Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Carry humility as you carry your heart and yours, Officer Cook, was carried down those Dade County trails of trust and truth, tenacity honorable and dignified. Such integrity and prideful character was your motto and mantra that has been the inspiration for these last forty-two plus years since you sacrificed your life for your community's well being and the welfare of an area is a top priority. Such a desired man whose concern and dedication was sincere and quite special. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity salutes with a fondness and solemnness your life and career one you chose without reservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Fate can be happy though it sometimes can be horribly sad. But, your young life and promising career, Officer Cook, serving proudly the people of Dade County was the living and shining example of honesty, integrity and the characters of dignity, reverence and the heart, soul and glue of his family during other tragic moments. Your family my neighbor, friend and hero has not forgotten you, heaven forbid and had always tried to keep your inspirations at heart as they carry on the foundation of your legacy and heroism. Our harmony, unity and liberty have all come through your tireless energy, unselfish spirit and all the virtue, valor and onus in carrying assignments on your broad shoulders. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Your stakes of serenity, safety and security were pitched by the tents of tenacity, honor and heroic dignity and integrity. Dade County was your venue of expertise and intervention, such unselfish effort and all heart and a brave soul, Officer Cook, that covered its residents with nothing but the best. God has humbly rewarded and blessed your unassuming nature and decent character and such astute acumen, awareness and the total validation of your earthly dedication to rid humanity of what causes tensions, unrest and senseless bloodshed which further destroys the goodwill, hope and faith of our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Proud, precise and proficient, a man whose destiny was to humbly patrol Dade County with the barometers of dignity, respect and the eyes of both integrity and honesty. To find that sacred undertaking and for a gentleman of God, you served with pleasure and a most wise and passionate heart and soul of caring and a kindship of kindness which has left mankind safer today though a bit less because of your absense, Officer Cook. Your loved ones, colleagues and friends have all missed your smile, vim and vigor, the faithfuness of your virtue giving every ounce of strength to fulfill your earthly journeys of justice, fairness and trust all truthfully protected by wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

You pluck weeds out of the ground. You find fairness, firmness and their foundations where honor, humbleness and dignity all belong. Your soul and heart of heroic integrity and respect, Officer Cook, has been forevermore etched on walls and placed down on streets signs. Dade County and badge#1664 will be cherished and admired for generation after generation. Such fierce determination, dedication and devotion were your handpieces of humility making tranquility more central for mankind. Its folks won't forget you and neither haveyour friends from the job or your beloved family who mourned you but vowing to carry on your fights and legacy with the same virtue and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Whenever I visit your grave I try to keep the ground aroundit free of weeds and the like. After all your life was a perpetual train of tenacity in motion. The encounters were always greeted with relief and resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Hurting good men and women just is not right. Taking a life of a wonderful and gallant young man with so much left to accomplish. You were ordained by Our Creator, Officer Cook, to tackle what makes society dizzying like a bat. Evil needs the attention of those whose character, commitment and convictions measure up to the proper ethics, discipline and the morals so well rounded intheir entire being, a heart and a soul of charisma, charm and courage that patrolled Dade County so well as you performed each watch that way.It was your style and sense of direction where your vision, wisdom and maturity took flight and located their roots of resolve and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

You've been gone a long time, Officer Cook, yet the memories are forever fresh in your family, peers and friends hearts and minds. That beautiful smile so missed as it was your dynamic persona that made for everyone's happiness, peace and prosperity. Dade County has its heroes and heroines, you provided and produced a true brotherhood and never ending bond between mankind and humanity that has remained so vitally endearing. Your loved ones can take solace and humble comfort in recognizing your passions to become the very best at your position where responsibility and accountability run down the same trails as truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

The bumps and potholes are there just as evil, wickedness and whatever else lurks and seeks to ruin the fortunes of mankind. Society and Dade County can never thank you enough, Officer Cook, for a job well done. Undying, unwavering, unselfish, unrelenting in your daily wars over violence. Your life and career was still rather young when an evil man decided authority and obeying their directions was not his style. Sad, tragic and a man of honor, humility and all the reverence of dignity and integrity giving their soul and heart to right a ship of serious trouble. Cornerstones all apartof your heroic legacy ofvirtue, vigilance and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Fundamentals leave those foundations forever signed and sealed with admiration, loyalty and the esteem of knowing you produced when the stakes counted. Each moment of a public servant's life and career the balance between boldness and bedlam can shift in a heartbeat. Dade County was served by a young man, a gentleman of character, honesty and respect who never yielded to a rush of real trouble. Your hopes and aspirations, Officer Cook, only heroic and sacred created that difference and left an impression to be certainly remembered and etched upon your family and colleagues' hearts. The model of mettle, morals and scruples all designed to change the interior and exterior from violent to serene. Passions and journeys surely blessed and anglically rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Solid citizen and steady as a law enforcement professional, precise, proud and proficient.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

When circumstances warrant being sedentary will not be able to muster its capabilities and abilities to give their best humble endeavors. You were a man, Officer Cook, in motion patrolling your beloved community of Dade County with an honest and heroic heart and soul. Such undying courage and convictions all dutifully remembered and given solemn salutes for everything consistant with character, reverence and the integrity that nevers shies away from peril. Unselfish, tireless, the complete scales of trust, truth and virtue coming between adversity and our humane security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never forgotten and always a treasured angel who is walking those perfect streets of comapassion and mercy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2021

Tenacity is not a toy to be bounced around and played with. Ferocity is not fickle and neither is a gentleman's humility and mighty heart and soul. Yours, Officer Cook, performed for the will of the folks living in and around the corridors of Dade County. A place we both called home. And it's where you gave your life and career of endless courage, dignity and integrity looking right smack dab in adversity's eyes and face. Your tracks of justice were headed upward as you protected our wisdom, vision and clarity for six years of loyal, esteemed and most faithful passions. The trials and tribulations of life go forward with your heroic legacy my neighbor, friend and hero illuminating those trails and pathways of perseverance. Rest in peace. Commitments to excellence and pride were your earthly missions and convictions all determination and never a bone of conceit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

God really sheds His grace down on Thee. And your honored and heroic heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, shines down upon this land and on the people of Dade County who were humanely to have your due preservation among its midst. Your were consummately caring, fair and beloved not only by your family, but, a whole department and an entire police world. Such character and fortitude that was the stabilizers of our own very tranquility and serenity to be humbly enjoyed. Health, happiness and the pursuits of your dreams, goals and aspirations are now inspirations for us to reach out and grab. Humility is not a cup of coffee and is a principle, a virtue that can take years, decades to acquire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sincerity, appeal and acumen made the difference in how our very lives have mattered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

Proud, precise and proficient, a man whose destiny was to humbly patrol Dade County with the barometers of dignity, respect and the eyes of both integrity and honesty. To find that sacred undertaking and for a gentleman of God, you served with pleasure and a most wise and passionate heart and soul of caring and a kindship of kindness which has left mankind safer today though a bit less because of your absense, Officer Cook. Your loved ones, colleagues and friends have all missed your smile, vim and vigor, the faithfuness of your virtue giving every ounce of strength to fulfill your earthly journeys of justice, fairness and trust all truthfully protected by wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

We sanctify God's great and powerful name as His divine intervention helps to bring about the passions of which we pursue while trying to follow His perfect blueprints of boldness and bravery. His pathways and trails are true and dignified were the ones you strived to walk down, Officer Cook. A Dade County hero of virtue and adventure who made his ventures and vehicles of valor and versatility count for everything. A safe shelter and secure havens are what we all yearn for. Your peace of mind, health and happiness meant the world to Karen and your loving family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity, dedication and grit supported your navigations of never ending hope and humbleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

Your final place where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, shall forevermore remain a sacred and humble ground where your heart and soul lie serene as God continues to blessed and reward you for being diligent towards Dade County and its population. Your personality of humility, desire, dignity and integrity all endeavored to quell a severe doemstic incident between a man and his wife. His anger caused more harm that nothing can repair nor being you back to your family, comrades and close friends. Your discipline and devotion were yardmarkers of your remarkable ability, versatility and civility all sacredly mastered to deliver faith, hope and truth to the word trustworthy. A cornerstone calulated to produce a rightful semblance of sanity and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

Heinousness does not horse around. While acts of evil seem to submerge a community those decent, honorable and dignified men and women of law enforcement must be astute, aware and awake to stop the dangers before they clog the streets and homes of callousness and your undivided attention to detail, Officer Cook, is forever greatly and most heroically appreciated. Dade County and its residents benefitted for your unselfish and tireless resourcefulness, goodwill and the virtue of a most caring heart and soul of character and integrity. The fortitude built the very foundations of our future one bereft of your absence now that heaven has your angelic spirit to guide those here on their patrols of freedom and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 14, 2021

A man of motion, a gentleman of perseverance and tireless resolve all by utilizing his heart of humbleness and his soul of serenity and versatility to try and to undo what was happening tothe people while you watched over Dade County and their cherished lives. Officer Cook, you'll always be your loved ones' hero and forevermore that of your entire department. You ran to danger and make no mistake every breath of energy and every stroke of dignity, integrity and trust was accentuated and is forever perpetuated by those who have succeeded you. Gone to early, but never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

if you aspire to become something no matter the cause or purpose, you'll probably inspire people too. Their lives, dreams and hearts have meaning and it's found in loyal and quality public servants like yourself, Officer Cook, who made more than a niche, more than a dent in dignity and in uplifting society to where it truly belongs. With reverence and the due diligence you were able to lead other comrades through thick and thin. A new dawn and a new chapter in your life, career and ideals of commitment and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County had its man of humility and convictions encircling them at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

Delicate yet dedicated. To deliberate and yet to act decisively, you cannot ask for more and yet, Officer Cook, you gave your entire being to shield and to shelter Dade County folks in tranquility. A tall order and it was carried out with skill and the versatility of being dignified and poignantly open, fair and honest. Never a misstep and neither any hesitation as your heroism performed in a high regard. Principles, values and scruples never abandoned and never off track just trust and a passion to succeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

The carpets of courage, charm and candor have been rolled out to greet you when arrived in heaven, Officer Cook and now you welcome with open arms all who sacrifice their lives of heart, character and the honesty required to provide the stabilities of dignity, peace and integrity for a man whose uniform and badge gave Dade County solid effort and virtue every second of your life to be fondly remembered. A legacy passed down to your family to carry forward as they pursue their hopes, dreams and aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

We are expecting rain tomorrow yet your heavenly patrols will remain dry and secure, Officer Cook. Heaven has its heroes and heroines all protected by God's extra layers of humility and comapssion, the very same ones you instilled in the hearts of Dade County citizens. Only a gentleman of regard and resolve, your vision and virtue seeing your earthly missionsof honesty, integrity and respectful dignity through until Our Creator came and sadly took your soul and spirit back to His home where angels soar. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

You have to be convincing when striving for harmony and liberty for mankind. Dade County was your zone of zeal and passion, Officer Cook and your humble honor, protective dignity and inspiring integrity won't be forgotten. We salute a man on a quest of goodwill, hope and truth. So beloved by his family and esteemed colleagues who worked with you trying to make a dent within your community of this unending evil. You'll be extremely missed forever and will continue being paid homage for heart, soul and unselfish loyalty and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 13, 2021

The chapters, contents and tables of justice, truth and trust have been long since written and need no revision for they are as succinct and crisp as possible. You performed as you did for your whole life, Officer Cook, keeping a steady career of courage and crusades close to your vest of virtue and heart of honor that created that endearing and enriching lifestyle for Dade County to come to revere. Such character was greatly appreciated and your career exemplified those examples of effort, efficiency and the bounty of energy right from your reservoir of resolve and battling adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2021

The vignettes of virtue, valor and versatility only unwind just a part of the total package that all duly trained men and women must possess to have achievement in solving and in resolving crime, conflict and other callous actions that more than perturb the underbelly of humanity. Dade County was where essentiality and the values of honor, dignity and integrity all channeled their resources to bring about everlasting quiet, happiness and prosperity to mankind. A man who was a pleasure to partner with, Officer Cook, your cherished, blessed and proud name of humanity that misses your heart, soul and gracious smile of bravery everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character builds esteem. Commitment constructs the eyes of loyalty. Conviction brings the flocks of truth and trust to the center of the forefront.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2021

The noose of barbaric violence threatens to suffocate the life and humility out of society. And where life remains the primary source of our earthly and fruitful endeavors there always needs to be the sparkplugs and vitally important resources such as the excellence of all public servants, dedicated, devoted, diligent and honest who serve the causes of the public at large. You always made your humble and heroic presense known to all Dade County, Officer Cook and for the fabrics and fibers of true integrity and dignity right from your tireless and unselfish heart and soul of character and worthy convictions may you forever be saluted for having the boldness, the smile and the successes in life though cut way too early your virtue, vigor and versatility shall always remain with your family, peers and close friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 12, 2021

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