Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your family, colleagues and friends, Officer Cook, have remembered the wonderful young man girded with strength, heart and a soul of esteemed character that commanded reverence and honesty from Dade County's folks. So missed by your family, the ultimate sacrifice you made my neighbor, friend and hero implanted and instilled the very sense of decency, desire, dignity and integrity faced daily. Our very security and safety were on your broad shoulders and every ounce of character was extracted to produce endeavor and efficiency. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2021

Violence victimizes humanity robbing it of its grace and humbleness. No doubt had you lived on, Officer Cook, to march onward with your cherished earthly missions Dade County, its citizens and society would have been better prepared for the future seeing you served with everything humane in dignity, integrity and commitment. Character and truth belong with conviction and trust. The compass and rudders were perfectly aligned with one another. We salute you for heroism and heart coupled with a wise soul and distinguished virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2021

Dignity raised to a higher level, integrity, honor and respect brought front and center watch after watch. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was about morals and character, discipline all heroic and esteemed for Dade County still suffers from your loss and is not as safe as when your virtue, valor and versatility moved about those streets where danger lurked. Such a wise heart and soul now angelic as they along with your beloved and loyal spirit patrols the gates and gardens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2021

One tough cookie, yet one humane, humble and honest public servant proud of his service and abilities to maintain the trust of those whom you preserved and watched over. Dade County, Officer Cook, was the trampoline of your unselfish and very tireless tenacity given to your community.Its honesty, integrity and dignity faced off against those ugly images of evil. Such wickedness that needs to be rooted out of society's branches where boldness, bravery and virtue replace such callousness acted upon by uncivil human beings. You were the consummate man of principles and values my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

The roadblocks are out there but evil must be stopped not just blocked from entering any community. Your persistence, faithfulness and unyielding resourcefulness, Officer Cook, provided every humble, honest and heroic measure of success and accomplishment. A mission and journey undertaken to create more stability, security all through your unwavering reverence, dignity and integrity the more essential pillars of your storied life and career which was headed for further patrols destined to rid your community and humanity of all this violence and heinous behavior from individuals whose morals and scruples were never in sync. Total lack of any kind of backbone, honesty and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

Eagles' wings are gentle, light and soar to the highest of heights. Humility, honor, heroism too are now forevermore in heaven guiding the eternal paths of those brave women and men who too made the ultimate sacrifice as you so proudly did forty-two years ago on behalf of the folks of Dade County, Officer Cook. A street sign baring your humble and blessed name to be treasured and linked to the future officers who will one day walk their trusted and truest of beats here. Character that bolstered your patrols and packed a punch of perseverance, dignity and integrity always going full bore against the likes of adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

Dignity, desire, devotion and dedication all lead by honesty, humility and integrity supported your heroic life and career serving Dade County, Officer Cook. No man, woman or child was more fundamentally protected by you a man of heart, passion and virtue all to be paid homage for their roles here in mankind. Heaven has its spot for a gentleman of compassion, resolve and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

Dignity, desire, devotion and dedication all lead by honesty, humility and integrity supported your heroic life and career serving Dade County, Officer Cook. No man, woman or child was more fundamentally protected by you a man of heart, passion and virtue all to be paid homage for their roles here in mankind. Heaven has its spot for a gentleman of compassion, resolve and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

Assurances of acumen, awareness and being astute were carried out to the letter by you, Officer Cook, always heroic, honored and most dedicated in performing your duties to relieve the violence that permeated in and around Dade County. A man of humility, character and heart so dignified and so well respected among your rank and file brothers and sisters of law enforcement who held integrity close to their belts. Never forgotten and saluted for being there to aid and protect your comrades and the citizens who greatly appreciated your loyalty and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2021

Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero Officer Cook. Dade County was heroically uplifted by your integrity, honor and dignity and in turn Dade County was safer from crime. Still the heavens above are aglow because of the warmth of your heart, soul and spirit which complimented virtue, versatility and resourcefully respectful character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2021

Humility embraces humanity's wings of honor,dignity and integrity setting their sights upon evil's eyes of prey. Your acumen, wisdom and vision, Officer Cook, was all heroic as it defended Dade County during times of terror and strife. Your family endured grief, sorrow and anguish and they all loved you as the citizens were extremely grateful for you, your life as a public servant, so savvy and with down to earth character, reverence and the trustworthiness that supports the truth. Justice could never have had a better fighter than you my neighbor,friend and hero of heart, soul and spirit. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2021

No one is perfect. Yet, all police officers must follow many standards of what is labeled as ethical conduct. Your decisions must be crisp and sometimes last second if evil is to be destroyed in order for society to live justly. Fair and balanced that was your life, Officer Cook and your career which was headed up that humbly heroic ladder of accomplishment if violence did not take such a beautiful soul away from his family, peers and the world at large. Watching over the streets is obviously no small chore and every root, branch and whatever honor, dignity, and integrity you possessed had to have been utilized to defray this unending evil. Three officers and one man causing more than a ruckus that placed Dade County under siege. You'll be revered, remembered and saluted for stoic virtue, sterling character and stellar commitments all truth and trust nothing less than a caring heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2021

People of no ilk try to manipulate the system to get around their foul deeds. Decency and determination marked your heroically honorable life and career, Officer Cook. Such a proud gentleman, a hero of loyalty, esteem and valor packaged as one. Your persevering goodwill, faith and hope sustained your earthly journeys until one day because of one resentful and heinous man causing mayhem and worse took your life and ended a life of piety humility coupled with honesty, a high class of both dignity and integrity that helped bring in peace and stability to your area of Dade County. Such a blessed man with heart and soul who deserved to live on with your beloved Karen. Fate and destiny just does not seem equitable notadays. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and character to be forever solemnly saluted for their ethical conduct and the values your stood for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2021

Situations all of a serious nature being handed by one resourcefully heroic public servant. Dade County was girded by your strong heart and soul of masterful integrity and dignity, Officer Cook. The heavens are where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. But,it was your virtue, character and trustworthy commitments to pride and excellence that allowed humility to patrol the roads along with your discipline, devotion and steadfast dedication. Truth yields conviction. Tenacity demonstrates its conclusive features of acumen, wisdom and vision. Our futures are brighter yet your family still carries the suffering of your loss and the sacrifice you made to implant ingenuity, intelligence and intuition door to door.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2021

Gear up and ready. Prepared to fight and battle with all your might, your heart and soul were only of good cheer, good nature and goodwill. The relentless pursuit of peace and quiet while searching for the characters out on the streets perpetrating evil against the eyes and faces of our society. Officer Cook, you were an uplifting man who embraced your roles never letting authority get to your head. Everyone was treated equally, fairly and by your affirmations of both truth and trustworthiness. Dade County has not overlooked nor forgotten your heroism and humility. Nothing shakes the cores, foundations and very cornerstones than the loss of a wonderful young man with an authentically revealing smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

Walking those sidewalks the cracks of concrete are there and here's praying one does not trip over themselves. Wickedness and torment sometimes causes us to fall upon our hands. God brought you, Officer Cook, into this world for a passionate reason. Your intellect, ingenuity and intuitions were landmarks of our very liberty, safety and goodwill were delivered with a full heart, a valiant soul and a spirit of undying virtue. Versatility never more pointed, it never wavered nor deterred. Violence carried out by Mr.Pearsall was punished as your brother officer, Detective Donald Blocker shot him and ended that traumatic day of torment for all Dade County in particular your beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

It tears you apart whenever you hear of the loss of a police officer. you were a consummate and faithful servant, Officer Cook, always performing the will of Our cherished Creator. He brought your heart,soul and spirit of adventure into this world for twenty-five short but productively humble and heroic years and your service to the people of Dade County will never be forgotten. Always indebted to your integrity, dignity and sincere honesty that has paved the trails for other brave souls to follow in. Commitment, trust and truth cannot ever be tarnished because of one evil man who robbed your life from your mother, Karen, your beloved wife, your big sister,Nancy and all your loved ones,niece, nephews and the great-nieces and great-nephew. Their loss and grief one day the healing and salvation will surely come as they reunite with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

A toolbox alone will not solve nor conquer terror. It must be an all out attack using every vehicle of versatility, dignity and integrity demonstrated and displayed humbly, heroically and humanely all the time. Every waking moment of your life, Officer Cook, was dedicated to your loving family, department and friends from around our nation. A country and your community of Dade County just yearning for stability and serenity. The sacrifice of integrity, reverence and dignity that day was clear as your missions on this earth. Heart, soul and forever now your angelic spirit encircling your loved ones watching over them as they transport your legacy of heroism, sanctity and the nobility of your blessed acumen and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

You navigated your unrelenting and never ending willpower and fortitude around Dade County, Officer Cook, always heroically comported and composed. It was a chase to catch evil and violence before it blossomed into something more perilous. The residents have always fondly, solemnly and humbly remembered your heart, soul and spirit of virtue, wisdom and vision. Its maturity formulated the process of how you would proceed utilizing outstanding character, commitment and the steadiness of convictions both clearly trusted and truthful. Indeed, honesty,dignity and integrity are a very blessed and devoted public servant's best policies of perseverance, proficiency and professionalism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

Sometimes the crests ahead are foggy, but the roads you navigated through here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were your dreams being realized. Despite peril and danger you persevered to serve heroically and to protect the citizens with all your heart and powers of reverence. A gentleman genuinely concerned, loving and esteemed who has not been forgotten for his sacrifice. Dignity and integrity stood tall and proud as was your uplifting mannerisms and character that was committed to all duties above and beyond responsibility. Virtue and versatile, valor and vision, maturity and wisdom all angelic forevermore in eternity where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2021

A by-product of an excellent upbringing generally produces positive results. Back in your day this message was surely exact. Truer words could not have been spoken. You seized the humble opportunity, Officer Cook, to make a long lasting impression engraved in all the souls, hearts and minds of Dade County.It was where superior intellect, vital integrity and ingenuity that was both creative and intuitive. A man blessed with acumen and wisdom patrolling his venue, his area and neighborhood to bring peace from the bottom up to the top where its humbleness shall forever be cherished,blessed and deeply admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust lies in character. truth rests in everything noble in conviction, commitment and the courage to maintain a vigilance over your serenely sacred missions of hope, faithfulness and goodwill bestowed upon the eyes and ears of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2021

One humble look in the mirror told it all. The story of a hero who believed in himself. No questions only a gentleman hunting and searching for answers to this preponderance of terror that attacked authority and those whom you protected and served with your mighty strong heart, Officer Cook. That muscle that beats hundreds of thousand times a day. The one controlled by your brain. Nothing could have deterred your motions, your missions of sanctity in calming especially given your tone of voice and causes of which you pursued vigorously. Dade County was simply blessed by a marvelous human being with Godgiven skills, talents and gifts of humility all stoic, stellar and sterling. A pristine uniform and a polished badge of true allegiance told it all and it continues paying it forward again and again. For a man of character, pious and devoted in his earthliest of convictions steadying the compass. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2021

The rainbow contains a multi-colored arch made up of many facets of ferocity,honesty and a wealth of inspiring integrity and dignity that was determined to get at the sources of evil. You led others, Officer Cook, during your brief six years of laboring for stability and harmony. Dade County and its people could not be happier just the hope that you would have survived your fatal wounds while your two other colleagues were clinging to a thread. But, your virtue and visibility all came through in the crunch. Never more respected and never more passionate and very humble. That's what a hero is and now your eternal life marches onward as an angel of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character is the vision and wisdom so demanded from all who don a badge and wear a uniform accentuated by working your tail off to achieve a means to a happy conclusion. Just wished that day there was that type of outcome.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2021

The boulder comes crashing down upon mankind and it's up to us to ponder our very decisions on how to stand up when evil confronts and confuses our very best of intentions. You represented Dade County excellently, Officer Cook,heroism that shined, honor that will forever be revered and your unassuming integrity and its dignity will always be saluted for its due diligence and versatile vigilance. A man still young gone way too early with more left on your horizons of faith, hope and the goodwill that society greatly appreciated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2021

The cabinets are not bare. For they continue being refilled by those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook. Honor,dignity and integrity don't just pop on like a light for they must be learned, preached,practiced and honed ready to attack those situations that call for certain measures. You can be very sure Dade County will never overlook nor forget your blessed, sacred and humane name of accountability, responsibility and reliability. Everything in moderation even when challenged by a plethora of adversarial bedlam. Such fine and upstanding character, commitments and trusted convictions of truth always stored where Our Lord can observe and watch over His humble angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2021

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