Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Facts leave foundations safer than fictional dribble. Your bond and words, Officer Cook, meant more to the citizens of Dade County than anything else. A savior, solemn and humble, humanity certainly treasured men like yourself who have stood for elegance and grace, dignity and the honesty that represents integrity. One man not alone battling adversity and strife with the aid of his unselfish comrades who salute your gumption and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You must walk the walk and consentrate on the arduous and difficult responsibilities at hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2021

Courage from an honest, humble and sincerely loyal heart can surely make strides more so it can accomplish so much with dignified effort and unwavering integrity placed forth despite danger staring every living public servant in the face. You made Dade County securer and very proud of your heroic actions, Officer Cook. They were undertaken with the utmost respect, character and commitments to excellence and loyalty. Every breathing second one angel serves and protects must be done so with desire, decency and the dedication that can resolve any conflict. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2021

It's in the darkest of hours that one must be stoic and remain humble. Evil shears the top right off of a community's salvation bringing it to its knees. But, you battled and fought hard on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. The location of your stellar honor, sterling integrity and heroic dignity all exerting their wings to shield and to preserve the ingenuity and character of the people of whom you took a sacred affirmation to protect. Such a gentleman and such an individual whose virtue and wisdom made all the difference. You are forever an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

What makes violence and evil tick? We can't always put our fingers on that pulse. You placed your scruples, safety and honesty in harm's direction, Officer Cook, to make Dade County function more smoothly. Not always that way, yet, you took your tasks, roles and assignments seriously not matter of factly. Your crusades and missions are designed to spread the efficiency of hope, faith and goodwill far and wide rather than turmoil and chaos unleashing its ugliness where it does not belong. Truth, trust and resolve make their rounds daily while your soul and spirit rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were honored for your heroic actions by many who paid their homage to your grieving family members who now go and carry on your legacy of impression and distinction, all humble and all welcoming.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

Heaven is the most peaceful and perfect habitat for heroes of distinction. It's the venue where vision, visibility and virtue come close forevermore. Valor and accountability are all tabulated by Our King Himself who blesses, rewards and nourishes the very souls of the departed. You were one of many Dade Couanty heroes, Officer Cook, your smile,charisma and charm have not been overlooked nor forgotten. Dignity drove your intensity and integrity steered your youthful pursuits of peace and promise they would have continued if not for a callous, heinous and dishonest man who robbed you of your life,career and freedoms, a marriage so strong and loving. About thirty years after you gave your life she remarried and I believe lives in Minnesota. A great couple sharing many wonderful years soon in a few you and Karen would have been married fifty years. Goes by in a blink of an eye. A true colleague honored, saluted and fondly paid reverence for virtue and sanctity. A noble patriot blessed for his acumen, awareness and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

Humanitarians are just that. Heroes and heroines are human beings sent here in this world to accomplish and to succeed in whatever efforts they excel in and pour forth. Your parents, Officer Cook, would be very proud of you and so is your big sister, Nancy. Their warrior and man of integrity, wit and character embracing dignity, desire and honesty. They all flowed within your heart and soul. Mankind surely has taken note and missed you very much. You contributed to the peace and safety of all Dade County, a community that engages its public servants. A gentleman with a big smile, cherished, admired and greatly adored by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

Grateful and gallant, wise and welcoming. You opened your home along with Karen, Officer Cook, to many friends and that is why you are most humbly honored for your heroism here in Dade County. A man so caring and genuinely trusted. You were most compassionate and passionate about doing a job that despite the dangers has its humane rewards for those who serve and strive to maintain integrity, dignity and respect on their uniforms and badges of creativity and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

You treasured your life and deeply appreciated working as a public servant. You put forth your faith, due diligence and heroic endeavors, Officer Cook, to shield and to protect importance in Dade County. We the people can travel and pursue our ventures with a little more certainty. Humbleness, loyalty and esteem surely contribute to the personification of any duly noted officer. Your professional ventures my neighbor, friend and hero were bounded by tireless and unassuming honor, integrity and dignity all facing the likes of wickedness. Now God has a most truthful and a trustworthy angel patrolling His streets watching over his family comrades and acquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

Fallacy with never assist ferocity. Fiction pitches its tents and makes waves. Your patrols, Officer Cook, heroically restored a sense of law and order and a calmness within Dade County. Nothing but positive achievement and everything humble and humane in the words of honesty, dignity and integrity. They along with your outstanding character and trusted journeys spearheaded the citizens who still pay their reverence to a loyal, dedicated and mature young man. God gave you to your family for twenty-five years of life and humility, heart and a versatile soul of virtue and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2021

Never quit and never capitulate during trying times. The world needed you, Officer Cook, your family needs you, but Our Lord had other more important ventures of faith, goodwill and honesty for a man whose heroism struck a chord with his community that keeps paying its respects to your soul and heart. Dade County had many other men and women classy and decent who gave the ultimate sacrifice. They too are solemnly, fondly and humbly remembered. Character, conviction and commitments to pride and excellence are not pipe dreams. Your aspirations and desire was to become a true patriot and a trusted partner to those who looked upon your humility and virtue to carry the tide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

Violence shakes the very core of our world knocking it off kilter. By being calm, cool and collected, Officer Cook, the people of Dade County and your department could rely upon your basic professional instincts. A young man with humbly gifted acumen, awareness and the relevance of honor, dignity and integrity perpetuating your trails and pathways of justice. Where the truth and trust lied there badge#1664 was there to restore and to preserve the transparency of life. So human and so masterfully divine. Officer Cook, you had and you possessed a wealth of virtue and gumption that carried your career, life and personality to a higher level. Your family has missed you as has everyone you came across during your life as a warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

Safety, security and serenity all take priority to everything. Nothing is more sacred and humble. Your compassion, Officer Cook and your passions to serve and to protect Dade County were vitally important and your revered badge, uniform and name are to be admired, cherished and held in high regard as a hero. You provided many days and months, six years of expanded endeavor to release the citizens from the cuffs of callousness and cruelty. A family and their journeys continue with your heart,soul and spirit of integrity,honor and dignity always at the top. "Uncle Bo" is not far from them. They watch over your legacy and keep the love and affection for you going. Saluted and paid homage for bestowing mankind with everything it needs to function daily. Forty-eight years ago your missions took their genesis. A gentleman of wisdom, maturity and vision enhanced and enriched the very cornerstones you constructed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

Vulnerability and versatility are not the same. All officers who submit willingly to become public servants do so with caution and knowing they may some day during their careers and lives be asked to make the ultimate sacrifice for harmony, liberty and tranquility to be a reality. The sad part of that equation is that too many die with more left to accomplish and to fulfill. They all are now and forever a part of God's solemn flock of heroism and humane humbleness. After all you gave your heart and soul, a spirit so crisp and refreshing, Officer Cook, as it defended Dade County with effort, esteem and loyalty supporting your unselfish and tireless honesty, dignity and integrity all important in these wars over violence, terror and who knows what else? You'll be forever saluted for the unassuming and unwavering faithfulness to responsibility and being accountable. The staple of a man's life is his piety, character and behavior. Yours my neighbor, friend and hero was above reproach. Rest in peace. You are forever an angel keep soaring higher each second looking down on your family, peers and friends from all over.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

The deluge of devotion, dedication and determination must be bridged by all the humble appearances of honesty, integrity and dignity. You cannot begin to battle and fight off adversity without some semblance of a plan. Yours, Officer Cook, were well planned and thought out. Dade County surely remembers a loyal servant whose virtue, character and commitments were all followed by accentuating humility, sanctity and by a noble heart and blessed soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

In police work arrivals on time are essential. The departures are never for sure. Whenever evil is roaming and lurking on the streets a good public servant worth their salt stays behind to finish their honored toil. You gave your life and career, Officer Cook, all heroically for Dade County and there will never be a doubt your heart and soul, dignity and integrity shined as they always did. You performed in an outstanding manner, true to your sacred bond, loyal and trusted in all your convictions. That is why God has you cradled in His arms for safekeeping, your virtue, wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2021

A challenge helps keep one on their toes. The premises of perseverance rely upon the instincts of character, class and consideration all of them were kept and followed by you, Officer Cook. Forevermore a hero to your family, comrades and many friends who watched you mature and grow up to become the gentleman of gladness, gallantry and the prosperity that society embraces. To enhance and to uplift means your levels of respect, dignity and integrity have to be on a higher plateau. Truth, trust and justice for all Dade County were served and sadly after completing your missions of hope and goodwill, Our Maker took your perpetual soul back to heaven to observe those mindful of your heroic legacy, saluted and remembered for its virtue and grit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

We can all sit back imagine a perfectly quaint and tranquil world. No evil, no violence, no trouble and never any turmoil or torment. You blazed a trail for other women and men serving and preserving life here in Dade County, Officer Cook, where not many would dare to venture. Being loyal and esteemed requires the basic components of character,concern and a heart filled with humility and honesty. You touched the souls of all mankind with unassuming dignity, integrity and a brand of boldness and compassion that underscored your missions of relevance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Crisp,clear and wise beyond your years of effort and energy poured forth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

A pane of glass shattering creates a loud sound. Gunfire and evil created that loud noise so scaring the residents of Dade County where your response,Officer Cook, not just that fateful day, every day was quick, heroic and so honorable. You saved countless that day just by being dignified and having a certain letter of integrity, reverent character surrounding your heart and soul. a voice of reason with a practical aptitude so real and humble. You will always be loved and adored by your loved ones, respected by your colleagues and missed greatly by all who came into contact with a truly great human being, warm,engaging and passionate about his onuses. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

A heart,soul and spirit of adventure. A mind sharp as a nail. With feet and hands humbly created you made your way around Dade County, Officer Cook, prepared to serve your earthliest of journeys. Its destinations many and always paved by peril so difficult. You never complained nor took for granted your career and life so well blessed by Our Creator. You and your beloved Karen served Him with passion,with purpose, with humble knowledge that every day is a gift never guaranteed. Fortitude well founded, honesty and integrity blessed in abundance. Unselfish dignity devoted and documented, Our Lord saw the views and the pictures of missions of vision,wisdom and virtue before His own eyes. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your angelic character,charm and charisma can float higher each second. Please watch over your family and those undertaking your heroic legacy stamped and sealed with tireless intuition and intelligence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

You greeted and met all those who you protected and served, Officer Cook with a smile. A man so robust and well rounded in awareness, vision and acumen. So honest, loyal and dedicated to serving Dade County with your valiant heart and soul. Many decades have passed since you gave your life and career we must bear in mind that reverence,character, commmitment and conviction are forever going to be saluted solemnly for their unassuming trustworthiness and humane truth. A man now forever soaring above as one of God's many heroic angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice has to be steered toward fairness, firmness and the very foundations that were consummated and consecrated by our forefathers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

Laziness affects more than morale. It comes down to values, scruples, principles and morals that can place a community's safety in good hands. A young man gifted, skilled and talented whose broad range of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness rested within a heart of honesty, dignity and integrity all truthful,trusted and genuinely humble. Dade County was your community, your territory and venue where all vehicles of versatility, virtue and vigilance made that distinct impression never to be more embraced. They enhanced,enriched and uplifted the process of harmony, unity for mankind and brought a sense of pride because badge#1664 cared and was heroically angelic. Officer Cook, your family hasnot forgotten you, your peers and friends have not forsaken your blessed,cherished and humble name. You performed His work with joy and looked forward to the tasks and challenges that greeted you each new day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

Do nothing trouble, violence and torment boil over. You did your utmost and fulfilled all your honored and sacred missions on behalf of Dade County and humanity, Officer Cook. A man of action, a man of heart, soul and vital character who led others by virtue of just that along with dignity,composed and essential to the battles that continue smoldering today as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity, humility and respect gather their tools of the profession for a fight of a lifetime. Your life unfortunately ended all too soon because of one disrespectful man with no decency, class of any kind and no one fabric of honesty in his heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2021

Warriors, saviors our heroic protectors of life and property truly deserve our honorable tributes for if not for their length, width and heart, integrity, dignity and character would be decreased and society would be more in danger. You gave Dade County, Officer Cook, a total dose of respect, valor, virtue and the wisdom of a gentleman maturer than his years. Twenty-five is still a young age and you were the consummate professional who could lead and take charge of other comrades solely because of humility, civility and the accountability of being responsible. Your family, friends and peers of the past have never forsaken your legacy and its memory. Your career was everything in the words of stoic, sterling and stellar. All heart, soul and spirit now being blessed, cherished and rewarded for the ultimate sacrifice for our safety, peace and mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2021

Centered and focused, the two sides of everything honesty, integrity and dignity bring to work. They all must be aware, awake and have acumen attached to their wings of gallantry and boldness. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, was fair and open, Dade County's residents received humane care and a heart surrounded by a soul of loyalty and excellence working and riding around looking for any piece of serenity and safe trails. You'll always be well regarded and humbly admired for your life and dutiful career serving and preserving the quality of our happiness, hope and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2021

Guns and violence are not a game. It's not a turkey hunt. It's a search a very cautious and hopeful plan of action delegated to all women and men donning badges of honesty, valor and versatility. You strived for tranquility while patrolling the very streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, your homegrown community and where passions, direction and leadership capabilities rocketed into stardom. What took off was a measure of your pride, humility and self-confidence in recognizing your abilities to scan our paths for some perseverance, some sense of pride, a little humbleness that girded humanity's strength and hope for tomorrow. The skies are brighter with your soul, heart and spirit my neighbor, friend and hero illuminating them. Your legacy is being accentuated and perpetuated by your loved ones. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2021

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