Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God, your God, will cut away the thick calluses on your heart...freeing you to love God, your God, with your whole heart and soul and live, really live... And you will make a new start, listening obediently to God, keeping all His commandments...Love God, your God. walk in His ways. Keep His commandments, regulations, and rules so that you will live, really live, live exuberantly, blessed by God... Love God, your God, listening obediently to Him, finally embracing Him. Oh yes, He is life itself. You mastered walking in His ways Officer Cook, you and Karen and you modeled yourselves after Him and what He expects of us as he created us in His image. The seven Noahhide laws are for everyone regardless of religion. We are expected at all times to accord everyone with respect and dignity they deserve. You did this and and we are all in this world together trying to make it a better place as you did for all human kind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2013

Give us, Lord: a pure heart that we may see Thee, a humble heart that we may hear Thee, a heart of love that we may serve Thee, a heart of faith that we may live Thee. The axiom of your life, Officer Cook was implanted in these words which people utilize to assist them in their daily lives. Regardless of one's title or position, it's very important to embellish upon these words if one is to reach a pinnacle of success, which you achieved, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pureness and goodness shall follow me all the days of my life. The scent of these words resonated like a flower in full blossom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2013

God looks at the world through the eyes of love. If we, therefore, as human beings made in the image of god also want to see reality rationally, that is, as it truly is, then we, too, must learn to look at what we see with love. You observed the big picture, Officer Cook, as if the glass was half empty and how do I create an awareness or atmosphere conducive to fulfilling more than desired to achieve the maximum results? You were better than most at accomplishing this task. No small task to do, but, you were one of Metro-Dade Police Department's finest. Officers have to always endeavor to be rationale, otherwise they may be in for a tremendous surprise. Their lives depend upon this. You loved helping others and now as you rest in peace, my neighbor, friend and hero, it's high time we show much love and admiration to you for a job well done. Kudos for your integrity and bravery in a very admirable fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2013

To love God, to serve Him because we love Him, is...our highest happiness. You served as a police officer, Officer Cook, because you wielded a powerful calling to serve and protect people from violence and in doing so you maintained a keen sense of awareness and fair play, meaning you followed rules and expected others to do the same. You always gave of yourself and now because of our gratefulness to you, we fondly remember your braveness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Service, professionalism and character all make up what it means to be the best you can be. No maybes about this.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

God, our God! God the one and only! Love God, your God, with all your heart: love Him with all that's in you, love Him with all you've got! write these commandments that Iv'e given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you. You loved God, Officer Cook. The loyalty you showed on the job is a notice for all officers to observe and be aware of how to maintain and properly carry out one's duties. Disloyalty can lead one to be placed in a dangerous situation in which there may be no way out. Never let your guard down and constantly be aware of your surroundings. This is the lesson you would have imparted to today's officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

Love seeks one thing only: the good of the one loved. It leaves all the other secondary effects to take care of themselves. Love, therefore, is its own reward. It sure is Officer Cook. The humbleness you displayed is treasured forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

The Lord has told you..what is good, he has told you what He wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others and live humbly, obeying your God. You and Karen, Officer Cook were faithful servants of the Lord and you are being rewarded for your efforts on behalf of Dade County citizens. You are never far from us and will last in our hearts for always, my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

To love and to be loved the wise would give... All that for which alone the unwise live. You were wise, smarter and more mature, Officer Cook, than you twenty-five years. You were able to handle and absorb more than others because of your thirst for information. To store and pass down what you learned while training to become a police officer was very important to you. Your fondness will remain our loving legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

Love is not getting, but giving. Not a wild dream of pleasure and a madness of desire-oh, no-love is not that! It is goodness and honor, peace and pure living-yes, love is that and it is the best thing in the world and the thing that lives the longest. The pleasure you brought to the world, Officer Cook, was being there for us in our hours of need. The compassion and honor you were to your family and colleagues will never be forgotten. God has all your piousness stored in His house for safekeeping and may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved to have been with us longer, but we know God had other plans and for heroes such as yourself, His plans are for you to patrol His streets from above with your comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice as you so courageously did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2013

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. We all place our trust squarely in God's solitude. You did Officer Cook, and He sustained you for the most part. Trust is a must or your endeavors will be in vain. But, your endeavors my neighbor, friend and hero all were for the sake of heaven and you so willingly gave so others could live. A most poignant and beautiful sentiment. Rest in peace. You always achieved regardless of the time of day and never once let us down, you bestowed honor combined with integrity in facing life's challenges which at times can be most difficult.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

You will trust God only as much as you love Him. And you will love Him not because you have studied Him; you will love Him because you have touched Him-in response to His touch. You have Officer Cook, touched our hearts and souls and now your eternal soul is vividly touching God in His kingdom and throne reserved for men and women as brave as you, who made the ultimate sacrifice in His Name and Honor to secure freedom and peace for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

How we thank you, Lord! Your mighty miracles give proof that You care. How we all thank you for the wonderful life of Officer William C. Cook. Without officers like him kayos and recklessness would abound like crazy. His affirmation meant something to the citizens of Dade County with which he was duly charged with serving and protecting. There are few officers who like Officer Cook, are up to the rigors and challenges of everyday police life and we are constantly indebted to them for what they do and what their hearts represent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

I know that He who is far outside the whole creation takes me takes me within Himself and hides me in His arms. We all realize you are being cradled in God's loving arms, Officer Cook, where you are in safekeeping. When we need to speak with you, Officer Cook, we know you are near listening to our conversations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From His throne He observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do... But the Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in You alone. Everyday when you left your beloved wife, Karen, to go to work, Officer Cook, the two of you were placing your sacred trust in God to deliver you home safely after your shift. God provided you with comfort and security for the most part. Sometimes, officers are put in situations of peril as you were on that fateful day of May 16, 1979, that are beyond their control. You tried to calm a young man down from hurting others and you did save the lives of your fellow officers, you were instrumental in saving them and two civilians, putting your life in harm's way to perform your duties, which will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, as you help the Lord take up the battle between good and evil in this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

Love does not allow lovers to belong to anymore to themselves, but they belong only to the Beloved. Karen and your loving family members shared you with our community for six years as their guardian and now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you are among God's chosen guardian angels, who are assigned the eternal responsibility of watching over those officers who are sworn as you were to protect our sacred interests. Your badge of honor that you, Officer William C. Cook , wore over your heart will be how we will allow ourselves to remember your shining example and the legacy you left for us to continue on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death... Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. Officer Cook, we cannot quench our passions enough by the way you performed your job. But, the love and commitment you so dearly, wonderfully and masterfully personified cannot ever be repeated. You were the fountain who overflowed with goodness and exertion and tried to pass this down to your fellow officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

Love creates a special world for two people. Everything within it is guarded and preserved by commitment, faithfulness and trust. Everything about it is enriched and endeared by kindness, gentleness and care. For all the positive that you stood for, Officer Cook, this is what we should try to give back to officers like you who were brave, bold and willing to sacrifice for the betterment of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

Oh, the miraculous energy that flows between two people who care take risks of... responding with the whole heart. You succeeded in life Officer Cook, because you gave your whole heart and sweat and toil into each day. Every last ounce of your energy existed until your last watch. Never did you ever give your department anything less than outstanding police work. It's hard to combine different character traits in a job so demanding and yet have a high rate of accomplishment as you had. If you were here today, you probably wouldn't believe your eyes in what your observing and reading about officers in the newspapers. Shocking, incredulous! But, you were my neighbor, friend and a hero to all and will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

To love other people means to see them as God intended them to be. Your work ethic, Officer Cook, reflects the special image that God created when your mother gave birth to you. You were a very special son to your parents, full of love and compassion. You brought positive zeal and youthful enthusiasm to your position, that nowadays is sorely missing in police officers. The morale of your department was taken a notch higher because of your performance and is reflected by the citations and awards you received for excellent police work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

When two people love each other deeply and are committed for life, they have usually developed a great volume of understanding between them that would be considered insignificant to anyone else. They share countless private memories unknown to the rest of the world. That is in large measure where their sense of special feeling to one another originates. Your love of your family, Officer Cook, was a special one and when the day came and your married your beloved wife, Karen, the bond the two of you formed was one of character and a very special uniqueness. You shared I'm sure many moments when your affection for her was quite special and personal and the fact that your department had you as one of its own for six years, as dedicated as you were was special and of high quality. Everyone wishes that you were here and you are most certainly missed by myself and your loved ones and friends. Your sacrifice created a very unbreakable bond between yourself and your colleagues and your family that will remain forever as you undying legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2013

God's training is for right now, not for some mist-shrouded future. His purpose is for this minute..... This moment is the future for which you've been preparing. One cannot prepare for their final day. But, all your training Officer Cook, prepared you for battle against evil. you gave your entire being for us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2013

The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you..." Unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord. So rejoice in the Lord and be glad! We have to carry on and trust in God, Officer Cook, that you would want us to do. Your tragic passing should serve as a motivating factor for us to utilize every moment for doing the right and prudent things you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2013

Now may God Himself, the God of peace, make you pure, belonging only to Him. May your whole self-spirit, soul and body-be kept safe and without fault when Our lord comes. You can trust the One who calls you to do that for you. We trust in God who has looked after your very soul, Officer Cook, all these years as you my neighbor, friend and hero, rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2013

Do not follow foolish stories that disagree with God's truth, but train yourself to serve God. Training your body helps you in some ways, but serving God helps you in every way by bringing you blessings in this life and in the future life, too... Command and teach these things. Do not let anyone treat you as if you are unimportant because you are young. Instead, be an example to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith and your pure life. As pure a life as you surely led and exemplified, Officer Cook, may all the things you accomplished in your life continue to serve as a future inspiration for us all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2013

In God's wisdom. He frequently chooses to meet our needs by showing His love toward us through the hands and hearts of others. Your hands and heart, Officer Cook, worked thoroughly as you protected us from evil. Let's hope you can watch over this world and help steer God's hands in keeping us well and safe from evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2013

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