Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Desire, grit and fortitude must be applied each and every watch of a servant's patrol. Your faithful and unselfish diligence, Officer Cook, provided the heroic and humbly honest endeavors to rid Dade County of its troubles and believe me violence and evil penetrates and pervades the inner roots of mankind furthering creating instability. Your dignity, wisdom and blessed integrity and character fortified true trust and virtue within your heart and soul now as one of God's many angels may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gratitude and commitment earmarked your life and career of sanctity and fruitful missions of devotion, hope and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2024

When the going gets tough the heroically determined get going and you, Officer Cook, protected Dade County and its citizens with compassion, honorable passion and dignified integrity, commitment and true and trustworthy character and virtuous conviction to be remembered and saluted forever as an angel walking your humble and esteemed beat in heaven where your family and colleagues have never forgotten your handsome face and bright smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2024

A friend to all and most of all a hero to your family, comrades and the entire Dade County community where you started and sadly, Officer Cook, where your life and career ended because of violence perpetrated against you and your fellow colleagues. Certainly a gentleman of gallant dignity, character and integrity who fought the battles with virtue and sacred versatility, diligence, vigilance and respect afforded to all citizens. Never forgotten and saluted for instilling and implanting peace, stability, trust and truth in every dwelling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2024

A hero whose life and career were totally honorable, professional and always dignified with integrity and outstanding character. They made you, Officer Cook, into the public servant who shall always be saluted for virtue, vision and versatile wisdom beyond your young age. Dade County was protected by your unselfish and unwavering instincts of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence that never lacked commitment, truth and trust. An angel who forever patrols the pearly gates above and is to be revered, remembered and respected for instilling hope, faith and goodwill back into humanity's veins. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of conviction and sacred missions put forth in earnest.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2024

By discouraging evil you are lessening disaster and surely society and mankind frowns upon violence and such heinous and cowardly action that threaten to uproot the goodwill, honor and dignity of mankind's character, pursuits and integrity. Your heroic character, charm, charisma and loyal convictions on behalf of Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, won't ever be forgotten and overlooked because our tents, trailers and shelters of safety, harmony and serenity were protected by you and the man behind badge#1664 and a uniform worn by a gallant gentleman whose heart and soul were unwavering and unselfish in their dedicated and devoted service to the faithful, resourceful and loyal people who solemnly have remembered such a man esteemed and grateful to fulfill Our Lord's will. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ingenuity, diligence, intuition and vigilance all have to be reliability counted upon to bring the essential and humble peace that carries us to our journeys.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2024

Honesty is paramount to dignity and integrity. So is character, commitment and truthfully trusted convictions that aided you, Officer Cook, in your heroic life and career defending the good people of Dade County where your life sadly ended because of one man's evil and violence against the law enforcement profession. Never forgotten and saluted for virtue, wisdom and sacred journeys of versatility, heart and humbleness blessed by Our Maker as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2024

Pressure and danger must be overcome if society is to live tranquilly. You protected Dade County, Officer Cook, with humbly blessed and honorable heroism that shall be saluted and treasured forevermore. Such a dedicated warrior of integrity, dignity and excellent character who strived for commitment doing and performing with virtue, wisdom, truth and trust as only a loyal and esteemed servant must. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and heart where your soul lies forever in eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2024

Perseverance and a most humble and heroic heart carried you, Officer Cook, through the mazes of danger here in Dade County where you succeeded in bringing security, stability and safety to your beloved community while giving your life. An angel true and trusted with integrity, dignity and humane, loyal and esteemed character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2024

Nothing is a given nowadays. The world has changed so very much, Officer Cook, since that day of May 16,1979 when you sacrificed your life and career for your beloved community of Dade County to stand alone living righteously among its friends and neighbors. Our serenity, safety and security were placed upon your broadest of shoulders and nothing in your reservoirs of resiliency, efficiency and proficiency was going to deter a heroically blessed public servant of dignity, character, true professionalism with integrity and the very sacred virtues of honor, heart and humility that mankind and your family has missed out on continuing to witness your handsome smile and personally that helped to shape our future paths and trails to pursue our dreams, goals and aspirations the very same that Mr.Pearsall robbed you of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 stood out in class, decency, desire and heroism that is forevermore saluted and paid solemn homage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2024

The forest fires of ferocious evil must be put out now. We cannot sit by and wait while our very lives of honor, dignity and integrity are jeopardized and you, Officer Cook, saved Dade County from this adversity. a gentleman with a humble, blessed and heroic heart and soul reacting to perilous moments with upstanding character, true commitment and trustworthiness to excel when virtue, wisdom and sacred unselfishness carried your life, patrols and career. Now an angel walking his heavenly beat where heroes roam and soar higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2024

Accolades are fine and dandy so long as the work of all law enforcement is performed in an orderly and humane manner with honor for the profession, dignity, dedication and fruition of a hero holding integrity, character and commitment close to their loyal and esteemed heart and souls as you so faithfully, truthfully and devoutly did, Officer Cook on behalf of Dade County while carrying out your jobs with wisdom, unselfish virtue and the sacred importance of all your earthly tasks and onuses so dangerous yet essential for our liberties, safety and pursuits of lives held in God's compassionate palms. He holds you so dearly as your family and friends salute your boldness and legacy of elegance, diligence and unwavering vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trustworthiness supported the very pillars of your trails and paths so filled with fortitude and tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2024

The walls of acumen, awareness and accountability were always open and so fiercely documented. Dade County will never forget nor let go of the memories of a great young man, its hero in you, Officer Cook, who fought the long and arduous battles over evil and its cowardly ways of wanton evil perpetrated by those whose dignity, honesty and integrity drifted away from normalcy. You kept vigil over us providing dependable and resourcefully faithful service to its residents who relied upon your unwavering and unselfishly loyal, esteemed and treasured heart and soul now serving as one of God's many heroic angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2024

The cream of the crop must always rise to that proverbial top. Because putting honest endeavor, efficiency and intelligence together with character, integrity and dignity normally equals a positive result even though in law enforcement that sadly is not always the case. On May 16, 1979 you gave your young heart and soul, Officer Cook, all in a heroic effort to stop a wayward and out of control individual. Dade County will not cease from it daily work ethics to eradicate violence and evil from its midst. You were faithfully true, trustworthy and loyal to your fellow officers who have never forsaken your badge, virtue and commitment to walk and to patrol the paths and trails in life so sacred and so virtuous. We salute your life, career, charm and captivating dedication, morals and a whole lot of blessed talents and scruples so essential to your most important earthly journeys and missions on behalf of a grateful community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Conviction was the beacon of a beloved gentleman determined to save lives and to protect our peace, freedoms and safety.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2024

Honor that was heroically humble, stable and ever vitalizing as it protected and preserved the constant dignity and integrity of Dade County. Your desire, dedication and determination, Officer Cook, have been and forevermore are remembered and solemnly saluted for everything contained in the words of heart, soul, character and duly loyal and esteemed commitment. Justice must be served and yours my neighbor, friend and hero of virtue and sanctity will forever be treasured as your legacy grows by leaps and bounds in heaven where you now walk your heavenly beat and watch over your beloved family and those who appreciated your caring, compassion and sincerely diligent vigilance. Rest in peace. Badge#1664 was about reverence, understanding and unselfish pride and truly trustworthy convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2024

Dade County was where your prime and always heroic dignity, integrity and honesty, Officer Cook, could be felt and it still is present today. You protected and served the citizens who have the right to live peacefully and every channel of commitment, character and wise conviction was truthfully orchestrated as was your trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and versatility are the factors of faith, dedication and driven desire to succeed despite the perils that lurk on the very sacred streets you loyally and diligently watched over.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2024

You were a heroic man of gratitude, gallantry who was gifted with a most humble, loyal and treasured desire of both heart and soul, Officer Cook. Dade County will never forget your dignity, integrity and thoughtful character and faithful commitments to truth, justice and trustworthiness. The trails and paths have been paved for others with the very same intellect, intuition and ingenuity. They fortified every inch of virtue and wisdom contained within your very unwavering and unselfish diligence and relevant vigilance that protected and saved lives where safety and serenity shall reign. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2024

A man of fearless fortitude who forged new bridges by being loyal, honorable and surely heroic. Dade County was fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, among its rank and file of dignity, integrity and upstanding character and commitment. Every ounce of heart, soul and unselfish energy and effort was constructively put forth for our safe havens true and trustworthy was your motto and your scruples, morals and values shall forever be saluted and accentuated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2024

A truly humble, blessed and honorably heroic gentleman who served the causes for peace, prosperity and the provisions of vital security for mankind and for Dade County to pursue its passions and most humane purposes in life. Yes, Officer Cook, your trusted visions, virtue and solemnly sacred trails and patrols were and forever will remain dearly beloved, cherished and loyal and so will your esteem, effort and constant battle to maintain the dignity, character and integrity our world strive to live for. You'll be saluted and paid homage for efficiency, diligence and forever being a friend to all who came across your awareness, acumen and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2024

The tightropes of tension all came strung together, Officer Cook, because of your unselfish, unwavering and unrelenting honesty, integrity and dignity. Its respect and gratitude was shown to you by Dade County's residents whom you served and protected with every cocktail of your outstanding character, virtue, charm and charismatic wisdom and heart of compassion. Your soul and most humbly blessed and heroic heart are in heaven watching over your beloved family and those who have succeeded you patrolling the dangerous streets where your vitality, vision and sacred versatility left a most notable legacy for all who wear a crisp uniform and shiny badge to follow in. The trust came across daily. May God shine His light down as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2024

Honor. Dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, all humbly and blessed, a hero forever remembered by his family and Dade County for service and preservation of our very serenity and safety. Truth, trust and virtue going down your treks of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2024

We can never assume nor presume that any public servant's journeys, missions and travels will all be safe and sound because sadly violence, evil and heinous wickedness is unfortunately destroying the eyes of mankind shredding its faith, esteem, heart, soul and blessed goodwill which you protected excellently, Officer Cook and Dade County will never forget its hero who donned a uniform constructed with blessed honor, integrity, dignity and very sincere and loyal character, commitment to truth and justice from a gentleman most trusted and dependable in all your patrols of proficiency, perseverance and an unselfish heart that would not capitulate to anything unjust that would in danger humanity's trails and paths. You will be saluted for virtue, wisdom and vision all mastered and crafted by a core of importantly created scruples, values and principles that our world shares in. The belief of a generous people whose lives rested upon your broadest of shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2024

I spoke with Officer Keith DiGenova on Friday, Officer Cook and looked back on your life and career seeing he was with you along with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and Officer Robert Edgerton that awfully tragic day when you gave your life for service of Dade County and its people. Honesty, dignity and integrity along with outstanding and heroic loyalty, character and truly trustworthy commitment leads to peace, safe trails and prosperity for mankind of which you'll be forever remembered and solemnly saluted for bravery, virtue and sacred missions poured forth in the eyes of Our Lord and your unselfish heart and soul fighting until the last breath when called took your angelic spirit back to His eternal home to walk your humbly blessed beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2024

You desired to become a great public servant, Officer Cook, all by being loyal, humble and heroic filled with blessed and humane honor, dignity and integrity which protected Dade County and its citizens. Your prime character, commitment, dedication, true trust won't be forgotten as we salute virtue and sacred trails paved for others to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity was sincerely blessed by your gentleman image of ideas and values so essential to mankind's happiness and pursuits in life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2024

By determination, devotion and dedication you'll stand a better opportunity to thwart evil that seems to permeate our very streets, corners and roadways where good people travel pursuing their desires in life. Your professional career, Officer Cook, was bounded by principles, scruples and values of honesty, dignity and integrity that preserved the quality of Dade County of essential life. Your passions and life was utterly usurped and robbed by a wayward and disrespectful man. So we won't forget your trails of trust and truth justice so clearly carried out. Clarity, wisdom and virtue so versatile, clear and forevermore distinguished. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of conviction, character and staunch commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2024

You gave your life for Dade County, Officer cook, a hero forever enshrined in honor, heart, soul and quite dignified character and integrity to be saluted for its virtue, humbleness and esteem all blessed eternally by God. Our Maker shelters you from harm and forever enriches your family's lives with His warmth and perfect compassion you as you were unselfish and very caring regarding your dangerous missions undertaken with the greatest of concern and patrols of truth and trust all with vigilant diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2024

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