Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A journey through the passageways of hope, inspiration and goodwill to be solemnly beloved, adored and proudly admired. For it's in God's eyes and hands that motivate, direct and shape one's humanely humble accomplishments. Your successes, Officer Cook, were and now forever will remain measured as morally uplifting in humanity and in Dade County's eyes. Such a strong heart and a soul of promise enriching the masses of those wanting harmony and unity for all mankind. With agility and virtue, your inspiring wisdom, vision and virtue all supported and complimented the scopes of tireless and unselfish integrity, dignity and valor starring evil right in its eyes and for this we won't forget you never always a hero who climbed those humble ladders to chase after violence with unrelenting resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

Distinction is nobility's light of shining armor and its humility so very cherished, admired and greatly virtuous. Such a man of humbleness blessed with talent, skills and all the acumen to document one's pursuits of excellence and pride. It was your life and career choice, Officer Cook, that was a Godsend to all those living in and around Dade County. With an open heart of honesty, a soul of diligence and desire, your class, scruples and decency was dedicated to the vehicles of versatility and dignity, such refreshing wisdom as refined as your unassuming character and clarity of integrity. The meanness and callous actions of one man acting alone snatched a beautiful smile and personality away from his family. Torment, terror and turmoil were certainly not intended to become that springboard to misery, grief and sorrowful anguish your family had to endure my neighbor,friend and hero. Rest in peace. Badge#1664 was reverence, passion and the promise to perform all tasks, assignments and roles responsibly without regret, hesitation nor reservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

Twenty-five years is a relatively short life and yet your humble and honored career and life meant the difference in the very nature of an enhanced world, a society where mankind yearns for peace, health and the durability of such nobly acccountable servants. They place themselves in the line of fire, of peril and danger to safeguard our ventures, adventures of happiness and just the quality of life that reverence and character bring to the forefront. Dade County witnessed unrest, strife and tension and you were there for them, Officer Cook, not just in heart and soul. A completely honorable young man filled with youth, a quest to learn and the patience to direct other fellow officers through the hazards that sometimes darkened those tunnels where ferocity, hope and goodwill blinded tenacity momentarily. But, you'll be always remembered as a hero and as a legend whose good name and genes continue running through the bloodlines of the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families to be shared,celebrated, yet very much missed just so terribly though your spirit watches from the heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

We trust in the Lord to provide a stable of serenity, sustanance and health, all dividends of His accountability toward His creatures. We live and breathe as each day comes and departs. Our sole purposes should be to pursue His blueprints as we see fit. But, evil and terror cannot be the go between safety and peril. That is where badge#1664 came to his rightful venue to help vanquish adversity, your journeys, Officer Cook, were paved with blessings and boldness, honesty and the letters of love and admiration for a job well done. If dignity, integrity could lock eyes with virtue then we the people of Dade County knew we would be protected, preserved and allowed to experience the true inner tranquility that God keeps burning within our souls and hearts. Your sweet soul and blessed heart forever are being rewarded as an angel of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

What underlines and underscores our pyramids of values,virtues and ideals are those that are imprinted and instilled in all of the hearts and souls of those public servants filled with sanctity, validity and the accountability to own up to the onuses at hand. Your versatility and humane authority, Officer Cook, were some of the reasons as to why honor and respect was kept here in Dade County where you toiled, patrolled and navigated its corridors for six years of loyal and dependable fortitude, the blessings and rewards of having a heroic name, the Cook Family will forever be proud of and cherish. Their darling son, brother, uncle, great-uncle and beloved had character, trust and truth fortifying all your trails. Never delayed, derailed nor detained. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

Those committing abomination shall walk off that plank into the fires of God's wrath. His punishments are sure, true and may not be taken back. Your good deeds and heroic actions, Officer Cook, only reinforced the reasons as to why you were considered a trusted servant. Yes, Dade County was watched and preserved by the very integrity, dignity and the clearest of all your honorable missionsof fairness, faithfulness and dedication that a human being principled and with values had. Your soul and spirit my neighbor, friend and hero encircle your beloved family as they carry on with your legacy of devoutness and the tenacity that life calls for. The citizens have a right to live and to thrive in peace and everything you performed by was outstanding and never pretentious. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

A gallant man with a glorious smile and a brave heart whose soul of distinction encountered everything this world stands for. The good, the bad and everything in between no matter, Officer Cook, the hero of Dade County rising above ther plumes of serious trouble to provide peace and prosperity for every living being. A young man with unwavering action to quell a domestic disturbance and whose ideals, integrity and ingenuity were inline with honor, dignity and completely thoughtful and faithful character who shall solemnly be remembered and saluted for possessing vital versatility and visions of virtue and wisdom following your righteous trials and trails down those roads of truth, resolve and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

Refusing to go down fighting to maintain law, order and respect, Dade County will forever honor and treasure its hero in you, Officer Cook. You were a gentleman who stood for decency, dignity and integrity's desire to keep character, commitment and conviction sacred and forevermore close to your badge of humility, heart and virtue. Our serenity, security and trails of truth and trust were laidout and paved by your persistence and goodwill to be admired and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2021

One more second won't bring you back to your family, Officer Cook, as your honored and humble heroic soul belongs to the Master of our world to be safrguarded for special eternal keeping where heroes and heroines all now walk their perfect beats. You walked the streets of Dade County keeping them free of trouble and always,always being loyal, dependable and honest to a tee. So many have risen and sadly fallen, but, yet it's your own integrity, character and commitments of integrity that will always be sacred and secure in the history of Dade County legends. The walls, the traffic signs all display your unassuming prideand devotion to duty, desire and truth. All heart and soul blessed, treasured and wholesomely rewarded for giving their sacrifice to make humanity better served and protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

Those paths you carved out and cared for, Officer Cook, were not half beaten. They were fully blazed and blanketed by your wisdom, humane heart and heroic spirit of adventure. Chasing violence is not fun nor is it an adventure it was your solemn duty you willingly chose to accomplish and your family, comrades and Dade County citizens were never worried nor disheartened only of the sadness losing you to a man who was cowardly and callous with noneof the honesty, virtue and integrity for which your dignity energetic,tireless and straight forward true and most faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

Independence starts at home. Versatility is that sacred object that is in the Lord's hands and must be directed at hotspots of impending evil and it was here in Dade County where your heart, courage and humbly robust soul of acumen and ingenuity were felt, Officer Cook. They graced this planet for twenty-five years of productivity and the promise of a new dawn arising. A shame that May 16, 1979 was your last call and day here doing what you loved doing placing honesty, dignity and integrity in harm's way to secure harmony, freedom of movement and the commitments of excellence all by principles and by being focused and disciplined. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

Heroism that was humble. Perseverance was your hidden pride, Officer Cook. Resolve never forgotten. Virtue so validated. Dignity that dug in during times of crisis. Integrity forever instilled and implanted within the very hearts and souls of all who lived and still reside this day in Dade County. Such a lovely man taken way too soon by such wasteful, shameless and heinous violence that you made an oath to stop. You surely and most certainly had a renewed strength of character and a commitment so staunch, stellar and sterling it's always going to be cherished, admired and supported by your family who now carries your baton of boldness and gallantry throughout their trails of trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

One giving their life is too many. Every area needs devoted and assertive individuals patrolling for liberty and Dade County had a gem in you, Officer Cook, a man of heart, character and a most blessed and treasured loyal name. Mankind does not forget bonds of acumen and dignity holdingtheruddersof resolve, integrity and respect from a man of devotion and true class. Trust that continues being perpetuated and accentuated from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

A hut is a haven to rest. Heaven is eternity's venue to slumber in perfection and tranquility for properly performing one's earthliest of journeys. Missions you took to heart, Officer Cook, as a hero of your family, colleagues and close friends who engaged and recognized an endearing gentleman of Dade County for the residents who were cloaked in your assurances that harmony would forevermore abide among them. Outstanding character,amazing commitments and the sacrifices of trusted and true convictions that helped to restore, calm and settle any disagreements. This Covid 19 seems to be taking too many lives of honored officers men and women of virtue when will it stop? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

The chimes of concern,consideration and care are ringing loud and clear. You patrolled, Officer Cook, the way you were trained and that was to protect and serve the honor, dignity and integrity of your beloved community of Dade County with every gentle hand of serenity and humility. A heart so strong and a soul so wonderfully charming. They are all missed today greatly. Such an aptitude and a ferocity like no other. Those massive cornerstones are the very foundations of a safer tomorrow though one missing your civility and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

One day at a time and everything will look upward again. We all devote our hearts, thoughts and prayers to such matters. You developed a rapport with Dade County, Officer Cook, that enlivened and was humbly blessed and dignified. Your proper integrity, ingenuity and intuitive chains of energy were carried out precisely as God gave you the stamina and determination whichto confront adversity. May your family and peers be solemnly blessed as your sweet virtue and spirit are sacredly rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

The calendar flips ahead and yet your memories are forever remembered stoically and most solemnly. You were consummate in all your duties and their most honored missions on behalf of society and of Dade County. Keeping peace and reason are those honorable causes for which your soul and heart were versatile and valiant. Never forgotten and always esteemed, loyal and a constructor of character and resolute commitments to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, while your family misses you and your handsome smile they know one day you'll all be together once more.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

May your courage, heart and fortitude all shine brightly in God's serene abodes, Officer Cook. Dade County was forever filled with the warmness of humility and character and your unselfish dignity and integrity defending us and our peaceful trails of happiness and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class, decency and dedication are virtues unfortunately not everyone believes in. So sad as was your losing your life with so much left behind for your family to carry on. A legacy of heroism so endearing, enriching and enhancing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2021

One must refrain from temptation, but always retool and retrain as standards must always be updated and up to the tasks at hand. A reverent servant whose devoutness and determination showed his true grit. You had plenty of gumption, heart and grand character, Officer Cook, suffice it to say it held its own against the likes of adversity and whatever needed to be dealt with. A special man of virtue, visibility andthe versatility found in a hero of resolve and resiliency. Dade County never had to be concerned when you toiled and searched for a semblance of tranquility and unity for all society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

Conviction and thought all must be sincere and truthful in order to be appreciated by the public at large. When you went out to patrol Dade County, Officer Cook, badge#1664 had its persona of passion but with honesty, integrity and the links of dignity, desire and dedication forever implanting their wisdom, vision and maturity. Such a loss for your family and department that must be faced, saluted and solemnly remembered it won't be forgotten. Too many cornerstones built with an energetic heart and character comprised of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

Your missions all undertaken and underscored freely and willingly were accepted and carried out to the tones of total tenacity. Unwavering, tireless and a bountiful of unselfish heart and soul, Officer Cook, made your sacrfed journeys over Dade County more spirited. Now your honesty, integrity and dignity are all in the clouds above shining down their esteem, love and loyalty upon your loved ones and those who have taken over your watch. Being careful and getting home safe and sound is essential. My your spirit rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

Silence can be deafening. Yet, the sounds of evil seem to shatter mankind's hopes and dreams causing those bridges of boldness, honesty and integrity to sink to a level unbecoming a civilized society. Well. your gratefulness, resourcefulness and dignity, Officer Cook, heroically created that forever bond of bravery for Dade County. You sir shall be admired and your life and career which was based upon commitment to pride and excellence will be articulated for our future men and women who serve to see and take note. Truth and trustworthiness reaching out to a legion of humanity which indeed misses your sincerity, smile and such a caring and most compassionate heart of gold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

The summer is almost over and then fall starts soon but violence, torment and wickedness keep meandering around town. Your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, was served and preserved by a gentleman of heart, hope and humility. Such extra special passion that utilized its scopes of scruples . with the utmost honor, character, integrity and dignity that helped to shield citizens from harm. A sacrifice to be forevermore honored and given humane care for a loving human being. Your family and peers miss you terribly my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legend will be secure and remain the foundation of reverence and virtue that furthers your family's lives of health, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

Courage is for those honorable and loyal public servants whose crusades, journeys and missions are all of a certain character, fortitude and respect. You demonstrate faithfulness, goodwill and the dignified admiration, Officer Cook, that has been long since heroically blessed, remembered and fondly saluted for its integrity and intelligence that patrolled the corridors of Dade County where everything peaceful and virtuous surrounded your angelic heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2021

You wake up everyday to a now very uncertain mankind. You made meaningful exactly that, Officer Cook, always revered and admired as your family and Dade County hero of humility, concern and heart. Your refreshing soul and spirit humbly watch over your loved ones and for being composed and supported by the rocks of resolve and virtue may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A crusader who advanced the embodiment of everything proper with discipline and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2021

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