Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Anger only makes one's blood pressure run high. Wickedness runs amuck when it cannot be properly quieted. You were the quintessential public servant, Officer Cook, a smiling face yet a man on a mission to resolve, calm and to restore Dade County to a semblance of peace, liberty and stability for all its citizens. Your patrols included honor, integrity and the dignity of your stoic and heroic character and trusted convictions all commitments of truth and virtue. Always saluted for accountability and the sacred journeys of hope, faithfulness and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels who gave their lives and careers leaving their bereft of their important presenses. Your family continues your legacy with humility, heart and their souls always thinking of their most precious, adored and admired "Uncle Bo."

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2021

If we let terror seize our precious lives then that will be our hardship. Our onuses call for us to be sincere, honest and loyal to those whom we value and trust. The truth about heroes and heroines is that their humility and heart rest along with their dignity,integrity and character placed in harm's direction to secure the proper trails of wisdom, vision and clarity. The greatest love of all is to perpetually honor those like yourself, Officer Cook, who gave his life for his friends and family making the boundaries and corridors less fearful of violence and wickedness. If virtue and versatility mean as much as reliability, dependability and accountability then Our Lord has every vehicle and vessel at His hands to help guard the pearly gates of gallantry and for you to observe your family carrying out your legacy, esteemed and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

Everything imaginable can happen when good hearts and souls are on the prowl for evil. Violence does not play favorites and you, Officer Cook, were sincerely a well beloved family member and a dedicated public servant interested in securing stability and peace of mind for all Dade County folks. Every seam of bravery, boldness and humility looked to create an unselfish sense of reason, cause and purpose and for having the will power and aptitude to stay composed leaving honesty, dignity and integrity to defend our liberties surely speaks volumes. A great loss to your family, department and those many acquaintances of whom you knew and they in turn respected foryour politeness, manners and etiquette. Always soaring higher every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

Trickerization is a live word but should not be used unless everything else fails. You must be committed to your sacred occupation and follow through on all characters of the law you take an oath to uphold. Your word, Officer Cook, was honor, dignity and integrity and they must never be broken for those chains of courage ride on every movement and each patrol of Dade County. A solemn gentleman who lived a devout life and worked as a public servant yearning to become the very best officer. A smile,virtue, valor and vigilance all supporting the branches of diligence and trust for if trust escapes truth might follow. Never overlooked and forever a princely angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

Society forges ahead, Officer Cook, with your honored and humbly heroic heart, soul and spirit all of virtue, dignity and integrity forevermore within the minds and hearts of the citizens of Dade County and your family. You and Nancy brought pride, dedication and determination to every facet of tenacity utilized to fortify your beloved community in serenity, safety and the trust that lied within Badge#1664 always esteemed, always treasured and loyal to your faithfully truthful comrades. Cornerstones constructed for the fruition of mankind must remain founded in principles, scruples and ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

You certainly were no novice. Your intellect, intuition and ingenuity, Officer Cook, mattered most when lives in Dade County were in peril. Today, those loved ones still carry your legacy of faith, hope and honor in their hearts,minds and souls as they continue their aspirations, dreams."Uncle Bo" will always be their inspiration of goodwill, dignity and integrity reflecting the outstanding character you demonstrated while patrolling the streets. Violence is pure and sinful evil just as the callous and dishonorable person who took your life robbing family,comrades and friends of more years with a God fearing man and a real cherished and blessed soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven honors humbleness etched within heroism's sincere fortitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

So much love and affection that's what your beloved family has been tragically missing all these decades after you gave your heroic life in honor of Dade County.Its peace,stability and sense of purpose was brokered because of your unselfish and tireless heart and soul, Officer Cook. They were meant to be dignified and humble. Humility and integrity steer the righteous down the trails of truth, faith and trust while someone who heaven forbid strays, God knows what is in store for them. You were a man of virtue, a special human being and the consummate public servant who shall be saluted and so humanely paid homage for character, commitment to excellence and convictions fair and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2021

God gives His people certain gifts and each are a blessing indeed. Some are very humbly blessed with tools and characteristics that assist them in protecting society. Because mankind and humanity has suffered enough turmoil, torment and terror. Dade County now and then look different but the difference then was you, Officer Cook and so many of your peers, some who like yourself made that ultimate sacrifice to produce safe trails and serenity for an entire community that still salutes and pays homage to you. A humble and honest heart, a soul filled with virtue and dignity that utilized every potential of integrity to initiate the fanning of the flames of violence. You tried and did everything possible that day and every watch to extricate your fellow human beings from the fangs of heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility, trust and truth all shared their important tasks in trying to reverse this tide.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

Putting all your eggs in one basket won't stop this seemingly intolerable surge of senseless evil. Violence and wickedness spread far and wide. Well, your tireless heart and soul, Officer Cook, were heroic, honest and relentless, undying and unselfish in their efforts to stop these menacing rages of baseless bloodshed. Dade County relied upon your superb skills, talents and humble gifts bestowed upon your spirit of virtue that God was observing your whole life and career. Sadly, your reverence, dignity, character, commitment and trusted integrity was cut short because of one person who was hell bent on disrespecting authority and the morals and discipline they stand for. Never forgotten and saluted for bravery and charisma, a smile wider than ever. It's sad because in a few years you and Karen who was your beloved spouse would have celebrated 50 years of sacred marriage together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has you as one of many heroic angels of compassion and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

Your priorities in proper conduct, perseverance and the precision of being most reliable and proficient, Officer Cook, were all spot on. Most honorable, heroic and with a humble heart and soul suggesting what your family, colleagues and friends already knew here is a legend full of dignity, integrity and character accepting upon himself the onuses of serving the folks of Dade County. A man stamped in courage, blessed with a wonderful name and family feeding off of their devotion to God, faithfulness and virtue all so versatile. A hero whose esteem and loyalty will forever be upheld as you embraced, enriched and uplifted humanity with your kind and gentle spirit now a vital part of the after life. We salute your intuitive nature, goodwill and intelligence beyond your maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

Fear can only induce a panic and nowadays chaos and bedlam should be avoided like a plague. The violence and evil in this world only serves to incite those callous individuals who are set on disturbing mankind's most necessary functions in life. Your service, heroic and strong, Officer Cook, made Dade County and its people more suitable and stable in terms of being able to adapt to change. A gentleman of honesty, integrity and dignity facing the cries for help and lending his spirit, soul and heart so humbly to the causes of our tranquility. Never forgotten and saluted for effort and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So many things have transpired since you made the ultimate sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

A life so treasured and adored, we'll never really comprehend why yours, Officer Cook, came to a tragic end at the tender young age of 25. With so many more things to take hold of and to accomplish you succeeded mightily in bringing peace and unity to your beloved neighborhood. A man with morals, dignity and respect all the way to the top of the crowd. Your maturity and integrity factored into how we can forever continue out lives while your family had to grieve and mourn your loss. Dade County will forever be protected by those virtuous and brave men and women who like yourself recognized proper due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

You aim to accomplish your earthly missions and allow God to monitor and to direct your humble, blessed and honorably heroic journeys. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where you started your career with dignity, integrity and character. No one could forsee this ending suddenly because of evil. You saved the citizens and your esteemed and loyal colleagues who like you somehow survived that vicious day that robbed you of continuing to fulfill your patrols. Never forgotten and always saluted for virtue, accountability and the humbleness of a sweet heart and soul. Now as an angel may you be protected by Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2021

A sneeze and a sniffle could not stop any duly commissioned man or woman of honor, faith and dependability. Your availablity, accountability and versatility, Officer Cook, were all unique, heroic and so humble. Dade County and its residents were certainly appreciative of your patrol and career one of dignity, reverence and the letters spelling out character and integrity. To put your life ahead of others means so very much as the foundations of freedom and ferocity were laid down by a man of wisdom, vision, maturity and clarity. So clear and precise and forevermore in heaven walking your angelic beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2021

You exuded class, dignity, integrity, decency and desire, Officer Cook, all through your life and career working and protecting the good citizens of Dade County your diligence was applied to every vessel, vehicle and virtue of hope, faith and goodwill. Never more heroic, never more honored and never more humane. The skies above have their nest and flock of valiant angels who demonstrated the articles of excellence in commitment, character and conviction. Yours, Officer Cook, was so truthful and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You took a stand and tried your hardest to stop and evil and wayward man from causing more harm to your beloved community.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2021

Goals and desires are the leaflets of a man's life and duly honored career. Dade County derived its safety, peace of mind and the quality so very essential to living in health and prosperity from its hero in you, Officer Cook. Never far from your family as your heart and soul of humbleness and heroism has spread its wings so high and far. Heaven has your sweet spirit of charisma, charm and that humble smile always a good sign your family came to adore and to love. All are missed as they warmed the cockles of this world with their simple character, dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2021

Where oh where have these decades just flown by? Hard to ponder forty-two and a half years ago you made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. The shield and rock of support for your family and special colleagues loyal, cherished and esteemed. The serenity and harmony we live for is directly attributed to your tireless soul, spirit and heart of gold,caring and sincerely genuine. Honor,dignity and integrity all making their rounds of resiliency and resolve to fashion the cornerstones and foundations of liberty for all society. A gentleman never more persuasive and passionate about his duties, goals and sacred yearnings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

Police officers should never mail things in. Their honesty, humility and heart all ride upon those wings of courage just as your gentle soul, Officer Cook, was so heroic and storied. Seeped in tradition, your career and life concentrated upon the folks of Dade County offering them the very top notch service, quality not withstanding. Your integrity, reverence and dignity all fought the tough battles never capitulating to wickedness and terror. We salute virtue, vision and the vitality of your unselfish versatility all real and all humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. They deserved to continue seeing your loving smile today, it's Our Creator who views it each moment within the gates of gallantry and the curtains of angels all soaring higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

During the courses of our lives whether they are short or lengthy, things happen. Purposes and goals can be achieved. You dreamed and became a certified police officer, Officer Cook, a legend and a heroic mainstay here in Dade County. Forever addressed as a hero of humility, heart and integrity that supported the very cornerstones of your honored and dignified courage. The people and your department recognized the solidity of your hope, faithfulness and goodwill spread out far and wide to protect and to serve the essential needs of your neighborhood. A day never goes by without remembering you, the smile, the charisma, the heart and soul all driven by your professional prowess now forever angelic as they walk a heavenly beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

Ready to always pitch in and to lend a helping hand, Dade County, your comrades and family will forever solemnly honored and pay homage to your heroic actions, Officer Cook, not just on May 16, 1979, everyday you were a humane and dignified public servant whose integrity and reverence could be relied upon to carry out your basic onuses. Mankind lives and breathes because of servants who were fearless, tireless and unselfish in their endeavors to relieve society of evil. One man acting alone who caused so much adversity, chaos and turmoil robbing you of your life, career and a wonderful marriage to a beautiful woman in Karen. Not to mention doting on your family members and continuing to honor and check in on your mother's health and welfare. Mr. and Mrs. Cook you raised two lovely and respectful children who you can be forever proud of as you all rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Nancy, you must be the glue now and the strength of your family upholding your brother's legacy and those of your darling parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

Your piercing heart and soul, Officer Cook, all heroically sensitive to the needs of Dade County residents. It took every wave, every ounce of your energy and stability to create a sense of awareness arousing some who were slumbering while others realized the essentiality of peace, harmony and freedom in order to perform the will of Our Lord and to be able to pursue our passions with heart, humility and a reason. Never forgotten and always saluted for solemn character, decency, class and the commitments of truth, justice and the trust of humanity which misses you very much as does your family especially this time of the year. The calendar is about to turn to 2022 next week, you'll always remain cherished and loyal to those colleagues who served alongside of you their friend and hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

Drive and determination can transport a beloved public servant's life, career and trails of truth and justice far down those roads of resolve and virtue. Your life and career, Officer Cook, all carried out honorably, with humility and heart and heroically with an unselfish soul and spirit shall never be forgotten by the citizens of Dade County. To have watched over your family and community, your cherished peers of character and commitment won't ever overlook your grit, gumption and gallantry for our serenity, safety and security came at a cost, your ultimate sacrifice of trustworthiness that allowed us to march on in our pursuits of health, peace and prosperity. Tonight and tomorrow as your family gathers to share and celebrate Christmas I'm certain they will pause to remember that smile, face and the personality that greeted each one of you. Discipline and devotion patrolled the streets with its due diligence,vigor and versatility all accountable in heaven's humble and blessed name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2021

A fire must burn inside those loyal and protective. Your might and humility, Officer Cook, created a promise of perseverance and precision that Dade County lives forever under. Dignity, integrity and reverence facing adversity all the time. Heaven has angels of bravery and boundless energy watching and guarding the gates of boldness and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2021

Firm and fair, faithful and loyal. Your steadfast dedication, Officer Cook, spurred your pursuits of justice along those tracks of your undying tenacity. And for this Dade County could be grateful. The honesty, integrity and dignity just oozed from your bloodstream as you delivered reliance and resolve to situations that became dire. An angel forever encircling your loved ones in the kingdoms above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2021

Weakness can't mask strength. But, honor, integrity and dignity all create strong cases of courage, concern and a caring heart which you possessed, Officer Cook and heroics by virtue of your actions that fateful day that shook the epicenter right from under Dade County. For outstanding achievement, tireless character and the commitments so noble and sacred it's the trust and truth all resting in peace along with your soul my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2021

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