Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Place two feet on the pavement and begin to walk the hallowed grounds of where more than a sensation of stability should occur. You had the keen faculties, Officer Cook, to distribute our dignity, our very humble integrity and honesty so loyally cherished. No one will overlook a gentleman, a young man with the traits and characteristics who made a humble name for himself. Yet there was no boasting only hard work accentuating your true trails of justice. Everything that permeates today throughout our world came about through your due diligence and treasured vigilance. Virtue must never be lessened if problems are to be decreased giving hope, faithfulness and goodwill the solemn opportunity to turn around our very venue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2022

Circumstances the directions and pathways of our lives and golden pursuits. You had a passion and followed your dreams and desires to where dedication, devotion and determination would be most appreciated. The folks of your community, Officer Cook, Dade County won't forget your acumen and visibility all highly admired just as your unselfish humility and heart. Where ingenuity and intuition roamed that's precisely where dignity and integrity hunkered down for the battle of their lives. You paid the ultimate sacrifice for your family, friends and department, for this you can be sure it's words of wisdom, vision and maturity mattered in your fights for our very peace of mind and unity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2022

Right click, left click so long as honesty, integrity and dignity all check the boxes of bravery, boldness and respectful character, stellar commitments to everything that excellence and pride entail. The truth and trust of the citizens you watched over, Officer Cook, was heroism accomplished and your missions on behalf of Dade County were deemed as complete as Our Lord needed your tireless, spirit and effort in His kingdom of warmth and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2022

Revered in goodwill, honest hope, goodwill that never divorced your unassuming dignity, character and integrity, a life lived with humbleness all channeled into your dreams of becoming a really top flight public servant. Dade County has not forgotten your ventures of nobility as they filled the columns of ferocity and courage. God has your soul and heart helping to police his streets where perfection will never be trampled upon nor hurt forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2022

Terror is like a toppling tree, something that can have devastating consequences. You protected the folks of Dade County, Officer Cook, utilizing honor, good judgment and all the integrity was humbly implanted within your heart and soul. A spirit of dignity that continues making its heavenly revolutions around humanity. Your family is most proud of you yet misses your smile and grace every second. A classy man of character who was bestowed with the humane gifts and talents spelled out in virtue, responsibility and in sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2022

A smile that broadened our very horizons, while your humbleness bounced from place to place securing the streets where wickedness lurked. Officer Cook, your family, colleagues and the entire world were abundantly blessed by your honorable presence. And no doubt if you alive and well today living a peaceful retirement with Karen. Integrity and respect coupled with heroic dignity that never dodged from violence always fondly and solemnly etched within the hearts of your family and peers from the past. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

Might only makes right when honor, dignity and integrity display their virtual fortitude. Your attitude, tenacity and heart were the characters of charm and esteem, Officer Cook, as they made Dade County safer and more serene. The world has faced many issues, adversity only adds fuel to the fires of evil and your soul and spirit made that distinct impression that humanity has forever cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A chipper person is more likely to prosper than one who is not as sharp and astute.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

You set a table in the sight of my enemies and surely my cup overflows. Your chalice of charisma, concern and courage, Officer Cook, overflowed and never was more noticeable. Making your way around Dade County was your passion, your chosen profession and danger never should stop a man of God, virtue and honesty. Dignity, integrity and character ran countless laps around those paths of your unassuming tenacity and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A great young man who engaged, enriched and uplifted our community in peace and stability that those colleagues now serving are charged with overseeing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

The albatross of violence still wraps its hands of heinousness and society is still at a loss as to how to get a handle on these major issues. Humanity and mankind have enough problems to conjure already. Your sense and direction, Officer Cook, lead your trails of truth and trust on behalf of all Dade County. Ingenuity and intuition that made integrity, dignity and honesty stand humanely heroic. No one has ever forgotten you, your life and career values all placed within your considerate heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With class, decency and character it's plain to see why you were so admired and revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

The vault of honor, humility and honesty is heroically protected day and night by Our King. Our Creator who lead your pursuits and passions in your life and career, Officer Cook, where Dade County strove for a semblance of serenity and normalcy. Your family, comrades and friends have all missed you and your smile. Happiness is one minute the next we don't know. Comprehending why anyone would have wanted to take your life, dignity and integrity away from you when you went to aid your colleagues and the citizens in distress that sad day. Virtue, versatility and your clear vision perceived what needed to be fixed and completed so that life would march forward. Your outstanding character, commitment and the level of your years so finely tuned and always more than a glimmer of everything in truth, trustworthiness and loyalty expended from your tireless and caring gifted heart. Surely unselfish and certainly marvelously worth everything humane and boundless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

To aspire and to inspire that's unselfish devotion, dedication and sheer determination. You gave Dade County every ounce of effort, energy, heart and soul, Officer Cook, to heroically display peace of mind, hope and welcome goodwill that provided the basis for us being able live happy lives. Character always loyal, esteemed and humble. Commitment honored, prideful and humane. Convictions based upon truth, trust and justice for all humanity. Humility that built the ladders of learning and the lessons from your heroic life and career so valued and endearing. Heaven is being enriched and enhanced by most brave angels whose boldness and accentuation was unrelenting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2022

Domestic issues can certainly be thorny in dealing with them. Terror, evil and violence are painful and can leave a gaping hole in a family and police department. it left your family and peers grieving with anger, anguish and terrific sorrow. The burdens they share in carrying forward your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, are humble yet huge. For Dade County and its fine folks witnessed true professionalism, precision, honor and dignity being poured forth along with virtue, truth and heart, the class of your faithful soul as it patrolled the community you called home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is the venue of character and where a hero's versatility provides a more important angelic role. Watch the pearly and perfect gates where heroes now seem to unfortunately come far too frequently. They pay the ultimate price and their loved ones must trudge carrying their batons and badges of trust

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

Durable and accommodating, your career and life focused and centered around values, mettle and discipline that was most important if this war over wickedness is to ever cease. How much more punishment does Dade County have to take? You expended passion, heart and humility to get a wayward man to cease and to surrender before things escalated. The sadness, tragedy of a man losing his life of honesty, reverence and the dignity that integrity can demand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your meaningful character and true warrior convictions remain loyal, treasured and esteemed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

A grilled cheese sandwich, fries and an iced tea would have been superb to have broken bread with you, Officer Cook, meeting and greeting an articulate young man who accentuated the character, the truth and trust that Dade County was searching for. An abundance of dignity, integrity and some morally upstanding humility oozed from your blessed and rewarded soul of distinction. For permeating perseverance, proficiency and pride can we utter the words truly blessed and richly humbled. Badge#1664 will forevermore remain important, essential and be saluted for its sincerity, nobility and sanctity in all that you achieved. A legend that stands tall and steady as does the foundations you built by being wise and prudently humble. Virtue, valor and ingenuity that stroked our very sense of imagination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

True and trustworthy bonds were shared by a genuinely nice young man. You created the bridges and relationships, Officer Cook, that will never depart from Dade County where you preserved and served your earthly missions. Undertakings of honor, integrity and dignity spread far and wide to provide that shade of peace and the shelters of gallantry. Character and commitments all now forevermore angelic as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A job finished all too soon with much left behind to humbly admire. Your legacy stands bold and bright. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be our coldest of days yet your heart, soul and spirit of heroism, Officer Cook, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in Our Lord's warmest of palms. For protection and eternal safekeeping never again to be struck down by evil. Violence robs from its victims that sense of feeling safe and Dade County, Officer Cook, was your thoroughfare of tenacity, courage and honest convictions of pride, ideals and values that do matter in our security and serenity. Your unassuming maturity mattered they shared and cared for one another and no citizen was left out in the rain to suffer. Your conduct and behavior were never in question. Humanity has missed your humane smile and pleasantness. Respect and admiration for loyal, esteemed and fierce devotion, desire and determination.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

A tree is as sturdy as its roots. Police officers are expected to be honest, thoughtful and most dignified when the integrity of faithfulness and resourcefulness are dispatched to solve and resolve a dispute, conflict, dilemma or circumstance. Dade County had a master of motivation right under their noses and fingertips in you, Officer Cook, a hero who made others proud and a gentleman whose accomplishments went without fanfare. You circled and patrolled your community with countless effort, an abundance of compassion, virtue and vigilance. Integrity, dignity and character that made its branches continue to flourish even after your ultimate sacrifice many decades ago. Crusades, missions and solemn journeys creating that impression and wisdom laid down to make stability and tranquility more than household name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

To implant integrity, virtue and dignity within the walls and streets of society they can be forever grateful for your inspiring and unassuming heroism and fortitude, Officer Cook. Dade County, your family, its people and your peers of professionalism can surely take heart that you cared, were most polite and a man devoted to character, trust and commitment never lost. The buckets of boldness and versatility always filled with nobility and the cherished endeavors you constantly put forth. The sands of time still spillover, your life and career of passion was unselfish and tireless because of your morals, values and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

A Godsend brought to this world for a sacred earthly mission. And your honored, humble and heroic journeys, Officer Cook, were carried out for the prosperity and peace of mind Dade County counted on without fanfare and with a gentle humility in your soul and heart to be revered, saluted and respected for its dignity, integrity and wholesome character. Foundations and their cornerstones put down for a solemn purpose. Unity and quiet for all society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such grace, virtue, class and desire, total dedication to your professional onuses undertaken with truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2022

You stood humble and proud, Officer Cook and though evil took your life nearly forty-three years ago you are forever fondly saluted, remembered and etched within the hearts of all Dade County residents and those of your loyal, honored and esteemed comrades who faced the same evil as you bravely faced. With character, courage and clarity did you patrol your community with every resource of virtue, dignity and integrity that created happiness and safety for generations to come. The cornerstones of faith, hope and goodwill so cherished will never be tarnished nor taken down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2022

Integrity identifies with dignity. Honesty and dignity were your spark plugs, Officer Cook, that kept your humble and heroic service to Dade County alive and well. The world and your family of course lost a bright soul with a chipper heart and a spirit that now watches from the skies above. So much left to endeavor, your family has humbly carried your sacred legacy and its torch of tenacity for nearly forty-three years, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2022

Effort alone is swell but more needs to be accomplished and documented if violence is to be forevermore eradicated. You made a vow, Officer Cook, to tackle crime and to promote stability and peace for Dade County. Honesty, dignity and integrity were your umbrellas of understanding, wisdom and humility so heroically remembered and saluted for having the vast acumen and vehicles of versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2022

Your grit and determination, Officer Cook, meant the world to Dade County, its folks and your beloved family and fellow colleagues. True allegiance, trusted honor, loyal integrity and character that was quite dignified they all played a major role in why we have peace, stability and virtue being spread far and wide. We salute your versatility, accountability and sacred journeys now ferried to heaven as an angel of boldness and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2022

You submitted to truth, justice and the solemn trust of the people you served and watched over here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was heroic and honorable in every way imaginable and was universally admired and respected for having the gumption, gallantry and grit to uphold the standards that nobility, civilization and humbleness bestows upon one's blessed heart and valiant soul of discretion. The people demand and expect one to maintain themselves in honesty, integrity and dignity so long as they live and perform the duties for which they are assigned. Yours, Officer Cook, were taken to heart and you toiled tirelessly and unselfishly to make security and safety your number one priorities no matter what event, circumstance or situation was dealt your way. Your paths and trails in life all followed one creed, be punctual, be precise and most of all never stray from the honorable road. All these lessons were from your sacred upbringing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

Twenty-five years of your humble, humane and treasured heroic feats, Officer Cook, were demonstrated and displayed on behalf of Dade County. That alone would suggest everything was done right, correctly and properly. It has implanted and instilled a quiet confidence that peace, liberty and safety was given to those citizens, all mankind that cherishes every breath they inhale and every beat of their hearts as yours was surely admired and sacred. Virtue and valor don't just get locked up and forgotten rather your life and career of integrity, reverent character and the dignity that led you to pursue a law enforcement profession shall be so saluted and paid its homage for possessing the unique wisdom, vision and maturity to direct others under your command. So beloved, esteemed and so very much missed by your family, comrades and a ton of close personal acquaintances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Maker's throne are adorned by His flock of angels heroes in every way, shape and form. Humanity misses these very essential human beings every moment just as their loved ones do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2022

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