Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police cannot always pull rabbits out of their hats. Miracles do come from moment to moment. You did your best, Officer Cook, to help keep the folks of Dade County vitally safer than ever. A man whose heart and soul implanted goodwill along with your undying honesty, integrity and the wisdom of dignity to be fondly saluted as your spirit watches over your family that carries your legacy close to their humble hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2021

Blessings reveal humility. Rewards reveal honor,dignity and integrity displayed in the very face of an adversary so massive as terror and evil. You demonstrated complete faith, hope,trust, truth and virtue, Officer Cook, which has forever made you a Dade County hero for generations to come. Our peace, prosperity and safe shelters have all come about because of your tireless, unwavering and unselfish conduct and professional demeanor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2021

When violence uncorks its sinister wickedness society had better beware. Your acumen, awareness and astuteness, Officer Cook, helped Dade County and its citizens greatly in your endeavors to put a halt to any evil that was that obstacle to stability and peace. Your family marches forward with your legacy of heroism implanted in their hearts and soul. After all you were a humble man of honor who took full advantage of whatever resources you had at your disposal to distinguish yourself. A brave gentleman with grit, gumption, trust and truth all deep within your badge and uniform of dignity, respect and character that dignified your life that Our Lord now blesses and rewards as a treasured angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2021

Your life and public service career, Officer Cook, were sterling, stellar and most honorably heroic. No doubt Dade County was deeply and admirably protected by a young man filled with decency, class and a heart of gold. Integrity, dignity and character that jumped right out at you whenever someone greeted you. A big old smile on your handsome face the one that humanely leaped right into the fires of danger. We salute your virtue, vigilance and all the goodwill, hope,truth and trust you stood for and worked unselfishly and tirelessly on behalf of serenity and liberty for humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2021

A pause is allowed so long as honorable and heroic public servants stay at their posts of perseverance and preservation. The constant reminder of how everyday should be cherished and never taken for granted. Dade County was passionately protected by you, Officer Cook, their hero, your department's warrior and your family's jewel of justice, valor and ingenuity. Such integrity, dignity and reverence will never be unseen nor overlooked. The lights above shine brightly because of a noteworthy soul such as yourself. Society has your blessed and treasured name forever linking them to our very futures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are perfect and your career and life conversed morals, character and the discipline of a valued and trusted servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

Grief, agony and anguish leave heavy hearts and a stream of tears shed for a loved one gone before his time. Oh how the sands of time fall before we are ready to depart. You were offered such warm and humble respects at your Inspector's funeral, Officer Cook, that Saturday of May 19, 1979 when Dade County, your family and professional colleagues paid their homage saying goodbye to a man complete with the dividends of wholesome dignity, enhanced integrity and honesty befitting a hero. Never overlooked and forevermore saluted solemnly for doing a fantastic job facing peril face to face. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cathedral was packed in their respect for a dedicated and doggedly determined gentleman of vision, wisdom, virtue and maturity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

When fostering healthy relationships it is always a good thing to be decent,loyal and humble. If you maintain honor,integrity and dignity God will bless and strengthen your productive character which of course He has done for you, Officer Cook. A very noble and treasured public servant protecting the streets and homes of Dade County with total heart, soul and the courage of tireless truth, trust and a litany of virtue while being vigilant and versatile in creating that spirit of goodwill so mankind can advance its usefulness. Faithful and unwavering until the last ounce of humility ebbed from your being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

When virtue is taken it is honesty, integrity and dignity that is robbed from mankind. The hope, trust and truth is that you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, not after which you surrendered to make the residents of Dade County more than adequately safer than before. The Lord gave you special gifts and talents that not all folks possess. And heroism that keeps going forward in all that your family does to kindle and keep alive your spirit of affection. Character that was humble. Commitment top notch. A badge and a uniform donned with grace,gallantry and effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

You lived an earnest life of piety, respect and dignity, Officer Cook and everything you represented has forever been solemnly honored for a man of integrity who was comported and composed, was humble and heroic in all actions of life and during your humane career where loyalty and esteem were virtues never left unguarded. They were undying, unending and unselfish until your final breath as Our Master called your soul and spirit home to heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Dade County was properly secured and made safer because of versatility and the durability of a strong heart and a mind wise beyond your years of maturity. Like fine wine a righteous angel who aged gracefully and now as you walk your beat undisturbed may Our Creator bless and reward a truly trustworthy and truthful young man of abundant energy and convictions of commitment always excellent and prideful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

Humanity is a habitat for those honest, humble and positive individuals who strive to serve the purposes and passions for which we were created. Accountability, dependability and reliability accentuated your earthly missions and journeys of devotion, faith, hope, trust and goodwill, Officer Cook. So dignified a gentleman who willingly wanted to become a public servant on behalf of Dade County. The community where you continued being saluted and paid homage for outstanding character,integrity and the reverence of a man who blazed a trail of truth for those taking over your watch to follow in. A tall order seeing violence and evil continue their assaults upon society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Blessings and rewards from heaven for heroic angels of bravery whose virtue was unrelenting.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2021

The fires of terror still sadly burn on today and those taking over your position, Officer Cook, do so with much concern, care and caution. You were the consummate public servant with virtue and honor supporting dignity,integrity and ingenuity. Serving the folks of Dade County meant excellence and versatility were your vehicles to accomplish making mankind that much more well off. Today at this holiday season. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

A quiet and unassuming man performing his humble duties on behalf of his community here in Dade County. The onuses that all future men and women face, Officer Cook, are daunting and yet you watch over them from your sacred perches in heaven where perfection and perseverance are never absent. A decent man with a valiant heart and trusted soul protecting and serving with confidence and wisdom. Character revered, clarity cheered. Your good nature and goodwill have been humanely missed but not forgotten. Fondly remembered for acumen and awareness, the treks continue with you my neighbor, friend and hero observing as your family carries out your heroic legacy. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

A little tickle in the throat cannot hinder your just patrols where serenity, security and safety are waiting for the quickest of attention. You gave heart, soul and unwavering courage to Dade County, Officer Cook and forever are saluted for character and charisma that a lively smile brings. It's been many decades since you gave integrity,dignity and honor to your professional position of prowess and are not forgotten. To overlook would obviously be an insult and no one would ever conjure up those thoughts about a decent human being. Your badge and uniform exemplified efficiency and tireless conviction being delivered where its effects would be most welcome. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

The lights stay on and your soul and spirit never leave God's humble side. An angel of the highest degree of fortitude preserved the sincerity of life and kept alive our missions of honesty, humanity and dignity going forward. Your tenacity and integrity were far superior than the rest of the crowd, Officer Cook. Always highly recognized, revered and gallant throughout your days and years in this world. It's conclusive that commitment to excellence, trust and truth make the distinct difference when life and its virtue hang in the balance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

They are sending ordinary people into space for just a short ride, though the price is high. They cannot send every living being into harm's way because peril and dilemmas must be solved by honest and competent souls of compassion, dignity and integrity. The very traits you, Officer Cook, heroically utilized with the utmost clarity. When evil and violence take flight someone as loyal and as respected as yourself must go head to toe with this sometimes overwhelming adversary. You sacrificed your life and career of practicality for scruples, values and ideals to be solemnly saluted for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

Dade County, your loving family and many close friends, Officer Cook, have sincerely missed you. So much passion in your most adoring heart and most humble and heroic soul. Esteem and loyalty to be cherished forever. A young man with virtue validating all your journeys and missions of hope, goodwill and faith that only humility and honor can be quite blessed. Our Creator is rewarding your dignity, integrity and the wisdom poured forth in your endeavors to restore calm to a community yearning for a balance of stability and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2021

What drives society to fulfill its purposes? Decency, determination surely they do. With steadfast dedication and a yearning to do God's will, Officer Cook, for having the sheer grit, guts and gumption it's your solemn honorable feats of bravery that have been saluted and paid their respects after all these decades later. A man on a mission with a plan to accomplish and to exceed in all your undying hope, faith and goodwill. Loyalty is blessed and rewarded since you were a completely devout and pious young man. The will to save lives meant everything to you after all you accepted these charges of free will never to be forgotten. Dade County was where your unassuming character,commitment and convictions were totally trusted and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

God understands and we the ordinary human being can only ponder. The what ifs seem to come back as it is perfectly natural to ask why? The Good Lord gives and He takes. Who are we to question? We can and the result is always the same. You were bred with values, mettle and excellence in all traits, Officer Cook. Honor never wavering. Integrity never lacking. Dignity always so loyal and deliberate when life in Dade County was straddling the fence. You have been and forevermore are remembered for being instinctual, intuitive and the walls of remembrance and perpetuity never to be lost for reverence, accountability all lied within your pores of proficiency and heart and soul of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

Inspect what you expect. Give maximum endeavor in all your journeys and God will repay your earthly missions with love and esteem later. There was no time for a goodbye, Officer Cook, other than when you said those words to Karen, your beloved wife before you headed out the door to begin your shift. Honesty and its prowess. Dignity and its humane integrity searching the streets for a formula of tranquility and liberty for all citizens. Dade County counted on your best and the God Lord answered our desires and prayers with excellence in wisdom, vision, virtue and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

You finished and completed your rounds and patrols of humility, resolve and perseverance the only way a gifted and heroically talented public servant would perform. All ahead never looking back and certainly never batting an eye when evil, terror and violence tormented the citizens of Dade County turning them quiet lives into chaos, mayhem and bedlam. A scenario that you were trained for, Officer Cook. A gentle heart and soul of dedication, class and character accentuated by your trails of honor, integrity and dignity shining now ever so brilliantly in heaven where your angel wings serve you with perfection as you walk your beat without and sound or breeze of harm and pain. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only God allowed you to live to witness and to share these holidays that are missing your sweet and special smile. Virtue that srtrolls quietly above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

Ferocity can only lead to a better environment when battling the forces of evil. such violence cannot ever be tolerated as it sheers the branches of stability and harmony away from humanity. You lead other comrades through the humble yet very presense of peril, Officer Cook and are always saluted and honored for being honorable, dignified and as a staunch gentleman of integrity, character and the commitments that were full of trust, truth and respect. Dade County and its people won't forget a chain of charm, charisma and conviction all from your unselfish heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

The death of any hero leaves more than a blackeye. It leaves a heart and soul of the loved ones aching with pain, agony, grief and anguish. So much honor, dignity and integrity were put into your humble missions of faith, hope and trust, Officer Cook. You surely deserved to live on seeing retirement and many more trails of truth and humility by which you could have journeyed down. But, now God has you to serve your angelic roles guarding His pearly gates of humbleness and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County honors and salutes your wisdom, vision and maturity that delivered our much needed peace and stability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2021

Sickness takes lives. Everything else also costs lives so precious, honorable and humble. You were sweet,caring and very sincere, Officer Cook. The outcomes should have been for a positive. That terrible day your neighborhood was under siege and you came to that scene and tried your utmost to calm a deeply depressed and a most troubled man without any signs of heart and character. It took countless and undying dignity, integrity that was reverent and a spirit of gold that was unending. Heaven gained an angel while your family always ponder all the what ifs. Our Father in heaven is safeguarding your soul and making certain it remains esteemed, blessed and rewarded for its roles in us having tranquility and security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2021

We are not living in a world filled with fiction, fantasy and fallacy, well to those who believe in this they are. Violence, terror and evil have turned normalcy upside down. You were a calm and collected man of faith, diligence and the allegiance to honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County was where quality service was presented to its people and you, Officer Cook, will not be overlooked nor forgotten. The wars are not welcome and the solutions are most difficult to come by. Dignity, integrity and a most valued and humble heart and soul rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2021

A man's level of success may suggest his humble endeavors on behalf of society. You fulfilled your earthliest of journeys, Officer Cook and because of Mr. Pearsall your life and career was sadly ended. There was more left behind to accomplish and for Dade County, your family who has missed you and your comrades who too have missed a wonderfully great human being, so inspirational. Integrity that was humane, dignity and character just as your heart so caring,concerned and decent. Heroism must be saluted and honored in every possible way, shape and form.It never ceases and for what your badge and uniform represented class and transparency were always so trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2021

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