Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Mountains are both hard to climb and tough to see over. The steps on that ladder of honor, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, your storied life, career and enhancing character, embracing commitment and engaging convictions that today still remain aglow up in the skies above. Humility and heart that sensed trouble and never dodged from responsibility. Such versatility and sanctity has been noted, blessed and forever eternally rewarded. Dade County had most proficient and prideful gentleman uplifting its ranks of resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

Life is real and a loss of life is more than any family can bare. The grief, sorrow and loneliness can be terrible but at least the memories of your profound and precise visions of life and your steadfastly dedicated career, Officer Cook, are for all to see. Your peers and family have continued to treasure you, adore you and will forevermore love you and miss you and your handsome face and smile so much. So very much is still being championed for the causes of serenity and unity here in Dade County where you took an affirmation to serve and to protect with loyalty and class. Dignity, heart and integrity were the intuitions of your sincere and brave soul of virtue, wisdom and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

No man or woman should be overlooked or forgotten especially when they sacrifice their lives for the goodwill, hope and faithfulness of humanity. You will be revered and forevermore appreciated, Officer Cook, for all that you accomplished and for maintaining law and order on Dade County streets. Integrity, dignity and humbleness, an honored man who fought and battled with every tireless ounce of heart, character and soul to save, protect and uplift mankind's hopes and aspirations. A legend whose inspirations shall be carried on by your loving family members. Eternity has your undivided grace, gratitude and the tenacity poured forth every watch to create a civilization that can cherish your heroic memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

The chapters of the book have all the information of heroes and heroines so boundless, honest and committed. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was reverence and dignity going forward to help eliminate terror from Dade County's roads and streets a job filled with danger but being a man of class, decency and desire, your character was never called into question and neither was your trust, truth and diligence. Integrity that was humane and humble the way all public servants should function when assignments beckon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

The mirrors are free of dust and now you can look ahead to you tasks at hand as you humbly, honorably and stoically patrol your corridors of virtue, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. Dade County was your heart and soul of humility that kept violence way from its folks and you'll forever be saluted and remembered for noble and sacred service which built the cornerstones of the very future. You are in heaven resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero watching your family carry out your legacy of true faith, trusted allegiance and their pursuits of peace, happiness and prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

It is proof positive you can accomplish beyond your wildest of expectations. Even one besides grit, guts and gumption, you can be resolute and most humbly resourceful if you are decent, honorable and have that certain level of competency, character and respectful dignity and integrity. They were your heroes, your pride and visionary partners of your patrols over Dade County, Officer Cook. Such a courageous young man with the will to survive and the compassion to thrive. You assembled the building blocks to help society overcome the stumbling blocks of pure evil, such a foe that it takes more than a little ferocity to stop this stench of serious trouble. We salute you and will not forget your viability, visibility and versatility all virtuous and all to be admired and supremely cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

You yearn for humble success, but your missions must be honest, dignified and always have integrity carrying the tracks and trails of truth and trust forevermore to be saluted and paid homage to. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your loyal battleground where you fought for harmony and freedom for all. Mankind cannot simply clutch and grab, but, it must make amends and find a pliable method to fix what is going on. Your aspirations, dreams and goals became a living reality. Sincerity breeds heart, character and genuine respect. Badge#1664 made that upstanding impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A young man with passion whose virtue represented boundless humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

Police work makes you ponder, think and comprehend. Some moments are precisely more difficult than others. You created a special and heroic bond with the residents and your beloved comrades serving as their inspiration. They'll never forget your passion, special and sweet heart and soul for concern, caring and hopeful consideration. It gave Dade County the humble opportunity to overcome adversity and strife. You make an oath to serve and to protect, your due diligence, Officer Cook, allowed that to occur and by possessing honor, humility and heart, the soul of your integrity, intuition and dignity it has risen to where you are in heaven taken too soon with much more left to achieve. Your loved ones carry your legacy and the pitchers of perseverance, proficiency and heroic professionalism forever to treasure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

Wisdom and vision make virtue, valor and vigilance that much stronger and surely with what lurks on the pavement today you need a somewhat tougher public servant who has the aptitude, the reverent character and the morally upstanding commitments to get at the bottom of terror. It's so ignominious that it took a genuinely humble human being such as yourself, Officer Cook, to locate that niche that would lead the people of Dade County back from the brink of fear and panic. A solemn gentleman refined and full of inspiring honesty, refreshing dignity and noble integrity that banded together to create a more cherished civilization. Never forgotten by your family, comrades and esteemed friends from around our nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

Durability is an object of responsibility that must be taken seriously. Policing venues, areas and regions is a generalized process where everything must be arranged accordingly. You approach to your job and tasks, Officer Cook, emphasized why you were able to lead other colleagues through evil and violence. Dade County had a most loyal and sacred member who donned his uniform and badge with tireless and relentless passion, the energy from your dignified heart and soul of honorable integrity that always strengthened your position of truth and trust to be symbolically honored and saluted for your daily actions of heroism. Now as one of Our Maker's many angels who soar with perfectly fitted wings may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

Our Lord looks down upon His serene flock of heroes, saviors and warriors as He makes the big and decisive decisions. He give those women and men of authority the humble power to lead and to direct others servants who place their lives in peril's paths to secure the much needed backbones of stability and safety. You confided in Our Creator, Officer Cook, for twenty-five years of prosperous and loyal service to all Dade County. All the elements of enhancement, engagement and enrichment were in your heart and soul of humble honesty, true and trusted integrity and faithful dignity all facing wickedness head to head and face to face never running away just when we needed a spirit of virtue, valor and versatile accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

You sustained life, Officer Cook, because of the many wonderful attributes. Acumen, awareness toughness when needed and always honest, reliable and most heroically dependable. Where would our safe havens have come if not for your unselfish character made up of dignity, integrity and humility from your warm and loving heart. A soul of virtue proud to cast his lots in this seemingly unrelenting battle over evil. You'll forever be fondly and solemnly saluted for aiding and giving noble service to all Dade County where humanity is grateful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2022

Dignity navigates integrity so long as honor and humility are incapsulated within one's own heart. Dade County was protected by your loving esteem, loyalty to duty, Officer Cook and always present heroism to forevermore cherish and admire. Society has a friend and an angel looking down on his family. Evil still whips up the winds of terror and deceit. You were truthful, faithful and trusted as your humane virtue and character carried your trails of tenacity down the streets of where we so desire tranquility and stability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2022

Going forward with your legacy and heroism has not been easy on your beloved family nor comrades who worked with such a kind and sweet young man. Gifted and gallant, Dade County was watched over by your persistent patrols and unwavering grasp of a multitude of information geared to bringing in peace and tearing down the walls of unwelcome violence from our midst. The task was tall, your dignity, character and integrity was always intense as it focused upon your primary objectives. Never more endeavor and never less than 100% effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your loved ones keep up their diligence and continue honoring "Uncle Bo."

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

As soon as kids hear that bell they race to the front door ready to depart. You answered that very last call, a domestic call that you must have been dispatched to a couple hundred times during your six years of excellent service and proof positive success, accomplishment and all the accolades you are entitled to receive, Officer Cook. A Dade County of mankind with a trusted heart, truthful soul and a straight forward fortitude never forgotten. They enriched, uplifted and endeared themselves to our peace and stability all by your undying virtue and vision so wise and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

The vehicle you patrol with is treated as your partner just as a human being or a canine. They must be treated and revered with kid gloves. Dade County was entrusted to your care and sincerity, Officer Cook, always captivating and most notably honored and heroic. A humble man with a big old smile who devoted his seriousness to the nature of law enforcing and nothing was going to deter a man composed of character and accentuated with the elements of effort, resolve and resourcefulness. Integrity and dignity always handed down in a civil manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

Prosperity must be passed down to society without quarreling. Never can there be doubt it has to be a universal solvent in this fight against an adversary such as wickedness. You took the battle to your foes, Officer Cook and made good on your reputation and promise to see Dade County through these skirmishes. A serious minded gentleman with an arsenal of acumen, wisdom and versatility defending us with every blade of your sweet soul and kind heart. They won't be overlooked and neither with your heroism which is forever bookend to your humanely noble legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

Offense and defense are used the way they are to preserve and to protect the goodwill of mankind and civilization. Dade County was where you humbly and heroically made a name of dignity and integrity for yourself, Officer Cook, honorable and a man with completely righteous character and amazing commitment to everything in virtue and in due diligence. If truth and trust are mandatory for peace and and liberty then it's safe to assume respect and resolve belong in that structure for humanity had missed you and your humility and heart all these decades later. The angel in heaven may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero encircles us and your family never taking the light away from this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

Directions are meant to get one closer to their means of success. You achieved more in twenty-five years, Officer Cook, than most do in a lifetime. Dade County has to be grateful and thankful for your devoted service and precision protection. Their serenity, safety and sanctity all came about through your esteem, loyalty and goodwill, the sense of honor, dignity and integrity that helped to rid the area of evil even though it robbed you, your beloved family and comrades of seeing your smile and personality. A man with class nd character all trusted and true trying his utmost to perform his duties where virtue, valor and versatility must not be misplaced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You led others because of your unwavering, tireless and unselfish skills never to be more heroic.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2022

Every vehicle you utilize, every weapon you may have to discharge must work accordingly. No misfires, backfires and please no accidents. Yet, too many still occur. What happened to you, Officer Cook, was no accident tragically and nearly to your peers who too are survivor heroes and as honorable and decent as you always were. Beside a smile, common courtesy and a slew of ethics, values and vision, your uncanny intellect, ingenuity and intuitive nature were spot on. Dade County had a truly great man watching over them for six years, relatively a short period, but no commas of concern only class, care and devotion to its citizens. You remain forever missed but still in the hearts,minds and prayers of all humanity. Until your family reunites with you my God preserve your spirit as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

Any reduction in production would further cause a decline in dignity and integrity. A police officer needs honor and humbleness at their sides and yours, Officer Cook, was always heroically blessed and distributed all through Dade County. It's where the streets were well guarded and foundations to the future were established by a man of nobility, accountability and accomplishment. You did all you could have done that sad day in which your sacred soul and heart were ferried heaven's way. The gates opened to welcome a warrior fearless, tireless and unselfish in your enrichment of our world. Loyal and esteem all treasured and most humanely blessed by Our Lord. He watches over you my neighbor, friend and hero and all His other heroic angels of virtue, vigilance and diligence. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

Removing one piece of fruit from the tree does not make the product any less. For those branches all have the capacity to produce more fruit. Your loss, Officer Cook, left your most cherished family to grieve and to mourn your sudden absence. Honor, dignity and integrity all robbed from them and the folks of Dade County where the rounds of resolve, wisdom and virtue were undertaken as your oath with humility, reverence and heart. A thoughtful gentleman always so loyal and determined to get at evil's roots and to implant a direction of desire and security for all. Never forgotten and etched within the entire world of law enforcement families never to overlook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

Retirement is the solemn reward for living and working an earnest job, living as a product of a model home environment and for heroically performing a perilous position keeping honor, dignity and integrity in check. Dade County and your loved ones, Officer Cook, had you and your heart and humble soul for twenty-five years short humbly speaking, but, everyone of them well planned, well though out and well prepared. Obviously nothing could have prepared anyone for what transpired on May 16, 1979 when your life was taken a sacrifice made by you to preserve the perpetuity of society, your family and gallant colleagues who have saluted you for your superb life and career of character, decency and morally upright commitments to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

A man of taste, tenacity and the wisest of hearts and souls searching and saving the lives of Dade County citizens. You will be remembered for your values contribution to mankind's future missions, Officer Cook, a hero of integrity, honesty and dignity all put forth with excellent character and the truthfully trusted virtue and convictions that are required of all who don a uniform and wear a badge of humility. Responsibility cannot be taken lightly and your unselfish actions proved that beyond any shadow of doubt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

With all the senseless violence nowadays how can any rational man or woman perform their duties so effortlessly? You did your job, Officer Cook, with ferocity and finesse, honor and reverence so much so that the residents of Dade County whom you loyally served have continued paying tribute to your memory. A man filled with passion while protecting our very souls. A gentleman of character, kindness, integrity and dignity pursuing our harmony while exposing his life and career to the evil that still permeates on the streets and corners you endeavored to make succinctly peaceful. Well, your virtue, wisdom and vision all accomplished their roles and onuses so flawlessly and it's jut a crying tragedy you could not be a part of seeing these changes enhanced by your faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2022

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