Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Twenty-five years of your humble, humane and treasured heroic feats, Officer Cook, were demonstrated and displayed on behalf of Dade County. That alone would suggest everything was done right, correctly and properly. It has implanted and instilled a quiet confidence that peace, liberty and safety was given to those citizens, all mankind that cherishes every breath they inhale and every beat of their hearts as yours was surely admired and sacred. Virtue and valor don't just get locked up and forgotten rather your life and career of integrity, reverent character and the dignity that led you to pursue a law enforcement profession shall be so saluted and paid its homage for possessing the unique wisdom, vision and maturity to direct others under your command. So beloved, esteemed and so very much missed by your family, comrades and a ton of close personal acquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Maker's throne are adorned by His flock of angels heroes in every way, shape and form. Humanity misses these very essential human beings every moment just as their loved ones do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

If terror and violence were so tiny they would be quashed like a bug. Sadly, they roam the regions looking to take full advantage of those wanting tranquility. Dade County and its folks just expected peace and you delivered the wares, Officer Cook. The tables of honor, integrity and dignity are set for angels to patrol the heavenly gates of perfection where pain and suffering shall never come your paths and trails again. A man of character, class and conviction relying upon his basic instincts of intuition and ingenuity. Intelligence must be the piece of the puzzle of wisdom. vision and maturity never absent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

Upholding, enriching, engaging and enhancing, the world and your family witnessed your beloved efforts of heroic proportions everyday, Officer Cook and so did Dade County and its residents. Honor, dignity and integrity so valuable, accountable and most proficiently responsible to secure the corridors and streets for stability and harmony they are never easy assignments your resourcefulness was able to uphold its end of your oath and with true grit and character you were able to build those foundations for a safer future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

Your spirit of honor, heroism and virtue, Officer Cook, soars humbly higher each day. It is with this that you are fondly and solemnly remembered and saluted for having your vehicles of versatility up and running every second of your shifts protecting the dignity and integrity of Dade County never running away from danger. Badge#1664 was well respected, admired and outstanding in all your earthly performances. Sacred missions of hope, faith and goodwill undertaken by a gentleman gifted with a caring and sincere heart and soul of humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

If ever God forbid dignity and integrity become sidetracked, then probably honesty too will be derailed and your pursuits of peace and stability maybe slowed down a bit. You never let things interfere with your basic duties, Officer Cook. And Dade County was better off with you patrolling its neighborhoods for some sanctity and humility. All devotion and all from a caring, noble and wise heart and soul of virtue. Your character trustworthy and truthful now takes on an even more essential role as one of God's many heroic angels. Watch over your family and those who cherished you, admired you and those officers who have taken your watch. Keep them safe along with Our Creator's eyes and ears. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

As the leaves get raked that fall from the trees we had better rack our very brains and remember you, Officer Cook, your courage, honesty, dignity and integrity, alacrity, versatility and maturity beyond the crowd. so sincere, kind, helpful and humble they surely did not come any nicer as you. Dade County most fortunate to have a warrior in its midst utilizing all of his wisdom, vision, virtue and vigilance to reign in evil here where you lived and thrived. The branches of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families continue spreading far and wide and you won't be overlooked nor forgotten for heroism and humility all from a loyal and giving heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

A gentleman of character has decency, desire and dedication. Nothing has to be drilled into their minds for the fortress to our very happiness and enchantment came about through you upholding your end, Officer Cook, to secure the perimeters of Dade County with all your heart and soul, might that contained the letters of principles, honor, scruples and valuable ideals that your family has treasured all these years later as they keep your heroic legacy alive in their hearts. Honor and dignity, integrity all taken suddenly robbed from you because of a wayward young man without a clue of class, reverence and virtue considering he was living with three generations of his family. Someone should have imparted a lesson or two in his very heart. God will humbly bless and reward your spirit for its diligence and tenacious determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

A big grin from ear to ear, eyes that were clear and precise, our very harmony and security all because you cared and acted as all public servants must, Officer Cook. The world still spins on its axis and your acumen and awareness revolved around your blessed and heroic honesty, dignity and integrity. Fortitude that transported your journeys and missions of hope, truth and loyal character all trusted and committed to courage, versatility and everlasting virtue. Heaven's the eternal home where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, so stellar, sterling and stoic. Everyone from your family, comrades and friends have all missed you very much. The sadness still permeates in the cool air we are presently inhaling.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

A smile, service and sacrifice all were greatly appreciated and very much admired, Officer Cook. You should never have died that fateful day because of one evil man's heinousness. Dade County is forever indebted to you for being a top flight public servant who delivered upon the sacred words of honesty, integrity and dignity facing violence head on. Trust and truth form a powerful combination when character, commitment and conviction are all undying and resourcefully virtuous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

Dignity, integrity and ingenuity lie in peace at heaven's gates where you patrol eternally, Officer Cook. A sincere and humanely heroic young man so engaging and endearing, your whole life and career serving Dade County won't be forgotten. The streets and the people were firmly and faithfully protected by your decent and classy mannerisms of morals, mettle and their meaning. With an unwavering heart and tireless soul our community has its enhancement thanks to you, your tenacity and attitude. Virtue, valor and vigilance are wisdom's intellect and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

Violence runs rampant thinks it can hide but it cannot. One day it will be caught and taken out of existence. Dade County was where your career began and tragically ended because of one man's terror. You'll always be solemnly remembered, Officer Cook, not only as a hero, but as a man of class, desire and dignity, the very integrity, honor and revered character all true and trusted that delivered words of serenity and stability for all mankind along with your community where you remain beloved and esteemed. An angel of heart and soul whose legacy shines brightly in the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2022

Mother nature can really give that proverbial wake up call. Each second the fates, lives and careers of those who solemnly serve and protect their given communities are on the line. Peril can give safety a real push in the back knocking down one who relies upon serenity and unity. Dade County was your area of expertise, Officer Cook and they have not forgotten you. After all a man of honesty, dignity and the integrity that is commanded of each servant shall never be more admired and heroically cherished as you remain, Officer Cook. A simple answer is you did your jobs right, truthfully and fairly never yielding nor giving an inch to adversity. Evil and violence already undermine the authenticity of mankind enough. Men and women who sacrifice become angels forever implanted within God's eyes and in the hearts,souls and minds of their families. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character shall triumph over corruption and truth will always be planted within conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

The mixture of meaningful morals, mettle and morally upstanding conduct should serve its purposes in motivating one to be extra vigilant. Being diligent is not enough as faithfulness and resourcefulness must be blended in with honesty, integrity and dignity. You were that beloved man, Officer Cook, with a sweet heart, tender soul and yes, all the kindness, sincerity and inspirations that will never end. The world and your loved ones lost a compassionate gentleman. Everything done in heaven's blessed and treasured name to secure peace and prosperity for Dade County. Your environment and community you defended so very well exceeding your promise and affirmation. Those who knew you understood and you never disappointed anyone. An angel forever watching over his family, department and the streets you patrolled with smartness, acumen and versatility. Virtue never left your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

Unfortunately in police work today there are knuckleheads, boneheads and rogue men and women who should be taken off of their jobs at once. There can no excuses for lack of respect, lack of caring, lack of honesty, nothing shall be absent. Character, dignity and integrity must be tied to your badge, uniform and anything remotely associated with the public's safety and security. Dade County was the humble ground, Officer Cook, where for six short years you excelled, beyond being loyal, esteemed and most trustworthy. Truth can allow you the liberty to concentrate upon your vital and rigorous tasks at hand. Humanity and your family have certainly missed you, Officer Cook, your brilliant smile, handsome face and all the due diligence poured forth that are now carried forward by your loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

Seasoned guidance peppered by unending wisdom, virtue and tireless passion, it is about a special kind of human being. Your perseverance, precision and endeavor, Officer Cook, all supported the citizens of Dade County and created that tranquility we all just cherish. I was just looking on your page my neighbor, friend and hero and a gentleman who you worked with at Jackson Memorial Hospital a man named "Big Bill" remembers you and your amazing character. Such a charming man it will always be a terrible tragedy and a shame our families never met though we lived on NE 6th Avenue around the corner. Integrity that yielded introspection. Dignity that was dedicated and devoted to the jobs. tasks and so often the perilous onuses of protecting life and property and for this your family, community and comrades will forever salute you for heroism and humility from your strong heart. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

The pavement is hot, it was that fateful day you gave your life, Officer Cook, but decency must never leave God's thrones of truth, trust and justice if our society is to stand pat. To live freely, to pursue your dreams and aspirations you surely require the special touch of a hero's heart and soul so unique yet always vital and virtuous. Yours was, Officer Cook, heroic, humble and honorable as they preserved and protected the very sacred rights and liberties we here in Dade County and around our very world share together. You cannot ever make any sense of why you were taken other than the fact that your family and colleagues lost a gentleman of integrity, respectful character and the words of dignity and dedication to be remembered, solemnly saluted and never forgotten no matter what is happening. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

Dade County had your humble heroism, Officer Cook. And Gladeview in Liberty City had your gallantry. You were a mighty humble man still so young but blessed with dignity, integrity and a never better character and outstanding commitments to excellence and pride all focused and centered right where they belonged. Our inner connections to stability and safety were from your warm and sincerely noble heart and soul. A journey born was maturity rewarded from its feeling of humility which stoked the passions deep inside you, Officer Cook. You were destined for further achievement and yet God needed you back in heaven to assist Him in orchestrating His solemn flock of heroic princes and princesses. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

The spiders of evil spin their webs of wickedness and pure evil. A young man talented, skilled and heroic made his rounds through Dade County to assure the public of his presence. You made an impression, Officer Cook,that has lasted forever because honor, dignity and integrity never left your side of virtue, wisdom and vision. It is being stored within Our Master's perfect havens above for special safekeeping. For angels soar and their wings of reverence and character are now perfectly fitted for the roles that eternity calls for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2022

When terror spins like a top then the good folks of the law enforcement communities must start their engaging, enriching and enhancing powers. Authority never got to your head, Officer Cook and it was your honesty, humility and heart that implanted that essential material of mettle and morals within Dade County to be forever shared, honored and etched within the hearts and souls of your beloved family members. A dry eye the day your family, peers and friends said their goodbyes was not to be had. The tears were flowing as was the will of the people whom you protected. Their warrior was mourned and eulogized for essential endeavor, virtue and wisdom that maintained your strong and decent heart of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

A crystal ball is not solving crime nor resolving disputes. But, a man on a mission of faith, trust, hope and goodwill was truly honored to serve his roles loyally and without any hint of doubt. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your heroic ground of gallantry and dignity for without manners and politeness, the integrity and character you possessed on your broadest of shoulders might have be without its powers to contain violence. On May 6, 1979, you demonstrated this prowess and it has been saluted and humbly paid homage for sustaining and combing the streets searching for stability and security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

Officer Cook, you were the consummate go between in this never relenting war over evil and Dade County suffered immeasurably. A man with an immortal soul and heart wiser and more mature than the rest of the crowd. For being loyal, esteemed and most notably revered, may Our Lord bless and reward your spirit, its honor, dignity and humble integrity for eternity. A man of patience that was so desirable, your life and career were compared to a finely cut and polished diamond. Boldness, morals and meaningful values so very much missed today. You are an angel who can look down and watch over the flock of heroes who has succeeded you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

Trouble splits humanity apart like never before. You were concerned, caring and positively courageous, Officer Cook. Heroism, honesty, integrity and dignity all giving their all to make a dent in our peaceful pursuits of life. A gentleman of fine and upstanding character uplifting mankind beyond their wildest dreams where your destinies all took you my neighbor, friend and hero. If one is humane and humble, then trust and truth will surely follow suit. Your life impacted so many, many individuals, one only needs to look at the entire framework of your smile and ferocity. Rest in peace. Dade County will forever be indebted to you and your family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

Society can only marvel at your humane and humble life and public service career of honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. Dade County surely can be thankful. your loved ones have had the responsibility of maintaining your heroic legacy all these decades later. A sacrifice born from elements of effort, heart and the visions of yesterday and tomorrow. You would be retired if you were alive today and certainly acumen, wisdom and valor would all follow you down the roads that you and your beloved Karen would be living. Truth and trust, tenacity that tamed adversity as best it could. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

Such a gladiator with a golden heart of honor, integrity and heroic dignity. They spoke volumes regarding your stellar, sterling and most humble and stoic life, Officer Cook. Forever beloved, admired and esteemed. With public servants such as yourself with a wistful soul and spirit the residents of Dade County were surrounded with character, truth and trust, commitments and convictions that have laid down their cornerstones and foundations for a brighter future. You are to be saluted for bravery, versatility and the sacred virtue that took shape and flight in all your earthly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 17, 2022

Nobility that graced the plains of society for twenty-five years of humility, heart and respect. You were greatly admired, Officer Cook and always a hero that made your family and citizens of Dade County proud. Hope and honestly, diligence and dignity, vigilance and integrity all giving their souls for peace and security for mankind. We won't forget the burdens you held upon your broad shoulders that have continued the creation of your legacy. It's to be cherished for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, truth and trust that have that underlying factor of humbleness and society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2022

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