Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

As long as we keep the embers of our desires burning, as we keep the flame of your beloved soul, Officer Cook lit, not days, nor months, nor years can ever extinguish its flames. Your life,my neighbor, friend and hero will never be darkened, it will only shine as bright as the "Big Dipper" in the heavens above. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

The time, space and synchronicity are all "virtual realities" in God's world. Your time with us, Officer Cook, your wonderful family and close friends was so important in you helping to make a constructively positive influence in your community and society as a whole. Your perseverance will never go overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did everything for a reason and during all seasons, you gave one-hundred percent effort.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

A miracle comes to us in many different ways. Sometimes it is discreet, almost imperceptible, while at other times when we need it badly enough, it is blazed across the skies. If we need to find your soul, Officer Cook, we only need to look up to the heavens above and it's etched across the skies even at night among all the bright stars in their constellations. Lodged in the physical objects we create is a remnant of ourselves and sometimes that remnant seeks a voice. Your voice may be silent, but it echoes in a resounding manner today. we just need to stop a bit and listen to your message. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

When the Universe wishes to bestow a gift, it leaves no table unturned. Your very life, Officer Cook was our special gift and your commitment to excellence each day meant to those citizens that you left nothing to chance. You exhibited poise and grace, calm and charm when these traits were essentially needed in order for you to bring about a resolution to a problem that would occur. You loved your job, this is very evident and since self love is God's love, the most important act of friendship is towards oneself and you showed your affection and esteem to everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

I think you addressed your fellow congregants in your church at Visitation Catholic from time to time where you and Karen prayed. You taught us all one important lesson and that is to live each moment and derive from it all that you are able to. That stained glass window that Karen donated is all the proof we need of how cherished and missed you are from us in a most beloved fashion.When love sings its purest song, the gates of Heaven fling open. Officer Cook, they sure have opened widely so your treasured soul can journey where ever it has to go in order help those officers in this world to travel in order to formulate peace and unity in the communities in which they serve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

A lifetime of waiting seems a small price for a love that is truly eternal. You waited all your life, Officer Cook to become a police officer. You applied for the position, had to take many examinations, both physical and psychological and training in practically all kinds of elements and scenarios. you did not just pay "a small price," rather you paid the ultimate price for displaying heroism and courage over and beyond the call of duty, my neighbor, friend and hero. And now we pay honor to you and the other brave souls of the women and men who paid the ultimate price in order to make our lives and communities safer in order to pursue our dreams and aspirations as you so faithfully did. Rest in peace. We'll always admire and love you for the job you performed for us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 30, 2013

God's messengers are often difficult to recognize, but their message is unmistakably clear. As one of God's messengers, it's crystal clear, Officer Cook, that your still sending us signals to remind us how to organize your life into a well lived and much achieved one. Your humble nature is very transparent and should serve as our motivating force. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

In life, as in cooking, sometimes spontaneity is the best ingredient. Fortunately, both a man and his wife have accepted the unexpected gift of the moment and the result was a lifetime banquet of friendship. Before you married your beloved wife, Karen, Officer Cook, I'm sure as most couples do, you started out as friends and your togetherness blossomed into the holy bonds of matrimony. Karen has remarried, but I believe she still remembers quite vividly the day you tragically were taken from her and all your entire department. She won't forget, I know she still carries the memories of your bravery wherever she goes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

What the heart remembers, the mind can never displace. We all can look back at your life, Officer Cook and know that there are very many fond memories. You were so dear and near to your loved ones and friends Absence it is said make the heart grow fonder and so true in your instance my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

Some miracles arrive in full bloom and ready for immediate use, while others require careful seeding, a watchful eye and occasional bouts of superhuman persistence. Once you reached your teenage years, Officer Cook, I'm pretty certain you were ready to make the jump to the next level because of your vast maturity. This enabled you to train, learn and absorb what you needed to in order to climb to the next step on the ladder toward your marvelously successful career. Some petals take longer to blossom, but yours my neighbor, friend and hero were ready and willing to freely accept the challenges that lied ahead. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

Just before the sparks of life are extinguished from a candle, the flame dances. It sends a wistful thin smoke line up into the air, where it circles and pirouettes before it vanishes toward the sky. Light a candle and watch that dance, learn about life and its last breaths. I can guarantee that although you may be gone physically from us, Officer Cook, your spirit's lamp has and forevermore will stay lit for future generations and for those officers privileged as you were to work in your department. Every officer of course is different, but if these brave men and women display the characteristics that you so often showed on duty, it will take them a long way down the road of success. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those last moments of your life were indeed filled with grace, dignity, integrity and much sanctity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

There may be twists, turns and bends along the way, but all roads eventually lead home. Plenty of them along the way, but for the most part, Officer Cook, you knew exactly how to manage such situations. Now that you are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you can help Our Creator deal with what all officers have to be able to conquer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

When two souls are meant to unite, even they cannot stand in the way. How true and now, Officer Cook that you and your beloved father, Charles are together in God's heavenly kingdom, there has to be quite a lot of inspirational conversations that are occurring. Continue to inspire us my neighbor, friend and hero as you both rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

Far louder than anything we can measure are the sound waves transmitted by a mother's love. I know Officer Cook, that your beloved and wonderfully gifted mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, loves her "Billy" as she referred to you in her letter to me, misses you greatly and loved you dearly. You were the apple of her eye and her darling son, so full of passion and bravery, that no one could ever replace your being there for her. You were revered by everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. hopefully, your mother is doing well out in San Diego, California these days at ninety-seven years of age and I will as I have been doing Mrs. Cook, continue to keep you in my thoughts and my family's prayers for continued good health, peace and spiritual prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2013

Life is filled with its own instant replays, when the original cast of characters spontaneously reassembles on stage for one last performance. First of all, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, police officers aren't just characters, sure you may have some who are funnier than others, others may be more businesslike in their approach to solving crimes. But the message is that everyone has to pull together to make a department run as a well-oiled machine. The streets out there can be mighty unforgiving, unlike a stage, where if something goes wrong, the director can yell "cut." Not so on the streets, officers don't always get second and third chances to make a difference, so using their training and intellect plays an important role. This is how you achieved during your six years on the force. Rest in peace and help God direct His officers safely through their days and nights of their careers. On May 16, 1979, you took your cue and knew what to do along with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2013

No matter how far it seems to go, a circle always returns to its beginning. The cycle we call life always seems to continue for another generation. But your family, Officer Cook, will always continue and never diminish. Your tragic death has left a deep void, but you'll never be forgotten for your desire and commitment to see that peace and tranquility shall forever prosper in this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2013

The heart is directly responsive to our every thought and action. become a person of the heart or at least the devotee of one; or else, you will remain like a donkey stuck in the mud. If one has no heart, one can gain to benefit; in wretchedness, one will be famous in the world. You were all heart and soul, my beloved neighbor, friend and hero, Officer cook. The scoundrel that took your life had no heart. That was part of where this tragedy did not make sense. Why? He had no criminal record and the only thing up until that awful day was for him to desert from the Army. They would have dealt with him and his problem. We need more heroes and heroines like you who display the values from their hearts and souls which help champion peace and unity for all. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2013

In the void between what you say and what I hear, the soul whispers its own secret messages. Your loving soul, Officer Cook is whispering in our ears sweet words of encouragement, to carry on with our lives by the dignity with which you graced this world with. It's been a deep void your absence, but we have to go on and live our lives by the principles you solemnly defended. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2013

When friends share their most precious treasures, the universe responds with some of its own. Mistakes are often the garments in which miracles are cloaked. When your loving family and friends sit back and reflect on your most accomplished and fulfilling life, they can't help, Officer Cook, to smile and because of your actions that day you gave up your life, your comrades survived, all because of your unselfishness. Can't say any more than that! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

Our sincere desire to right a wrong can empower us to scale mountains, cross oceans and create miracles in contemporary You cannot take back that which is gone. I wish we could bring you back with your family and friends, Officer Cook. I really, really do. But one thing I do know is that by leading our lives with grace personified as you did for twenty-five years, we can show your soul in heaven that your tragic death was snot in vain. They don't make heroes and heroines like you, Officer Cook. You were the epitome of success! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the voice of calm and reason during stormy times. You were the soothing inspiration behind all aspects of your profession.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

That which love embroiders, neither time nor turmoil can erase. We can't erase, blot out that awful day nearly thirty-four years ago when you gave your life for us on the streets of Liberty City in Miami. If there were such a thing as do overs, then of course things most definitely would be different. The fact will always remain constant: your love for others was perpetual and nothing can erase that fact so help us Dear God. A truly amazing man, a very devoted son, an insightful brother, a loving husband, a terrific uncle and one grand great-uncle was taken from our midst as was a valued and much loved, respected and certainly cherished friend to all. Death may take a love done from this world. But their honor, dignity and creativity along with their persona can't be taken. What you sewed into our hearts and minds, Officer Cook, will always stay together for the ages to serve as your everlasting legacy here in Dade County, Florida. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

Like magnets we are drawn to people and places that will complete us in some special way. Officer Cook, you were that magnet who only attracted the finest and most quality individuals. You dared to travel where no one would want to go and offered us a glimpse of your truly devotional personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and when the day comes when we draw closer to your vivid soul, pull us the way God has intended for us to travel on His exclusive spiritual journey.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

The breeze of dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doors sill where the two world's touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep. You've earned your eternal rest, Officer Cook. But please know my neighbor, friend and hero that I still regard you in higher circles as does your loving family and peers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

Everyone has wondrous and not so wondrous events pouring into their lives and may be unaware of them. Some people who misidentify these experiences as pure coincidence, dismiss them as "happenstance," "random," or "just plain luck." We say there is any such thing as coincidence! there are no accidents! These episodes are in fact nothing less than "small miracles," awe-inspiring moments that should be celebrated, lauded and indeed consecrated when they brush against us with their soft angel's wings. These miracles testify to the presence of a Higher Power in our seemingly ordinary lives: these miracles demonstrate the truth that we are all part of a larger organism and somehow interconnected; these miracles illuminate how an invisible hand is always guiding us, gently prodding us toward our destiny. These miracles make us believe that our lives indeed have a purpose and plan behind them. All these miracles that we are privileged to witness in our lifetime, there is no greater phenomenon than the all-powerful, transformative and healing of love. After your life, Officer Cook, that you exemplified in action and good service, we honor you with carrying on with our lives as you would want us to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your tragic passing serves to reinforce the fact that heroes do exist in our society and it is these great men and women such as yourself this make this world a more beautiful place to reside in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

What the heart remembers, the mind can never displace. We'll always remember your life, Officer Cook and the vim and vigor and vitality that you brought to modern society, to your department and in making this world a safer place for all to achieve. You'll never be displaced by me and I'm just real sorry we never got to meet one another. You probably would have made me laugh my brains out. We care and I know your family and community care and do take a moment in time to look back on your stellar career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2013

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