Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Lord, give me work to do; give me health; give me joy in simple things, give me an eye for beauty, a mouth to speak truth and a heart full of love. So help us, you were born with these wonderful gifts, Officer Cook. You used them properly to personify why God gives us opportunities to achieve a life full of happiness and meaning. Your soul that rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero is the very reason of why we need to carry on with what you passed on down to each of us in this world. It comprised the essence of your existence. The legacy of what you represented is out there, now is the time for us to act upon this highly important circumstance. There is a sense of urgency, we must not procrastinate!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

God said, "If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." You lived by this example, Officer Cook, all the days of your life. No matter what line of work or profession you would have undertaken. It was this motto that you proudly worn your uniform and carried your badge with honor right until your last breath. You were a very brave soul indeed. We need more people like you my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

From the tiny birds of the air and from the fragile lilies of the field we learn the same truth, which is so important for those who desire a life of simple faith; God takes care of His own. He knows our needs. He anticipates our crises. He is moved by our weaknesses. He stands ready to come to our rescue. And at just the right moment he steps in and proves Himself as our faithful heavenly father. God indeed guided you through the good and bad, Officer Cook. If only He could have brought you back to us how grateful we would have been. There are lessons to be learned and applied to our daily lives, that's for sure. Never give up and make the most of what God puts on your plate. If we live as you lived, Officer Cook, with honor, dignity and integrity, we will come out all right. You kept the faith that God would watch over you while doing your job and now He is cradling you with all His might as you help Him along with your comrades who remained steadfast in protecting our communities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love-like He is in everything. We take our lead from Him, he who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love. You grew up, Officer Cook as a robust young man with our the promises and potentials to really make a dent for a positive result in this world. And you never once disappointed anyone for a mere moment. It was always about how you could improve upon what you had already embarked upon. Your source of strength girded your loving family and provided your colleagues with an outlet in which to channel their concerns. You were always available for them any time any day. Now let us hope we can be their for them to look back and create an environment where we can give back, for what you gave to your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You should have had the opportunity to grow older and age like a fine wine. As reflected about you, you were more mature than your years and those were well fulfilled years indeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

The reason for loving God is God Himself and the measure in which we should love Him is to love Him without measure. And you and Karen, Officer Cook loved God for all the wonderful things he provided you both. You were given the impetus to become an excellent police officer because of your uncanny ability to work very hard to make a success of yourself. God gives us tests each moment to witness personally if we are keeping up to His standards that are expected of civil and rational human beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Your unwavering amount of love and piety will always abound in our hearts, Officer Cook and your memory is firmly etched in our minds for all time. You left a terrific family who will forever love and miss your inner spirit and friends and colleagues who will be indebted to you for saving them for certain death. Your life at twenty-five years of age is going to be remembered as a hallmark for other officers to endeavor to follow in your footsteps. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

I'm a little pencil in the hands of a loving God who is writing a love letter to the world. We should be writing a little token of our esteem for you, Officer Cook. After all it's not everyday that men and women, sacrifice their lives. I say thank God not everyday, yet when it occurs, it's still one too many. Thank God for creating heroes and heroines among us willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to benefit our foundation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

It is and extraordinary and beautiful thing that God, in with the beauty of matter: the reality of things: the discoveries of the senses, all five of them; so that we, in turn, may hear the grass growing; see a face springing to life in love and laughter...The offerings of creation...our glimpses of truth. Thank God Officer Cook, that we can utilize our senses to recall all your wondrous deeds. If you were here today, you would enjoy everything that nature has to offer, because of your talents as an amateur photographer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

All the things in this world are gifts and signs of God's love to us. The whole world is a love letter from God. All the letters, notes and reflections that are left on this site are for all to read and to embellish our thank you, Officer Cook, for a job well done. You were a very gifted and talented human being who performed a job as your career that most would not think about. I do think about you and your career, since my dad, my he rest in peace, served the citizens of New York City for nearly forty years as one of their finest to don the police uniform with honor and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

The work of creating is an act of love. The God who flung from His fingertips this universe filled with galaxies and stars, penguins and puffins...peaches, pears and a world full of children made in His own image, is the God who loves with magnificent monotony. You created an atmosphere of peace and love among people, Officer Cook and now you reside forever among God's brightest stars, those officers who like yourself were willing to risk their lives to nurture a safe and loving environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2013

Honor never grows old and honor rejoices the heart of age. it does so because honor is, finally, about defending those whose noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for? A Law Professional knows..... After all these years, Officer Cook, after your tragic line of duty death, we must reflect and look back at your outstanding career of public service to Dade County and its citizens. You were one of a few and yet proud officers who died in the line of duty answering a call you did not have to respond to, but chose to because of your unselfishness. Your bravery and courage was your testimony to the greatness that you so humbly achieved through hard work, sweat and dedication to succeed in a most desirable and fitting fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Nothing can give you quite the same thrill as the feeling that you are in harmony with the great God of the universe who created all things. You and Karen, Officer Cook, only brought love and harmony to all who crossed your paths. You paved the way for others to do the same. The loving home your displayed to your guests was a reflection of your upbringings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Now in god you who formerly were far off have been brought near by His blood. For He Himself is our peace. The peace that resides within your devout soul, Officer Cook, should rest easily, my neighbor, friend and hero. You were more than just any ordinary person, more than just any ordinary police officer.For what you suffered, no one should ever have to endure what you endured. You never went out of your way to embarrass others, you were only being a true gentleman, who tried to bring about a peaceful resolution to a problem in which you had a wealth of experience in dealing with. But, I know that is what is expected from an officer of your standing. We only want the best from our law enforcement professionals. We don't ever want harm or worse to ever come their way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other. Because of you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, we now have a great start to living the way God expects us to live and to be vibrant. I want you to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and not worry as we endeavor to step up and take the baton that you have passed on to us. It's an awesome onus, but I think we are up to the task it presents to us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of God dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. All these character traits are you reward, Officer Cook, for having given your life in this world so others can carry your mantra. Their is only one place of and for perfection and you now solemnly reside there. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You and Karen taught us all the lessons, now it's our time to see if the message has penetrated our ears and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

You are valuable just because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are. Just think about the way God honors you...and smile. Your value cannot be measured enough, Officer Cook, for all the hard work you put in to become the very best you could be. If only today, would officers do as you did during your time? it can be done. With hard work, a tad of intellect, a bit of common sense, the position, even as dangerous as it is, can be accomplished with a little ingenuity. You can drop a little bit of each down from the heavens above as you my neighbor, friend and hero, rest in peace. We are rewarded for quality not quantity. During your twenty-five years, it was how could I get more out of myself to help enable others to become better people?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield. You surely were our shield of protection, Officer Cook. What could we have done without you? We are terribly saddened by your tragic loss until this day, But I know you would want all your loved ones and friends to carry on your dreams and aspirations as if you were here. Your humility is something we can glean and learn from. God knows he has a true soldier who will make his comrades who came before and after him, march to God's beat as you protect us here in this world from atrocities such as hatred that rear their ugly heads. Your were a true blue warrior! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Do not be afraid to enter the cloud that is settling down on your life. God is in it. The other side is radiant with His glory. Here rests your glory, Officer Cook, with distinction and pride for having served Dade County with all your might. The sun was shining brightly the day of your sacrifice and for all our days regardless of meteorologic conditions we'll pause and take a little period of time to think back and realize the man you were to save our day and enable us to have happier times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

If God is for us, who can be against us? As true as this statement might be, evil and wickedness still pervades our modern society and men and women such as you, Officer Cook, stepped up to the plate big time to endeavor to rein it in. The cost of this is that one may be required to give up their life, but police officers understand this when they take the affirmation to serve and protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your passing was not in vain, we'll always remember your richness and intuitive mannerisms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Our God is so wonderfully good and lovely and blessed in every way that the mere fact of belonging to Him is enough for an untellable fullness of joy! All the years of your spectacular life, Officer Cook, you were blessed along with Karen. He watched you every step of the way as you were becoming a police officer. Your unwavering attitude and unshakable passion created the makings of one excellent police officer, who sought to bring about harmony to his community. Now you live in harmony, as you my neighbor, friend and hero, rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

Don't be afraid. I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end-because I am God, your personal God, the God of the holy land, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you...! That's how much you mean to me! That's how much I love you! Officer Cook, you paid the ultimate price for our freedoms and for this we can never forget you. Our Creator was always with you, Officer Cook, in times of sorrow and joy and even when you were between a rock and hard place. Today, I visited your grave and saw that someone had left flowers and a lovely green St. Patrick's Day design. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We might be a little over our heads but with your spiritual aid we can overcome any challenges that may lie ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2013

When we love someone, we want to be with them and we view their love for us with great honor even if they are not a person of great status. For this reason-and not because of our great status- God values our love. So much, in fact, that He suffered greatly on our behalf. You afforded all individuals, Officer Cook, regardless of their socioeconomic status with honor and respect due them. You didn't let emotions sway you away from the truth and integrity in which police officers deal with citizens from all walks of life. Today, sadly we have men and women who misuse their badges and need to be taken off the streets, disciplined and even tried, convicted and sentenced to prison. How very sad, but police officers cannot and should not be allowed to be above the law. Someone has to be culpable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officers still escape justice due to technicalities within the criminal justice system. This is sad too!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2013

Love is extravagant in the price it is willing to pay, the time it is wiling to give, the hardships it is willing to endure and the strength it is willing to spend. Love never thinks in terms of "how little," but always in terms of "how much." Love gives, love knows and love lasts. This is the beauty of God and His ability to be of slow anger and of great compassion to us. You emulated this personification to the maximum, Officer Cook and were able to develop good traits of character in interacting within the community you served. We will be forever grateful and rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2013

Change your life... Come back to God, your God. And here's why: God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot, this most patient God, extravagant in love. If we only knew what God has to deal with in this planet everyday, Officer Cook, you might not be resting very soundly, God forbid. You are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, for a job well done. I would imagine there were times as a police officer that you inhaled and rolled your eyes in amazement over some of the events that were unfolding where you patrolled. Things can be rather cruel, crude and just plain shocking to the human eyes. Time doesn't always change things, but the people around have to exert the effort to make them occur.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2013

To love by freely giving is its own reward. To be possessed by love and to in turn give love away is to find the secret of abundant life. If we could find out why you were successful, Officer Cook, maybe we could have saved you that day from terrible harm. You paved our way for only goodness and beauty that should only be with us forever. We wanted the same of you, but God has His plans and needed your servitude to accompany Him to heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The rewards you and your comrades are reaping are more important than all the materialistic possessions one could amass in this lifetime.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2013

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