage, consideration, concern and caring it is forever in Our Master's compassionate hands that watch over the souls of His flock, heroes and heroines all taken to their eternal resting places to continue patrolling the gates of gallantry in heaven where one's dignity, integrity and honesty is crafted and the finalized result is perfection.May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. A fine human being who was instrumental in creating a peaceful environment for all Dade County to live and to thrive in. Serenity, security and safety are not done bya push button operation. They must be steered and maneuvered with a man or woman of heart, soul and the class of character, truth, trust and conviction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
Clever and cunning, yet humble and respected. In the eyes of Our Lord, your family's hearts and the souls of your fellow officers, there was never a bad word spoken regarding you, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 belonging to William Coleman Cook, indeed performed his roles and journeys with a sense of pride and all the directions belonging to both dignity and integrity. If you cannot be honorable you probably belong in another line of work. Policing Dade County streets was your chosen occupation and for a quarter of your sacred life that sacrifice was given with humility, heart and always loyalty and commitment to pride. Your badge and uniform tried its utmost at pacifying and fortifying civilization. You built bridges to a safer future yet one better enhanced if God allowed you to live to see your feats of acumen and awareness challenging evil at every post. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
The fruits of your bold and brave labors, Officer Cook, surely will be solemnly etched and remembered for their total acts of honesty, integrity and the dignity that went rightafter violence. It's an indignation what transpired on May 16, 1979 to you, Officer Cook, your family, department and colleagues will never ever forget you and your heroic impressions left upon the sidewalks of humanity where its people walk safer. Dade County won't overlook a man of heart and enrichment reaching out to gently touch the pangs of all who persevere through thick and thin even when danger attempts to unleash its havoc. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
Tremendous endeavor that was unwavering tenacity and total honor. It shall be treasured by your family and peers forevermore. Dade County propsered and was led by a gentleman of heart and a tranquil soul of valor. Our freedoms, liberties and unity came about because of you, Officer Cook, always heroic, always dignified and always poignant and centered upon your responsiblities.vVirtue, vigilance and versatility have all encountered one another and are of the same mind a reverent character that has been paid humane homage for its humble missions to benefit society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
The shift change signals one can return home safe and sound. Yet, the tasks and obligations are not fully completed. Violence, disputes and whatever calls come on the radio must be answered and handled with the swiftest of assurances that all humanity will be secure and protected. You watched over Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, as only you could. Uplifting heart, soul and spirit, devoted dignity and humble and humane integrity which all was delivered by being morally pious and tenacious to a tee. Your fellow officers have saluted and fondly remembered your charisma, charm, candor and smile which are terribly missed today and everyday by your loving family and esteemed comrades of the past. You sir certainly paved the trails for all future men and women of the badge and sacred affirmations of which they undertake. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
A fatigued warrior cannot fathom his earthly chores. Those destinies so honorable and desired which are intended to enrich the landscapes of where you patrolled here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose heart and soul of integrity and humbleness charging head first into direct danger where its paths of ugliness leave a mark that is difficult to remove or erase. You did create that impression which is in the thoughts and prayers of all mankind that you unselfishly protected and preserved with patient character, outstanding and excellent commitment and of course both truthful and trustworthy convictions, heroism forever admired and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021
Today, Officer Cook, I visited your grave and prayed while saluting your honesty,dignity and integrity. Dade County was monitored and patrolled by a man of devotion, virtue and humility. The angels in heaven are all heroic and sacred in all they accomplished during their careers. Never fatigued and always filled with wholesome character and a charming smile, heart of resolve and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Determination and dedication carry great weight in this never ending plethora of evil and terror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
Getting vaccinated is now as important and as essential to donning a vest and a seat belt. The world these days seems topsy turvy. It should not have to come to this. Policing an area always requires a certain train of thought with nothing deviating from the normal day to day professional operations. Your mechanics and discipline, Officer Cook, always top notch as was your sincere honor, humility and the acumen of everything dignified and containing integrity to support your patrols. The roads and streets seem nowadays to be more perilous than ever, you, Officer Cook, made virtue and vision stand humble and tall as a man of loyalty and trust would do. All unselfish, all tireless and all with energetic enlightenment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
A person with class and decency knows full well how to behave. How to respect mankind's privacy and tranquility. You and Nancy, your older sister were taught, Officer Cook, right from wrong from your two wonderfully devoted and loving parents may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. You designed all your feats of endurance by being motivated by the desires to remain honest and open, dignified and concerned for Dade County's welfare. Integrity and character that were forever morally righteous and principles so centered and engaging. With a wise heart and a soul seeking trust and truth the ones you protected had no qualms nor anxieties. Always beloved and cherished for heroism and humbleness that oozed promise and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
A sense of pride that incorporated its ingenuity, intuition and intelligence within the locations of all Dade County. Your Central location, Officer Cook, where your heroic deeds and noble actions of faithfulness, resourcefulness and hope gave goodwill the chance to ride freely upon the streets where harm and danger lurked. They were out in tandem unfortunately looking to spoil the reverence, vigilance and diligence of your patrols and yet you gave the ultimate sacrifice of both soul and heart to steer evil away from your venue keeping us protected and safer. Never a day goes by without a prayer and a thought of your family that has summoned the strength, fortitude and passions to take the baton of your boldness to newer heights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
A chief without indians is akin to a department without supervision. They were there, Officer Cook and so were you. As they prayed and gathered hoping you would pull through and survive that heinous day of terror. Dade County owes you a tremndous debt of thanks for your life of service and preservation all embellished by honesty and the solemn declarations of desire, devotion, determination and dedication to all calls of responsibility. We the people could not have asked for more than you gave. A heart of humility, a soul of graceful esteem and a loyal public servant uplifting humanity for the bottom. You'll be forever embraced by God's perfect and compassionate embodiment. Forever angelic and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
Sacred and serene. Yet, violence and wickedness stops at nothing when looking to incite evil all around. You did your part, Officer Cook and always went above and beyond, that's what we call any honorable man, a hero of Dade County and your adored family. You add integrity, dignity and respect to the equations of justice, truth and trust, humility, heart and soul will ring loudly. The impact of your work has left that impression upon humanity all these decades later after giving your life and career to try and formulate harmony. A solemn duty undertaken with enhancement and uplifting the wings of all human beings who strive for happiness, prosperity and a semblance of conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
Policework is surely never scripted as it is so humanely authentic and sincere. Your best of intentions, Officer Cook, paved the way for security, safety and freedom to travel without incident here in Dade County. For six years of steadfast appreciation, loyalty and endearment to all citizens may the Lord in heaven keep you safe and protected as your honor, integrity and dignity is hovering over your family and those brave and virtuous men and women carrying out your heroic legacy. A gentleman of character is a man of nobility and wisdom. Never forgotten and saluted for accountability and reliability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2021
Without honor, integrity, reverence and dignity the evildoers of our world will keep running rampant pouring out nothing but mayhem, chaos and bedlam upon our streets and roads where harmony and liberty must reign. They did for the majority of your six years of solid and valid employment with the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was and always is a hero of his dearly loved, faithful and devout family and esteemed and loyal colleagues of heart, soul and courage. Your undying virtue and wisdom sheltered us in peace and brought respect to a higher level each day. The pain of tragedy is that it lasts and though as the years pass it may decrease somewhat it's still fresh and everlasting. Your loved ones, Officer Cook, have steadfastly carried on with their lives while honoring your legacy of love, sense of fairness and the truth behind trust and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
Violence has gotten all the attention it does not need. It warrants the swiftest of actions from noble and honest public servants. Those who have character, integrity and dignity filtering into their veins of vigilance, virtue and vision, the very versatility that created your career and honored life of substance, Officer Cook. No matter the atmosphere, the time or location you were present to lend and to offer support of your fellow sisters and brothers of law enforcement. For your achievements may Our Creator continue to bless, reward andkeep your soul, heart and spirit sacred and angelic close to Him forevermore in eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
A journey through the passageways of hope, inspiration and goodwill to be solemnly beloved, adored and proudly admired. For it's in God's eyes and hands that motivate, direct and shape one's humanely humble accomplishments. Your successes, Officer Cook, were and now forever will remain measured as morally uplifting in humanity and in Dade County's eyes. Such a strong heart and a soul of promise enriching the masses of those wanting harmony and unity for all mankind. With agility and virtue, your inspiring wisdom, vision and virtue all supported and complimented the scopes of tireless and unselfish integrity, dignity and valor starring evil right in its eyes and for this we won't forget you never always a hero who climbed those humble ladders to chase after violence with unrelenting resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
Distinction is nobility's light of shining armor and its humility so very cherished, admired and greatly virtuous. Such a man of humbleness blessed with talent, skills and all the acumen to document one's pursuits of excellence and pride. It was your life and career choice, Officer Cook, that was a Godsend to all those living in and around Dade County. With an open heart of honesty, a soul of diligence and desire, your class, scruples and decency was dedicated to the vehicles of versatility and dignity, such refreshing wisdom as refined as your unassuming character and clarity of integrity. The meanness and callous actions of one man acting alone snatched a beautiful smile and personality away from his family. Torment, terror and turmoil were certainly not intended to become that springboard to misery, grief and sorrowful anguish your family had to endure my neighbor,friend and hero. Rest in peace. Badge#1664 was reverence, passion and the promise to perform all tasks, assignments and roles responsibly without regret, hesitation nor reservation.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
Twenty-five years is a relatively short life and yet your humble and honored career and life meant the difference in the very nature of an enhanced world, a society where mankind yearns for peace, health and the durability of such nobly acccountable servants. They place themselves in the line of fire, of peril and danger to safeguard our ventures, adventures of happiness and just the quality of life that reverence and character bring to the forefront. Dade County witnessed unrest, strife and tension and you were there for them, Officer Cook, not just in heart and soul. A completely honorable young man filled with youth, a quest to learn and the patience to direct other fellow officers through the hazards that sometimes darkened those tunnels where ferocity, hope and goodwill blinded tenacity momentarily. But, you'll be always remembered as a hero and as a legend whose good name and genes continue running through the bloodlines of the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families to be shared,celebrated, yet very much missed just so terribly though your spirit watches from the heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
We trust in the Lord to provide a stable of serenity, sustanance and health, all dividends of His accountability toward His creatures. We live and breathe as each day comes and departs. Our sole purposes should be to pursue His blueprints as we see fit. But, evil and terror cannot be the go between safety and peril. That is where badge#1664 came to his rightful venue to help vanquish adversity, your journeys, Officer Cook, were paved with blessings and boldness, honesty and the letters of love and admiration for a job well done. If dignity, integrity could lock eyes with virtue then we the people of Dade County knew we would be protected, preserved and allowed to experience the true inner tranquility that God keeps burning within our souls and hearts. Your sweet soul and blessed heart forever are being rewarded as an angel of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
What underlines and underscores our pyramids of values,virtues and ideals are those that are imprinted and instilled in all of the hearts and souls of those public servants filled with sanctity, validity and the accountability to own up to the onuses at hand. Your versatility and humane authority, Officer Cook, were some of the reasons as to why honor and respect was kept here in Dade County where you toiled, patrolled and navigated its corridors for six years of loyal and dependable fortitude, the blessings and rewards of having a heroic name, the Cook Family will forever be proud of and cherish. Their darling son, brother, uncle, great-uncle and beloved had character, trust and truth fortifying all your trails. Never delayed, derailed nor detained. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
Those committing abomination shall walk off that plank into the fires of God's wrath. His punishments are sure, true and may not be taken back. Your good deeds and heroic actions, Officer Cook, only reinforced the reasons as to why you were considered a trusted servant. Yes, Dade County was watched and preserved by the very integrity, dignity and the clearest of all your honorable missionsof fairness, faithfulness and dedication that a human being principled and with values had. Your soul and spirit my neighbor, friend and hero encircle your beloved family as they carry on with your legacy of devoutness and the tenacity that life calls for. The citizens have a right to live and to thrive in peace and everything you performed by was outstanding and never pretentious. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
A gallant man with a glorious smile and a brave heart whose soul of distinction encountered everything this world stands for. The good, the bad and everything in between no matter, Officer Cook, the hero of Dade County rising above ther plumes of serious trouble to provide peace and prosperity for every living being. A young man with unwavering action to quell a domestic disturbance and whose ideals, integrity and ingenuity were inline with honor, dignity and completely thoughtful and faithful character who shall solemnly be remembered and saluted for possessing vital versatility and visions of virtue and wisdom following your righteous trials and trails down those roads of truth, resolve and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
Refusing to go down fighting to maintain law, order and respect, Dade County will forever honor and treasure its hero in you, Officer Cook. You were a gentleman who stood for decency, dignity and integrity's desire to keep character, commitment and conviction sacred and forevermore close to your badge of humility, heart and virtue. Our serenity, security and trails of truth and trust were laidout and paved by your persistence and goodwill to be admired and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2021
One more second won't bring you back to your family, Officer Cook, as your honored and humble heroic soul belongs to the Master of our world to be safrguarded for special eternal keeping where heroes and heroines all now walk their perfect beats. You walked the streets of Dade County keeping them free of trouble and always,always being loyal, dependable and honest to a tee. So many have risen and sadly fallen, but, yet it's your own integrity, character and commitments of integrity that will always be sacred and secure in the history of Dade County legends. The walls, the traffic signs all display your unassuming prideand devotion to duty, desire and truth. All heart and soul blessed, treasured and wholesomely rewarded for giving their sacrifice to make humanity better served and protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 21, 2021