Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God deals with everything always perfect and pristine. Your youth and bravery served your community quite efficiently, Officer Cook. A humble man blessed with virtue, vitality and responsibility now all angelic. Integrity, dignity and honesty always motivating and dedicated to the causes of peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such valor and character will be etched and paid homage to for their parts in protecting mankind. Dade County and badge #1664 are forever linked with goodwill, hope and visions of a safer tomorrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

The guilty receive their punishments from heaven while the righteous and humble reap their rewards and blessings from the Lord who constantly watches over them. Your heart and soul are forever being observed, Officer Cook, as they gave the ultimate sacrifice in order for Dade County to realize its serenity, safety and security. Dignity and integrity run face to face with adversity never hesitating. Humility from your heart and inspiration from your very soul of wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

You were fierce and unrelenting, Officer Cook. Heroes and heroines living humane, honored and sacred lives of service to their communities. You gave your life of goodwill, faithfulness and the steadiness of both dignity and integrity in order for tranquility and liberty to pursue their reserved agendas. Dade County will not forget badge#1664 and the gentleman of class, decency and desire who searched for havens of humility with a heart, soul and spirit of the very same traits. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

The drawers and dressers of integrity, honesty and the humble dignity were carefully packed. Nothing so serene. You created friendships, Officer Cook, by being heroic and virtuous. Dade County had an angel now blessed and rewarded for having unassuming heart, soul and trusted character that was succinct in every way possible. The streets were manned by an outstanding young man, gallant and bold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity has surely missed your gentle touch and the principles so endearing yet so valued.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

The winds of wickedness blow and blow. Good men and women up to the dangerous challenges go out and attempt to restore law and order through their unselfish devotion, dignity and grit. Your determination throughout Dade County, Officer Cook, led your resourceful patrols of freedom and the harmony the citizens are entitled to. To live without fear and to have a humble heart and soul says all is needed regarding your worthy choice of professions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

Six years of toil, yearning and patrolling your beloved community of Dade County, Officer Cook, always a hero of your family, colleagues and extended friends. History will forever solemnly remember honor, dignity and integrity demonstrated at all points and times. We respect a man of character, commitment to morals and excellence and the true and trusted convictions of valor, versatility and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society has your cornerstones of crusades and missions of hope, faith and goodwill encircling them forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2021

The balloon is released into the skies toward heaven. Your soul and spirit too, Officer Cook, were released into Our Lord's loving embrace where integrity, dignity and heroic honor that preserved life in Dade County are now a vital part of eternity's plans for its angels of boldness and virtue. Vision, wisdom and a clear mind so true and so essential to the heart of the matter of eradicating evil from our society. You were consummate and you accomplished your earthly journeys all for God's great name as He blesses and rewards your prowess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

Courtesy, politeness and manners are always essential to being able to perform at your best. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, stood those important tests of time where all the challenges were embraced and completed. Honor, integrity and dignity are all encircling your family at every turn as they carry your legacy with concern, heart and class, such decency never to be overlooked. It's always important to return home safe and sound after your shift. You did answer your last call willingly and were not required to go to that scene. God was leading your determination, dedication and faithfulness where it helped to save the public and your fellow officers who could not thank you enough. They remember and salute your valid valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

You recognize a public servant for their unassuming and humanely loyal contributions to mankind. You were welcomed into Dade County and your department with open arms, Officer Cook. A man who enjoyed the benches of bravery and gently touching the hearts and souls of all who came to you. A friendly young man with an engaging smile and even more so, honor, dignity and integrity which faced off against the likes of terror and adversity. But, with tenacity and a pride, your sense of balance and direction was never sidetracked as you patrolled your area for our very quiet and harmony. We can thrive safely because of your undivided courage and endless strength. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and convictions all trustworthy as was your true faith and loyal devotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

There is a saying that states go west young man. The Cook Family found that relocating to the Sunshine State of Florida would be more sensable. Your heroic life and career slowly began its ascent. Acumen, awareness and being astute all served their loyal responsibilities, Officer Cook. Dade County was the venue where versatility and heart would continue illuminating your soul of humility, trust and truth so endearing and enriching. The streets where you patrolled and persevered were basically kept free of chaos all because of your tireless and unselfish energy from within. Forever remembered and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

A gentleman with a secure and a humbly honest nature, your searches for safe travels and a peace of mind left society prepared for a little brighter tomorrow, Officer Cook. Dade County witnessed a man of morals with the fibers of ferocity, honesty and all incomposing integrity and dignity that fought the tough battles. Violence creates havoc and all your did my neighbor, friend and hero was to give your life all by doing your unassuming due diligence with virtue and reverent character. Respect and heart all angelic. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

You were the ultra personification of a warm and beloved human being, Officer Cook. You lived a humble life and performed a job where danger and evil are found nearly at every turn. Yet, you made Dade County safer and more secure by virtue of maintaining honesty, integrity and dignity all heroic and all character. Your heart and soul were certainly in the right place that dreaded day when God came calling for your spirit to be next to Him and your dad, Charles may you both rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity misses your smile and admiration greatly. Vigilance and versatility patrolled your community with an extra special passion. We salute your bravery and esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2021

Angels are the heroes and heroines who forever share a grand view of heaven. Eternity is the very last perfect venue where their vehicles of honor, reverence, dignity and integrity of character and commitment finally get to rest in everlasting peace without any fear of hurt coming their heart and souls' direction. It should not have ended for you, Officer Cook, the manner it did on May 16, 1979. Dade County and your family still feel the pain, anguish, grief and loss of a valued life . A man committed to resourcefulness, vigilance and the always assurance of giving his all. The evil man who robbed you of your young life received his punishment while you'll sacredly earn and reap your cherished blessings and rewards from Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

You patrol for peace. You conduct your professional life both inside and outside of your department as one shall always do. Honesty, integrity and dignity wakeup and go to bed with your heart and soul every second. Never any confusion, waver of doubt nor a derailment of hesitation. For these traits, qualities and characteristics Dade County could be serenely grateful, proud and furthermore salute you, Officer Cook, for being a steady influence to your many brothers and sisters who don both a badge of bravery and a uniform of tireless dedication to only justice given with trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

Your build your pyramid of honor, humbleness and never an absence of integrity and dignity. Those cornerstones and foundations you laid your life and career down for, Officer Cook, will forevermore remain affixed for our very futures. Brighter, yet I'm certain your beloved family members would love for you to be here so you could laugh, smile and attend with Karen all of the happiest of occasions. Though a little more than two years ago, March of 2019, your faithfullly and most humbly devout mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, passed at the humble age of 103. It was almost forty years since your sacrifice that you gave to raise security and wisdom to a higher sphere. Now as an adored angel heaven is well lit with your glowing soul and its spirit of both adventure and achievement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy is championed by your family's pursuits of humility and versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

When serious trouble scorches any area all devoted and qualified public servants must race to the scene with never a second to lose. You attended that domestic scene your last day and watch, Officer Cook and though you came through many other times, May 16,1979 was a devastating scene for your comrades, wife and family all left wondering why at such a still young and tender age did they have to bury your special, sweet and venerabl soul? When honesty, dignity and integrity runinto extreme peril tp try and calm a wayward individual Dade County folks could only be grateful for your undying sacrifice and unselfish valor supported by virtue and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

If you never met a hero, well, it's their family, colleagues and friends who are here to mourn, remember and to continue emulating their lives of honor and enrichment. That chord of courage and charisma touched the hearts and souls of Dade County very lovingly, Officer Cook and it was the same fashion by which you endeavored for serenity and freedom for your community combined the finest optics of outstanding dignity, respectful integrity and a character so humble yet very engaging andmost enhancing. We don't forget even in foggy times your everlasting communication with a community just desiring some semblance of wisdom, vision and maturity beyond the crowd that encircled us daily 24-7. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

How we humbly, honorably and humanely live our very lives today could well decide our very futures tomorrow. You exemplified life and during your short six years, Officer Cook, working on behalf of the goodwill, hope and faith of Dade County and its citizens. Humility, heart and soul absorbing the blows of evil with a gentle touch of boldness and bravery persevering the air that we take into our very lungs and hearts. You'll be forever remembered for unassuming grand character, stellar commitment and sterling convictions all truth and all trusted virtue. Accountability, responsibility, civility and sacred missions undertaken for a sense of welfare and tranquility all by your unselfish and tireless energy generating gallantry at every turn and every corner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2021

The searches for today and tomorrow's harmony are through those pipelines of plain professionalism, proficiency and an ample amount of humbleness. Dade County and your best of truthful and trusted resources, Officer Cook, revealed sure honesty, pure dignity and intense integrity are leading your pathways of heroism and versatility, your virtuous heart and soul all courageous and all humanely giving. Everything you sadly left behind my neighbor, friend and hero is now for your adored family members to take forward as they have not forgotten their"Uncle Bo." The blueprint and its functions are all now encircling us in heaven as an angel of valor and the elascity of your best efforts put forward. Rest in peace. Direction and being able to lead others was directly because of your capabilities and being able to perform in a first class manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Tolerance creates an aire of patience. You practice what you preach and your life, Officer Cook, was heaven sent as you were Dade County's agent of heroism and honor. Dignity and integrity were borders of bravery and those angelic blessings of boldness and humbleness. Safety and security are the primary sources of why we pursue our happiness, health and prosperity. Badge#1664 was about comforting and offering words of support and salvation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Authority by you, Officer Cook, was not a powerplay, it was a way of endearing, engaging, enlightening, enriching and enhancing the public's missions and causes. Virtue and vision were the oars that paddled your boats of resolve and a resurgance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Carry humility as you carry your heart and yours, Officer Cook, was carried down those Dade County trails of trust and truth, tenacity honorable and dignified. Such integrity and prideful character was your motto and mantra that has been the inspiration for these last forty-two plus years since you sacrificed your life for your community's well being and the welfare of an area is a top priority. Such a desired man whose concern and dedication was sincere and quite special. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity salutes with a fondness and solemnness your life and career one you chose without reservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Fate can be happy though it sometimes can be horribly sad. But, your young life and promising career, Officer Cook, serving proudly the people of Dade County was the living and shining example of honesty, integrity and the characters of dignity, reverence and the heart, soul and glue of his family during other tragic moments. Your family my neighbor, friend and hero has not forgotten you, heaven forbid and had always tried to keep your inspirations at heart as they carry on the foundation of your legacy and heroism. Our harmony, unity and liberty have all come through your tireless energy, unselfish spirit and all the virtue, valor and onus in carrying assignments on your broad shoulders. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Your stakes of serenity, safety and security were pitched by the tents of tenacity, honor and heroic dignity and integrity. Dade County was your venue of expertise and intervention, such unselfish effort and all heart and a brave soul, Officer Cook, that covered its residents with nothing but the best. God has humbly rewarded and blessed your unassuming nature and decent character and such astute acumen, awareness and the total validation of your earthly dedication to rid humanity of what causes tensions, unrest and senseless bloodshed which further destroys the goodwill, hope and faith of our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Proud, precise and proficient, a man whose destiny was to humbly patrol Dade County with the barometers of dignity, respect and the eyes of both integrity and honesty. To find that sacred undertaking and for a gentleman of God, you served with pleasure and a most wise and passionate heart and soul of caring and a kindship of kindness which has left mankind safer today though a bit less because of your absense, Officer Cook. Your loved ones, colleagues and friends have all missed your smile, vim and vigor, the faithfuness of your virtue giving every ounce of strength to fulfill your earthly journeys of justice, fairness and trust all truthfully protected by wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

You pluck weeds out of the ground. You find fairness, firmness and their foundations where honor, humbleness and dignity all belong. Your soul and heart of heroic integrity and respect, Officer Cook, has been forevermore etched on walls and placed down on streets signs. Dade County and badge#1664 will be cherished and admired for generation after generation. Such fierce determination, dedication and devotion were your handpieces of humility making tranquility more central for mankind. Its folks won't forget you and neither haveyour friends from the job or your beloved family who mourned you but vowing to carry on your fights and legacy with the same virtue and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Whenever I visit your grave I try to keep the ground aroundit free of weeds and the like. After all your life was a perpetual train of tenacity in motion. The encounters were always greeted with relief and resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

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