Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The life and career of a pious man filled with creation and articulated with passion shall not be shelved. Dade County remembers its heroes and heroines of the past, their loyalty, esteem, character and reverence will always be lauded and praised. You will always be a most important individual in your family's circle of respect and character, Officer Cook. Integrity, decency and dignity all live in the hearts, souls and minds of all who knew you and enjoyed your company. Such a gallant gentleman whose humility and smile uplifted and enriched civilization to be fondly and solemnly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

Violence brews and must be stopped at once before direction and control are completely lost. The wars and battles still rage on, the tensions and unrest can cut like a hot knife through butter. Your attitude and fortitude, Officer Cook, all saved face for the residents living in and around Dade County. You tried to stop a wayward and wanton man from inflicting more serious harm and worse upon your colleagues and the people. Since you were a strong young man and a vital cog within your community and department, your honesty, dignity and integrity won't be overlooked for we know heaven is where heroic angels such as yourself rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Twenty-five years is a short lifespan and yours was lived by virtue, valor and never in vain. You carried and comported yourself accordingly. Your blessings and rewards will continue for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

Devoutness is the route to go if one is to remain loyal and faithful to all their earthly journeys and their purposes. The causes of evil are too many and yet you, Officer Cook, were a most reliable and dignified public servant who gave Dade County every ounce of integrity and humble bone in your being to create a safer environment for us. Your family lives on carrying your spirit in their hearts and souls as they handle your legacy with tender loving care. You gave the citizens this and every salute and homage that comes your way is well deserved. A most fiercely dedicated man who followed tradition and excelled in morals and character. They all constructed those bridges of hope and virtue for a sounder future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

It would not take a rocket scientist to figure out the formulas of your success, Officer Cook, despite having served Dade County for a very short six years of most resourceful, faithful and very diligent service and if God allowed you to live on who knows how much more you humbly and heroically would have accomplished. We had a man of means, honor, dignity and integrity patrolling our neighborhood for unity and liberty for mankind. Your family had a Godgiven warrior, a humane hero replete with character and a kind heart and a gentle soul that touched the very hearts of everyone. Never forgotten and fondly saluted for bravery. So loyal and forevermore treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

Integrity, ingenuity and intuition all lead to the paths of perseverance provided that one is honest and dignified in their humble desires to locate that element of harmony. Your civility and its sanctity, Officer Cook, provided the basis for which we all can live and thrive here in Dade County.Our havens, homes and shelters are safe and secure because you cared and were the constant source of light and goodwill that now heroically shines down from heaven where God has protected youe spirit. Such a young man with a mighty strong heart and such outstanding character and the truest of commitments to pride and excellence coming together to see your missions through. May 16,1979 is a day your family and department salute your boldness, versatility and the personification of a bright smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Conviction and trust are a must if violence and evil are to be totally eliminated from humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

A missions a day is at least some model of heart, hope, character and humility. Your earthly journeys, Officer Cook, were founded in faith, devotion and the dignity of being an honest public servant who passionately protected the people of Dade County. A light of esteem, a loyal gentleman whose heroism and virtue rose above the crowd. Your family, department could take solace from your life and career bonded as one because of your unselfish ideals, scruples and a whole host responsiiblity being accountable day in and day out. Our serenity and safe trails came about through your trustworthiness and truthful pursuits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2021

Failure cannot ever cripple mankind's yearning, hopes and dreams of a more resourceful and tranquil life. Your life and career, Officer Cook, will forever serve as a lesson to challenge our hearts, minds and souls to reach out and to climb that humble ladder of accomplishment. Success depends on the cooperation of every person and every leader of his or her flock of heroes and dignified peers of perseverance. Your due diligence, trustworthy vigilance opened newer doors to create that blueprint, to continue building the cornerstones and various foundations for a brighter and a most securer tomorrow. That's not a given and certainly not yet promised. The day is now nightfall and with it comes the arrival of candor, knowledge and being aware of your environment and its surroundings. You performed in a class and outstanding manner to be admired and revered for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If one saves one life it's as if you saved the entire universe. Twenty-five years of living says this. You were the consummate and real professional to be paid homage for living as a humane hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

When robbery steals a treasured loved one honored, dignified and respected for his virtue, humbleness and esteemed loyalty where can mankind possibly turn? They look up to you, Officer Cook, your spirit forevermore soaring and encircling over us at every second. Our Lord is not going to keep a cherished and most heroic member of his department from being ever forgotten. Your loved ones remember, they celebrate your meaningful years although short because of one man's candid evil and cowardly actions against you and your fellow officers. Success or failure depends upon many variables. Virtue. Values. Scruples. Whatever integrity is poured forth to generate the good vibrations of tenacity and fortitude. You had the guts, the grit and gumption to make things happen for a reason.Peace,prosperity and hope were yours, Officer Cook, to enjoy and to relish. Sadly they were lost while you gave your life to make your neighborhood matter once again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

The pages in your life have not been ripped out they are there for your family to watch over as you, Officer Cook, humbly, honorably and heroically watch over them guided by God's will, grace and perfect ways. Because of your tireless effort, you have been remembered as a man of heart and soul, whose versatility and vision stoked the pangs of wisdom, maturity and valor displayed at all times while guarding the community you so cherished and loved, Dade County. The people and your family have missed you so very dearly, a gentleman of pride, good sense and excellence demonstrated at every turn and at every corner. God's kingdom of angels unfortunately and sadly continues to increase whether by violence or this rampant Covid 19 pandemic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

We had better salute you, Officer Cook for what you meant to your family, department and the entire nation whose peaceful missions and journeys of honor, humility and character could not go on if not for your resourceful and most spirited dignity, integrity and sense of purpose, ideals and fundamental reasons. You went after a really evil man that fateful day voluntarily sacrificing your life, career and all around virtue, goodwill and trusted truth. A warrior who left a most impressionable heroic legacy to be solemnly maintained by your adored and revered family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Valor is the very virtue that elucidates honesty, dignity and integrity. Without any of them your hopes may soon become dashed in your hunts for humane and humble liberty for society to march forward with its goals, dreams and aspirations.You are now an inspiration for those men and women desiring to become law enforcement personnel. The duties and obligations are never really completed until we know that evil and wickedness have been properly disposed of. Dade County, your community of heart and soul, Officer Cook, was the very venue of your participation in this long battle over violence. The vehicle your drove was that of versatility, vigilance and virtue, all loyal and all quite esteemed. The have stood the tests of time which has moved very swiftly these last forty-two plus years. Quicker than the speed of sound. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Heroism leaves its imprint within the eyes of our world. You enriched, enhanced and uplifted society in a way few will ever comprehend, Officer Cook. The flames of evil and torment still blow and even sometimes get out of hand. A grand master at controlling the streets left us way too early as you had much more left to achieve. Dignity,integrity and character knocked on our doors where God placed His faith and compassion in your trusted and truthful hands and heart. A sacred calling geared for the right temper. Your conduct was always to be treasured and admired. Respect and diligence forever followed you down those pathways of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County and its people never forget their heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Mankind yearns for the quintessential pleasures of this world. We desire peace, serenity and the opportunities to make better lives for ourselves and of course our families. Yours, Officer Cook, has missed you very much. A beautiful smile, a handsome face and a real man proud to be a public servant giving everything you had in true character, allegiance to honesty and integrity and never letting dignity run away from your badge and uniform of outstanding work habits. Terror runs around like a bull in a china shop, your mission was to take down this monster of an adversary. You gave your life and now you left your heroic legacy for your loved ones to carry out in health,prosperity and a straight forward journey of humbleness as Our Creator has continued rewarding your special resolve, resiliency and unassuming virtue.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Heinousness is a formidable foe. But, a man blessed and revered by humanity is more primed to be able to deal better with adversity. Dade County had its moments of unrest and tension, a gentleman, yourself, Officer Cook, heroically made the rounds trying to deliver upon your sacred bond of versatility, responsibility and of course accountability. We all have a stake in the process and your communication,character and concern made all the difference in our survival. Your sacrifice won't be shelved nor overlooked because God has an angel of humility and heart tucked by your spirit of resolve and value. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Evil's sieges till fester and at times are more ferocious than ever. Your unselfish, unrelenting and unwavering tenacity, Officer Cook, cornered violence where it shall never continue forward. From the skies above where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, integrity,decency and dignity dove headfirst into sometimes more difficulties than we could ever ponder. Yet, values,morals, mettle and principles circled your wagons of welcome relief for those desiring peace and safety for all living. Such truth and trust, heart and soul will be saluted distinctly for its civility and sacred paths of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

A man of vim, vigor and vitality should not have had his life and career ended because of some callous and wicked person. Your career, life and honor, Officer Cook, stood tall, heroic and humbly dignified as you searched and patrolled the very perilous streets of Dade County where its citizens embraced you and your smiling face. With a mighty heart, a soul of character and integrity they all embarked on a bold and noble journey of faith, hope and goodwill never to be forgotten and forevermore saluted for virtue and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2021

Everything that can spring eternal has. What should have sprung forward was your retirement, Officer Cook, around twenty years or so ago. Just appaling and sad how things ended. Honor, integrity,dignity always giving every ounce of effort and undivided attention to protect Dade County. Violence still persists and those men and women as humane,skilled and as brave as you always were face battles like never before. Their eyes, ears and heads must be facing the proper direction just as their strong hearts beat as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment to excellence driving its vehicles of versatility and virtue every second. Conviction true and faithful. A man of intelligence having character befitting his roles and onuses to take the curtains of heinousness down forever. I have not forgotten neither has your family and department. Let us pray humanity upholds your tradition of trust and fortitude

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

The train moves on. Your family preserves your humility and missions you undertook to benefit the community of Dade County, Officer Cook, where you grew up and lived. A life of desire, decency and the sheer energy of carrying out God's divine will. It takes a man of patience, passion and persistence to carryout the toughest of journeys. We won't forget heroism,morals and the virtues that spelled out the happiness and contentment that was exerted forevermore. You built solid foundations for a future made brighter a bit less because of your life and career prematurely ending because of a dangerous, callous and evil fellow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The yolks of mankind were hoisted upon your broadest of shoulders in trying to bring a semblance of safe havens for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

Appreciation and gratitude links your trails and pathways of justice, trust and truth, Officer Cook, heroically forevermore. Dade County's folks whom you served with acumen, awareness and astuteness have never overlooked your gallantry, persona nor the humbly proud honor you had as you stayed composed while doing your dangerous assignments. Responsibility means accountability and humility means your undying, unwavering and relentless heart, soul and crusading character were always in the right place at the right moment to aid, rescue and to calm and restore the quiet movements of mankind. You will always be greatly missed by your loved ones as they carry on with your legacy of heroic proportions. A man who now is a shiny star,angelic and amazing. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

One who is regarded as esteemed is revered, respected and greatly admired. A man filled with heart, soul and a spirit of passion will never go without any reflection. For what you meant to your loved ones, comrades and humanity, Officer Cook, history will duly note your accomplishments and heroic journeys that tragically ended all too soon. Dade County was preserved and guarded by a young man girded with vim, vigor and vitality so telling and most tenacious. Violence, evil and terror continue as others who have succeeded you do so with care,concern and caution. It's in their genes of honor, integrity and dignity that stand toe to toe awaiting their opportunities to exercise their efforts and efficiency. Just as you were consummate, truthful and most trustworthy, Officer Cook, the skies above have a most righteous angel walking a proverbial beat without anymore undue harm or pain. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

Cleverness reveals a humble trait. Loyalty displays the honesty one demonstrates toward society and those who toil and labor beside of you. Believe me, Officer Cook, Dade County, your family, peers and the entire police nation won't forget the truly heroic gentleman wearing a crisp uniform and a polished badge of boldness, virtue and bravery patrolling for our serenity and goodwill. Character and conviction all are in heaven doing their eternal tasks of watching over Our Lord's pristine and proud gates of vilgilance, versatility and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

Always with a lovely smile and yet the humble, heroic and honorable composure, Officer Cook, that accentuated your life, professional career and undertook a very sacred and humane mission of faith, goodwill and hope to protect the residents of Dade County. Such a tremendous loss for your family, colleagues and close friends who have not forgotten your grand personality, tireless heart and soul and unselfish character, trust and commitments to excellence and the truth that made you the huble warrior for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2021

A life well lived, a life well spent, one given much contemplation, more devotion, dedication and determination than ever more. Faithfulness, resourcefulness and a sincere heart and soul, one you had humbly, Officer Cook, translated into a mission of hope and a journey of reliance and assurance that Dade County would be supremely guarded and preserved by your very heroic and rewarded name and vigilance so dearly admired. You'll be forever missed and the tears will always come. Your family continues their pathways of living as you would have expected them to. Nothing was in vain. Nothing was tarnished. Your life my neighbor,friend and hero was the versatility and breathing variety of ethics. character and proper respect shown to your position. Violence took such a sweet and uplifting soul of a gentleman. A gem of gallantry, a pearl of perseverance and a diamond of dignity always shining brightly. The moments and seconds are fleeting. The skies above have a celestial angel of undying,unwavering and committed responsibility and accountability. Rest in peace. The truth and trust shall set one free. Badge#1664 always acquitted itself in the toughest of times placing its fortitude in the way of danger and peril to save us from adversity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2021

Fuels allow us to function, to drive our vehicles to wherever our journeys may take us. Yours, Officer Cook, started roughly forty-eight years ago maybe a little before that time when you began your career at the Miami-Dade Police Academy. All the difficult class time, training, practicing, physical tests and mental aptitude all geared toward preparing you for your chosen career and very noble professional paths in life. The trials, the trails all with some degree of obstacles, but, you chipped away and never gave up. Your family, your beloved Karen, your comrades and close friends all knowing, all understanding the ramifications of your roles,tasks and central duties of integrity,character, honor and dignity. Humility and destiny all faced evil toe to toe and face to face never budging nor inching away from our very harmony which is the foundation and cornerstone of living. Health, prosperity and happiness were your companions too, Officer Cook. Heroism not forgotten. Virtue not given in vain. Heaven and Our Creator have watched over you and your spirit and will do so forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2021

The measure of success is one small step in mankind's humbleness. To channel and to champion the just causes takes all the skills and human gifts from above to make any sense of where society is headed. Things were surely headed in a positive path, Officer Cook and when that fateful call came in you went to that scene even though you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were not required to go. You put your life,career, morals and dignity above all else to attempt to calm down an irrational young man who turned out to be heinous, cowardly and wicked robbing you and your family of your reverence, integrity and most importantly, your life. Dade County has not forgotten its outstanding hero, a source of light glowing from your heavenly heart and soul. Your spirit remains alive so long as your family lives on carrying the torch of your undivided tenacity and holds your heroic legacy close to their souls and hearts every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2021

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