Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
No tricks. Just trails and pathways paved by a loving young man whose journeys and smile have crossed that line right to heaven. You were taken violently and suddenly away from your family, comrades and friends, Officer Cook and they all are heart broken. The agony, sorrow and grief suffered by your family and community is surely being felt right in the heart. It was your versatile and virtuous soul that yearned for more responsiblity and dignity, integrity and honor gave its ultimate sacrifice, a grateful nation and your department have responded accordingly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
Certain, sure and yet confident in all your missions and abilities, Officer Cook. Your position is not to be given nor taken for granted. It was hard work, dedication and a passion to succeed mightily in all your Godgiven onuses so many others try and demonstrate. You passed with flying colors and because of your tireless and unselfish energy Dade County and its folks can live more than humbly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and vision are traits of a loyal and wise gentleman whose sacred years and life exemplified what our purposes and causes should remain.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
A biography gently touched by the strokes of bold, gallantry and a man happy and secure in his pursuits of life and peace for his community of Dade County.It's was no accident your career choice, Officer Cook, well planned and well thoughtout. Such a heart and soul of humility that only reinforced the bonds you distributed and shared with humanity which misses not only your handsome smile, they miss everything decent and honorable within your soul of integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations for a brighter tomorrow one better off with your presense. Heaven surely has a true and resourceful angel encircling us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
Your soul and spirit forever belong to Our King of the world who runs a most compassionate and perfect ship of sound mind and heart. Yours, Officer Cook, gave heroism and humbleness a newer lease on life. Those vital journeys were filled with some blessed honor, integrity and the morals that all public servants who protect the general public must have. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment, conviction so clear and concise. Trust and truth shall one day tear down the walls of wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
A life of piety and persistence that paid off giving Dade County that hope and goodwill of at least witnessing some balance of tranquility and liberty for its citizens. Your career and sacrifice, Officer Cook, made that bold impression forever instilled and implanted within the hearts and minds of your beloved family and esteemed comrades who shared the burdens of fate and destiny patrolling those streets where peril lurked. For those taking your watch stay dignified, honest and diligent, Our Creator will reward and bless your sincerest of efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
A reserved , yet humble man who found his honesty, humility and dignity all from being loyal,faithful and devout. And Dade County won't forget your heroism either, Officer Cook. A gentleman brave and inclined to always have composed integrity and respectful character which faced adversity straight on. Decades later you are still being fondly remembered and duly saluted for being astute, versatile and having a true virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2021
Your obligations were holy and humble, Officer Cook. A man devout and faithful to his family and professional colleagues, who understood his challenges and the roles of which you were charged with completing. God saw your endeavors and energetic heart beat until He needed you more to carry out a more important eternal role with your dignity, integrity and a plethora of intelligence. Youalways be remembered and cherished as a special and a wonderful soul whose compassion uplifted everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County will never forget the badge and uniform worn humbly and most proudly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
Never sacred and always fearless such a human being shall be honored and saluted for the validations of integrity and dignity inserting their brands of boldness, wisdom and virtue within the general population of Dade County where you lived, thrived and worked tirelessly to promote goodwill and harbors of safety and security for all. Sanctity and civility must mean something if life is to be lived carefully and properly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
A grand gentleman with gallantry that glows from above. It's symbolic of your heroic being, Officer Cook, a firm and trustworthy constitution that forever preserved the quality of life and tranquility for all Dade County to bask in. A consummate public servant seeped in honesty,dignity and integrity so essential to providing that assurance that we would be able to live and thrive as a free society. Those foundations are forever sealed within our landscapes as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of everything truthful that a man of quality character yearns for.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
Comprised of a company of considersation, caring and concern, your years of living as a hero everyday were maintained by a package of precision, proficiency and the astuteness that comes from having an honorable heart and soul that dignified all your earthly journeys of integrity on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Such a noble young man blessed with civility and all the versatility to wise and virtuous. We see ahead because of your patrols to kayo extreme trouble and you never backed down from preserving our serenity and safe shelters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
Comported and composed, honor and humbleness that engaged, enriched and enlightened those whom you served and protected here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroism did not die, in fact its virtue and versatility all dignified and full of valiant integrity went directly to heaven with your heart andsoul, a spirit unwavering and unselfish in its tasks to implant harmony, togetherness and the purposes for which we were created. Our happiness, health and properity came because of your ultimate sacrifice to benefit mankind and its riches of resolve and resiliency will be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
A lifer, a man possessed of humility and heart, the strength of a brave soul that patrolled Dade County with all its dignity, integrity and honesty from within your gentle spirit. The people whom you served, Officer Cook, have not forgotten you and your esteemed character and sacred commitments to convictions, true and faithful, all humbly trusted to create a fair sense of peace and that humane balance of wisdom, vision and virtue. Such a tragedy and forever an angel saluted for hope and missions of goodwill blessed and rewarded accordingly by Our Lord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2021
Service to mankind and to your community, Dade County was absorbed with your pronounced heart of caring and a soul of bravery that was most dignified and honorable. Your years, Officer Cook, were all productive and sincerely measured. No doubt your spirit and soul keep floating higher each second as those cornerstones you started have been the legacy for which heroism and humility shall stand as that very basis of your smartness and vision. With onus and accountability you never abandoned hope and gave us the chance to experience harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
More than an honorable mention is applied to your devout and Godgiven skills,courtesies and attributes of acumen, awareness and being astute. The people of Dade County had a newer sense of hope andthe assurances that truth and fairness would be fairly applied to all phases of your perseverance, Officer Cook. A great leader of all men and women who motivated and dedicated his life and career to the administration of justice trusted and resourceful. Honesty, integrity and passion all calibrated around your compasses of dignity which built those corridors of courage, virtue and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
Human beings are far superior to angels. Humanity thrived upon your unassuming and most humbly unwavering honesty, dignity and integrity. A gallant man with real character and virtually wise commitment that saw Dade County thrive during your trips and tenacious voyages over our harmony and peace. Principles, scruples and discipline are necessary elements of one young man's endearing personality replete with sincerity, a smile and a maturity beyond the crowd. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, was about reality, relevance and resiliency. Hope and goodwill, true and humanely heroic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
The Master of Our Universe observes, watches and protects His flock of heroes, heroines, all cherished and designated by the vestibules of virtue, diligence, dignity and integrity's blueprints which help steer our tranquility and liberty. Our serenity, security and safe havens were created by your heroic heart and enduring soul and a special spirit of adventure and morals. Such vehicles were the beacons ofour very hope, goodwill and aspirations, Officer Cook. Your blessed and treasured name continue walking the perfect trails above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
Your humble cup of honor, reverence and integrity ran over, Officer Cook, as your heroic dignity embraced mankind with all its soul and careful heart of comprehension. The tasks were great and danger just made things more eventful and yet your character, conviction and commitments were all trustworthy and down to earth. Pride and mettle always came front and center as Dade County was preserved by a worthwhile gentleman of humbleness and the humane loyalty and esteem that supported your ventures of virtue. All vehicles of vigilance duly handled and completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
Working as a public servant is never a fishing expedition. Dade County is and was during your watch, Officer Cook, considered a large community. Your faith, devotion and everlasting smile assured the folks they would be safer and more protected. Never more honesty, integrity and dignity emphasized within the heart and soul so robust that carried your earnest missions of sanctity, civility and humility. A man who stood for justice, truth and the trust that breeds excellence and scruples to be revered. Virtue is an eagle that soars as angel forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2021
First rate, top notch and first class in everything your life and career represented, Officer Cook. All the heinousness, callousness and wickedness you labored hard to overcome for us here in Dade County. When a tidal wave of torment, terror and turmoil flood in you my neighbor, friend and hero needed your entire arsenal of acumen and honesty, heart and soul to overcome and to maintain our quiet and tranquil lives. Destiny is not a chip, it's not a trump card, fate comes calling when we least expect it to. But, your consummate character and vigilant commitments all saw your missions through, the sadness, agony and anguish still are around as your family carries on with your legacy stamped, sealed and signed with loyalty and esteem. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
Heaven is the top of the world where its views below are nothing but fabulous. The perfection is at its peak and all its honored and dignified heroes and heroines all are angels in flight soaring higher each second as their spirits, hearts and souls are being cherished, blessed and humbly rewarded for their inspiring, intelligent and intuitive endeavors that have made mankind more bountiful and proud. You gave your parents, Officer Cook, joy, peace of mind and a genuine sense of understanding because of your undying passions to preserve the integrity and safe trails for all Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Health, ideals and morals surely can assist in these brutally sensitive wars over terror and torment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
Strict yet fair. Serious with a smile yet fiercely determined. You were out on a mission, an earthly journey, Officer Cook, to create an environment within Dade County that was secure, safe and humanely constructed. From bottom to the top, honesty, integrity and dignity designed the interiors and exteriors of your self controlled principles, mettle and scruples so valued. They only uplifted,enriched and enhanced society beyond its beliefs. We all have aspirations, your heart and soul were completely affixed to the tunes of tenacity and turning a new page. If Our Creator had allowed you to live on and see retirement the world would certainly have treasured you and the respect and salutes you now and forever receive are much more emotional and so meaningful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
Better to cooperate with authority when told than having to be taken down by force. Violence these days requires such updated and measured responses. You never know what might be out in tandem looking to upset the old apple cart. With an able body and an honest heart, Officer Cook, you were capable and most dedicated to working and giving direction to other officers and for this dignity, integrity and intelligence were never taken off the beaten path. Perseverance is a tool to be used by wise and humble soldiers who steer their compasses accordingly. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero navigated throughout Dade County as a true and trusted servant. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
Searching and exploring, police work gives one a moment to ponder but not longer. You plan and train for the very day, afternoon or evening when you career begins to take humble shape. You'll continue to be cherished, admired and heroic revered, Officer Cook, for all that you achieved on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Their harmony, unity and resourcefulness all coming through because of your tireless heart and soul, a constant outstanding character that supported your loyal and fruitful commitments to excellence, trust and truth always versatile and never without virtue. A gentleman proud of his passions who lived with humility and discipline whose now an angel forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
Careful, concerned yet humble. The everyday grind of police work entails remaining honest, dignified and having morethan a core of integrity which you possessed in your entire being, Officer Cook. Dade County was served and protected by more than an agent of acumen and heart. It was carried out by a man steadfastly truthful and trusted by his superiors to guide a community through the perils of evil and such violence cannot ever be tolerated. It took you from your loving family and loyal comrades of virtue and diligence. You won't be forgotten and will be smartly saluted for bravery and the beams of light shining down from your heavenly and angelic spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2021
You cannot mimic the goodwill of one's heart and soul. And yours, Officer Cook, was resourceful, robust and quite relevant as it patrolled the areas of Dade County where its people were certainly thankful for your efforts, energy and smile that could light up any room. Our Maker has your angelic spirit for safekeeping, honor whoned and primed, dignity that was always dedicated to trust and truth, the integrity that a young man of quality of commitment forevermore maintained. The vision, wisdom and the maturity that was valor, virtue and all versatility never forgotten and saluted fondly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2021