Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Violence is not a game. Goodwill is not a grab bag. You must summon the fortitude and courage to make every noteworthy conviction count. Trust and truth and like a fraction of the puzzle. To create and to broker serenity, safety and security you must have a certain honor, integrity and dignity running into the very flames of evil. One can't shy away from terror as you never did, Officer Cook and that is precisely why Dade County the hero with a golden heart and humane soul in yourself. Never forgotten and saluted for bonding together a struggling venue. Now those vehicles are being driven by others who must have what it takes to make accomplishment define the purposes of life so challenging yet so endearing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Abbreviated but never tarnished. Surely when one takes a human life disrespect, dishonor and disgrace all fall into that pit of ugliness. Such a nasty and cowardly man who took your life and career from you, Officer Cook and nearly ended those of your two colleagues that very awful day. Yet, honor, integrity and dignity surely perpetuated your heavenly trails where true warriors, angels of valor rest in peace. Dade County has many heroes and heroines who sacrificed for the goodwill of the people. Your vision, value and versatility were only virtuous and the career and humility of heart endeared you to the masses who appreciated your sincere endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Your physical aptitude was excellent even more so your mental capabilities were amazing seeing that danger, peril and whatever lurked out on the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, you were always vitally aware of the situations and were able to size up a dilemma before it worsened. One who maintains quality in their values,ideals and scruples usually will have more humane and humble success within their life. Your dignity, integrity and such upstanding and engaging character shall be saluted forevermore. Vigilant and diligent were your mannerisms that have enriched your community, your family and will continue to do so for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

It may be simple to speak the language but to act the part is another story. Well, badge#1664 communicated and it always acted with endearing humility,a strong heart and a mighty brave soul. Your ensemble of dedication, devotion and determination, Officer Cook, at least helped to keep terror, violence and evil at bay more often than not. Dade County has suffered since you left your family, your peers and mankind because of one man a sick and troubled individual. No doubt there was more left to accomplish, your horizons of heroism , virtue and reverence have helped to catapult your very soul and spirit where Our Maker can bless and reward them for being esteemed and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Brochures circulate information. Perseverance, pride and effort help to percolate serenity and integrity back into the mainstream of society. Dade County was your reservoir of resolve, versatility , unwavering, unselfish and tireless commitment to the very causes,principles and foundations of cherished tranquility and their sacred missions. They were undertaken and underscored by your undivided attention to detail never straying from those true and trusted pathways, Officer Cook. Honor and one bold angel now encircling his family, friends and the world at large overseeing God's divine plans for humanity that misses you greatly as does your wonderfully beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

A message of goodwill, hope and faith that could warm the cockles of your heart and soul. Dade County was duly, humbly ably and heroically protected by you, Officer Cook, a most honorable and gracious young man. Such a terrific gentleman, the ambassador of acumen, awareness and wisdom, your vision and virtue were always on par and above the channels of dignity, integrity and outstanding character poured into your pursuits of harmony, unity and happiness for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2021

Your career was furnished with ferocity, honesty and a plethora of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, as you heroically constructed those walls of welcome relief for Dade County. You always acquitted yourself with respect, resolution, resolve and candor as you patrolled the gates, streets and roads of your cherished venue. All a vehicle of your durability, accountability and tireless heart's versatility, virtue and vigilance making valor stand up for serenity and safe shelters for all those searching for conviction and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

Wickedness, evil and violence are out we pray and hope for good. Health, happiness, tranquility and prosperity are the blessings that Our Lord remembers and rewards us for. Dade County was your pride and joy, Officer Cook, you took that baton and made bravery boldness and character all top notch and all sincerely first class. Such journeys never will be more special and cherished. You built a solid foundation for our very futures. It's inhumane and it's indecent the very thought of your absence from mankind who yearned for your refreshing convictions so trustworthy and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

A smile missed terribly. A family who carries your name, Officer Cook, in all their ventures, adventures and vehicles where they continue their happiness thinking of you, "Uncle Bo," was is and forever adored and beloved with a hero's heart and soul that measured up to your yardsticks of everything special and virtuous in sanctity, nobility, honesty and desire. Dade County was the community where your feats, exploits and prowess stand tall above the rest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

The screen may be blank, but nothing empty of your piety, perseverance and fruitful efforts, Officer Cook, to heroically make Dade County a landmark that will be admired for generations to come. Honesty and integrity never bending nor breaking, dignity drawn up from that blueprint of faith, fairness and the trust and truth behind heart and virtue leading your soul down those roads of resolve and resiliency. You performed as only a true professional must and shall be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

Not every issue, circumstance, situation or dilemma has to be sad. Though every happening has its purpose and cause. You made Dade County more respectful than ever, Officer Cook, all by your unwavering and unyielding heroism, integrity, desire and virtue of your highly honored position. A builder of hope, faith and goodwill sincere, clear and fresh. God has and will forevermore bless your gallant soul and valiant heart as they created our very cornerstones for a safer, peaceful and serener future. Heaven has a humble angel that humanity surely trusted so true and a wonderful warrior of acumen, wisdom and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

Whether the day was hot or cold, your courage and life churned forward, Officer Cook and the hero in you was always ready to serve,defend and preserve the dignity, integrity and foundation of Dade County. It was completed before Our Creator sadly took your spirit back to His havens above. A hero whose soul and heart are aglow as they faced the likes of violence with a certain character, resolve and versatility. Sacred and instrumental, you functioned with decency and morals to be held in high esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

Your blessed, heroic and honored name, Officer Cook, is forever anchored down within the Dade County region. Revered, admired and humble, with your outstanding character, clutch commitments and prideful and trusted convictions is plain to see why your integrity, valor and virtue were treasured and esteemed as you were a loyal mate to your beloved Karen and a super nice man to your brave and sincere comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. This world surely misses you, Officer Cook and although you are not physically returning to your family, nonetheless, your special heart, yearning soul and prevailing wisdom, vision and maturity will shine on and stand out among the crowd.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2021

A flock of honor and heroism ringing heaven's eternal bells of everything respected within the confines of your crusades here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Integrity, dignity and character lead your fortified charges in pursuing the rightful tranquility and stability that incorporated your region. You'll always be high in high esteem for your unselfish and tireless trails of truth and trust surrounded by a blanket of ingenuity,intuition and intelligence the results of discipline, devotion and loyalty to become a most fiercely dedicated servant of your department and The Lord Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cathedral was ringing those bells as they tolled at your Inspector's funeral, Officer Cook, a hot day that somber day of May 19, 1979. A young man saluted and never forgotten for his earnest virtue, clear vision and maturity that recognized your precise wisdom from a heart and soul steered into the evil you took an affirmation to protect and to serve and you surely made your folks, sister and your beloved Karen very proud. Humble and adored!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

In a heartbeat life is born and in exactly that time life could be sadly snuffed out too. Your family, friends and colleagues probably have been asking that same question why? Why did things have to end on that tragic note? Dade County needed you more than ever, Officer Cook. They required a man of patience, practicality, a smile, honesty and integrity bridging those gaps where dignity and character that reverently fit in. You'll not be forgotten for heroism, esteem and loyalty above the calls of responsibility that gave us hope and safety by which to navigate through those tunnels of turmoil and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

The callousness of a cruel and terrifying coward is just mayhem personified. Your personality and conduct, Officer Cook, was just the antidote for what was troubling Dade County. During your watch I'm sure you dealt with no only domestic issues everything placed on your plate of honesty,integrity and relevance to stifle adversity. A solemn undertaking underscored by measures of both morals and mettle. Such fibers and fabrics of tenacity facing violence and terror never running away nor giving up. You fought with every vein, artery of your heart and soul for unwavering stability. That's real virtue and vigilance, valor to be humanely honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

Numbers and statistics are all well and good. But, the meaning of endeavor is to attempt to bring about fairness and freedom for society just looking for its practical purposes in life. Your career, Officer Cook, was founded upon the principles of adhering to faith, direction and dignity. They along with reserved honor and humility from your heroic heart were always certainly valued. A treasured gentleman with a proud and loyal family, the Cook Family will be forever be remembered for giving you to our community where your decisions and service will be forever enhanced. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

You relish your opportunities and take challenges to heart in your conservation of mankind. Its noble fruition all made possible and plausible by your relentless pursuits of excellence, humility and the honesty that burns within dignity and integrity's vital character and your staunch commitments to see Dade County clear of violence, Officer Cook. Success is not a day adventure nor is it a pass to just take things for granted which badge#1664 never ever did. You are to be poignantly honored and saluted for valor, direction and a sense of common balance between what we deem as acceptable and not right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

You accomplished your tasks and all earthly journeys as you went about your daily humble and heroic professional affairs, Officer Cook, seeing and safeguarding the people of Dade County. Of course your vital honor, dignity and integrity lent their credence to the battles at hand. And a a man of resolve, devotion and humbleness to be blessed, revered and cherished forever. It's very tragic that your life and career came to such an awful conclusion just because of one man acting alone in his blatant disregard for authority. Your wisdom, maturity and acumen all built within your character and heart will surely guide your soul and spirit as they keep heaven aglow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

Years of toil protecting our soil of serenity, safety and abundant security all blessed and made by your sincerest honor, dignity and humility, Officer Cook. Dade County had your sound mind and strong heart of integrity gracing its neighborhoods for six years of positive and trusted missions of faithfulness, goodwill and virtue. With uplifting spirit will you be saluted and fondly remembered for excellence, passion and perseverance. Unselfish, undying and tireless trails of truth and justice for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2021

Service with a smile. Hope with a hop. Passion with a ring. A clear cut message of goodwill springing forth and a newer lesson and challenge every second. You preserved honor, integrity an dignity for Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, with a heroic humbleness, blessed accentuated and forever permeating within the wings of all who still live and breathe and cherish the God given ideals and values of life. Plans and preparations are created and now those who have your missions in hand must be careful not carefree. Cautious not callous. More is expected and demanded from those whom you take a sacred oath to serve. May your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2021

Pride is not a ticket to ride freely down any path. Perseverance, professionalism and proficiency will take one further down their true trails of justice and its associated trust better than ever. Your utmost care and concern, Officer Cook, provided Dade County with a humble glimpse of a man who knew his plans well. You lived life, yet treasured being a policeman. Danger and peril were not going to derail your trains of ferocity, honor and integrity having dignity stand head to head, toe to toe and face to face to undo evil and to uplift your community where your compassion and goodwill would try to rid adversity from its midst. Cornerstones and foundations were all constructed with a purpose and God needed a sweet and mindful angel of heart and soul patrolling His streets and heavenly gates of perfection above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2021

A man steeped in morals. A gentleman who did not gallop in pity. You performed your due diligence not only on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, when Our Creator's called your spirit home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your passions were your highly visible and validated patrols of your beloved community of Dade County. It's where many of your fiercest fights over violence happened and captured the nations's hearts and thoughts as well as your family who gave a most prideful and yet a humble man to law enforcement for six years of loyalty, dedication, determination and the devoutness of a faithful public servant. Integrity, dignity and honor were on your roads maps of mettle, character, scruples and ideals rich in tradition etching your truthful trails of trust, resolve and beyond. Badge#1664 was about respect, caring and having a voice of humility that still meant all business to your daily professional life, career and its missions on behalf of serenity and security. Such maturity that has always been remembered, noted and forevermore blessed. Nothing needed modification.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2021

Getting kicked in the solar plexus can be extremely painful. Violence, terror and pure evil just annoys the balance, hope and esteem of society's enhancement, freedoms and goodwill. You were a battler, Officer Cook, you defended and fought for peace and happiness for Dade County using every possible legal resource to restore and to calm the public during times of unrest, tension and stress. All the more so your honesty, due diligence, dignity and accomplished integrity never left your side, kind of like a trained canine never leaving their handler's side while they are hurt. For championing the causes, for pursuing valid and virtuous purposes may God keep your heroic heart, soul and spirit close to Him for eternity and for the very blessings of boldness in the cherished and revered name of bravery. An angel who was taken while his career was on the upside but always paid homage and solemnly saluted for the vehicles of versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2021

Monuments are nice to gaze at. Gallantry is forever making one's own heart gladder. Happiness, health, peace and prosperity are challenges for almost everyone who awakes daily, You awoke that very early morning day of May 16,1979, Officer Cook, probably your beloved wife, Karen made you breakfast with either a cup of coffee or tea,you talked humbly and embraced and said goodbye and have a wonderful day. She and your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, you should rest in peace Mrs. Cook, really sorry I never had the chance to meet you. You and Karen, Mrs, Cook, having to be told of what happened to your son and husband, my neighbor, friend and hero,it just is very sad,tragic and horrible. You were doing your job preserving the safety, honor, integrity and dignity of all Dade County utilizing every capable measure to halt a severe domestic incident where a man shot you,your colleagues except your partner, shot a citizen and was threatening bodily harm to his girlfriend. The article said he fired shots into the home of his estranged wife.She apparently was his spouse obviously a more serious circumstance to overcome. Just so much character and respect poured into your sincerest labors of passion. You were a compassionate gentleman with a wise heart and a clearly humane soul of vim and virtue all terribly missed today. Rest in peace Officer Cook. Those who have succeeded you and have taken over your watch over your community hold a great burden on their honorable shoulders of humility and all the blessings of safety they could ever ask for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2021

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