Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Round and round she goes and where terror waits no one knows. It waited and you answered your final call of duty on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, Dade County was sure glad you and Reserve Officer Lincoln had not yet headed back to headquarters to finish your shift. Your peers and family are forever proud of you, their hero and man whose dignity and integrity did not calmly crawl that day they imparted an impression of ingenuity to be highly rewarded and cherished by God. A day when your special and sweet soul and kind heart demonstrated their resistance and loyalty to a serene neighborhood. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character written and spelled in capital letters.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

People become hysterical when evil strikes their homes and property just a normal reaction and always accepted. But, remember we have women and men all brave angels of trust and truth who turn their tenacity into all heart, soul and reverence. Due diligence and valid vigilance were all relied upon that day, Officer Cook, as they were each second you were on duty. Accountability travels with virtue, dignity and integrity as you circled Dade County giving us hope, goodwill and forever that smile of a gentleman with character and a humble reputation. We salute your boldness and desire to make stability a household name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism feeds off of devotion and determination.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

Stop signs and traffic lights are to be obeyed and no one gets a break from going through them unless you are a public servant racing to an emergency situation. The issues were certainly grave that fateful day, Officer Cook, when you made the ultimate sacrifice heroically and honorably so that the citizens of Dade County would peaceful lives with which to exist and to thrive. Humility was a humble virtue implanted into your heart and soul of courage and energy. To build the blocks of character, commitment and of course conviction you need truth and trust guiding your every movement down those trails and paths where your blessed name esteemed, loyal and cherished will continue guiding your loved ones and us through our darkest of hours. Gloom does not have to happen 24-7 and your spirit my neighbor, friend and hero looks down from above as we appreciate your desire, direction and dedication being spread far and wide. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

Simple solutions are not always ready to be used. Learning, yearning, planning, training and preparation all spread their finest men and women all brave, decent and honorable throughout the given communities to shift the courses of violence as you so instrumentally did on behalf of Dade County and its folks, Officer Cook. A truly blessed and most heroic young warrior girded and talented far ahead of your physical years of life. Our Maker placed the most common sense resources of virtue, resiliency and resourcefulness in this world to save and to protect the humility of humanity's heart, charm and good graces. That phrase only the good die young makes sense only if your family, department and those friends you had carry forward to legacy, to grab the baton of undying effort, fiercely pursuing your chosen profession one loaded with danger, yet one that did humanely reward those who survive and exhibit their wherewithal in bringing a semblance of serenity and unity to a world constantly shifting gears. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

To those who rob this world of great and gallant warriors we say to them punishment will be forthcoming. When honesty, integrity and dignity lie in harm's way that sacred affirmation undertaken must be relied upon to stir the pots and pans of perseverance, proficiency and precision. And no doubt that Dade County relied wholeheartedly upon your basic instincts of intuition, ingenuity and your intelligence, Officer Cook, all sound, wise and mature beyond your years of life God granted you. No one could foresee your life and career being ended by a man entirely cruel, heinous and totally reprehensible. To have grand character, loyal commitments to pride and excellence, the convictions all trusted and true stolen from your heart and soul, so sad, tragic and very much missed by your beloved and adoring family to share the warm memories of what if you were here today this very moment. Heaven holds the keys of care, concern and consideration kept humanely and humbly at Our Creator's gates of versatility and virtue. All angelic and all pristine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

Dignity is the light that shines off of honesty and integrity. For without character, hope and faith your life and career of your choosing maybe headed in another direction. And when evil lurks out on the streets then good servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, were there to heroically save the day. Dade County was a community filled with promise just as your life and career of nobility, virtue and wisdom that filled your humble and loyal heart never to be forgotten, Society and your family salutes you my neighbor, friend and hero. You gained the respect of your colleagues simply because of your unwavering, unselfish and humanely tireless soul now all in heaven as an angel. Rest in peace. One's life is to be cherished, admired and treasured as is your humble legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2022

Deliberate and delicate, two words that are utilized when terror and wickedness confronts and confounds society. Well, Dade County had its hero of honor, integrity and dignity properly placed when you patrolled its areas, Officer Cook. A hero is one who lives a humble life, is devout and dedicated to all the right causes. The cornerstones were built with our futures right there in front of our noses. You were supposed to be part of that change my neighbor, friend and hero. Mankind and your family are most sorry you were allowed to live to see this days, weeks, months and years but they forever won't forget your savvy, vigilance and due diligence being carried onward as your legacy continues to strengthen its very bonds of stability and civility. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

The ferry leaves with its ferocity still in hand. No one doubted your endeavors, Officer Cook and there was never any backtracking when violence needed to be confronted toe to toe. Dade County rests a bit safer because of your tireless work ethics and virtue that was on a par with a humble heart and soul demonstrating its dignity, ingenuity and integrity at every turn, every street and every single corner. Badge#1664 was respect, adherence to duty and by being loyal, esteemed and most faithful when life was being jeopardized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

To orchestrate, to permeate, to perpetuate mankind by noble purposes says all that is to know of you, Officer Cook, a real hero of Dade County who has been remembered by his family, peers and friends for living by sacred passions. Your missions provided the relief the citizens had been searching for and our security has been that relationship between you my neighbor, friend and hero and those of whom you undertook a sacred oath. A man with class, desire and character who will not be overlooked nor forgotten for possessing mettle, principles and virtue that was accountable, responsible and most humanely dependable. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

The smell of fear never came about during your life and watch over Dade County, Officer Cook. Heroism and honor were your partners to be surely cherished as you brought good nature and charm to this world and to your beloved family. Dignity and integrity that rang the bells of valor and virtue as loudly as did your outstanding performance to serve the public and to preserve the quality of life, a heart and soul functioning together as well oiled machines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

All your life, Officer Cook, from the moment of your birth until you sacrificed your life to make the residents of Dade County securer your honor, integrity and dignity were the bridges and foundations that was steady as a plane flying high. You never lost sight nor track of your resources of humility, character and an unwavering heart and soul searching for the rightful balance of stability and tranquility. Now as a heroic angel may Our Lord keep watch over your spirit as it walks its humble beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

One good man giving his all and his heroic life to make Dade County safer. A flickering light offers a ray of hope, goodwill and your everlasting faithfulness, Officer Cook. A rock solid public servant whose dignity, integrity and humble honesty matched wits with those committing evil. You will be saluted and remembered for a career and life exemplified by virtue, versatility and a wise heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character never cloudy, commitments all true and trustworthy, convictions all going down those trails of tenacity and roads of resolve and resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

You arbitrate and then you work around dilemmas, issues and problems hoping to figure out solutions. Dade County was your beloved haven where your heroic honor and dignity rested in all your trails of truth and trust with a caring heart and unwavering soul. Officer Cook, you'll forever be paid homage and saluted nobly. Character, sincerity are still better than being flattered all the time. You serve the public where expectation and can sometimes pass demands. But, you were valiant and proud a crusade of trust and tireless truth expanding the plains of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2022

Dignity, integrity and honor are God's heavenly agents who assist His brave flock of ferocity throughout their lives. Yours, Officer Cook, was meant to serve and to protect all Dade County and your character always performed at at a stellar level. Virtue true and through, trust so faithful and deliberate. An authentic gentleman gifted, skilled and surely with a caring soul and heart of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2022

You arbitrate and then you work around dilemmas, issues and problems hoping to figure out solutions. Dade County was your beloved haven where your heroic honor and dignity rested in all your trails of truth and trust with a caring heart and unwavering soul. Officer Cook, you'll forever be paid homage and saluted nobly. Character, sincerity are still better than being flattered all the time. You serve the public where expectation and can sometimes pass demands. But, you were valiant and proud a crusade of trust and tireless truth expanding the plains of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

Dignity, integrity and honesty are the very symbols of character, commitment and courage, Officer Cook, they were used wisely and with the vision and versatility demanded in one genuinely loyal and efficient public servant. Dade County was the place where heart, soul and substance banded as one to bring the scopes of serenity, safety and security closer to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

Charisma, charm and a smile, yet you were all ears, eyes, heart and soul when Dade County needed defending, Officer Cook, loyal, honest, heroic and a most proud and passionate young man. Integrity, vision, virtue and wisdom all doing their eternal roles now and forevermore in heaven. Your personality fit the image of a pristine uniform and a humane badge of bravery, boldness and onus that delivered upon your oath of dedication to us tranquility and liberty for mankind which misses you as much as your loved ones do. It was such a travesty of justice that your life ended so sadly yet your legacy carries the weights of gold and concern as your family manages to march onward never forgetting your battles and sincere soul and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

To embellish is to make more succinct. Your effort, Officer Cook, not only was heroic, it was most honorable and visible as you patrolled the streets of Dade County with a noted and a seasoned passion. All character, all heart and soul putting out flames of evil that were sometimes quite fierce. For being stoic and stellar may God shield your integrity, respectful dignity and also keep your spirit aglow as you walk your heavenly beat. Our very serenity and stability came about through unassuming and unwavering courage and virtue so unique and versatile. The value of a gentleman with refined morals, scruples and ethics is always a needed tool in fighting crime. You'll be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

Where relevance meets up with resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness then you know you have accomplished something pretty major. Serving the public trust and welfare is not a matter of routine or fact item. Your ideals, integrity, dignity and humanely humble honor, Officer Cook, took care of matters of safety on behalf of Dade County's citizens. Your family has forever admired, loved and adored you their" Uncle Bo." Your blessed heart, soul and legacy shall always be an integral part of their waking lives as they carry out the lessons and messages you conveyed to the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

You dedicate your life and career to conservation, protection and the integrity of life so essential. Dade County was where your life and career was supposed to continue except for one violent man ending your dreams and life, Officer Cook. You are forever an inspiration heroically to your family, comrades and a host of friends. Honesty, dignity and character never departed from your side of serious commitment and truthfully trusted convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decisions, devotions and virtue all led your paths and trails of sincere and heartwarming justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2022

Fly safe. Travel by train safely. Come and go in peace. God took your sweet soul of humility, honor and heroism back to His castles of dignity, integrity and character. They never departed from true trust and humane allegiance given to Dade County folks, Officer Cook. The men and women you partnered with have all remembered your exemplary exploits doing battle to provide safe havens for all society. Mankind and humanity have been devoid of a devoted man of faith, your versatility never shaken, your virtue as straight as an arrow with loyalty and esteem always at a most righteous plateau. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2022

Two young men who were one and two years older than you, Officer Cook, are buried near you. They were 17 when they passed. Yet their families as does your loving family carry with pride, honorand heart your heroic legacy forward as they live their lives and pursue their humbly chosen passions and endeavors. Gina, your niece I believe is a paralegal for a law firm doing here role for over twenty years now. The pain, agony and grief were all consuming whenever a man of legitimate dignity, character and integrity has his life snuffed out while defending our very freedoms right here in Dade County. They saluted you and offered words of condolence for a bright young man girded in strength and with a caring soul and heart. Your spirit, Officer Cook, is truth and trust wrapped in Our Creator's palms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm glad to have received your mother, Julia's warm and humble letter I have cherished and to have met Gina and her brother Justin who delivered his grandmother the letter I wrote to her. You were her beloved son, brother and husband to Karen. Always a hero! Always respect and forever humble!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2022

Forty plus years is a long time without you and your family members seeing one another. A lot has changed not only in Dade County's landscape, Karen your beloved widow remarried around thirteen years ago and in March of 2019 your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, passed at the humble age of one -hundred and three. Surely, Officer Cook, you would have been very sad to have had to bury your mom with your older sister, Nancy. They had to lay you to rest before a proper goodbye. An honorable young man gracing mother nature with his yearning and thriving. Those rudders of resolve, integrity and dignity were finely tuned and nothing was amiss except for an evil man taking your life robbing your family of seeing a happy man with an earthly soul and a humane and war heart of care, concern and consideration. Manners, politeness and neatness all lived as a hero by the good book and taught by your two beloved and dedicated parents may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2022

The water flows and so did your passion, courage and unassuming dignity, Officer Cook. Morally fit and a gentleman who upheld his sacred oath to protect and to serve his all for Dade County. Devotion and integrity are locked in to the heart of honesty and yours was amplified to the maximum. Forevermore will you be solemnly and humbly remembered as your family, department's and friends hero. Humbleness poured from your veins of wisdom, vision and your maturity beyond your twenty-five years. God placed you on this earth for a reason, a cause, that was to give mankind some semblance of serenity, hope and goodwill to carry their journeys forward though your life should have been allowed to continue. Our Lord needed your virtual and sweet soul and spirit back in His eternal home to walk your heavenly beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2022

Police are not there to pamper, they are there to protect, preserve and to precisely know where they must go to eliminate evil and its associated wickedness. No one had to drag you along, Officer Cook as if you were walking on eggshells. You understood and took your reverent roles and responsibilities to heart, a most humbly heroic one and a soul of honor, humility and integrity that dignified its presence serving Dade County. A man blessed with fortitude, acumen and the virtue that packed its punches of proficiency and staunch versatility. Character that came through in the clutch aiding your comrades nearly killed that day and the residents whose lives were in your humane hands of esteem and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tireless, unselfish and unwavering is better fit to meet the demands, expectations and challenges at hand than one who lacks respect, faithfulness and any aptitude of resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2022

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