Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, are as watchful as they can be. You have to know your surroundings and the people living within those boundaries. The call you answered without being obligated only reinforces your desire to make our world safer even risking your life. We must learn the lessons of your career and why and how officers of your caliber risk everything for us. You will never be forgotten and you should rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2012

Back in the day where you and your wife, Karen lived Officer Cook, was called the Norwood section of Miami or North Miami, Florida 33169. The area had quite a lot of Jewish families that lived there. Today, the area has changed since your passing, although, a family friend of my parents still lives there at 430 NW 184th Terrace. Mrs Ann Malkin and her husband Leonard, he should rest in peace, was a New York City Police Officer as was my dad, Owen. She is going to be ninety-one in 2013. They lost their oldest daughter in 1999 and their youngest daughter, we should never know is mentally handicapped and lives in a group home. They have been friends of my parents and they came to my Bar Mitzvah forty years ago. Talk about a longtime friendship. I wished we knew the Cook Family, sometimes for what it's worth your friendship with the Davis family would made a wonderful impression on us. I'll never the less always honor and thoughtfully think of your career and sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm sure you and Karen, Officer Cook had quite a lot of friends both Jewish and of other faiths.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2012

All law enforcement officers are expected to be above and beyond reproach. No one is above the law even those who took an affirmation to uphold it. Judging others favorably is something that you, Officer Cook, always realized when patrolling the streets. I believe you were destined to rise higher up the ladder of advancement if God had not called you to be one of His angels. You keep watching over us with your father, Charles and continue to rest in peace, my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2012

As a leader of other officers, I'm certain you addressed them in a manner that conveyed a message to them to be professional at all times and cautious in how you approach a situation. The quiet and calming effect you had on your peers spoke highly of why you succeeded in your life whether at home with Karen or on the job. Your appreciation for hard work, loyalty and devotion to others will forever be honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2012

You always gave your best efforts Officer Cook when protecting the citizens of Dade County. I'm sure whenever a need arose you and your wife, Karen were be very charitable. I'm sure your family members carry on in your giving spirit. I still am amazed walking around North Miami beach, Florida where you grew up thinking about you and your memories. Unfortunately, for myself I have memories not so pleasant. My father, Owen who like you was a longtime New York City Police Officer, may he and my mother, Bernice rest in peace as you, my neighbor, friend and hero and your father, Charles, also rest in peace passed away in our home on 6th Ave. and 179th Dr. where we lived and my mother passed nine years ago in Palm Garden Nursing and Rehab center in Aventura. Believe it or not, I preferred to live in your parents home if it was not already rented, even if for sentimental reasons. Your spirit is very sorely missed and still wished I knew you. But, I'll always remember your sacrifice and the way you conducted your affairs as a dedicated officer. The best the county had policing its streets. My dad passed eleven months after your tragic death.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2012

I'll always keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, sister, Nancy and her family in my thoughts and prayers as we gather to celebrate this holy day of Christmas. After all there is only one God, and joy, peace and unity are the messages that should spread throughout the entire universe. It's what you would expect of others as you so did during your valued lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We should never take anything for granted as you never took anything for granted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

I value any kindnesses that I can do for your family, Officer Cook, as a way to give back to the community you held so dear. For all that says we should go out of our way to help someone in need as you demonstrated for your twenty-five years of helping others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

Another trait of yours Officer Cook, that endeared you to so many people is that you had a kind manner in which you spoke to them. You were never insolent and always as much as you could used a calming voice to reassure people things would be okay. Anger is compared to idol worship and in this day and age people have to listen more and exhibit more empathy toward others. Your compassion is sorely missed today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and let the compassion of you and your father, flow down on us all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

The mission or rather the call you answered on May 16, 1979, what turned out to be your final call, when you and your partner, Reserve Officer, Scott Lincoln drove to NW 77th Court and met your colleagues and friends Officers DiGenova and Edgerton to try and prevent something more than a domestic dispute from turning worse. When you recognized your fellow officers and they saw you and Officer Lincoln, they might have been thinking, he did not have to come, but because of the man, the officer behind the badge, William C. Cook, you did and respond the way you and other officers were trained. You gave your life, only twenty-five years old and this says a lot of your outstanding character. Hopefully, today you are remembered for you outstanding bravery and courage, which I'm certain you are. The detectives investigating had to make sure you were not killed by accidental gunfire. This is all too common among officers today, even with all the training they receive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

As a leader of other officers you never took unfair advantage of them. You always went above and beyond the call of duty. We can only hope that since your sacrifice, others will respond as you so valiantly did to make their communities safer for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero you and your beloved father, Charles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

I'm sure Officer Cook, as you lived your life, all the values your parents taught both you and Nancy were the reasons you both attained success. One can only hope now that you have been gone thirty-three years, we can pass on to our families these same attributes by which you set the example of how to live a prosperous life and be happy for the good fortune of others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll always be held in high esteem by my family and I.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2012

Officer Cook, you never forgot your community even as you attained a high spiritual level. You were always there for your parents and sister and your wife, Karen. Your in laws were never forgotten either. You had the highest regard for them and even went hunting and did photography with your father-in-law. This shows us the quality of your very refined character and sense of awareness that we need to employ with all of our relatives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and we hope the pictures you are taking are of excellent quality as those you took in this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

Three examples that describe the life of Officer William C. Cook, are: compassion, mercy, and kindness. These attributes are what is needed to bring about the redemption of your very soul as it rests in eternity along with the soul of your beloved father, Charles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and help us bring about the ultimate redemption. We cannot wait to see you once again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

I am sure perhaps there were times when you had to testify in court, Officer Cook, only someone's behalf. You and Nancy, I'm sure were taught by your parents at an early age that honesty is the best policy. The honor you brought to your parents and department will forever remain the shining example of how to conduct your daily affairs. You were not the kind of person who would take a shortcut, unless it was to go home from school. You put in an honest day in considering what the salary of a police officer was back then. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

Fear of God is even more praiseworthy than saving lives. Yet, according to the oral law, it is called the Talmud, and this explains the written law the Torah. It states whoever saves one life, it's as if they have saved the whole world. Your grew up very devout in your beliefs as a Catholic and I'm sure there were times as a police officer that you actually saved a life. You were among your department's bravest, no question about that. You enjoyed your profession and would not want to do anything else, except possibly to join the crime lab where photography is utilized and you were a great photographer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

We must feel the suffering of others, even if it means a loss of personal pleasure. Fitting isn't Officer Cook, for what you went through for all of us to make the sacrifice you made, perhaps on the anniversary of your tragic loss we should go a little while without something. Whenever a family suffers a loss, we cannot even fathom what they are going through. But, I know your family has suffered, I know they have tried to go on with their lives. I'm sure you would want them to. You were revered by all and terribly missed. I still cannot get over never meeting you and if your mother were still living here in North Miami beach, Florida I would endeavor to assist her with whatever she needed. That is what true friendship is all about. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

When one shows his smile to his fellow man, it is better than giving him milk to drink. Of course how highly is it to give milk to a passerby everyday. Milk is a wonderful drink and I'm sure when you came home from school your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook or your father, Charles may he rest in peace beside you, Officer Cook gave you chocolate milk or a glass of milk. When I see your smiling face from the book, "Forgotten Heroes," it's hard not to be emotional. But, I know your resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, for a job well done. You surpass them all in courage, bravery, honor, dignity and integrity. We should all have your superior intellect and articulate motivations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

You God will guard them, You will preserve them from the wicked, such as are in this generation. The wicked walk on every side, when the basest of men are elevated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and know that you are now walking among God's angels who He's always looking out after.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

When I met your great-nephew, Legend at your mother's home in January of this year, I said your great-uncle had a full head of hair, I joked and showed my lack of it. At age fifty-nine, Officer Cook, you still probably would have a full head of hair, tinged possibly with a little gray and with an abundance of wisdom to share with Legend, Alexis and Skyler. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and watch over your loved ones as they usher in the Christmas holiday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

I'm very certain in times of trouble or distress you called upon God and his assistance was of great help to you and your comrades, Officer Cook. Sadly, on May 16, 1979 God called you to watch over your fellow officers and provide them with heavenly protection. But rest assured, I'll never forget you or your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

Because of the righteous ways you stood for Officer Cook, whose portion is eternal life, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your among God's treasured angels in His heavenly shelter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2012

The glass in the hand of the glazier, to be melted or shaped as he wishes, are Your people in Your hand. Help us maintain our fragile balance with Your grace. When God who creates each of us in His image brought you, Officer Cook, into this world, he could not have done a more masterful job. Look at all your achievements in such a young life, tragically cut short because of evil. You had so much yet to live for and give back to the community that you represented and served with loyalty and intuition. A troubled young man calling for help and yet he was bent on violence, thinking that doing harm to police officers would make everything right. How misguided could he be? I'll always reflect that you performed your job in a first class manner according to the book and it's very sad how things went so wrong that day. Be assured you never will be forgotten by me or my family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2012

The glass in the hand of the glazier, to be melted or shaped as he wishes, are Your people in Your hand. Help us maintain our fragile balance with Your grace. When God who creates each of us in His image brought you, Officer Cook, into this world, he could not have done a more masterful job. Look at all your achievements in such a young life, tragically cut short because of evil. You had so much yet to live for and give back to the community that you represented and served with loyalty and intuition. A troubled young man calling for help and yet he was bent on violence, thinking that doing harm to police officers would make everything right. How misguided could he be? I'll always reflect that you performed your job in a first class manner according to the book and it's very sad how things went so wrong that day. Be assured you never be forgotten by me or my family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2012

The way you functioned as a seasoned veteran police officer is what made you the person you were in the 70's when you started your career. It has allowed us to remember all the years of your life and how these last thirty-three years have gone by so fast. It's almost hard to fathom that in five months you will be gone thirty-four years and still at age fifty-nine you would still be a kid at heart playing and joking, laughing and loving your niece and two nephews and doing the same with Gina and Trevor's kids. That same lovely smile you probably flashed more than a million times is surely missed by your entire family, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, and your loving sister, Mrs. Nancy Tidwell as they get ready to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero , those that knew and loved you can still hear you laughing and smiling down on them. having spent a bit of time with their kids and meeting Justin, I can see why your mother and sister have so much to be thankful for, if only you were here today. I still miss you greatly and will always think of you in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2012

Cast us not away from Your presence, take not Your holy spirit from us. For all the days and nights and weekends you served the citizens of Dade County with reverence and distinction, the least we can give back to you, Officer Cook, is honor and to share memories of old, the days that have gone by so quickly. The sacrifice you made on behalf of all, should reflect the gallantry and bravery that all officers such as yourself make daily. You were that shining star and the inspiration to us all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and let us never cast doubt on the fine men and women of law enforcement who place their lives on the line daily for us to pursue our dreams and desires. I meant in the last reflection your bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2012

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