Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Heroism is the genuine work of love and loyalty demonstrated on a daily basis by those angels of our law enforcement profession. You worked fiercely, tirelessly and without losing faith, sight and integrity, Officer Cook, while serving, defending and protecting our freedoms right here in Dade County your beloved community who salutes your bravery, virtue and maturity beyond your young years of unselfish diligence and sacred vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Coming up on forty-five years since you made the ultimate sacrifice to lessen evil and rid our streets of wanton violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2024

The blessed humbleness of a heroic heart and soul that graced this earth for a short twenty-five years of life, service and the charm and character that was mature and steady. For Dade County, Officer Cook, that meant integrity, fortitude and dignity all truth and trustworthy. Never forgotten and always saluted for commitment and conviction. Your resiliency and resourcefulness was the very essence of faith, devotion, decency, desire and dedication to be solemnly paid homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2024

A deer is graceful. Youth and a smile are society's elixir of effort, gallantry and integrity that you possessed, Officer Cook, that was so vitally essential to you being able to perform your basic duties of peril with honesty, humility and your heart of loyalty and esteem. Dade County was where you brokered good relations among it citizens and where you fought until your last breath to bring down evil. Character, commitment and conviction display a person's true and trustworthy worth as one of God's creations. Your family carries your legacy forward as they keep you close to their minds and hearts. Always saluted for bravery and never forgotten as your badge revealed your boldness, wisdom and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such a special angel who was talented, gifted and highly energetic.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2024

Desire, dedication, determination and decency that truly dignified and full of meaningful integrity. For your life and career, Officer Cook, you surely served the people of Dade County with youthful enthusiasm. Our very stability, security and serenity was brought about through your inspiring goodwill, faithfulness and the resiliency of a heroic warrior. A man of valor, virtue, class and honor whose character, conviction and commitment stood on the paths and trails of proficiency and effort. Always acquitting yourself as only a humane, loyal and cherished public servant would. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel walking his holy beat in eternity where no more harm and pain will ever come your way as we will salute a gentleman who galvanized his community where your family and colleagues remain blessed and treasured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2024

Virtue, vision and valor all line heaven's gates of gallantry and honor. The men and women of all departments who make that sacrifice deserve our deepest prayers and salutes of dignity, integrity and character. You accomplished, Officer Cook, by guiding and protecting the landscape of Dade County your beloved and cherished community where your trails and paths of trust, truth and justice for mankind were blazed by a loyal man of action, acumen and unselfishly unwavering dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of humbleness and treasured esteem. Badge#1664 was reverence, faithfulness and resourcefulness tied together to pursue peace and stability for one and all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 24, 2024

A heroic young man who left behind a legacy of integrity, honesty, dignity and character. Everything you would want in a child, a son who grew up with proper morals and was unwavering and unselfish in his truest and most faithfully trustworthy convictions while protecting the good people of Dade County. Officer Cook, you blessed, revered and most humbly talented heart and soul will forevermore be saluted for virtue, valor and wisdom. Badge#1664 was only respect, compassion and sincerity for all mankind that has continued to be missed by your esteemed family, loyal comrades and will always be treasured as you rest in peace as an angel my friend, neighbor and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2024

An ironclad constitution will greatly assist any warrior. Your faith, devotion and heroic dedication, Officer Cook, aided Dade County in living safer and more productive lives. Integrity, dignity and character that was honored and revered and shall be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2024

A heavy heart was shared by everyone the day your family and department honored you, Officer Cook, for your heroism, honor and dignified integrity. It was your service and unselfish perseverance that kept Dade County safe and secure from violence. The very evil that robbed a gentleman with a strong and caring heart of many decades to come. Buildings and all the changes you should have been allowed to witness now as your family continues your legacy of true and trustworthy character, class and commitment to excel in their personal endeavors my you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero as one of Our Lord's many angels of valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2024

A man of desire whose destiny was to solemnly serve his community with heroic integrity, honor and dignity and who made us a safer world by his exploits of endeavor and proficiency. Dade County will never forget you, Officer Cook and your family carries your legacy forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, true and trustworthy commitment and convictions that patrolled down the streets and corners where compassion and unselfishness was most humble.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2024

You place boldness, bravery and heroism on the same plate then integrity, dignity and honest character follows close behind. Dade County was fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, serving its people. A man mature beyond the crowd whose life and career was the living example of effort, trust and true faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2024

The solemn acts of sincerity, kindness and unselfish compassion that was surely recorded and noted for more than posterity. You see Dade County and its citizens received more than a lion's share of humble and heroic service and protection from a man brought up with manners, class and decency. Your parents and sister all raised you with honesty, dignity and integrity that was true and trusted all from your diligent heart and soul of humility, dedication and gumption and now as an angel in heaven may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always loyal, upbeat and positive. Only a gentleman of vision, virtue and wisdom flowing from your well being of bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2024

The memory can play tricks but when it comes to remembering our finest and bravest of law enforcement professionals there can never be a moment we lose sight of their heroic actions on behalf of their communities. You made that sacrifice, Officer Cook, to serve with a solemn affirmation that Dade County would remain safe and sound. It's dignity, character and your excellent integrity that shielded us from harm. You will always be regarded as loyal and esteemed and will be saluted as they honor you and other fallen officers next Thursday evening at Tropical Park in Miami, Florida. May Our Lord's tender compassion shine down on your angelic heart and soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2024

The creeds of courage, compassion and commitment are located in the channels of honor, integrity and dignity. They supported your trails and paths of heroic heart and a soul that was loyal and cherished. Dade County was the mecca of meaningful work performance and your sincerest dedication to provide the residents with the kind of promising serenity, security and safety that humanity yearns for. You will be missed forever but never forgotten for your outstanding and uplifting smile and jovial personality. Rest in peace my friend. neighbor and hero. One angel in yourself, Officer Cook, that was truthfully trustworthy and always devoted to your primary responsibilities to enhance, enrich and to engage. Badge#1664 was reverence, allegiance, diligence and straightforward vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2024

Decency goes with honesty, respect, dignity and integrity. It goes to the roots and branches of character, commitment and conviction of which yours, Officer Cook, were heroic stellar, sterling and outstanding. Dade County surely missed you after God took your sweet and virtuous heart and soul back to heaven to walk your eternal beat watching over your loyal, adoring and esteemed family. The truth, trust and determination were plainly desire and dedication all thoughtful and faithfully resilient and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of sacred versatility and unselfish patrols of your beloved area.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2024

The Bible whether it's the Old or New Testament teaches us respect and humble admiration for our fellow human being. It is always going to be very tragic and sad, Officer Cook, the way your life and career ended that hot afternoon on May 16,1979 when Dade County, your comrades and family witnessed a heroic action to save and to serve your community giving every ounce of energy, character, honesty and heart from a man of devout faith, dignity and integrity. All placed solidly and squarely within the realms of trying to calm down a wayward and violent man. Unselfish, unwavering, unrelenting and most passionate of gentlemen doing his utmost in order for peace, liberty and true justice to take its stand within society's framework. We will never forget you and your family as they humbly carry your legacy of heroism forward in all their lives of esteem and virtue. It belonged to you, Officer Cook and you were robbed of more life and happy decades with your beloved Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero. Vigilant and versatile. Always so loyal and humanely treasured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2024

Resolute and resilient, virtue, wisdom and vision, Officer Cook, like no other that served and protected your beloved and humble Dade County community. To vanquish evil your dignity, integrity and heroic honor was tried and tested through and through everyday. It was unwavering and unselfish character, true and trustworthy commitment and conviction that remain part of your legacy that all who knew and loved you salute fondly with humility, heart and spiritual blessings as now you are an angel who watches over us as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The trails and paths were paved by your infinite diligence and intellect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2024

The worst fears come to reality whenever a human being is subjected to violence and evil. Worse when a truly noble, honest and heroic young man gives his life for the welfare and safety of his esteemed and beloved community such as what you did, Officer Cook. On May 16, 1979 you fought for us and your family giving commitment, character, dignity and integrity that has been exemplified and solemnly saluted as your legacy stands true and faithfully trustworthy as your loved ones carry forward your dreams, aspirations and earthly journeys you began over fifty years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, hero and angel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2024

The articulation of acumen, alertness, awareness and alacrity was always present when you preserved the welfare of Dade County, Officer Cook. A humble and most heroic warrior created for a profession where passion, compassion and common sense must travel along the same trails and paths of both truth and trustworthiness. A gentleman who demonstrated and displayed integrity, honesty and dignity only unwavering and unselfish putting his very being in harm's way to shield us from violence. Our freedoms and liberties, peace and safety were completely crafted from your dedication, faithfulness and the resiliency of a loyal, esteemed and treasured public servant who legacy remains saluted and so poignantly honored for eternity as you my friend, hero and neighbor rest in peace in the gardens where only angels of valor and virtue lie.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2024

The dignity, integrity and honor of humanity must be protected and preserved never can there be violence and evil yet thousands of years later we still have infighting and whatever threatens to turn upside our world. You watched over Dade County, Officer Cook, with meticulous care and meaningful morals and standards never to be forgotten only saluted for wisdom, vision and commitments of truth, trust and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2024

The epitome of energy, endeavor and efficiency all devoted its heroic resources towards saving Dade County from abyss, the evil, wickedness and violence that sadly stills permeates its ugliness around our very society making the landscape difficult at best to navigate around. But, your practicality and professional pride, Officer Cook, mattered when that clock ticked. You mastered the fine science if you can call that of possessing humble honesty, dutiful dignity and incorporating integrity into your devout and faithfully truthful character without missing a beat. A man who forever is linked to our heroes and heroines of the past and who should have been granted God's saving grace to live on and to all these changes moving forward. Now as an angel high above us for eternity watching over his esteemed family, colleagues of the past and making clear that those who succeeded you follow the strictest of guidelines to make it home safe and sound after every patrol. A gentleman blessed with loyalty and who is treasured in his legacy which remains saluted and solemnly respectful. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom, trust and virtue that were unwavering. unselfish and certainly unrelenting. God has your heart and soul in His palms protecting you as you walk your heavenly beat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2024

All lives matter and especially our most heroic and esteemed law enforcement personnel. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, represented the example of a good man who was calm, cool and composed in spite of the dangers you faced everyday defending the freedom and safety of Dade County citizens who have not forgotten you and your heroism. Such a humble and blessed angel of valor, virtue, wisdom. With stellar integrity, dignity befitting a loyal professional you were able to accomplish your responsibilities despite facing violence and for having outstanding character, truth and trustworthy commitment may you rest in peace my friend, neighbor and hero. You will forever be missed but loved and humanely adored by your family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2024

Devoutness, resourcefulness and faithfulness are traits of a person born with honor, dignity and integrity. It's a humble reason why so many are blessed with a life deserving of remembrance such as yours, Officer Cook, forever a Dade County police hero who continues being paid his respects and homage for service and protection of his community and its devoted residents. Safe trails and serenity are never guaranteed and the evil that robbed you of your character, commitment and convictions will never go without reflections. We salute you for bravery and sacrifice above the duties that you took an affirmation to undertake willingly without hesitation or regret. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is aglow with many angels of gallantry glad to have donned a uniform of principles, prudence and professionalism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2024

A sign of a humbly blessed public servant is honesty and a heroic heart and soul of which you maintained your entire life and career, Officer Cook, The angels of valor are patrolling the skies above with their integrity, dignity and unwavering and unselfish character and commitments of virtue, truth and trust forever together. Dade County was bestowed blessings and loyalty from a gentleman who shall be saluted for eternity. Your family, comrades and friends all miss you, Officer Cook and won't ever overlook a life of faithful piety and dedicated devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity, safety and security can only be distributed by those who drives the vehicles of versatility and sacred fortitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2024

Around the tunnels of true tenacity and diligent trust were the parameters of perseverance, dignity and integrity all from your honest, heroic and humbly blessed character and fortitude, Officer Cook. You stood tall, proud and poignant always give of yourself to protect and preserve both the safety and image of Dade County and its valued citizens. You strength of commitment, class and decency my neighbor, friend and hero forevermore represents the boundaries of hope, faith and goodwill, dedication, determination which supported and drove your passionate patrols in and around your beloved community in which your legacy stands affixed in pride for your earthly endeavors remain loyal, esteemed and treasured. Your family accentuates and perpetuates your wisdom, vision and virtue in their everyday lives of humane pursuits all blessed by Our Noble Creator. Rest in peace with your fellow heroic angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2024

Class is the circle round the knots of kindness, compassion, sincerity and a most revered and heroically humble heart. You surely had that, Officer Cook and so very many other attributes that would have taken you further down the roads of resiliency, virtue and the dignity that was your outstanding integrity, character and commitment to the good people of Dade County. A man robust and full of grit, gumption and gusto bringing us a peace of mind and safe havens by which we live in. Never forgotten and always saluted for sanctity your transporter of tenacity, truth and trust. Rest in peace my friend, neighbor and hero. The angels of heaven are chirping as one unit of unsung praises and gratefulness for a job well done despite having your young life snuffed out, robbed from your family with many more decades to live. You were the man with a plan always implemented with precision, proficiency and professional effort.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2024

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