Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Skoop up as much serenity and security as possible as this may aid in a world better served and protected. Dade County was your humble ground of unwavering, unselfish and tireless gallantry, Officer Cook, a heroic public servant never forgotten nor forsaken. You sacrificed your career and life of principles, integrity and the humbleness of dignity which faced evil and terror straight ahead. You answered that call as any responsiblity and for this the citizens should be exceedingly indebted for a job well done. Destiny came calling and sadly Our Lord needed your spirit, soul and heart to serve an even more eternal mission. Watch over your family, friends and those women and men defending our very stability and liberties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2021

Vision sees what is in front of you. Wisdom assists those resources of character, maturity and honesty as it reinforces one's humble and heroic integrity and dignity. Your parents, Officer Cook, raised by you and Nancy with scruples and morals. Your professional behavior was excellent and you acquitted yourself in a pattern that only enhances the values and ideals of mankind to be solemnly remembered and saluted for all their versatility, nobility and the loyalty your colleagues trusted. So truthful and refreshing, such a heart, soul and spirit now being blessed and rewarded by God for your courage,commitment and wholesome conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2021

Versatility is virtue. Capability is being able to carry out your tasks with honor, dignity and integrity. You handled your onuses with humble heroic dignity and the integrity that spoke of your excellence in conviction, commitment and in character, Officer Cook. Dade County was where your legacy and outstanding life and career came to a most tragic end because of one ugly man with no remorse, respect and no heart whatsoever. Your loyal and cherished name continues its flights above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2021

Progress is made and is successful when violence and evil are lessened in a community. You created the earthly goodwill, hope and transparency here in Dade County, Officer Cook. So honorable and heroic, it will be your actions of your tender heart and gentle soul that saved the day not only on the day you gave your life, but everyday. Character that was clearly outstanding and commitment to pride and virtue that was pristine and well orchestrated. You never be forgotten and will be saluted for versatility, accountability and responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2021

Being cunning and clever is not a cliche to be used lightly. Where right decisions, tact and safety must be exercised they must be done at the correct moment. Nowadays one wrong move can jeopardize a mission that must be fought solely on the basis of bravery coming together with honesty, dignity and integrity that followed your trails and pathways of truth, trust and justice being carried out the way you undertook your powerful and humbly sacred affirmation, Officer Cook. Dade County relished your heroic actions not only on that fateful day of May 16, 1979, everyday was how you utilized the tools of tenacity to transform mankind back to civility. A man, a public servant who enforced,engaged and informed the citizens while having a strong heart, smile and easy going disposition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

Your due diligence, your brave vigilance and hopeful hunts for peace instead of chaos, bedlam and mayhem, Officer Cook, all made that heroic impression never lost on the residents of Dade County. Such an understanding heart, soul and a mind as sharp as a tack. Those inclined to commit something questionable had to think twice when they saw you out patrolling your community. They cherish you and keep your heroic legacy alive for your family members to shoulder as they live as only "Uncle Bo" would have wanted them to. Character, ingenuity, integrity and honorable dignity all lie together along with your heavenly spirit keeping the skies above continually brightened. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

Your place as an angel in heaven is secure as you blazed the trails of trust and truth for those women and men pursuing violence and crime today, Officer Cook. You surely created that opportunity here in Dade County to thrive and to strive and live more tranquil lives. One ultimate sacrifice guarded by precise honor, respectful dignity and the eyes, ears and lips of integrity all trusted and loyal forevermore. God's nest of heroes and heroines is replete with sacred tradition all carried through as one's earthly missions of faith, hope and the assurances of goodwill through your heart and soul of commitments to everything humble in excellence and in pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

Humanity soars when one's loyalty esteem and courage are front and center where integrity, dignity and honesty travel to tame terror. Your life, Officer Cook, was about focus, drive and dedication to all the dangerous demands of a pressure packed position of reliability and accountability. Dade County was made safer though a bit less today because of what evil man did to a special soul whose virtue and valor have forever distinguished themselves. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

To mend those fences where evil and violence looked to take full advantage over us, Dade County needed a fair, firm and most considerate, caring and concerned public servant. Badge#1664 provided the information and the wherewithal to deal with anything that was placed before your humble shoulders and blessed heart and soul of valor, Officer Cook. Heroism that was directed by a whole tray of morals, meaningful discipline and a host of scruples, values and ideals meant to spare your community from more harm. Suffice it to say you are forever an angel of humility, unending character, dignity and integrity that created the formations of intuition, ingenuity and your intelligence wise and mature beyond your years. Those twenty-five years of life, a career consisting of virtue and versatility, the bridge of hope, goodwill as an esteemed and loyal comrade will surely be cherished and not forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

A gently lovable, likable and engaging young man serving his community of Dade County with all his might, heroic heart and dignified soul, a spirit full of integrity and character. Your good nature, goodwill, faithfulness and hope, Officer Cook, was adored, admired and greatly revered by all humanity, your family and colleagues of whom you worked with in this seemingly never relenting battle over adversity. You'll be solemnly and fondly remembered and saluted for having virtue, truth and trust next to your belt, badge and uniform of unwavering sacrifice. The courage to maintain your earthly crusades of justice to see us flourish in serenity and in tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2021

Greet people with a humble peace of mind and an open heart. You'll notice the difference it makes you feel and the world in general. You managed your affairs, Officer Cook, with much honor, dignity and integrity patrolling Dade County for serenity and safe trails of truth and trust on behalf of mankind. Such a sincerity that has been greatly missed as your family continues its life of happiness with your legacy in their hearts and souls. Character, commitment and conviction so pristine, loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2021

Corruption is callous and violence is heinous. We are the victims of mad people who think their crimes will go without punishment. They are dead wrong. Your killer, Officer Cook, was shot and killed for what he did to you and nearly taking thelives of your fellow officers. Dade County was most fortunate you were there that day. Your integrity, heroic dignity and versatile character remained with you as you gave your life and heart for a semblance of hope, harmony and liberty for society to thrive and to treasure its chances at building a cornerstone to be proud of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

The pot is boiling and while being stirred all the richness, the goodness and flavors are there for smelling. The ingredients to your accomplished life and too short of a career sadly struck down by one man and his torment. Officer Cook, we here in Dade County live and are happy because of your unselfish sacrifice to benefit mankind's tomorrow. Though they are not here yet with your valor and reverence, evil had to stand and surely take notice. A young man with gifts and skills so heroically humble and bold. Angels encircle their loved ones andyour missions of compassion and heart lent credence to why public servants must be just right for the jobs ahead of them. Danger is the albatross which looks to uproot the basic purposes of why we function as we do and remember your sweet and humble spirit of adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

A gentleman with a clear head and normal faculties can certainly process information faster especially when evil strikes. You were humane, consummate and most heroic, Officer Cook, an honorable man proud of his life, career and traditions which all passed down the pathways of pride, proficiency and unwavering perseverance. Dade County did not need to search far for badge#1664. It was full of captivating character, charisma and all heart. God has kept the light of your soul of virtue and diligence shining on down from heaven for your family and to continue leading their journeys of faith and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

You possessed the goods of gallantry, the resources of intuition and the goodwill, hope and faith that now humbly inspires society, your family and colleagues to thrive and to succeed while the Almighty allows you to pursue your passions. Happiness, peace, health and prosperity were being brought directly into Dade County by your honored and most tireless efforts, Officer Cook. Dignity and humility all from a golden heart and precious soul of conviction all trusted and truthful never giving an inch to wickedness. Always fondly and solemnly saluted for going above and beyond to safeguard mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

Integrity encourages one to be honorable and humbly dignified. For if any public servant lacks these traits then violence, evil and terror would just gallop around a community causing undo havoc to its people. You stopped and attempted to restore stability and peace in Dade County, Officer Cook, where your versatile and exceedingly blessed name and badge all remain a vital chapter of your legacy. Clear, wise and visionary. You will forever be missed by your family, comrades and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

Humanity looks to its women and men of heroic honesty to secure our very futures. You delivered upon your sacred affirmation, Officer Cook and never let dignity, integrity and respectful character deter your trails of truth and trust in serving and protecting the residents of Dade County. Those foundations, cornerstones and bridges were humbly built with heart and soul, a young man whose bravery and virtue will be saluted for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2021

In an instant violence can surround us stirring a whole pot of perplexing trouble, chaos and mayhem. For you, Officer Cook, your roles were to calm, restore and maintain the honorable peace on the very streets were danger and peril can lurk. Searching and locating are going to be tough to come by at times, but in those tense and terse situations you excelled beyond expectation. Your blessed and loyal name shall always be honored and etched wherever we or your family can view your heart's humbleness. One sacrifice of a solid man's worthwhile potential and patience that Our Creator rewards. Your spirit can soar to the highest peak where other heroes and heroines take flight. Integrity,dignity and respect shall forevermore trump terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

Once you've taken the first step you have forged a genesis of sorts. Your calming demeanor, influence and humility broached newer bridges here in Dade County, Officer Cook. The appeal of a man of morals and honesty coupled with the roots and branches of resolve, boldness, character and integrity supported your patrols for our rights and freedoms. Never easy to achieve and never shying away from this tragic and terrible evil, its violence robbing you, your family and department of ever seeing your happy heart and smiling face again. In eternity God's robes His flock of heroic angels with a certain strength to keep walking your proverbial beat without any trace of harm. So unassuming virtue, unwavering versatility all were exceedingly priceless and shall be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

You left behind many memories of your life, profession and adventures within the eyes of mother nature, Officer Cook. Dade County, your beloved family and entire department have shed many a tear over your profound loss. A loss of life that cannot be brought back. God is steering those heavenly currents of character,conviction and commitment all underscored and undertaken with due humbleness, a deep sense of admiration, thoughtfulness from only a gentleman filled with a heart treasured with dignity and integrity squaring off against the likes of violence. No officer wants to be subjected to this and yet it's an essential part of your position to see us through in peace and stabilizing prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are created through the fountains of ferocity, fortitude and the degree of a most truthful and trustworthy man of devoutness and dedication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

It's not the first to cross the finish line that has defeated adversity. It is those consummate, beloved and most highly respected and honored women and men who get it. They grasp those humble finer points of policing seizing upon the yokes of honesty, integrity and dignity to make a bold statement of fact. You loved your job, Officer Cook, this is plain and obvious to most. You relished opportunities when given to you to preserve,protect and to defend our very hearts and souls when evil struck. For reaching out and making the ultimate sacrifice may your eternal spirit be cherished, blessed and heroically afforded and accorded its just rights. Truth and trust are mottoes that have to be working and living every moment one serves their faithful missions of fruition, goodwill and virtue. You did and have and will forever be humanely saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

A pupil learns all their lessons from their instructor. You were taught all the ropes, Officer Cook, of how to become a fine officer. A first class gentleman of desire, decency and determination, Dade County and its residents were never out of your tunnels of vision, virtue and vigilance. Your parents would be so proud of you and your family and police brothers and sisters always present to salute, honor and pay careful humility and grace to your soul and heart all caring, unassuming and loyal beyond the letter of the law. A perfect student just blessed and rewarded for a sacrifice so endearing and so efficient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

Like an eagle in the sky, your spirit, Officer Cook, has been set free to fly as high as it can go. For supremely loyal and honored service to the good folks of Dade County may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A young man born with honor, conceived in character and enriched in integrity which was only the highest of quality. Our stability, serenity and safety all passed under the shadows of your wings of virtue, vitality and versatility. Right until your last breath that the good Lord allowed you to take may He shelter your soul and heart of gold and consummate wisdom in His nest of heroic angels forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

The brave, courageous and valiant all are missed by their loved ones and this holiday time of the year even more so. You were consummate,professional and humbly heroic and honest, Officer Cook, Dade County and its people were sincerely blessed and protected by all your virtual tools of tenacity, reverence, character and the commitments of a humane and dignified public servant. Integrity is the trait that must be applied and donned everyday for an important mission. One whose journeys of faithfulness and reliability must be considerable as was your heart and soul all energetic, tireless and unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

The roles of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency were accomplished all in heaven's name by a very noble,cherished, blessed and reverent young man in yourself, Officer Cook. The call to responsibility never too lightly nor for granted was handled by a man with a stellar and a persevering nature. Goodwill, hope and honesty circled those wagons of gallantry, dignity and integrity to create a more serene environment here in Dade County. The community where you battled adversity and evil and where you gave your life of dreams, aspirations, values and principles to be solemnly saluted and fondly paid their sacred homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2021

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