Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Violence corrupts, robs and saturates society with unthinkable harm. A gentle soul with a strong heart in your being, Officer Cook, protected the residents of Dade County with nothing but reverence, truth and trust. Sincerity and honesty, dignity and integrity all displaying their loyalty and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2022

Exalt only when effort is expended for humility seats the rightful seats of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County was where your heroism and focus was, Officer Cook. Your legacy of concern, character and commitment will never be overlooked for the bridges to the future were built by your loyalty, esteem and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are saluted for their valor, vision and undying wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2022

Never pivoting from perseverance, you placed goodwill, hope and faith in the hearts and souls of every Dade County citizen, Officer Cook and the honesty, dignity and integrity will not be forgotten. Your character and respect will be saluted for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2022

Meant to say a confident man not brash and never boastful. The roads, corners and streets are perilous enough without further strife and chaos. You pitched in, Officer Cook, that day that you made the ultimate sacrifice and everyday honesty, dignity and integrity powered your engines of energy, effort and endurance so enhancing and so noble as you lived and patrolled through your missions in life. Dade County saw your ideals, morals and conduct for six years of constant service providing a glimpse of more that should have come. Heaven that terrible day received a Godsend and most humble angel now walking your beat above guarding the pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

If only danger would decrease and with no one evil or violence. If only you were here right now, Officer Cook, enjoying your family, your beloved Karen and the happiness of life and marriage you would have shared for forty-seven years now. Fate and destiny are tied to each other's boots. Your uniform and badge represented the very virtues and values for which you lived by and followed faithfully to the exact letter watching over Dade County. Fine and upstanding character that only Our Lord now blesses and rewards as an heroic angel. The light of your soul, heart and spirit sparkles forever in the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A confident not brash only humane and willing to fulfill Our Creator's purposes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

Yearning makes youth worthwhile. Learning is a most powerful tool that can be utilized to make civilization great once again. You were such a wonderful human being, Officer Cook and always so well mannered and polite. It's such a travesty of justice that Mr. Pearsall did not cooperate with your orders that fateful day and surrender. Just give up and let the authorities get him some much needed help. Integrity and dignity that stared adversity right in the eyes and never blinked. Your compassion was persevering, proficient and most humble. But , then again having having a loyal heart and a blessed soul that supervised the peace and stability of all Dade County will certainly be fondly paid homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

The shield of any officer is their bold undertaking. The affirmation of acumen, astuteness and awareness that rests firmly upon their broadest of shoulders. Yours, Officer Cook, were most honored and heroic in that every vein and artery in your being solemnly preserved the quality of life for all Dade County citizens. A tall order filled with peril yet handled by a loving and devoted young man. A gentleman who loved his entire family and cared for his mother's well being after your father may they both rest in peace passed. Determination covered with grit, gumption and gallantry taking the baton of strength and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character builds hope, conviction bonds truth and trust together while commitment is meant to blend in excellence and pride, you were revered, admired and esteemed in loyalty to cherish, Officer Cook, no one will forget you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

Extra helpings are nice, but, exemplary service is better, better for mankind to live and to pursue the trails of good health, tranquility and prosperity. You lived a life commensurate with your abilities and humbly heroic life and career, Officer Cook. Your aspirations and passions to watch over the residents of Dade County was indeed an essential assignment and your important responsibilities were never overlooked. Character and honesty, humility and heart, integrity and dignity all standing tall and proud to accentuate our very hope, faith and goodwill that humanity and your loved ones dearly miss. You enhanced, enriched and embraced the Lord with all your soul so brave and bold. Virtue and versatile forever remembered and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

Never delay or violence will make someone pay. All women and men who are honorable and dedicated must summon the heart and soul, the dignity and integrity to make amends and to right those boats that may capsize by evil's terrible wrath. You supported and protected Dade County with all your character, commitment and convictions that were true and trusted. You'll always be held in high regard and respect for having morals, mettle and most humane meaningful virtue, vision and wisdom that communicated and demonstrated its beliefs beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2022

A gentleman with a happy smile, a healthy heart and an engaging personality should be alive and well today enjoying your well earned retirement with your beloved wife, Karen. You lived, Officer Cook an exemplary life and performed a job filled with danger and obstacles, yet your humble honor, humane dignity and resourceful integrity filled our world and those who were protected here in Dade County by your loyalty for twenty-five years. To brief and too soon. There was much left behind to climb that ladder of learning and judging by your experience and expertise you were able to direct others while trying to deflect terror away from us. A solemn reminder of the perils that lie ahead despite all the preparation, training and excellent character and true and trustworthy commitments to pride and values, the bad people still think they can maintain their grips upon us. They are completely wrong and will soon be caught, tried and convicted. Your hope, Officer Cook, gave new meaning to wisdom, vision and your humane maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

One day at a time, a watch at a time. One achievement that can make a distinct difference in how society lives and pursues its dreams, aspirations and goals. You were destined to endeavor and fulfilled your faithfully prudent of missions, Officer Cook. Heroism and honesty were expended and they each poured forth the promise you undertook to serve and to protect the fine folks of Dade County. Class, decency and grit amplified to being about a semblance of law and order. A man so trusted and so true to form, your wings are fitted perfectly for you my neighbor, friend and hero to soar higher everyday. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

One small step is a grand step on behalf of mankind. Its motions, journeys and trails must not go interrupted by violence loudness. The breath we take comes from peace and that inhalation was in large measure to you, Officer Cook, Excellence, integrity and dignity were your devout beliefs and for having endurance, a concerned heart and soul that sacrificed on behalf of Dade County's residents may you be saluted and humanely remembered for having more than rhetoric upon your being. You walked the streets and accomplished more than anyone could comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The heavens above are filled with character and angels of valor who made a bold impression upon their communities in their own way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

Reverence can not go backwards. For if dignity and integrity cannot go forward then the wars, battles and fights over evil may become too much to handle. You dealt with adversity, strife and whatever issues you had to overcome and resolve, Officer Cook. To create serenity and not tension takes all the caring and heart of one decorated and devoted warrior of dedication who gave Dade County and its people that unselfish and tireless chance at hope, faith and goodwill. We salute you, your esteem and treasured loyalty to your fellow officers to watch now and forevermore over them and those who succeeded you in this all too important mission of humanity to dwell once more in stability and in tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

Food nourishes your heart and soul. A public servant protects and serves with honesty and the precision of passion and heroism surrounding their entire life and career. You patrolled your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, accentuating every rightful move to help us live more safely and peacefully. Such character, integrity and dignity all stoic, stellar and outstanding has been and forever will be humbly blessed, saluted and remembered for giving intense effort every moment. The blocks were placed down for other men and women of valor and virtue to follow down those trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

Crime does not move at a snail's pace and therefore you must concentrate on moving faster as it advances rapidly towards a community. Dade County was your esteemed grounds of loyalty, honor, integrity and unwavering intuition, Officer Cook, that was all dignified and of integral character and integrity. It is the place you called home were raised, grew up and were uplifting your family with your heroic actions of which they are proud of you. They miss you tremendously as does your department and friends. For having commitments and convictions, wise, truthful and trustworthy may Our Master shine His lights of humility down upon your spirit and upon the hearts and souls of those who carry on your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A most gracious man whose attitude reflected your virtue and accountability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 9, 2022

Compliance is the very best appliance of resourcefulness, faithfulness and trustworthiness. With some thoughtfulness sprinkled in a public servant worth their dime can actually have a career of honor, dignity and integrity that could lead them to retirement when the time is right. It's very sad that yours, Officer Cook, ended all too early considering the make up of your heart, soul and spirit, all versatile and all valuable. Seeped in tradition and character you were a gentleman who wore genuine respect and intuition on both your badge and uniform overseeing the protection of every citizen of Dade County. A monumental task to function with unwavering admiration, steadfast diligence, vigilance unselfish and quite tireless. You were simply put of the finest to walk down the sidewalks and to patrol the very corners of your beloved community that salutes and honors your heroic memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

There is not any phrase that says police can only go into a community under this and that condition. It's a labor of love, a passion, something that drives the hearts and souls of our heroic angels of honor, integrity and dignity. To fight and to battle until the bitter end leaving your every ounce of effort on the streets says plenty already. Dade County was where you worked, Officer Cook, to heroically restore, calm and pacify those people who tempers and emotions boiled over. Where you display virtue, wisdom and character were the locations of your truth and trust always accentuating loyalty, esteem and enrichment. With an incredible attitude to adjust you made us feel better and more secure. Your life and career was instrumental in finding new avenues, new bridges to pass safely under. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I wish you were here and so does your family snapping one beautiful picture after another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

The role of peacemakers is to insert their humane, honest and heroic authority into any given dilemma, circumstance, issue and problem where their dignity, integrity and character will make an impactful solution. Reasons, causes and purposes are all to be thought out and yet for all your virtue, valor, vision and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, the question of why keeping coming up and perplexing mankind, your family and sincerest of comrades. Seeing that Dade County was kept stabile and peaceful under your watch for the most part you'll always be a man who sacrificed his all, heart, soul and humility to bring about a certain change. We are all sorry your life ended the way it did so heinously, yet humanity has revered and admired your conceptual grasps of each matter regarding safe shelters and roads clear of peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

Fairness and firmness are just some of the tenets of faith. You evolved into a superbly excellent public servant, Officer Cook and Dade County will not forget your honesty and humility are coming from a caring and strong heart of morals and principles. If you take dignity, character and integrity away from any blessed and noble human being they might as well be stuck in the Everglades without a compass or water to drink. Thank God you were consummate and ever engaging, endearing and uplifting in all your herculean assignments or where would our security and stability be if not for versatility and virtues of a wise soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

You can occupy space just so long as you endeavor to accomplish some earthly task. The goals are many and the degree of complexity increases over time as turmoil and wickedness spread their tents of tenacity. Your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, achieved a humble breakthrough allowing Dade County residents the opportunity to live more peaceful and succinct lives of humility. When one's heart and soul are in the right place the chances of accomplishment increase. You tried that day, Officer Cook, to get an evil man to surrender and every bone, every breath of reverence, virtue and vision was expended. Heroism such as yours is and forever will be humanely admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

Flaws are a part of human nature. But, in police work mistakes must be limited when lives of meaning, honor, heart and character are being endangered by this never ending siege of serious trouble. Dade County was under tensions and unrest when you patrolled its streets, Officer Cook and yet your goodwill and fortitude carried humble weight in decreasing the evil being perpetuated. You'll always be remembered and fondly saluted for integrity and dignity that were a part of your watch over us. A man with a smile, wisdom and virtue as his vehicles of versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2022

Mayhem and bedlam that day that could have toppled over creating even more havoc and even more fatalities. Yours, Officer Cook, was sad, is terrible and after nearly forty-three years will never go unnoticed nor overlooked because of the special man and human being you were. Consummate, humble, honest. dignified and always with integrity. All the proper pieces used to serve Dade County and society. For constructing cornerstones with character and sincerity may The Lord above keep you in His humble palms for eternity. Your life ended sadly but profoundly created that impression to last for generations to come. Your family my neighbor, friend and hero would be humbly proud of you. a pillar of faith and hope to warmly tap into. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2022

Lack of direction, dedication and determination only adds fuel to the fiercest of fires. The blazes of evil burn and rage onward yet your humane and heroic paths, Officer Cook, saw to the peace and direction that filled Dade County roads and corners. So driven to accomplish, to succeed mightily with your strong heart, diligent soul and forever a blessed and admired spirit of virtue. Intuition and intelligence that answered the calls whatever they were and tried their utmost to put out the very chaos that threatened mankind's trails of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2022

Seldom is heard a discouraging word. Nothing but the highest regards given to a gentleman of gallantry who galvanized the folks of Dade County with your unassuming voice of reason, wisdom and maturity, Officer Cook. The streets were guarded by a man built on ideals, integrity and ingenuity that faced each adversary face to face. You'll never be forgotten and solemnly remembered for fortitude, character clear and concise and for having pride attached to your ethical standards of professional conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2022

Terror, torment and turmoil treat humanity with no reverence. All heart soul and that is why you were an important cog, Officer Cook, in this well oiled machine called the Metro-Dade Police Department. Dade County was your territory of expertise where your common sense, direction and decency were called upon to enhance your humble and heroic integrity, dignity and heart. A man surely to be saluted for carrying out his missions of goodwill, faith and hope towards his community that pays homage to your bravery, virtue and vitality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character that shines down upon the versatility and sacred journeys your loved ones pursue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2022

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