Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The rope is extended now all you have to do is take firm hold of it. Let the good women and men conduct their professional business and we will support their efforts wholeheartedly. Dade County allowed you to do your job, Officer Cook and with esteem, loyalty and dedication, your honesty, integrity and dignity only uplifted the spirits of all who were downtrodden. The assignments, the journeys are difficult and arduous at times. Tireless, caring and versatile, your life and career though shorter than others was surely exemplary and was the living example of ingenuity and wisdom at work plowing through the fields where trouble reigned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2022

The cowards who commit evil and terrorize neighborhoods do know that they will someday be caught and tried for their sinister convictions. The sheer evil of it all and a man full of life, compassion and humbleness was taken before any goodbye could be uttered. Life these days is so fragile and cannot be taken for granted. Your good grace, Officer Cook, heroic dignity, integrity and all the respect your comrades afforded you suggests the aptitude, fortitude and sheer tenacity you had for life and for performing your onuses to better suit Dade County and its folks. The larger scales of your enhancement, enrichment and engagement is because of your unwavering and most persevering heart and soul saluted and paid homage for showing effort and for demonstrating goodwill, hope and faithfulness. The citizens were given a most consummate young man girded with decency, desire and a mighty constitution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2022

One pounds and pounds the pavement hoping to make safety and tranquility a stable element of society. Encountering violence is always going to be a part of policing the community that all men and women must recognize. You realized and understood your roles, standards and job behind watching us, Officer Cook. Dade County is a rather large metropolis and your heaven scent honesty, dignity and integrity made tackling responsibility more humble. Heroism is earned and your commitments, convictions and reverent character were all the result of your home environment. Keep looking down. Your heart, soul and vehicles of valor and versatility were all virtuous and all bold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2022

Decisions shape the world we live in. Your decision to become public servant, Officer Cook, was well thought out and made with all the humility, heart and honor. So help me Dade County and their people were well served, protected by a man who breathed dignity, integrity and character. Twenty-four hours a day all charisma, charm and virtue to support your pillars of morals, mettle and foundations secured for a humane future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of course true respect lies within the soul of its beholder. A blessed and cherished gentleman who is safeguarded in Our Creator's palms of perfection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2022

The friends you make are those you keep. And Officer Cook, yours have cherished you, honored you and have been humbled to be able share the warm memories. Yet, something is forever going to be amiss. Your loss to your family, department and to humanity whom you protected with all your reverence, dignity and integrity all truth and all trustworthiness. Dade County can surely bask in the glory of your gallantry and it will always be stated that you were consummate in your professional acumen, polite even when events went south and when effort tried its utmost to curb a situation that escalated out of hand. The magnets of your character, ingenuity and wisdom all attracted the virtue, versatility and sanctity of those essential moments. A builder of faith, hope and goodwill. God's grace will always shine down on your heroically angelic spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

Leave the fighting to the professionals of law enforcement they take their cues of wisdom and vision from the heart. Your soul, Officer Cook, was heroism at its finest and Dade County was better prepared for its tomorrow. Your legacy of integrity, fortitude and dignity were the diving boards where character, loyalty and esteem shone brightly. Your beloved family moves onward with your blessed and cherished spirit always around their lives of peace, health and the pathways of happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

We should all pray like heck for wickedness to stop. Just end the bloodshed, the hatred and the bigotry. All it leads to is unrest, tension and strife which is strike three for humanity. Never ending and unrelenting were your years of life and a career consummate and humble, heroic and honorable cut way too soon because of one no class, no heart individual. Yet, Dade County, Officer Cook, was your assigned area where your passions and pride sought to halt ruination. Mankind cannot tolerate lack of respect, lack of dignity and certainly a lack of integrity which badge#1664 had pinned to your chest needing no reminders of the dangers on the roads you protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

You can't fritter away one precious minute. One second alone could be real tragedy. Violence and terror don't need much space, time or anything else to evolve. You changed the way life was lived back in your day, Officer Cook, for Dade County and its citizens. You adapted to the climate and made your patrols around the community which forever honors and salutes virtue, versatility and diligence. Our direction and goals are from your aspirations now inspirations from a gentleman who greeted you with a smile, heart and some very much earned reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

Decency, desire deserve a dignified person carrying out those humble tasks. Onuses of dignity and integrity require the best of human resources and the residents of Dade County, Officer Cook, have you to thank and to heroically admire. The tallest of mountains, the highest of hills were climbed by your energetic heart and sacred soul of security and unity. Peace and happiness for every human being placed down by your tireless sacrifice and unrelenting scruples, discipline at the top of the charts of care, consideration and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

Every call, every dispatch has its issues and circumstances that need resolving. But, just being resolute does not solve anything. You must be firm and fair, impartial and integrated with integrity and dignity never dodging violence. You years with Dade County, Officer Cook, were indeed well spent and well placed for our serenity and journeys were in your humanely humble hands that God created. Honesty, valor and vigilance imparted their wisdom to your unassuming character and trusted commitments, true convictions that made that distinct impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

Honor is tied to the strings of superior dignity, integrity and the courage needed to battle through evil. You fought with every breath and bone in your soul, Officer Cook, for stability and sense of pride, peace and direction for Dade County. Never forgotten for being loyal and dedicated, a total man of character, care and commitment to excellence, wisdom and virtue. The dials were set and now as an angel of boldness may your spirit befree to fly higher every second. Eternity is the final sacred location for heroes and heroines who gave their all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2022

True ingenuity, sure intellect and humble intuition all make the public servant who dons the most pristine of uniforms and badges of permeating honor, dignity and integrity. They just did not come any finer than you, Officer Cook, a Dade County legend whose name and esteem surely warrant being etched into walls where the general public may make a rubbing of your solemn life and career all tragically robbed by one man's blindness to character, respect and virtue. He had none of those for if he possessed even one iota of intelligence, sanctity and civility he would have realized his heinous actions ran against the grains of gallantry and versatility. Real people have these traits and likewise their paths and trails are paved by perseverance, proficiency and the resolution to be humbly resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

Like a bronco or bull bucking, violence cannot ever be allowed to deliver that impactful wallop to mankind for if it did humanity would surely fall backwards. You went full steam ahead, Officer Cook, chasing after the bad guys while trying your utmost to solidify good relations between society and the authority charged with the awesome mission of containing confrontation. Journeys sacred and all hopeful. A gentleman of goodwill, heart and a smile so serene just taken way too soon. Dade County would surely have witnessed better days ahead if the good Lord had allowed you to survive your wounds that day. Character, all heart, trust and a true warrior mentality all made up your heroic demeanor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

History is reviewed and certified for all its factual information. The chronicle of being caring and concerned were the assets of your humanely and heroically honored career, Officer Cook, serving all Dade County with heart, soul and the humility that wisdom relies upon. Vision, virtue and versatility so clear and outstanding, it will never go unnoticed or without salute for having the articles of accentuation following your every movement. Building foundations, cornerstones and bridges to a humble future does require the strength and stamina of a man constructed and raised by two loving parents to succeed even when fighting off adversity. The diversity of your devotion, determination and dedication was present for the citizens to avail themselves of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

Doom and gloom only spell trouble, mayhem, bedlam and chaos are exactly what evil and violence desire to conjure up. You answered and attempted to convince a wayward and evil man to surrender. All the humility, heart and soul, Officer Cook, were amplified to being about dignified outcome where your mettle, character and integrity were put to the sternest of challenges to make Dade County more tranquil. No one overlooks a gentleman of gallantry and a young man full of zest, zeal and life. Your career serves as a springboard for other brave and humble servants to pattern their lives after. The trials, trails and paths are marked with peril at times you navigated around them very precisely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

The personification of dedication is no estimation meaning your devotion, dignity, honor and integrity fit the criteria of how all law and order personnel are to act and how you, Officer Cook, heroically performed your position in watching over Dade County. values, acumen, vision and wisdom all applied like a perfect coat of paint to create a serener environment and one where your revered commitment, convictions and character all true and trusted won't be forgotten. You are to be diligently saluted for sacrifice and for vigilance above and beyond the responsibilities of your resolve, effort and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

Passion, perseverance and persistence all paid dividends for Dade County folks while you served them, Officer Cook, with every ounce of heroic heart, soul and character. For being honest, loyal and dedicated may Our Creator bless and reward virtue, dignity and integrity. They are part of your valiant angel's wings to soar forevermore high above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

The business marches forward and so does your loving family, Officer Cook, holding your legacy and heroism in their palms to be watched by Our Lord forevermore. Dade County had loyalty, honor and dignity beating as one unit just as your tireless integrity. They performed brightly and without lacking in orals and convictions. The truth and trust have been blessed and rewarded for their guiding light and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Men and women of character and commitment only do their assigned jobs while the heavens above steer their every patrol.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

People that get a newspaper daily reads what seems like the very seem old stories that keep plaguing society. Evil and terror, violence and wickedness. No matter the page it all seems the same. Everyday is supposed to be a new start, for Dade County you welcomed your chances and roles, Officer Cook, to deliver harmony and tranquility to those wanting a little break from upheaval. You nurtured and enriched mankind with humility and heart that warmed your reserved honesty, dignity and integrity that confronted the foes face to face. Your fellow officers were and are extremely grateful for your fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Effort can make up for some shortcomings but not everyday and for all. Either you basically have the proper tools of motivation, dedication and both mental and physical acuity or if you don't then searching for another calling maybe in order. Dade County as does much of our land rely upon the good resources of its devoted and honest women and men to defend us. You provided the canvas and the landscape, Officer Cook, to heroically bring peace and stability to the front of the line. Integrity and dignity were certainly sewed into your uniform and badge of bravery, versatility and value. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

When integrity, dignity, and honesty are usurped then the world can turn upside down. It's when violence and evil are stopped in their tracks that humanity can function much more efficiently. Dade County was served and protected by a loyal servant in yourself, Officer Cook. Forever a hero of respect, virtue and savvy desire. The cornerstones of courage and heart were built by your unwavering resolve to act as you always did. That was with scruples, principles and discipline that are up to standards. When you uplift you enrich, enhance and embrace God's loving humbleness in one gentle moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

To your family who lost a brave warrior I say you have my sympathies. The grief you all suffered, well it can be consuming and you can know that Officer Cook, was a more honorable and dignified gentleman and a most trusted and a consummate public servant who always had the best interest of Dade County and its residents. His intuitions, integrity and punctuated passions and dignity will always be treasured as he was a very loyal human being who shall be paid homage and saluted for his boldness, virtue and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Work left behind can be done the next day. Yet it's our heroes and heroines of honor, character and esteem who leave behind much more. Integrity, respect, dignity and a most heroic name to be blessed, cherished and rewarded for accentuating everyday positive in the battles, wars and struggles over violence and evil. Dade County was protected by your loving grace, vision and virtue, Officer Cook and its people have not forgotten your life and career of substance, versatility and the sacred journeys you truthfully and faithfully pursued. Your family has carried the mantra of your legacy of wisdom, maturity and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Things tend to get out of hand if violence, terror and turmoil are allowed to raise the volume of their temperature and viciousness. Dade County sadly experienced that when you were one of its finest public servants, Officer Cook. First and most important you were an honest and dignified hero who upheld the law and order the folks were desperately seeking. Integrity and fortitude combined with class, decency and desire to formulate all the determination, dedication and devotion you required to perform your sacred onuses at hand. To face peril everyday and to be wise and mature beyond the others says a lot. Humanity sadly is missing that key ingredient today and your heart and soul gave its tenacity to try and upright the ships of valor. Yours, Officer Cook, is a legacy that is marching onward today as you look down from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

A deck of cards has aces, spades, diamonds and clubs. Likewise a fully honest and dignified public servant must have upon them a clean uniform, shiny badge along with integrity that must always remain central to their earthliest missions at hand. The scope of your journeys, Officer Cook, had more, more heart, reverence and the virtue that a wise man of thoughtfulness possesses. Dade County should and I know they do consider themselves most fortunate you were around during that period when tensions and evil were brewing. You endeavored to stop a madman that fateful day and your performance was outstanding as every character and element of resolve and resiliency was expended to create what should have been a more peaceful and non violent confrontation. Police need a means of versatility at their dispatch to bring about safe roads. You'll always be held in high regard and will be saluted for bravery and serenity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

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