Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The way you and your sister, Nancy, Officer Cook, were brought up serves as a guiding light and a model for all children raised with the values of life that can be invaluable later on as they grow up. Quality family time and the communication between a parent and child serves as a great facilitator as you get to know and share with one another and it can build genuine family intimacy. Your beloved parents, Charles and Julia Cook, knew how to offer all the comforts of home and to give each of you a rewarding and prosperous life to achieve all your pursuits in happiness and in good health. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Most of all, neither of you disappointed them in any way, shape, or form.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2013

If police officers do things that embarrass or shame their departments, they then deserve a reprimand or possibly termination. To violate one's Miranda or civil rights is totally and without a doubt unethical and this too needs to be dealt with the offending officer. Officer Cook, you acted always in high character with morals and values befitting the image of not only the officer, but your department. Healthy shame is important to a life of integrity, but shame for no sound reason separates you from God. Stay close to Him and you'll never hang your head again. You'll always be next to God, the soul of one so humble as you, Officer Cook, can only help fortify all others that are next to you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2013

On your job, Officer Cook, as demanding and tactfully challenging the stress of the day brings, you have to keep your mind focused on the reality of the moment. Bad habits and unhealthy traits can play a significant role in whether or not you can stay away from problems. As I reflected previously, one tiny turn away from the proper channel can lead to a whole assortment of trouble. My neighbor, friend and hero, you were able to navigate the obstacle courses of your community that you took an oath to serve and protect. Officers such as yourself who go over and beyond the calls of duty are usually recognized for their excellent police work and you were no exception. Your humility, bravery, courage and commitment coupled with the dignity, honor and integrity you brought to your department shall never be overlooked. The shining legacy you left behind needs to be polished by all officers who have followed righteously in your pathways. This needs to shine as brightly as a pair of spit-polished shoes you proudly worn as part of your uniform. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2013

I will praise You with an upright heart as I learn Your righteous laws. I will obey Your decrees; do not utterly forsake me. God can change the self-righteous to the righteous. A humble and repentant heart is one God can use. Officer Cook, God is certainly utilizing your blessed soul right now for His invaluable tasks. That is to keep an ever faithful watch on all officers who wage war with the evil that seems to keep rearing its ugliness in our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2013

Blessed be the Lord-day after day He carries us along He's our savior, our God, oh yes! He's God for us, He's God who saves us. Lord God knows all death's ins and outs. God does not allow His people to suffer beyond what they can bear. He provides a way out for those who call on His name. We beseech You, Lord, keep vigilant watch on the soul of your faithful brother and servant, Officer William C. Cook, along with his comrades who were so ever faithful in discharging their duties. Their sacrifices should speed up the process of redemption when we see both them and the Messiah. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2013

God blesses the person who turns away from lying and commits to telling the truth. This is so important not only in life, Officer Cook, but in you profession. Too many officers are caught and end up paying a dear price. One turn, a tiny turn from good can almost definitely result in some kind of consequence. Your track record speaks volumes and is for all of us to be proud of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Officer Cook, we indeed could count on you. No matter what was going on in life, you knew God was in control. Your life was not on cruise control. You knew from an early age what you strived to become. The Right and Justice are the roots of Your rule; Love and Truth are its fruits. The fruits of your labor my neighbor, friend and hero will always have a pleasant taste to those who wants to eat from them. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Bless the Lord who is my immovable Rock. He gives me strength and skill in battle. He is always kind and loving to me; He is my fortress, my tower of strength and safety. my deliverer. There is no situation too great for God. He will equip you, guide you and give you the victory if you turn often to Him in prayer. One thing I wish you could have had back then, Officer Cook, were those side-panels. It took your remarkable sacrifice for them to be patented for future officers to wear to protect them. But, you were well equipped with plenty of knowledge and wisdom blended with common sense. Not all officers today are enveloped with these important characteristics that can deflect or rather, steer them clear of trouble and danger. hard to imagine an inch could cost one their life, kind of like going to the dentist and they start drilling on your tooth. It doesn't take long. But my neighbor, friend and hero, you stood toe to toe with evil and endeavored to stop an awful situation from escalating and for that we are totally indebted to you forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

You have seen it; yes, you have taken note of trouble and grief and placed them under your control. The victim entrusts himself to you. You alone have been the helper of orphans. God hears the call of your heart. He listens and provides what you need at the right time. he never leaves yo to fend for yourself. He'll never leave you again, Officer Cook. He'll be by your side as he was in your life and now that you are in heaven as one of His many treasured true blue angels. The heroes and heroines that He created to serve a great purpose and that was to serve and protect our honor and allow us the liberties to freely do as we want to do, so long as it is fitting and proper. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The accolades you all deserve forevermore should be fitting and pristine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

What you say goes, God, and stays as permanent as the heavens. You don't need to fret or try to figure out what is ahead. trust God. He will not let you down. We all hope Officer cook, that we are not letting you down for all your accomplishments coupled with your valor, courage and bravery not found in every living being. You were there for us, now it's time we're there for you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Even in your family's darkest hour, even when the worst fears come true, you can still trust God. His compassion cannot be equaled. No one will care for you as God will. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your sister, Nancy and your beloved wife Karen, I can't imagine, no one for that matter can imagine the anguish, shock and terrible pain it was for them to lose you. You were their true blue hero. Your mother's long life , Officer Cook, can be attributed to her devoutness, the cross that swayed in the wind on the porch of her home was her symbol of unwavering, faith, unity and loyalty to God. This was both you and Karen living and succeeding brilliantly in your lives as God planned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

People know in their hearts what is right and wrong. God is ready to show mercy and grace to anyone who wants to turn from wrong to right. He knew Officer Cook, you were just the ideal person to help accomplish that special mission. For six years of selfless dedication and desire you were there to meet that goal and even on the day of your tragic passing you succeeded beyond anyone's expectation. They knew Officer William C. Cook would be there to lend a hand. They knew they could count on your resolve and perseverance. Metro-Dade Police Department knew you were one of the best if not the best. You passed God's supreme test and your unwavering faithfulness will not be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

God has a plan for marriage and when that plan is followed, blessings and honor flow freely. When the day came for you and Karen to get married, Officer Cook, I'm sure the two of you knew it was very special chemistry indeed that allowed you to blend your talents and skills into one union. You both exhibited the reverence toward God that would guide you onward in your chosen professional careers. For this we can be thankful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Your love of the outdoors and photography, Officer Cook, was a wonderful way for you to get refreshed and to learn more about God through His beautiful creation. Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. truth springs from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven. Indeed the Lord will give what is good. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

We all need to say yes to life and to the gift of life so bestowed upon you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. With your charm and bubbly personality, it's no wonder you were that very special and uniquely personable gentleman that people came to know and love. Some individuals need a little prodding, but you did not. You were highly motivated and utilized all of your God-given skills to personify excellence in your profession. Your humility allowed you to stay humble and to accept the plans that God laid out for you and Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

You utilized your savings, Officer Cook, to put yourself through Miami-Dade and its police academy. No wonder the pride in your family swelled the day your badge was pinned on you and you trusted in the Lord to carry you through good and bad situations. Your hope and Karen's as well and your futures were centered around your devoutness to God. It was an everlasting theme in both of your houses. It also stems from an excellent upbringing you both were privileged to have and to cherish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Your beauty, elegance and love chase after me every day of my life. I'm back home in the House of God for the rest of my life. For all your kindness and professional approaches to your job, Officer Cook, now you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God knew your dreams and desires even before you were born. He certainly delighted and took pride in helping you to fulfill them in unexpected ways. Though you expected to become a police officer through hard work, both physically and mentally and your generosity to the citizens of Dade County will never be forgotten, with this being said, no one can equal or outdo God's goodness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

Sometimes in life we face rejection. No one wants to endure this. Even police officers who fail to make the grade. It is a part of life, we move on. God cares about every part of our lives and your life, Officer Cook, was no exception. Though your performance would be deemed exceptional, you gave others the encouragement and enthusiasm to carry on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unfortunately, officers who are rejected or terminated from their positions take revenge and harm innocent people and this is not right. If you wear a uniform with a badge and a weapon you are expected to comport yourself not only accordingly, but professionally as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2013

You have probed my heart. You have confronted me at night. You have tested me like silver, but you found nothing wrong. I have determined that my mouth will not sin. God will never fail you. He cares about every part of your life. Look to Him for the encouragement you deserve. First of all and more importantly, Officer Cook, you were a faithful servant and always watched the language coming from your lips. that I can guarantee. God observed your coming and going and made sure you achieved and with pride and dignity. His resolve to get you through the tough times was reinforced up and until that fateful day of May 16, 1979. He gave you the power to assist in saving the lives of six other people, four officers and the two civilians. Without your heroism and bravery who knows how much more harm would have ensued. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2013

I am planning God willing to visit your grave, Officer Cook this morning. I don't know the circumstances regarding your father, Charles' passing, but I'm sure it was a sorrowful period for your family. You were fortunately there to be with them in their time of need. Now that you have passed is the time for the light to once again dispel the darkness that has passed over your family and friends. God listens and answers their prayers during their midst of grief. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2013

As a police officer, whose job was to enforce the law, I'm sure Officer Cook, that you kept God's commandments and lived a life that one could be very proud of. God has lifted up your soul so He can look at it shining like a freshly shaped diamond. Every day is an opportunity for us to reconnect with a simpler way of life and with the Almighty. We choose life an dhow we are going to live it. It can be filled with joys or with pitfalls, we don't know. We give things away we do not need or even something we treasure. God had plans for you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. You and your comrades who gave their lives are forever more His treasured angels, whose invaluable work with God in heaven will never go overlooked nor will you be forgotten. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2013

God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Just as it takes time, money and commitment to fix up a house, it takes time, prayer and commitment to refurbish a life. God is more interested in how you look on the inside than how you appear on the outside. He will cleanse and rebuild the rooms of your heart if you ask Him. First of all, Officer Cook, you life wasn't in chaos. Secondly, but most of all, your heart was totally pure and you and your family and when you and Karen got married you searched for that dream house and found it in the Norwood section of Norland, not far from the Visitation Catholic Church, where you both worshiped. Through hard and sometimes oppressive conditions as a police officer were you and Karen able to purchase a new house to put down your roots so to speak. Everything else usually falls into place after one buys a home, though there can be difficulties that may arise from time to time. Of course, Karen's nursing career combined with yours enabled you to get from point A to point B. We ask God to cleanse our physical beings as we get ready to usher in the holidays of Easter and Passover. Let us pray with our hearts having been nourished spiritually through God's good grace that your beloved soul can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2013

The mealtimes at your home Officer Cook, were the ones where you and your family could sit back and relax while discussing the day's events. A person's table is comparable to an altar and if religion is talked about, that setting becomes even more elevated. By bringing and inviting God to our dinner tables through prayer and partition you'll be aware of His bountiful provision. You provided for Karen and your family, Officer Cook and because of your giving and generosity, God is giving your beloved the soul the eternal attention it needs to be able to watch over us and your fellow officers who try and battle evil in this society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2013

The blessings in a box Officer Cook were bestowed on your family, your wife, Karen and all those officers privileged to have worked closely with you. This serves as a powerful reminder of just who you were and how uniquely qualified you were to be able to deal with different situations as they surfaced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2013

It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one and I'm sure your family suffered greatly by your untimely loss. It's refreshing to know that your fellow officers do take the time once a year, though I think it should be more to pay honor to your memory. The memory of a true hero who was willing to sacrifice your being on our behalf. Your family always has that loss of you to deal with and because of your devoutness and faith is hopefully able to carry on physically and emotionally as difficult as it may be. If I can ever help them in anyway, they can contact me. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were very much loved and respected by your peers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 9, 2013

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