Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Levity has no place within the honesty and sanctity of humanity. With your humility and heart, your soul and heroic spirit, Officer Cook, could function very well preserving life and scruples for all Dade County folks. Their lives saved because of your unwavering, tireless and energetic being carrying your trails down those pathways of precise perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2021

A quick wit and a pleasant smile all were part of your professional serenity, Officer Cook, a Dade County public servant built on honor, fairness and the trust of those whom you served and loyally protected. For dignity, integrity and character carry everyone who lives and breathes, they are the essential parts of virtue and valor so forevermore we salute your courage, charisma and heart of unselfishness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2021

Violence is everything vile and vicious regarding our society today. One of the many issues and problems plaguing mankind's advances toward success. Police cannot ever subscribe to failure for their earnest journeys would leave no hope to find that solution to any circumstances that need resolving. Your dreams, truthful trust and hopes, Officer Cook, spurred on a new day of aspiration and honesty to flow through. Such a gentleman of dignity, character and integrity all incorporated within a uniform of decency and virtue. A heart full of love and compassion all missed terribly by your family, peers and close friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

A trusted savior, a truthful warrior worrying about his family and the safety of his beloved community here in Dade County. Your pilgrimages, Officer Cook, pacified mankind beyond its wildest of expectations. A confident yet a gentleman of class and courage taming the beasts of violence while remaining cool and calm under stress. Your consummate integrity, diligence and dignity forever shadows your patrols above. Your perfect proverbial beat unharmed and forever tranquil forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

This pandemic is still running rampant through mankind. Police families and departments are suffering earth shattering losses of their heroes and heroines every second. The race to vaccinate must progress faster not slowly like a turtle if society has any hope or inspiration of staying free of wickedness. Dade County was preserved by a quite a man, Officer Cook, heroism so close, integrity and dignity so free to patrol the streets and character so amazingly humble. A soul and a gem of a man so highly esteemed and loyal to all his peers. Professionalism through and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

Days and lives all matter. Aspirations, hopes and honesty all shattered by evil, a young man enjoying his job all be it a perilous one taken so young and with a gentle heart and a tender soul of valor, virtue and vigilance. Dade County had and has seen it all, Officer Cook. They saw badge#1664 everyday making its way around their homes and castles of tranquility and goodwill trying to steady those rudders of resolve and resiliency while keeping your professional conduct as dignified as possible. Sincerity and integrity striking that pose of passion touching the hearts and minds of your loved ones, comrades and friends who all liked and revered a man of humble admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

The onuses of an outstanding officer sadly called home to God way too early, Your life and career, Officer Cook, was one of so many heroes here in Dade County. Generations have come and gone since you gave the ultimate sacrifice to round those streets and corners in peace supplying us with any sensation of serenity, safety and security. For this you'll never be forgotten. You cannot overlook a mindful man of respect, character and clutch commitments. For we know civility and responsibility have everything to do with honesty, integrity and dignity poured into your pursuits of truth and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

Violence is everything vile and vicious regarding our society today. One of the many issues and problems plaguing mankind's advances toward success. Police cannot ever subscribe to failure for their earnest journeys would leave no hope to find that solution to any circumstances that need resolving. Your dreams, truthful trust and hopes, Officer Cook, spurred on a new day of aspiration and honesty to flow through. Such a gentleman of dignity, character and integrity all incorporated within a uniform of decency and virtue. A heart full of love and compassion all missed terribly by your family, peers and close friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

Dade County lives today surely differently than when you served them, Officer Cook. You were a dearly beloved colleague and friend to all who wore a badge and a uniform that embraced and represented honor, dignity and integrity. The residents received excellent protection and still forever remember their hero. Badge#1664 was the essence of character, reverence and virtue all from your tireless heart, soul and spirit that enriched the landscapes where humanity navigates on its missions, hopes and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel whose wings are shining brightly in the heavens above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2021

Your parents invested their lives for your accomplishments, Officer Cook and your heart,soul and spirit repaid them many times over. Dade County continues to cherish your life and career and its productive lines to tranquility for all to share in. History never repeats itself and your patrols made that distinct impression of a gentleman whose talents, skills, hopes and goodwill will forevermore be solemnly paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction were all virtuous and so visible. Humble wisdom, humane loyalty and perpetuated actions all to be remembered and duly noted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

Heaven has a man of faith, devotion and sheer humility and a character of a sound heart and soul. Your outstanding performance, Officer Cook, renewed Dade County's confidence in the system and in you. Such a sweet and humble public servant striving for success in all your journeys. Humanity won't forget you as dignity, integrity and accountability are all eternal agents of Our Creator who watches over you as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

With a love for life and a zest to excel, only you, Officer Cook, created the positive affections of your earthiest of missions. And Dade County was kept safe and was always well aware of your acumen and accentuated dignity, integrity and the highest of honesty flowing within its streets and roads. Forever do we the citizens salute you, your heart and spirit of class, desire and the pure purposes for which God placed your soul of vision, versatility and virtue on those maps of morals, mettle and meaningful endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

A man of control with a mountain of honor, morals and dignity supporting your unwavering and tireless sacrifice all unselfish and all loyally comforting. Dade County really made strides when you patrolled its righteous paths and trusted trails, Officer Cook, Your family and department miss you so badly and understand it's heaven where your soul and heart of virtue rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

Violence just seers one's heart. Its path of evil denies society of its basic freedoms, liberties and the quality of peace and humility. You graced our world for twenty-five years of wonderful heart and soul, Officer Cook, forever a Dade County hero respected and prideful of his journeys to better mankind's brighter tomorrows. Integrity, dignity and wisdom all from your courage, aptitude and the fortitude to complete your destinies of devotion. determination and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

Advice given by one of honored and humble distinction is to be followed, learned and carried on forevermore. The citizens of Dade County followed your leadership and instruction, Officer Cook, as best they could to be made safer and more secure. A life lived in humility and with a dignified heart and soul is certainly one to be saluted for its integral character, integrity and purposeful passions. Unwavering, unrelenting and all unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2021

Crisp and pristine, grit and gumption gladdening the souls and hearts of all Dade County and all who paid attention to your directions. values, ideas and scruples all matter as they accompanied you, Officer Cook, down those trails of truth and yearning for twenty-five years of productive activity. Violence shook the world and your family the day they sadly lost you but you are never far away from them and neither is virtue, valor and intuition, ingenuity's recipe for success which humbly and heroically came your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

A pacifier and a man built on restoring and calming folks with pent up emotions. A savvy man with a smile and an engaging heart, Officer Cook, Dade County will not forget the integrity, honor and dignity of life you saved every watch. Now as you observe from God's perfect perches may your true character, trusted commitments to pride and excellence all be rewarded, revered and blessed in abundance as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

Terror is torture and pain, suffering and anguish leave families reeling in sorrow. For now they carries the legacies of those they loved and left behind. A great family the Cook's and so much more left for your loved ones to accomplish, Officer Cook. A hero of Dade County, a most decent individual and a more virtuous human being. Suffice it to say, integrity,honesty and dignity embraced the hearts and souls of mankind where you will not be overlooked for unselfish and tireless actions of esteem and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

Many still have doubts about receiving a vaccination even though lives of both police and the public can be saved and spared the pain of mourning a loss. Society has enough on its mind and plate to have to deal with already. You deserved to live, Officer Cook, yet Our Creator needed you special soul, spirit and heart of constant devotion, honor and integrity back in heaven to look after others who gave the ultimate sacrifice as you did for the residents of Dade County. A man of model character blessed with wisdom, versatility and virtue to be everything in a diligent and trusted man of mettle, morals and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

Perseverance understood. Proficiency undertaken. Heroism and honor recognized and duly accomplished on behalf of your community. Dade County was most fortunate and blessed to have a truthful and a most trusted warrior by its side convicted by commitment and not restrained by doubt nor wavering. Your outright dignity, integrity and reverence, Officer Cook, brought wickedness to its knees and for this you'll always be solemnly remembered and humanely paid the homage due a public servant who represented virtue, grace and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

The attention violence receives always shifts. Like the winds that blow in from the ocean swift action must be taken to prevent any escalation of more mayhem, bedlam and chaos. There's no need for humanity to be confronted, confused and confounded by more evil than what already exists. You faced danger, peril and whatever needed to be halted here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you acquitted yourself very heroically, honorably and with an enhanced sense of both integrity and dignity. You'll be admired, saluted and greatly blessed and rewarded as your family's angel for sacrificing your life and career of nobility and civility to keep the bands of boldness and virtue unified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2021

Loneliness is harmful to the soul and the heart. But, passion is that fever of ferocity that shelters all who lovingly embrace it. Dade County and society embraced you, Officer Cook, a strong and handsome gentleman so valiant and so vigilant. Our travels were made safe by your professional exploits so enriching and endearing. They captured your family's pride and joy forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and dependability are angels partnering together to protect us from the skies above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2021

The blitz is on and one had better display his or her wares. Their acumen and everything within that badge and uniform had better accentuate and perpetuate a feeling of security. For wickedness only knows its going to be trapped, cornered and captured, it won't prowl the roads threatening our very humble lives. Dade County had you, Officer Cook, humanely honorable, dignified in every way, shape and form, a man whose integrity was greeted daily while out patrolling our corners and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2021

Durable and full of wholesome desire, so decent and welcoming. Humanity has surely missed you, Officer Cook, forever a Dade County hero and a legend who fortified his endeavors with energy and such embracing gratitude. Tenacity and honesty together building those bridges to a more integral future. Integrity so special and so unyielding, you gave your life in a tireless and unselfish manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2021

Your position, Officer Cook, was one of the utmost importance in not only keeping violence away from the folks of Dade County, it was to remain determined and dignified in all your trails of justice, freedom, hope and goodwill. A gentleman whose warm and rich heart gently just touched the surface of mankind and it's forever a gigantic tragedy that one evil man took your life away from you, your beloved family and esteemed comrades. Character and morals now angelic and walking their eternal beats above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2021

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