Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Now an angel forever your life, career and humbly honored heroism, Officer Cook, shall be saluted for its yearning and dedication to perseverance and for having its acumen, wisdom and vision close to those vests of virtue, valor and the due vigilance that enhanced, enriched and uplifted the harmony and safety of all Dade County residents. A man whose sacred missions invoked intuition, integrity and the ingenuity that gently touched the hearts and souls of humanity. Your family, society and your peers have all missed your wonderful smile and spirit of adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

A kid likes to climb trees and be adventurous. Police search for peace while attempting to shake the branches of evil. Your goals and missions, Officer Cook, were to heroically and honorably patrol the Dade County streets in pursuit of harmony and liberty for mankind. Your journeys were sadly ended by a treacherous man who nearly killed your colleagues and the citizens involved in that awfully destructive domestic dispute. They'll never forget you nor will your dignity, heart and integrity have been given in vain. Now angel forevermore in eternity soaring higher every moment. Character and commitment truthful, trusted and totally blessed, revered and bestowed humble homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2021

The clock strikes. The bravery and boldness has already set its wheels in motion. They kept churning when you protected all Dade County, Officer Cook. You followed directions, learned your assignments and kept a steady source of character,dignity and integrity flowing forward. For being a hero you have been so honored as homage is paid to your soul of mettle and a heart of principles,values, class and ideals all taking their cues from truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

You were destined to save the residents and your comrades that fateful day, Officer Cook. You were not going back to end your shift until you knew harmony and peace would be accomplished. But, It was tragic that man also young and he had a family would not give up and let you and your brothers get him some much needed assistance. The ailments of this society and evil only perpetuates such outrageousness. For maintaining a calmness, for possessing honesty, dignity and the humility of a heart of integrity, may Our Maker continue to bless and reward your angelic soul for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A good man kept serenity, stability and responsibility all going forward. Unfortunately evil does not take kindly to marching orders and leaving a location where it's never desired. Dade County was provided with quality service by yourself, Officer Cook, their hero and of course, your family's. Integrity, wisdom, dignity and vision all were highly regarded and your life, career and happiness should not have been stopped by a wicked man. Heaven has itself a humbly loyal angel, esteemed and brave who will be saluted for heroism above and beyond. Virtue steers, versatility acknowledges. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

God's shadow glances every second at His glorious flock of heroes and heroines. Their hearts and souls of honor, dignity, integrity and humbleness shine brightly. Dade County was perceived in liberty and in freedom of expression, you implanted faithfulness, resourcefulness and an inner strength of serenity within its borders, Officer Cook. Such a well rounded, well admired and well revered man of devotion and desire, sheer determination and dedication carried your life and trails of true resilience. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class and having considerate manners are most important in having any semblance of success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

Dade County just as any place can never get over the sudden loss of an excellent public servant. For when they sacrifice their hearts and souls, their courage, honor and humility are suddenly uplifted to a newer height. Heaven is where dignity, respect and integrity in character, commitment and conviction rest in peace with your spirit, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallantry greeted those pearly gates that your angelic soul now forever watches over. Our tranquility and lives were protected and preserved by your passionate smile and engaging personality never to be forgotten. Your family, Officer Cook, experienced your father's passing and you were the glue that kept your family together where stability is really that virtue of love and esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

A ray of hope is surely preferred than volleys of violence. The quietness of a neighborhood is what the citizens want and desire. You delivered on your promises, Officer Cook, to try and create the right atmosphere for Dade County to thrive in. Peace and happiness brought about by honesty, integrity and dignity in a uniform and a badge that represented everything in virtue, valor and vision. A young man taken away so young with more earthly missions of hope, goodwill and faith down those heroically trusted and true paths of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2021

Consummate and honest, the things all excellent servants must have. Dade County had Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, heroically patrolling its streets and now as an angel you walk that heavenly beat accentuated by valor, dignity and virtue leading integrity, smartness and acumen on its trails of justice, trust and truth all applied as one with morals and mettle would. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

Round and round it goes and where it stops no one knows. Thankfully you and your past partner, Officer Cook, were a block away and answered that domestic call. Sad and tragic you lost your life because of one man's heinous and cowardly actions that threatened Dade County, its folks and your comrades who nearly lost their lives of honor, dignity and integrity. You faced violence one way face to face with your character and commitment always etched in your family's souls, hearts and minds. Such virtue and vigilance to be paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

Incentive is enough to get the tasks accomplished properly. Officer Cook, you needed no prodding just because of the gentleman you were outside and inside. A golden and big heart of care and consideration, citizens of Dade County who watched you grow and develop a good rapport with them as all who have dignity, reverence and virtue must have. You'll be forever remembered and so honored for heroism and sacred missions that have bettered the prospect of humanity which misses you as does your family and department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

Evil distorts the goodness of nature and only such a beloved and honorable public servant can save our lives. You were that noble and valiant public servant, Officer Cook, a smile and engaging personality yet under it all was humbleness, esteem, loyalty and the very integrity that represented your grand character and truthful goodwill. Such a blessed man who continues to be saluted and rewarded for having the consistent constitution to combat adversity here in Dade County. Serenity and happiness are the ideals that enrich the heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

Versatility is vision and value clearer than a bell. With your intellect and integrity, Officer Cook, forever a Dade County hero, the people whom you served could only be deeply indebted to your unselfish and tireless passions, heart and dignity. Honesty so humanely humble and now always blessed and rewarded by Our Creator. You laid down your life of principles, scruples and ethics in order save lives. You were an excellent officer, a diligent public servant and a man of character, trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

A gift from God is the most humble and cherished item in a person's life. Such humility and heart, your trails of justice, Officer Cook, started in California where you were born and then navigated along with your family to Florida. You grew up here, were educated in Dade County and then attended the police academy to begin the process. One of contemplation, courage and discipline. No doubt your honesty, integrity and dignity carried your pursuits of peace and serenity for all you protected. A genuinely true and trusted gentleman whose angel wings are watching over your soul as you patrol heaven's sacred gates of virtue and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2021

The ferris wheel of honor, dignity and integrity never stops it lasts forever. Even though your life was brutally taken, Officer Cook, the lives of your family members carry out your heroism and legacy with the same passion and tireless character as you displayed while watching over Dade County during your tour of virtue ,vision, resolve and wisdom. All well deserved for a man genuinely revered by his colleagues.. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

The brave, bold and heroic belong at the top of the charts of courtesy, character and decency. Your unselfish dignity, integrity and humanely stellar honor, Officer Cook, kept the hopes of Dade County's folks alive and well. Peace and unity are never easy to locate and you made it your professional business to serve, save and to preserve the quality of life so noble and sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

Your courage and heart were character and soul personified. They worked as a team ferocious and tenacious in their endeavors to stop adversity and bestow harmony within the streets of Dade County where you gave your life, Officer Cook, for mankind to advance in its journeys of hope, goodwill, health and happiness. A great man gone too soon leaving a legacy of faithfulness, resourcefulness and heart behind for your family to fondly and solemnly remember. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

Your memory is very sacred and forever stoic. Its honesty, integrity and dignity were the rationale behind your storied life and career, Officer Cook, one cut sadly short by violence. But, Dade County, your family and peers do very much remember your unassuming virtue, tireless heart and soul giving their every trail for truth and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Generations from today no one will ever forget your ingenuity and humility from your caring and most compassionate heart. A soul and spirit keeping the heavens above aglow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

Evil, terror and torment are turmoil and violence multiplied many times over. Many a day we never knew if safety, security and serenity would spring eternal until you started your career, Officer Cook, working for the Metro-Dade Police Department as one of its finest heroes of honor, dignity and integrity. They all were special and all possessed the branches of character,conviction, commitment and the trust of all Dade County and its people. Always loyal, esteemed and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

Violence robs families, departments and society of one's humility and honor. Your sweet and special soul, Officer Cook, is forevermore tucked away in God's home of dignity, integrity and respectful characters where His humane heroes and heroines soar as angels. Dade County was very fortunate to have a super human being and a top class public servant protecting and searching for tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2021

The bigger they are sometimes the harder they fall. Violence, terror and torment sometimes take more than just a simple touch to eradicate. Great measures must be utilized to eliminate such a foe. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, served with distinction, with grit and gumption. People in Dade County were happy you brought your tools of tenacity and honesty to the very roads you patrolled with a passion and most essential, dignity, integrity and respect roaming for safe trails and peace. A sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero never shelved nor forgotten. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2021

Virtue's vision drove your vigilance, valor and versatility so pristine, Officer Cook. Forever will your loved ones, colleagues and friends remember your unassuming honesty, humble dignity and most heroic integrity which fought the good battles trying to undo violence from our midst. Dade County was morally protected and looked after during your entire career one cut way too short because of one wicked man. The voids are still there, the civility, nobility and sacred passions of both heart and soul never wavered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2021

Enrich yet emancipate. Enliven and uplift. Your heart, soul and courage, Officer Cook, have only been cherished, admired and all the wisdom, vision and maturity that one can possess. You lived life to the fullest and despite being robbed of your humble honor, decency and dignity, it was integrity and conviction trusted and true that allowed Dade County citizens to live safer and more meaningful lives. With accountability and versatility, your durability and tireless patience will be rewarded and blessed by God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2021

Bold and brave, such a humble yet sincerely dedicated young man who strived for greatness every day of while carrying out the rigors of policing a community. Dade County and your beloved family, Officer Cook, has missed your warm and engaging personality and smile, yet heaven is where you forever watch over them as they champion your heroic legacy of integrity, candor and class. A soul and a heart of honesty and a spirit that was full of dignity and ingenuity that looked evil right in the eyes. Treasured and never forgotten for restoring our harmony and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2021

Your dignity drives your desire and integrity down those paths of righteousness and no doubt left quite an impression. You'll always be well regarded, admired and respected, Officer Cook, your family and Dade County's hero of humility and of honor. With sustained character and clutch commitments to excellence and pride you can be certain we will salute your undying, unwavering and unselfish heart that steered your most sacred of missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2021

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