Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Always hold fast to God's example of steady, unwavering love for your friends. God delivers the people you need and the people who need you. He grants you the ability to recognize and rejoice in these people as His gifts, as the Lord watches over the lives of the innocent and their reward will last forever. We need you, Officer Cook, to steady our journeys through life and know that up in heaven, your soul is surely helping steer the rudder. You were a true friend to all and when they reached out to shake your hand or to greet you, the moment that occurred, it touched their very heart. Your fellowship and friendship are indeed very much missed today, but we know and recognize that one day we will meet and greet you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In your last moments, Officer Cook, the unwavering support was present with you, it's just a terrible tragedy you are not here with us. The undying love for your community is how your legacy will enhance those who pursue the values you so vibrantly fought for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2013

Remain open to God's amazing grace, which will empower you as His instrument to help make those who need help. Allow Him to make your heart responsive and wise in counseling your friends. You were a great peer leader, Officer Cook, answering the call whenever it came. Your sagely pearls of advice and wisdom were always spread out through your department and you were there for your fellow officers to garner and to pick your mind and the ideas you thought of that would make your job a bit easier. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2013

I celebrate and shout because you are kind. You saw all my suffering and you cared for me. You are a sister or brother to everyone in god's family. friendship is the kindness God wants you to show others. We celebrate your extraordinary life, Officer Cook, one that was replete with accomplishments, awards and accolades all rich deserved for all your care and charisma with your righteous character blended in to help make us feel safe. The excellent service you provided Dade County citizens should and will never overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let us hope and pray that those officers who have taken over your watch are as efficient and motivated as you were in serving the public with dignity, honor and integrity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2013

There is fear in the world. There is vulnerability and uncertainty. god cannot tell us that nothing bad will ever happen to us, but God can tell us that we not be afraid of the future, no matter what it holds. He cannot protect you from evil without taking away from other people the human power of choosing between good and bad. He cannot protect you from illness or bad luck. He can'y spare you from death and let you and those around you live forever. Be He can give you the resources to transcend and overcome those fears, so that bad luck never causes you to lose faith in yourself, so that bad people never cause you to lose faith in humanity, so that the inevitability of death never causes you to give up on the holiness of life. You lived for a purpose, Officer Cook and that purpose was the foundation of what you desired to become. It took you much effort and the proper resources to channel your energy into making a destiny for both Karen and yourself. Both of your jobs, rather professions can be demanding at times, rigorous and physically and mentally challenging. There are sometimes gloomy days, days of loss and failure, but we know more often than not the light of the sun will chase away the darkness and one's human spirit will rise above the failure. fear will assault us, but we will not be afraid for You are with me. This is the way you and Karen personified the lives you undertook when you married each other, Officer Cook. You were aware of the possible dangers, it's just sometimes difficult to prepare for the inevitable. You cannot just become a police officer and say there are no fears, of course they exist. You try to prepare, to overcome. tragically, evil can undo all the promise that one takes upon themselves in life. You lived life along with Karen, Officer Cook, never taking anything for granted. You sacrificed your being to make us feel safer and for this you deserve our greatest thank you. You truly personify what a true blue hero is all about. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You met the challenges of your job head on right until your last breath that came from your being. Your soul is resting and watching us constantly seeing if we are up to the same challenges and tasks that you performed for our benefit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 6, 2013

God is your model for friendship. He is never too busy to hear your cry for help, never too distracted to reach out to you when you need Him. That day as the events in liberty City unfolded Officer Cook, I can't imagine the terror that depraved young man caused that led to your untimely passing. But you can rest assure, you'll not ever be forgotten. God took you up to shelter, protect and keep your soul safe as you never ever disappointed anyone as God-fearing an individual as you were so help me God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When the mold was cut, Officer Cook, you were the model of consistency in both your appearance and demeanor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2013

Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people. All times of the day represent good hard working men and women such as yourself, Officer cook. The paragon of virtue, you were a cut above most people and as I've stated before, wiser than your years on this earth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2013

There exists forms of union, higher than any that can be spoken, stronger than the greatest forces, with the power that is their destiny, those who live this are no longer separated, they are one. Is it not necessary for those who know this to recognize each other? Yet some do not and they are deprived of this joy. Those who recognize each other, know the joy of living together in this fullness. For your marriage to Karen, Officer Cook, you may have had just a few years, but those years were totally golden in how you spent them and their total quality. You both were meant for each other and your professions without a doubt, complimented one another. When one is born, this is not a second to waste in getting started and off and running. You ran to pursue justice. You ran to pursue peace. You ran to lend a hand where needed and you answered all your calls with honor and integrity, grace personified. And now because of your gallantry, you can rest in peace with your beloved father, my neighbor, friend and hero. Perhaps from heaven where you are watching over us, you can put something positive and constructive into the minds and bodies of rogue officers who run to pursue evil and disgrace their badges and uniforms in the process. This is most definitely something you, Officer William C. Cook would not have tolerated!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2013

When you are living in harmony with your mission, you will naturally attract the other souls, who agreed to fulfill this destiny with you, these are your true soul mates. You and your wife, Karen, Officer Cook, used your energy and motivation to help each other function at an optimum level in your professions. The promise you had, Officer Cook, spurred your desire to achieve success in becoming an excellent police officer with the proper training and tools. This truly was your destiny, my neighbor, friend and hero in helping others make a big difference in this world. Rest in peace. Now your journeys are eternal in nature and you and your fellow comrades who bravely laid down their lives for liberty and peace can commence with assisting God in His duty as His true blue watch officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 5, 2013

There is no darkness that cannot be defeated by the light of love in one of these expressions. When all are present in harmony, evil cannot exist at all. There is no problem for which the instruction to love more is not the solution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Your lighted soul will always be lit, never will it be extinguished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

That which keeps you from accomplishing your mission and fulfilling your divine promise is defined as evil. Sin is a self-imposed limitation that causes us to stray from our path of service and from our remembering that we are one with God through love and forgiveness. Ego, Anger, Envy, Complacency, Greed, Indulgence and Lust. Officer Cook as a fine police officer dedicated to the pursuits of justice and truth these elements never once crept into your abilities to function while either on or off duty as officers today. Not all but some have to deal specifically with these issues. You were in a position of power, but humbly you did not let this swell your ego, Officer Cook. You maintained an aura of being level-headed. You did things with love and love in turn did many wonderful things for you and Karen and your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Abundance is your natural state. It comes to you effortlessly when you are in harmony with your higher power and fulfilling your promises. The process of attracting abundance is a cycle of five steps. Gratitude, Clarity, Commitment, Trust and Gratitude. A please and a thank you can travel a long way. The authentic law of manifestation is activated when you are aligned with your higher mission to serve God, keep your promises and make the world a better place; the law is most powerful when you show gratitude for all that you have been given on a regular basis. You exhibited this trait and all these traits and characteristics, Officer Cook. It took you from a newly created person to a man who persevered and realized you could make a difference in shaping this world and the values of which are so important to its functioning. By learning from these extreme examples, you will never have to repeat them. As a forgiving person, the more you were, Officer Cook, the faster the new opportunities started to come your way. Forgiveness is the great equalizer. it costs you nothing but buys you everything. It was priceless in your career and so was your courage and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Every good deed neutralizes a bad one. Every act of service eliminates an act of oppression. Every prayer for peace eradicates an impulse of war. faith is receiving and love is giving. None can receive without faith and none can give without love. When we believe, we are then capable of receiving. We give so that we may experience love. Whoever gives without love experiences nothing of importance. If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Officer Cook, this is exactly what you did for us, your family and friends to the zenith! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Your dreams are not accidental, they are not random. What you dream of doing is your soul's way of reminding you of what you are here to do to fulfill your promise to God. By taking the leap of faith, Officer Cook into your true destiny, fulfilling your promise will never make you unhappy. Living your destiny can only bring you joy. Your destiny brought with it many challenges, Officer Cook, but in the end it brought you the happiness you so deserved and a huge smile to your face. You were rewarded for carrying out your tasks necessary in fulfilling your promise at the highest of costs. Giving up your being so others could live. The Father does not sow fear, but pours forth persuasion. May your kingdom come, may your will be done. God is all good, all the time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

The rose with six petals, a treasure map to the source of miracles. Love is front and center. Surrounding it are: Service, Abundance, Forgiveness, Overcoming, Faith and Surrender. We are one human family, Officer Cook. All men and women are God's sisters and brothers indivisible with liberty and justice for all under god. We are on earth to learn. God is in heaven to teach and instruct us. that is divine order. Keep the oaths that you have made to God. You made a promise to God to carry out a specific set of duties and to accomplish a predetermined mission during your life on earth. How and if you do that is up to your own free will, but your understanding and fulfillment of that promise and mission is the key factor in determining your happiness, fulfillment and abundance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Our Father in Heaven, May Your name be Hallowed. May Your Kingdom Come. May Your Will Be Done. As in Heaven, So upon Earth. Give Us Today Our Sufficient Bread. And Forgive Us Our Debts. As We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors. And Do Not Bring Us into Temptation. But Deliver Us From Evil. Amen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 Metro-Dade Police Department, Miami, Florida

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Magical potions and formulas aren't going to clean up this mess that the world is in today. It took you time, Officer Cook, each moment of your day was measured in calculating and formulating a ground plan to battle this monster we call evil. It can spring up from the ground at any moment, sometimes without warning, and we must be ready, as you were skillfully ready to achieve the task at hand. Your performance was A Number One rated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your skill in your duty to the community, your valor and courage will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

In Psalm twenty-three, we find the phrase, "You anointed my head with oil." God is saying to the throng of billions of people of which you, Officer Cook, were granted the privilege of feeling special. We all are special, but what set you apart from others was your humility, your humbleness, you were not haughty. You carried yourself with class and dignity at all times as long as you wore the badge of Dade County and its police uniform. In God's eyes, every one of us is royalty, not only in dignity, but in our responsibility to carry out the tasks to which God has assigned us. God calls upon us to be alert at all times for one of the fragments of His shattered model of a perfect world and when we find one, to pick it up, clean it off and try to fit it into the larger picture. My neighbor, friend and hero, for twenty-five years and for six years as a veteran officer this is exactly what you were trained and conditioned to do. it was your onus to make us safer and you fulfilled God's desires and wishes as you were commanded. Rest in peace and help us find, pick up and clean off the dirt that has soiled us. Give another chance to those who have transgressed. Your soul will forever be anointed by God's everlasting supply of oil for all the days to come. This society needs for us to take the words of Psalm twenty-three quite literally and seriously, not figuratively. Urgency once again is essential to the task at hand. You found a way, Officer Cook, now lead us with God's help to find the way to get it accomplished, if peace is to reign in this modern day world of what ifs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

Nothing pleases God more than when we ask for what He wants to give. When we spend time with Him and allow His priorities, passions and purposes to motivate us, we will ask for the things that are closest to His heart. Now you are in our hearts forever, Officer Cook and your wonderfully enriched and blessed soul has continued its journey to heaven that started on May 16, 1979. May all your journeys and those officers that have since joined you since then, enjoy a restful and a most peaceful trip that lasts for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

By the miracle of His life in us and with us, we will realize our greatest achievements. The crowning achievement of your life and career as a dedicated Metro-Dade Police Officer, Officer Cook, was in making people believe in their value and true worth to their community. Sadly, in making this reality happen, your courage and bravery to duty caused you to sacrifice your life for the common good of your community of which you took an affirmation to serve and protect. You'll forever be your family's true blue hero, whose very soul now shines as brightly as the sun and moon. Your friends and colleagues in the various police departments in Florida and around the country will not soon forget you and the morals you firmly established in this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

God isn't trying to just take away; He's faithfully at work to make room to add. the old saying, "Addition by Subtraction" doesn't apply here. Obviously, Officer Cook, you and your fellow comrades who gave their lives all were believers in God and His Divine Providence. The tragedy of your loss to your family, friends and colleagues is a pain that won't subside. Time endeavors at God's hands to heal the wounds and gaping hole left by your passing. God did add strength, productivity and spiritual power in your life. God tries to bring us closer to Him in as nearly a complete image as possible to Him. Your valor enhanced your performance to the degree that you were commended for a job well done. A test of faith doesn't really test anything unless it pushes you past your last test. Risking ones life in a profession as police work is truly the test, a similar test as Abraham conducted when God told him to take his son, Issac to mount Moriah and when he started to pick up the ax to kill him, the angels overhead said stop and God told Abraham you passed My test. My neighbor, friend and hero, you passed all your tests and now your shining legacy serves as our vision into the future. Continue to keep watch on us and if we fall into bad habits or if something negative may occur keep it from happening with God and your fellow comrades assistance. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2013

I don't know if I left this reflection for you, Officer Cook, in July, 1982, a Lt. Cheryl Seiden was shot and killed in the line of duty. Her husband Mark Seiden, worked in the department and I believe you knew him and another officer, David Graveline. Sgt. Seiden went on to become a lawyer and Mr. Graveline I believe, works in Serius radio. He used to announce for several radio stations in South Florida. Mrs. Seiden taught parochial school at Visitation Catholic Church where you and your wife, Karen, prayed. Coincidence or irony, don't know, but something you or your family may have remembered. She is buried at Lakeside Memorial Park in Doral, down the block from the Main Headquarters of The Miami-Dade County Police Department. The cemetery is Jewish and she is resting in peace at the Degania Section, where two other South Florida officers are buried. Miami beach Detective Scott R. Rakow and a Sergeant from Miami Beach Police Department, named Donald Kramer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with these other honorable and dedicated officers. Lt. Seiden was the first female Metro-Dade Officer killed in the line of duty. Since her death, four other female Metro-Dade officers have been killed in the line of duty. One officer, Frank Searcy was killed on March 27, 1974, but his name for some unknown reason is not listed on the Officer Down Memorial page and yet his name is either just above or below your name on the Marble Wall of Honor at Tropical Park. I miss you very much and still so sorry we could never get together and meet one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2013

If you confess with your mouth that the Lord is Your God and believe in your heart that He raised you from the non-living, you will be saved. One day Officer Cook, we all have to face a time of reckoning and if we achieved success, we will be blessed, if not God-forbid the results will be catastrophic. Hopefully, only positive ramifications will take place and then we can finally all greet you with a cheerful smile as you so often displayed while being with us and taking the same breathes we take. Your family lives on for your sake, for your righteousness, for your good name and we should never take things for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2013

A great teacher from two thousand years ago, Freely chose to show our maker's everlasting love for us by offering to take all of our flaws, darkness and mistakes into His very body. The result was that God invites us to believe this truth in our hearts and follow Him one day into eternal life. You have followed God Officer Cook and so too have twenty-thousand other fine men and women so brave and unique to risk their very lives to save us from terrible harm. They and you are one of a kind never can we see you physically again, but we can feel your soul like the wind swirling around us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2013

If you have ever: questioned if this is all there is to life...wondered what happens when you die...felt a longing for purpose or significance...wrestled with resurfacing anger...struggled to forgive someone...known there is a "higher power," but couldn't define it...sensed you have a role to play in the world... experienced success and still felt empty afterward...then consider God. After all you went through, Officer Cook, we can ask questions and ponder the deep mysteries in life, but sooner, rather than later God will provide us with His answers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and thank you so much for being there to save us from evil and leaving your footprint for us to carry as your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2013

Hear my cry, O God; give heed to my prayer. From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for You have been a refuge for me. We hear people crying and see the suffering over your tragic passing. Officer Cook, you were the rock, the foundation, the glue that kept us in place. You stayed true to your values and ideals. The principles of faith were forever sewn on your being. Always in our hearts as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2013

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