Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Savvy and moxie are just some essentials to a job filled with danger. But, your humble honesty, revered dignity and important integrity, Officer Cook, so heroic and centered provided Dade County with a balance of peace and everlasting safe trails for all to pursue their lives of health, peace and prosperity. A man clever and with an unassuming heart and soul saluted for being blessed with comprehension, compassion and understanding, they all stemmed from your upbringing of humility we can thank your parents may they rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero. Your big sister, Nancy helps the family as they now forever carry your legacy of character, commitment to truth and trust along with sacred and noble convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2022

Well schooled, well mannered and well versed, your life and career working for Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, was accentuated with honor, class and the decency that a most heroic and dignified professional must possess. Today, so many changes as you remain an angel in heaven for all that you accomplished in such a short life, one cut that way because of a callous and most hideous man. Never forgotten and always so loyal, dependable and humanely esteemed. Integrity and respect that rose to the top and with wisdom, vision, maturity and virtue our stability and peaceful missions have moved onward. So very much missed by all, your family, colleagues and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everything you represented is perpetuated by those who admired and loved you. A wonderful human being who gently touched the edges of humanity with his heart, soul and spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2022

You uplift humanity by enhancing your virtues and humility. And with your strong heart and heroic soul, Officer Cook, the people of Dade County were enriched immeasurably. More so today if you were allowed to see all the vast changes that our community, your neighborhood has undergone. So much left behind to accomplish, yet, you achieved because of your grit, gumption and undivided attention to every detail that was accentuated by integrity, reverence and the characters of dignity, trust and truth. Oh, the fountains of youth were certainly flowing when you walked those pavements patrolling for a semblance of serenity, safety and serenity that mankind nobly cherishes. You're always going to be in our hearts and thoughts and of course your loved ones who have carry the mantel and torch of your legacy forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Believe me if charisma, charm and your pleasant smile could have saved you that sad day no telling what our world would look like now.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

Heroism is a gene that humbly lies within every good woman and man's being. The truth and trust were you accounting of reliability, dependability and durability that fell within the confines of your responsibility toward Dade County, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 was the symbol of mutual respect, heartwarming devotion to your onuses all shared by your fellow officers. We the people have come to recognize your valued contributions to society for having the unassuming acumen and wisdom to undertake such a perilous position. Violence cost plenty especially your family who has missed you all these decades later. A sacrifice that has allowed us to live without fear and whatever comes forth from such disturbing evil you setout to stop. Never forgotten and forevermore a man of virtue and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

A fool thinks riches will solve problems well think again. How about being wise, honest and loyal to your department and comrades first, everything else will take care of itself. The truth being said is that you, Officer Cook, were a trusted professional, a devoted public servant whose branches of bravery and boldness were never unattached to one another. Keeping Dade County's freedom meant utilizing all the tools of tenacity, dignity and integrity that were sharp and strong because of your considerate heart, soul and drive to accomplish. God must have needed your sterling and stellar resources back in His home where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and admired conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

When your soul ascends to heaven, finality is realized for the spirit is then set free to roam and soar higher and higher. Your heart and soul dug deeper and inspired others to climb that ladder of honesty and humbleness, Officer Cook. No matter who you were everyone was treated equally by you being you were raised along with Nancy with values, principles, virtue and dignity. The ingenuity and integrity that stood toe to toe against adversity's pangs of violence and for that Dade County can be exceedingly thankful you came to that scene that tragic day. An afternoon sort of frozen in time, no one will ever forget. A hero determined to eradicate crime and had excellent character and a caring disposition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

The beauty of nature is just so magnificent. The boldness, charisma and smile from your handsome face was remarkable, so clear and charming, heart, soul and the spirit for which your honored missions were carried all have been duly saluted and etched within the walls of humility where heroes and heroines names cherished and wise can be remembered for humanity to take note. Dade County marches on as time passes yet your righteous memory my be preserved for its humane authority for which you patrolled your neighborhood for peace, prosperity and goodwill to forever shine in God's grace. Your passion and compassion were the factors that only served to enhance and uplift your life and career so firmly dedicated to saving lives your colleagues, family and a host of friends won't forget you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

No ego only endeavor and honor personified, you were the gentleman of hope, faith and goodwill, Officer Cook, whose career and life was the exemplary vehicle for you to pursue police work. Excellence and pride were crafted by your undying and unselfish diligence, versatile vigilance and the well respected virtue so valiant and just an all around decent human being who is missed by his family, Dade County and your peers of truth and justice who had the humble pleasure to work with. Always admired and dearly treasured, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

You'll forever be in my heart and mind, Officer Cook, you can never forget a hero who was heroic, honorable and just a charming young man who engaged and embraced the sanctity of mankind. The model of consistency whose vision, valor and virtue were consummate and first class in providing tranquility and liberty to your community of Dade County. Dignity, integrity and character were all reverent and humanely humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and cornerstones erected for the future all through your truth, trust and unselfish effort all tireless and unwavering.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2022

As tensions rise so too must a servant's honesty, integrity and dignity climb that ladder of humbleness and endearment. You certainly enriched and uplifted modern mankind in order for them to be more successful and well rounded as a person. Heroism and heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, that won't be forgotten and neither will your name. History records a man or woman's character and yours stood its ground when it counted most. More than a caretaker you were a complete warrior forever welcomed in Our Lord's Thin Blue Line. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May you partake in every eternal source of hope and peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

Monkeys swing from vines. Human beings try to act as humbly as they are able. Such a loyal and trusted servant, Officer Cook, you were a blessed individual, a man full of heart and compassion. Dignity, humility and integrity must be meaningful if your missions of hope, faith and goodwill were to be accomplished which they were. Dade County has you to forever remember and to salute for coming to assist your fellow officers and civilians pinned by gunfire that sad and terrible day of May 16, 1979. The streets were kept free of evil for much of your watch and for building fortresses of ferocity and commitment may you my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

Efficiency, effort and every ounce of honor, heart and soul were placed in one basket, Officer Cook, to allow you the golden opportunity to move tranquility forward for all Dade County. Mankind was humbled by your heroism and life of integrity, dignity and respect. You gave your life to corner a wayward man bent on terror. God knows the score and rewards His pious and punishes those who commit heinous crimes. Your passion and perseverance nor wavered and you demonstrated competency throughout your humble life now and forever cherished by your loved ones, comrades and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

Resourcefulness that was resolute. Virtue that was clearly defined as wisdom and maturity placed together to shield the residents of Dade County during the harshest of times. Everything was evenly distributed during your life, career and watch, Officer Cook. And your community could not have been in better hands. More than a semblance of safety, security and the nuances of never ending freedom to pursue and to live as ne chose to thrive. A resilient young man, a first class gentleman keeping evil in check and his truthfully trustworthy character and commitment close to his unselfish heart and soul so humanely dignified. Integrity as valiant as that of an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

Violence is serious and for serenity to take hold one must be honorable and dignified in all their trails and paths of heart and character. Your humility, soul and heroic spirit, Officer Cook, never wavered, never was derailed for Dade County was humbly and humanely protected by your esteem and loyalty. A man of commitment whose life and career sadly was taken before its time. Badge#1664 was reverent and resolute. Virtue, wisdom and vision always clear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

Morally righteous and firmly implanted with scruples, principles and the patience that humbly carried your honesty, dignity and integrity, your life and career, Officer Cook, was heroic and esteemed from the very beginning and God steered your journeys around Dade County to seek out and find that everlasting morsel of peace, wisdom and security. Now as a gallant angel your wings of perfection can carry your spirit, heart and soul around the galaxies of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

A very sound and fundamental gentleman pursuing his dreams, aspirations and goals. Dade County was where your surveillance was top notch, Officer Cook and forever you'll be saluted and remembered as your family and department's hero of virtue, loyalty and esteem. Integrity, honesty and dignity that patrolled the corridors and kept adversity at bay. Our stability and serenity all because you cared and created that impression to last for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2022

Memories are forever and no amount of violence, sinister evil or terror will deplete your character, commitments to excellence and pride, Officer Cook, a man whose trusted and true convictions kept Dade County on an even keel. Peace, prosperity, health and happiness abounded because of your life and career choice. A wise man heeds direction. A humble man embraces his community and you my neighbor, friend and hero enriched your family by virtue of being devout and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No matter the time or season we remember you. The time is moving forward as our clocks will change no matter you will forever be honored for tireless and unselfish work ethics.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

You and your parents, Officer Cook, are all resting in peace my neighbors, friends and hero, it's who you were that embraced mankind, it's further proof of your humility, heart and character uplifting the people of Dade County where they salute and pay homage to a wonderful man whose scruples, values and attitude meant all the difference and has created a last impression that goes with your family on their pilgrimages as they carry your important legacy of accountability, capability and reliability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

The skies opened up a little while ago, Officer Cook, now they are dry and blue. Your spirit, soul and heroic heart are all a divine part of God's flock of bravery and honored heroism. You meant and continue to be a vital part of the history of Dade County where you served, protected and sacrificed your integrity, dignity and revered character to make security and peace most meaningful. Never forgotten and saluted for the branches of wisdom, virtue and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

Evil invades the core of society and mankind just shivers in fear at what might happen. Humanity and your family, Officer Cook, have missed you, honor, dignity and integrity, it's how you and Nancy were raised. Dade County has you forever in its heart and soul to cherish the memories of a sacred journey seeped in tradition and all the endeavor put forth to reassure the people of serenity and harmony in all their treks going forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

What can negate evil might take its genesis from one's own humble honor, dignity and integrity, it is how you comport and compose yourself during tense moments. I felt like I was also speaking with you, Officer Cook, when I was talking with Officer DiGenova Monday night March 7th. You obviously were a superb young man, a gentleman gallant and humane in every way, shape and form and it is the folks of Dade County and your family who cherish you. Oh the memories keep flowing in but for your twenty-five years of opportunity, grace and wisdom, none come any better than your heart and soul. For Our Creator has your spirit and virtue in His arms for safekeeping as you walk your post above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Maturity and vision can surely separate the field of ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

Dependable and reliable, your voice calming down folks who were angry, Officer Cook. You handled all your professional roles with integrity, dignity and honesty assuring the people of Dade County that they were safe and secure. You'll forever be remembered as your family's guiding light as they carry the humility, heart, hope and goodwill forward in their daily lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2022

Smart, wise and humbly dependable, your days, years and life, Officer Cook, were well spent employed in a profession that even though danger hunts us, character, respect and honesty must always be accounted for. Dade County does not forget its heroines and heroes. You were a much valued asset to your department and colleagues who yearned to become better individuals. God has the cream of ferocity locked within His gates where never again harm will come your direction. Heart, soul and humility all spread out to focus and to function logically where the confines called for a semblance of security. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2022

The trails of trust and truth went far and wide within Dade County. No doubt your resourcefulness and honor, Officer Cook, carried its weight as you battled adversity at every corner, road and street. Every turn where integrity, ingenuity and dignity could be located to reign in evil. Always a first class endeavor and always virtue and wisdom so versatile and valuable in their searches for tranquility and sacred stability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2022

Replete with crispness and adorned with honesty and acumen, it's just very hard probably for your family. Always the what ifs and the why? A man who honored his parents, did his job with zest and youthful enthusiasm, taken away from society still so young with more left to accomplish. The missions of trust and truth, dignity and integrity were a shining part of your heroic legacy and undying character, the commitments are based upon virtue and resolve. The sun comes up and still we are left to ponder what if things happened differently that awful day. There are reasons and purposes behind everything God does for us, our benefits and your bravery working together to instill, implant and to spread a lasting serenity throughout Dade County and a community that carries forward paying its reverence to you. A job well done, a faithful servant indeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2022

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