Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Cleancut and considerate, a man with concern and honesty in his entire being. A repertoire of dedication, pure desire and sheer determination to upright Dade County with complete harmony, liberty and your passions of life so openly dignified and intuitive. Ingenuity and integrity that leaned on other colleagues for support. Your loved ones, Officer Cook, have been marching forward all these decades after your ultimate sacrifice of heart and soul. Virtue and vision so valiant and adored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2021

Foolish and insecure, they will never let heart, soul and character perform their earthly obligations to secure and to maintain the integrity, honor and class of humanity. You were loyal, consummate and very cherished by your family and professional comrades, Officer Cook. Their hero and man of humility whose wit and smile was just a sampling of your serious nature, faithfulness and dependability in which Dade County residents looked up to your ventures of vigilance. You constructed the paths, trails and fairness that everyone is afforded never berating anyone. Just a really blessed soul who is to be nobly saluted for his bravery and comraderie. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2021

Youth serves its causes. Even older men and women can still fulfill roles of onus where the public's safety is always going to be a top priority. Such a wise and noble human being as you always were, Officer Cook. your life, career and heroic memory will never fade it will forever be uplifted, enriched and enhanced so long as your family continues your proud tradition. Dade County was the fortress of your guiding light the beacon of inspiration, character, honor and integrity. with all dignity and versatility your unsung virtue will forevermore shine like a diamond. An angel whose wings are perfectly fitted for your eternal ventures of faith and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2021

A brave young man tangling with a coward and heinous man with nothing. No class, honesty, respect and dignity. You had a humble assortment of everything essential to performing your law enforcement duties, Officer Cook. And you never let your mind stray nor detour from what you knew Dade County and its citizens relied upon. Such outstanding virtue, character and commitments to excelling and being mindful of our safety and serenity. You can be sure your name of valor and wisdom will forever be that legacy for which others endeavor to follow in. Your paths and trails were accentuated with trustworthiness and the truth where your caring soul and unselfish heart worked as diligently as they could to preserve tranquility and to protect the resourcefulness and humbleness of lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2021

Never sullied only seasoned with purpose, passion, cause and reason. That's why we need loyal, honest and devoted women and men unafraid to tackle the big issues, the perilous of dilemmas. Dade County its man, thoughtful and virtuous in you, Officer Cook. A humble man, a more heroic face of humanity who is quite missed by his family, comrades and close knit circle of friends. Versatility, onus and accountability that never once batted an eye when violence looked to unhinge the doors of tranquility from those castles of humbleness that you preserved and watched over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The people demand and expect quality and excellence with badge#1664 they received everything and more. Just sad that your young life ended so early with more left on the horizon to complete.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

A pair of shoes to walk or run after problems coupled with truthful lips and clear vision yielded the results that shine like diamonds above. The light of your unassuming soul and heart, Officer Cook. founded a newer tomorrow. Though today is still here and that is where you should be now living a peaceful, healthy and humanely humble retirement with your beloved Karen. A Dade County hero whose wealth of dignity, integrity and reverence never waned. Sanctity and civility well placed and well meaningful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

Compassion yields caring and concern, with your devout consideration all Dade County was fairly well protected from evil, Officer Cook. Heroism and honesty are forever seen in those equations of endeavor, dignity and integrity that saved life and raised the bar of spirit and hope during your brief six years working solidly as a trustworthy public servant. Conviction, character and commitment are what enriches our world and now in heaven uplifts your soul and heart of valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

One round at a time. Resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency all handled by a beloved warrior. Your family not only adores and loves you, Officer Cook, they have accentuated your pathways and trails of justice, truth and trust because in your unselfish and tireless heart and soul you accomplished noble acts of kindness, fairness and loyalty given humbly back to Dade County. Badge#1664 was all meaning, all wisdom, all discipline, devotion and dedication so determined to find that goodwill, hope and slice of safety for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

The price one loyal and esteemed gentleman paid for our very security can never be repaid. You measured up in heart, soul and humble honesty, Officer Cook, creating that lasting bond of dignity, integrity and wisdom that fought so hard for truth, stability and trust. Dade County's folks have never overlooked nor forgotten your vision, valor and versatility. It permeated the streets and roads where your blessed and heroic name remains legendary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

Tenacity can assist in the turnaround of a community but it has to be a total team effort. Dade County relied upon your professional tools of honor, integrity and basic dignity, Officer Cook, to efficiently carry out these tasks all tough and dangerous. You will be remembered for your stoic and stellar character, sterling commitments to both excellence and the pride you took in donning a crisp uniform and a polished badge of humility, heart and virtue. Those men and women who have succeeded you have indeed big shoes to fill but steady and accurate is what gets the jobs completed more often than not. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2021

You were always perceived as a truly nice young man, a gentleman entrusted with serving and striving to protect and to preserve the faith, hope and good nature of all Dade County. The messages, Officer Cook, were crystal clear and the sources of your honor, dignity and integrity were from a most humane and resourceful heart and soul now being watched by Our Master. Carrying sway was your heroic actions not just on May 16, 1979, it has always been about your resiliency and endeavor that leaves that lasting impression on your unassuming legacy. Stamped, signed and sealed forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

A coward conceals themselves so that no one will recognize them. They saw your handsome face, a beautiful smile beaming from ear to ear. More than a grin, it was honesty, dignity, integrity and a beloved family member, a solemn comrade being paid homage for restoring law and order to the Dade County community where right makes right. Discipline and duty go hand in hand with responsibility and accountability. Such versatile feats of a truly warm and engaging young man building the gates to a sounder and more serenely tranquil tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

To aid and assist, to care and to demonstrate class, concern and consideration, all heart and all bravery, honest to goodness real satisfaction given to Dade. County's folks, Officer Cook. Forty-two plus years later your dedication, devotion and dignity have all been both solemnly and fondly remembered, saluted and etched upon those walls that have dignity, humility and integrity never more pronounced. Tragically, you were taken before your prime and you left behind a legacy filled with humane admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

The hills of honor, heroism and humanity are where your sacred life, career and sacrifice all rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Mountains of morals, mettle and the real definition of a gentleman true, faithful and trusted to carry forth missions of goodwill and hope bestowing peace and prosperity back into Dade County's fountains where your tenacity mattered. Those foundations and cornerstones were really constructed with the proper degrees of virtue, versatility and the articles of emancipation hovering overhead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

The class always is esteemed and loyalty, reverence and humility of heart and soul rise to the very top. The ladder was set, the stakes high and you performed as you always did, Officer Cook, with a heroic passion and a very dignified spirit that had integrity and character charging right toward evil. Dade County won't forget you and we salute virtue, balance and the safety implanted within our very humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

The fallen are fearless. Their ferocity rose above the calls of honesty, heart and heroism.
Your dignity, character and integrity, Officer Cook, both served and protected Dade County and its citizens who are forever grateful. When wisdom, vision and maturity come between evil to shield those affected we must be ever mindful. You'll not be forgotten for having commitment, conviction and trust binded as one by truth. Society has surely missed you, your smile and happiness you shared with your family as they carry on your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2021

One day at a time and one shift carried out safely and soundly. You were counted on, Officer Cook, to restore and to calm the fears of Dade County's people. Integrity validated your unassuming honesty, dignity and reverence for a position of trust,virtue and truth. It speaks volumes and each time your put on your badge and uniform, tireless energy, a heart of unselfishness all gave their humanely timed performances, outstanding and most uplifting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has an angel of ferocity and tenacity which tried their hands at taming terror and wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

An absence of heart, soul and humility might leave lives on that clothesline, hung out where danger would destroy the absolute tranquility of a community. Dade County pinned its hopes, dreams and aspirations upon your very onuses to accomplish your jobs correctly and with a positive outcome, Officer Cook. You were consummate and a solid citizen, a human being with inner feelings of serenity and humbleness. Badge#1664 deserved a much better fate. As a devout man you put your trust and truth in those baskets of bravery and boldness not to be forgotten. We salute your life, career and vehicles of versatility and the very due diligence that can conquer anxiety and fear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

Sanity,civility and courtesy must all stay attached to the vests of vision, valor and virtue. For if their honesty is interrupted the very tranquility of any community would be endangered. You chose a profession that has its perils, Officer Cook and yet dignity, character and integrity would build those very future foundations by which mankind could be indebted to your service and esteemed loyalty. Always blessed and so very humbly and humanely treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

Side by side and face to face, you fought for all you believed in, Officer Cook and for the principles so valuable to your paths and trails of truth. Virtue must start somewhere and having honesty and dignity its mettle,morals and meaning becomes crystal clear. Your community and folks here in Dade County have never overlooked a gentleman who gave his life for peace and respect to flow freely through the pipelines of scruples and other essential character traits. Your family and society are a little less safer, though you continue watching from the skies above. Accountability and responsibility were your best of friends and they never gave more than we could ever comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

Now an angel forever your life, career and humbly honored heroism, Officer Cook, shall be saluted for its yearning and dedication to perseverance and for having its acumen, wisdom and vision close to those vests of virtue, valor and the due vigilance that enhanced, enriched and uplifted the harmony and safety of all Dade County residents. A man whose sacred missions invoked intuition, integrity and the ingenuity that gently touched the hearts and souls of humanity. Your family, society and your peers have all missed your wonderful smile and spirit of adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

A kid likes to climb trees and be adventurous. Police search for peace while attempting to shake the branches of evil. Your goals and missions, Officer Cook, were to heroically and honorably patrol the Dade County streets in pursuit of harmony and liberty for mankind. Your journeys were sadly ended by a treacherous man who nearly killed your colleagues and the citizens involved in that awfully destructive domestic dispute. They'll never forget you nor will your dignity, heart and integrity have been given in vain. Now angel forevermore in eternity soaring higher every moment. Character and commitment truthful, trusted and totally blessed, revered and bestowed humble homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

The clock strikes. The bravery and boldness has already set its wheels in motion. They kept churning when you protected all Dade County, Officer Cook. You followed directions, learned your assignments and kept a steady source of character,dignity and integrity flowing forward. For being a hero you have been so honored as homage is paid to your soul of mettle and a heart of principles,values, class and ideals all taking their cues from truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

You were destined to save the residents and your comrades that fateful day, Officer Cook. You were not going back to end your shift until you knew harmony and peace would be accomplished. But, It was tragic that man also young and he had a family would not give up and let you and your brothers get him some much needed assistance. The ailments of this society and evil only perpetuates such outrageousness. For maintaining a calmness, for possessing honesty, dignity and the humility of a heart of integrity, may Our Maker continue to bless and reward your angelic soul for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A good man kept serenity, stability and responsibility all going forward. Unfortunately evil does not take kindly to marching orders and leaving a location where it's never desired. Dade County was provided with quality service by yourself, Officer Cook, their hero and of course, your family's. Integrity, wisdom, dignity and vision all were highly regarded and your life, career and happiness should not have been stopped by a wicked man. Heaven has itself a humbly loyal angel, esteemed and brave who will be saluted for heroism above and beyond. Virtue steers, versatility acknowledges. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

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