Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A blast of bravery and boldness are certainly preferred to one who has no honesty or character. You had the right motivation to do the proper thing, Officer Cook and Dade County will surely remember your fortitude, reverence and due diligence applied to your solemn efforts. Heaven has an angel, heroic, humble and unselfish. Tireless energy abounding around your community where you protected and patrolled as a loyal soldier. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Having aptitude, awareness and acumen helps to stave off adversity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2022

Dignity and integrity are the pillars of support for honesty. Better to be one of the many faithful, respected and dedicated men and women who serve and protect than to be in the minority. You were a bright star, Officer Cook, strong heart, decent soul, humble and heroic character who gave his life for Dade County and its residents. The ending was sad, horrific and tragic as your family has missed your smiling personality and humane charisma all these decades later but, they will advance the wisdom, vision and maturity of your legacy as mankind offers solemn salutes to your undeniable fighting spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2022

Courtesy, politeness and good manners should strike those poses of what is demanded from honesty, dignity and integrity. Virtues and accountability ascribed to everyday a man or woman serving should surely strive for. Dade County as any other large or small venue seeks the assurances from its own public servants along with the citizens contributing their best of endeavors. You were a man, Officer Cook, on a direct mission to cut out crime and to shed a larger wing of serenity and safety for all who walk the pavements where justice, trust and truth cling to the tails of one another. You'll always be noted, saluted and remembered as a man of God whose devoutness and character ran on the very same tracks as did your tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The tunnels were cleared of evil as best as any confident servant would hope.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Turmoil, torment and terror victimize the good and honest folks who yearn for tranquility all by their dignity and integrity. Police officers are governed by rules, laws and standards and are expected to function under these most basic of clauses. The premises of perseverance, Officer Cook, were never ceasing, the proficiency so vital to the maintenance of life was critical. Dade County had in its midst a humble hero, a man still considered young, bold and esteemed fighting off violence so that your family,friends and community could thrive as one. The kingdoms above have virtue, humility and all heart. Yours, Officer Cook rests in peace along with badge#1664 my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Fairy tales and fiction are great for kids. For adults and those smart enough we offer heroes and heroines who gave every second for peace and liberty to improve the virtues and prosperity of humanity. You made that impression, Officer Cook, to be heroically saluted and remembered for having integrity, dignity and honor. Dade County was that location for security and the wisdom placed down upon its streets tranquility shall trample over terror. A gentleman of valor who vaulted over the field in yearning inspiring others to be at the top of their profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Help surely was on its way that fateful day of May 16, 1979, the day Dade County and your family had to sadly mourn your sudden loss. A man noted for honesty, integrity and dignity restorative and most inspiring. It has made us think and ponder what things would be like if you were alive and well today enjoying a well deserved retirement. Humble, heroic and full of virtue, wisdom and vision from a heart of care, concern and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, we'll salute you and your precious memories. A life cut way too soon yet never forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Police can't run into hard luck all the time. Tragedy happens sadly to even the most honored, trained and decorated. You displayed everything loyal and heroic in the words of integrity, respect and dignity all facing adversity straight ahead. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your given territory where your undying and unselfish tenacity all played major roles in peace and serenity being a reality. Such a noble heart and spirit all resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with God safeguarding your soul as it encircles your loved ones every second.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

The palace and castle are forever unlocked and open to welcome those saviors and heroes who gave their hearts, souls and courage to honor heaven's name in restoring peace in their given areas. Dade County was yours, Officer Cook, a blessed, cherished and esteemed young man whose loyalty and experience lent their helping hands. To uphold, yet uplift, to enhance yet to enrich you did your job right. Virtue and diligence were your faithful aids as dignity, honesty and integrity followed your solemn and sacred paths of truth, trust and justice for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Evil is that punching bag that just looks to knockout our aspirations, dreams and goals. So society has many dedicated public servants of fortitude whose attitudes fit the ideal role model of what success, heart, honor and humility are all about. You had the picture, Officer Cook, a hero whose legacy is humbly saluted, remembered for everything excellent in dignity, reverence and integrity which made Dade County a more sophisticated venue and a place where safe havens are expected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character conceals class and this in turn demonstrates decency and desire. Pure as it gets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

Dismay cannot be allowed to dismantle dignity for every honored man and woman who serves and makes the ultimate sacrifice is not supposed to have their humility, heart and character of integrity uprooted by surges of wickedness. Your hope, faith and goodwill, Officer Cook, brought newer meaning to Dade County and its people having the necessary harmony for which they live and pursue their enchanted lives of happiness, health and prosperity. You were a man of virtue, vigilance and the versatility of being reliable and quite skillful in your professional passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2022

The element of effort eliminates any doubts whatsoever of your heroic status, Officer Cook. Dade County and its folks witnessed honesty, dignity and integrity being utilized daily for heaven's sake and in the name of tranquility, esteem and loyalty. You were always helping your comrades and they never left your side as you lay on that hot asphalt giving your heart and soul. Mr.Pearsall was surely an evil man with no remorse, reverence. You possessed an abundance of acumen, wisdom and faith my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and sanctity revolve day and night in the skies above as angels soar forevermore. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

The engine and motors purred when you patrolled the corridors of Dade County, Officer Cook. The vitality of virtue and its versatility was most revealing and so was honor, dignity and integrity as they faced the ugliness of violence. Vitality and being vigilant assisted you down those trails of truth and trust and with fortitude nothing less than one-hundred percent effort was expended to give humanity its full blasts of safety and security. You were a man whose legendary life stays forever etched upon the hearts of all as the memories never go away. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman with character who lived his life for the moment and just such a shame everything ended as badly as it did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

A life is a life and a chosen career is just that. Your profession, Officer Cook, was honorable, heroic and most dignified as you were your family, department and friends' inspiration. The lightning rod of your resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency, your community of Dade County was provided profound care and concern. Such a humble heart and valued soul never overlooked. When you have decency, desire and class then vision, wisdom and maturity cannot be far behind as you chased after evil while pursuing serenity for all society. Integrity that identified with dignity and humility that surely was located within the pockets of your unassuming character. The streets, roads and corners have dearly missed your smile, persona and charisma. The warmth of your soul and heart is now keeping eternity forevermore aglow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

The fastball, curveball and slider must all be working. Same by your honor, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, all heroically giving their all to shield and to protect the citizens of Dade County. A man strong and bold, devout and dedicated to the causes of peace and liberty. All these decades later after you gave your life, heart and soul you're forever be paid salutes and homage for humility, virtue and wisdom. The genes in the Cook Family are as humane and as sacred as ever. Character, commitment and class were the truth and trust of your righteous life and dutiful career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

Backseat drivers are not always appreciated. Look up front and see the big picture out there. Dade County sure had a big picture and it was resting upon your honorable, cherished and loyal shoulders, Officer Cook, to accomplish and complete your missions of peace and journeys of freedom for mankind to live wisely, proudly and happily. Sad about a young man full of smile and good nature giving up his humility and heart, dignity and integrity though they were in performance of your position. Authority rests in the duly qualified who serve with distinction, purpose and look to create an impression that continues its perpetuity today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

Something that tastes good is said to be succulent. You were sensational and quite consummate in your official duties and forevermore, Officer Cook, heroically undying, unwavering and most enriching in upholding the law and uplifting our community here in Dade County. You will be remembered for having honesty, dignity and integrity and the other frameworks of outstanding character, loyal commitment and sincerely trusted and truthful convictions. God is good to all His servants and surely His flock of ferocity may they forever encircle their loved ones for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2022

An electric shock may sting for a few scant seconds or it may linger for a while. Nonetheless, your tenacity and truthful heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, were all the components for you to keep Dade County and its residents safe and secure. The serenity and virtue all ran through your lanes of dignity,integrity and refined character that certainly will forever be remembered fondly, solemnly and saluted for their unwavering, unrelenting, unselfish and undying endeavor poured into your chosen labors. Sincere and professional and never anything less than your entire being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

Ideas, ideals and intelligence all go a long way down the tracks of courage,heart and soul. It's found in humility and in character that heroes and heroines possess that assists them in their true and trusted efforts of service. The public, demands and expects accountability and you gave them every word, every morsel of decency, dedication and desire, Officer Cook, that a Dade County hero shall. You left missions and journeys of goodwill, serenity and hope behind for other men and women who were treasured and esteemed, loyal to your co-workers and vision, wisdom and virtue must be. Seizing upon opportunities to make society grand and greater once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fields, roads and streets are never easy to comb, but, day by day,hour after hour the work can be accomplished through trial and many ordeals,ropes, bridges and fences to climb over.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

A twenty-one gun salute to a fallen angel of valor, honor and precise dignity and integrity. Twenty-one added together makes three. God, your home and your job, your employer, Dade County, Officer Cook, had the gladness, the galvanizing torch of tenacity, the guiding hands of humbleness touching their very hearts and souls for six of your twenty-five years of life, one cut way too soon by evil. The sad part is your family and the young man who took you had something in common. Being a drifter and a deserter is never a good thing considering he had a girlfriend and a child. Your loved ones were devout, faithful and down to earth even as the loss of you was being realized. Acceptance makes a heart grow fonder, though I don't know if they forgave the man responsible for you not being alive today and living a clean and healthy retirement with your beloved Karen, your staunchest supporter along with Nancy and your mother who was alive to mourn her beloved Billy, her hero and darling son so concerned for his mom's welfare and well being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

Effort needs no embellishment because a man of humility has a heart and soul already chiseled in virtue, honesty and the references of both dignity and integrity. All the traits, elements and ingredients of your success and missions on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, were founded in ferocity, fairness and the firmness of truthfulness and trustworthiness. Big words but if any letter of the law is absent chances are success would be deemed as difficult. But, you succeeded in enhancing and in enriching the masses by virtue of excellence, model behavior and the quality of your character, spotless and respectful. We miss you and so does your family during these holiday events of celebration with your esteemed and cherished family members who have not one second forgotten "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

I want to believe that most of humanity does not temp fate. For destiny is God's angelic like words calling us. You just try to function primarily on what you know you can achieve and Our Creator can handle the rest. Though you were faithful, devout and resolute, Officer Cook, The Lord was always going to be an integral element of your life, marriage to Karen and during your law enforcement career with Dade County. The watch kept ticking, your heart and soul were racing to that domestic scene, a call you were dispatched to a couple hundred times during six years of honorable, dignified and most of all integrity branching out at every turn and patrol of the very streets you were accustomed to preserve. A man mature than the crowd who delighted in protecting and in doing a special job not many would venture after. It requires discipline, hope, scruples and the professional conduct that those special individuals of virtue, vigilance and valor share. The constellations are multiplied tonight because of a hero with a connection to society, you touched the pulses of the people you encountered, embraced and uplifted with your marvelous acumen and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

Life can fascinate or it can frustrate the heck out of humanity. Everyday we awaken a new birth of sorts starts. Public servants make their daily calls around their various shifts looking for a spoonful of serenity and sometimes they find a forkful of fire that awaits their guarded presence. Dade County eagerly awaited you, Officer Cook, when 1973 came at the tender age of twenty your career started to blossom and rose. You climbed that humble ladder where honesty, integrity and dignity were already ascending those rungs of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness. After all a man of virtue, versatility and vision cannot be sidetracked by terror while performing his duties. Yours were central to our survival and liberty. Character, class and precision all carried out with truth and trust never swaying nor backing down an inch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

You cannot hold someone back for their desires. One who has the physical and mental capabilities should be allowed and free to join the police department.Its work is critical in fighting adversity, strife and chaos that mankind never needs. You flourish because of your virtue, your honesty and above all your integrity,dignity and reverent character. No one with a criminal record should apply simply because danger, evil and whatever else lurks needs the consideration, care and concern you always displayed toward Dade County folks, Officer Cook, a hero and a gallant young man,a human being first and foremost. Older citizens have rights to defend and if empowered and they pass the rigorous examinations should be allowed to sign on that so called dotted line. Your loved ones and comrades will never forget you my neighbor,friend and hero, never. Rest in peace. An angel so humble and so aware.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

A passage of time does not always seem to heal the deepest of wounds as families grieve for their lost, honored and heroic members who gave their lives and souls to touch the hearts of society. Your family has tried to march onward with your legacy, Officer Cook, firmly attached to their hearts and minds. Intelligence is a very novel gift from God and must by exercised judiciously or else failure can result and no one wants that. You succeeded mightily because of Our Maker watching over your every trail, your every path that contained promise and virtue. So valid and true. Honesty and strength of conviction that led your career and life so well planned and always maintained by more than a thread of integrity. The bad people had better now think twice before acting out. Dade County was the location of some heated battles and you exerted every ounce of humility to quash evil. You'll forever be admired and cherished for remaining loyal to the tests and challenges that kept you on your guard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

So dear, so graceful and very much so adored and beloved, what a shame and profound tragedy your life and career, Officer Cook,ended so suddenly and violently while you were performing your duties. Most recognize you did not have to answer that call you can put that in your rear window because you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln were going to that scene because your ingenuity, integrity and dignity would never permit to leave the people affected and your partners who too were wounded to stay there battling for their own souls. Obviously, this man had no reverence for authority and he would have committed the most heinous act if allowed that cannot ever be when the public is in harm's way of its freedom and peaceful movement. Everything you did that day, Officer Cook, was done with class, proper character and the basic commitments of excellence and pride. Your department has always appreciated your undying endeavor, your unselfish heart and soul sacrificing for the humbleness of humanity. Your lovely smile and humane personality has been of course very much missed and continues drawing praise and reward for your actions all heroic and all encountering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Domestic issues were your accentuation and your trusted and truthful goodwill conveyed that important message. Dade County has always paid homage to your memory, Officer Cook and saluted you for heroism above and beyond the calls of onus.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2022

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