Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Passion, perseverance and persistence all paid dividends for Dade County folks while you served them, Officer Cook, with every ounce of heroic heart, soul and character. For being honest, loyal and dedicated may Our Creator bless and reward virtue, dignity and integrity. They are part of your valiant angel's wings to soar forevermore high above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2022

The business marches forward and so does your loving family, Officer Cook, holding your legacy and heroism in their palms to be watched by Our Lord forevermore. Dade County had loyalty, honor and dignity beating as one unit just as your tireless integrity. They performed brightly and without lacking in orals and convictions. The truth and trust have been blessed and rewarded for their guiding light and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Men and women of character and commitment only do their assigned jobs while the heavens above steer their every patrol.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

People that get a newspaper daily reads what seems like the very seem old stories that keep plaguing society. Evil and terror, violence and wickedness. No matter the page it all seems the same. Everyday is supposed to be a new start, for Dade County you welcomed your chances and roles, Officer Cook, to deliver harmony and tranquility to those wanting a little break from upheaval. You nurtured and enriched mankind with humility and heart that warmed your reserved honesty, dignity and integrity that confronted the foes face to face. Your fellow officers were and are extremely grateful for your fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Effort can make up for some shortcomings but not everyday and for all. Either you basically have the proper tools of motivation, dedication and both mental and physical acuity or if you don't then searching for another calling maybe in order. Dade County as does much of our land rely upon the good resources of its devoted and honest women and men to defend us. You provided the canvas and the landscape, Officer Cook, to heroically bring peace and stability to the front of the line. Integrity and dignity were certainly sewed into your uniform and badge of bravery, versatility and value. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

When integrity, dignity, and honesty are usurped then the world can turn upside down. It's when violence and evil are stopped in their tracks that humanity can function much more efficiently. Dade County was served and protected by a loyal servant in yourself, Officer Cook. Forever a hero of respect, virtue and savvy desire. The cornerstones of courage and heart were built by your unwavering resolve to act as you always did. That was with scruples, principles and discipline that are up to standards. When you uplift you enrich, enhance and embrace God's loving humbleness in one gentle moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

To your family who lost a brave warrior I say you have my sympathies. The grief you all suffered, well it can be consuming and you can know that Officer Cook, was a more honorable and dignified gentleman and a most trusted and a consummate public servant who always had the best interest of Dade County and its residents. His intuitions, integrity and punctuated passions and dignity will always be treasured as he was a very loyal human being who shall be paid homage and saluted for his boldness, virtue and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Work left behind can be done the next day. Yet it's our heroes and heroines of honor, character and esteem who leave behind much more. Integrity, respect, dignity and a most heroic name to be blessed, cherished and rewarded for accentuating everyday positive in the battles, wars and struggles over violence and evil. Dade County was protected by your loving grace, vision and virtue, Officer Cook and its people have not forgotten your life and career of substance, versatility and the sacred journeys you truthfully and faithfully pursued. Your family has carried the mantra of your legacy of wisdom, maturity and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2022

Things tend to get out of hand if violence, terror and turmoil are allowed to raise the volume of their temperature and viciousness. Dade County sadly experienced that when you were one of its finest public servants, Officer Cook. First and most important you were an honest and dignified hero who upheld the law and order the folks were desperately seeking. Integrity and fortitude combined with class, decency and desire to formulate all the determination, dedication and devotion you required to perform your sacred onuses at hand. To face peril everyday and to be wise and mature beyond the others says a lot. Humanity sadly is missing that key ingredient today and your heart and soul gave its tenacity to try and upright the ships of valor. Yours, Officer Cook, is a legacy that is marching onward today as you look down from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

A deck of cards has aces, spades, diamonds and clubs. Likewise a fully honest and dignified public servant must have upon them a clean uniform, shiny badge along with integrity that must always remain central to their earthliest missions at hand. The scope of your journeys, Officer Cook, had more, more heart, reverence and the virtue that a wise man of thoughtfulness possesses. Dade County should and I know they do consider themselves most fortunate you were around during that period when tensions and evil were brewing. You endeavored to stop a madman that fateful day and your performance was outstanding as every character and element of resolve and resiliency was expended to create what should have been a more peaceful and non violent confrontation. Police need a means of versatility at their dispatch to bring about safe roads. You'll always be held in high regard and will be saluted for bravery and serenity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

Unfortunately the world has changed so much since you left this earth over forty plus years ago, Officer Cook. A society that tries employing faith, hope and goodwill seemingly at wits with unrelenting evil, such violence and terror that crushes any positive movements toward peace, stability and civility between one another. Your honor, dignity and integrity were the fruitful beginnings of a career working for Dade County and its people. That responsibility included having character, conviction, commitment and all the mindful heart and soul that humble pride and resourceful excellence would create never to be forgotten. Your heroic actions not just on May 16, 1979, but, everyday demonstrated by any shadow of doubt the kind of sincere human being you were. Your family is and will forevermore cherish, admire and love you. They can feel your embrace and still look at photos of a smiling, yet happy and humane young man growing up and only giving your parents and other family members joy and gladness for what you desired to become. A great public servant sacrificing your life for your friends and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

Angels roam the heavens freely and unabated. Unharmed and certainly unscathed. It's terrible what happened to you, Officer Cook, forty-three years ago, obviously the actions of a heinous and disrespectful man who took a wonderful son, husband, brother, uncle and great-uncle away for them and your fellow Dade County police colleagues. You were only there to do your job and help them and the citizens out. You saved lives that day and for a man of humbleness, honor, dignity and integrity heroism shall always live on within their hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

Service to the public always demands and expects one to go the extra mile. Every waking moment of your serene and solemn life, Officer Cook, the priority was your family, the public and how to make this a better world to live in. Well, integrity, dignity, honor and commitment to Dade County was realized and in a short twenty-five years you accomplished more than those who live to be ninety. Never a mean spirit nor bone, only a happy heart and yearning soul that built the cabins of courage, caring and consideration for all Dade County and society with humility, charm, grace and a humble smile greeting you everyday. You are a heroic angel who served the roles and gave your life so that safety and prosperity could guide your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

Dignity must be preserved. Integrity is integral if humility and success are going to be achieved. Honesty must be within every realm of one's own being, their heart and soul must travel the same trail and path of perseverance, trust and truth as they did for your entire life, Officer Cook. A Dade County legend who pride and excellence has forever been grieved, mourned and solemnly remembered and devotedly saluted. A gallant man of character who garnered the respect of his peers, your virtue, vision and wisdom were all distinct and created an impression of humanity to be shared for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2022

When you look at roughly twenty-five thousand men and women heroes and heroines who gave their lives and careers leaving behind countless family members to carry that baton of integrity, dignity and character forward speaks volumes of their honor, respect and substance. You possessed many tools, Officer Cook for which you used to defend Dade County from adversarial issues. You are never out of mind nor sight and for having virtue, loyalty and trust may Our King reward your spirit many times over. An angel now resting in peace which is what you are doing my neighbor, friend and hero. You created foundations for the future of modern humanity. And forevermore held in the deepest of regards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

A gentleman with a caring heart and soul doing the job you always wanted to be. Knowing the dangers, perils and risks involved you set your compass of precision, passion and perseverance right where honesty, intellect and dignity would be. God never steered your wrong and that sad day your integrity, reverence and vigilance was directed toward NW 77th Court and NW 12 the Avenue to lend a hand and what a valued resource you were, Officer Cook. Heroes live on in their family morals, ideals and values. Your sincerity, virtue and versatility always delivered peace when the chips mattered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

The currents that flown in electricity as exactly what helps to create light. The honesty, integrity and dignity in a public servant's badge and uniform help to dispel wickedness. The fact remains you were a consummate guardian, Officer Cook, whose life and career was to protect and serve the needs of all Dade County and society in general. You cannot help but to ponder your young life and six year career shaped and molded by mettle, discipline and the values all men and women who give must employ. As one of Our Creator's guardian angels you are tasked with an awesome onus and that is to watch over the pearly gates of gallantry. We salute your decisions, directions and trustworthiness all designed to lay the structures of security and serenity where they rightfully belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

Doves are birds of peace. Those who prey on the innocent should be held accountable. You set the bar high, Officer Cook and your conduct was always above standards. The honesty, integrity, intelligence and the dignity to uphold the law while enriching, enhancing and embracing God's graces that followed your serene trails and paths of truth, trust and virtue. The lights are always shining down from heaven with your tireless heart and most undying soul giving its all to reach peace and stability not always simple to locate. Seeing you were a devout and faithful young man, Officer Cook, God will always bless and reward your purposeful name and welcomed scruples that emancipated while accentuating your chosen profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

A career steeped in candor, charm, charisma and courage, honor, dignity and integrity walked the sacred sidewalks everyday of your solemn watch, Officer Cook and Dade County will never overlook your heroism and character. For the eyes of Our Maker observe every soul and heart of virtue, wisdom and vision creating and constructing those bridges, cornerstones and foundations of unity, reverence and humility for future generations. Always loyal, treasured and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A loss so tragic that left your family having to carry out your legacy as they live on with "Uncle Bo" forever in their thoughts, hearts and prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

Your destinies here in Dade County, Officer Cook are all a part of law enforcement's history, heroic, honorable and surely most dignified. The streets you diligently and solemnly patrolled were kept safe and your accomplishments of integrity, character, heart and commitments to excellence and pride will never be forgotten nor vanish from your legacy stamped, signed and sealed in humility, esteem and loyalty from your energetic heart and bold soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels of valor walking their heavenly beats without a threat of harm anymore. You are very much missed and that smile is forever wrapped around God's humble palms for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2022

The business and profession of securing and searching for harmony is a never ending process. A work in progress so sacred to mankind which is still vulnerable to terror and violence. Badge#1664 set the courses for Dade County having it virtue and versatility reset and restored. Always a diplomat of dignity, dedication and integrity, Officer Cook, heroically in tuned as one. All the changes should have been witnessed by you but God obviously had other plans for His angel of wisdom, maturity and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

Public service requires all men and women to stand up to evil and to never run nor shirk obligations that are sacred to mankind's missions being able to march forward. You went right to that scene, Officer Cook, with honor, heart and your very noble soul of everything that integrity and dignity represent. The years have sadly flown by as you continue being paid homage for championing Dade County's baton's of freedom and bravery. A great man and a devoted leader who made the ultimate sacrifice so that our hopeful safety and security would abound around our community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

Children are the heart and soul of a family. Just wished that you and Karen would have been humbled to see children seeing you were a doting man and a gentleman who respected his parents and sister, Nancy. Dade County was robbed along with your loved ones from seeing the continuation of your hopeful fruition of goodwill, hope and faith. Character and soul wise beyond their years and sanctity given out as a hero whose legacy is that very cornerstone of a well lived life and a duly noted career where persistence and consistency paid dividends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

Virtue can't literally see. But, it can assist all worthy and trusted women and men who don a uniform and wear a badge of preservation of honor, dignity and integrity. Your wit and smile, heart and soul, Officer Cook, were all very special and noble in their solemn service to the Dade County community where your name is still saluted, remembered and respected for its fairness, effort and unyielding faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

The D's of determination, dedication and devotion all need to navigate down the same paths of perseverance. Dade County witnessed a young man who bloomed and blossomed into one expert and excellent public servant. A life and career gone way too soon with more left to accomplish. Suffice it to say, Officer Cook, heroism and sacrifice go hand in hand with your outstanding character and spirit of virtue. Accountability, durability and reliability were all within your energetic heart and tireless soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity and dignity still dot the i's and cross those t's of tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

Integrity and dignity both must be of the complete truth and trust of the public you protect. The sacred oath you undertook, Officer Cook, was honored, humble and most heroically spread throughout your soul and heart. So unwavering and most undying, Dade County and its folks looked to a genuine man with virtue, wisdom, vision and versatility always cherished, admired and revered for its classic character, commitment and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2022

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