Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When violence evaporates you may finally see the light of day. For the time here in Dade County, your good name and blessed heart and soul, Officer Cook, made that heroic impression upon humanity. Honor, dignity and integrity facing adversity and giving every bit of reverent character and values back into the spirits of mankind. Such angelic virtue saw wonderful though I know your family misses you dearly. Trust and truth going down the trails of justice to unlock the tranquility we have all been awaiting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2022

Sometimes, Officer Cook, our world is very bleak. Filled with many problems and issues too difficult and too tragic. Your whole life and public service career was honorably and heroically dedicated to helping Dade County and its citizens live more peacefully and constructively. Consider integrity, dignity and character for starters and the genesis was humbly underway. Patrolling your community in search of serenity takes more than heart, soul, trust and truth. And your tireless virtue, unselfish elements of humbleness all went into the equation of effort and efficiency. Always saluted and remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2022

Your heroic soul and spirit, Officer Cook, are free to roam, free to soar and free to fly high. God's plains of enchantment and perfection are filled with many angels of valor, honor, dignity and integrity. It's the character, truth and trust of commitment, pride and conviction that helped to generate serenity, safety and security for all Dade County and mankind. A superb gentleman of ferocity, dedication and the frankness of your missions and journeys meant to steer violence away from our midst. Always remembered, saluted and honored for having loyalty, esteem and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2022

Talk the talk and walk the walk, for honor, dignity and integrity must display their fortitude. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your community of courage and diligence. Heroes demonstrate fortitude and character accentuated by their inspiring actions made to calm, restore that wheel of engagement as you embraced God's world of peace and humility. We salute your nobility, civility and refined dedication to advancing our missions through hope and goodwill when adversity looks to upend them Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero..

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

No mask or facade was needed to patrol Dade County. Just a humble, beloved and admired man on a trip of preservation to assure its residents of some quiet and unwavering safe havens for all to travel through. Officer Cook, you'll always be a hero to your family, friends and colleagues and by living an exemplary life of honor, heart and humbleness Our Master will heap his blessings and compassion down on your family that champions the enrichment of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

When the rain pours down the tenets of honor, dignity and integrity must somehow shine clearly. They did as long as you were protecting Dade County as its hero of esteem, loyalty and honesty, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 had a mission to take forward and that was to keep and to maintain the proper semblance of goodwill, faithfulness and the hope of returning home to your beloved Karen safely. Six years of blood, sweat and toil, tears shed for harmony and freedom for mankind to pursue its aspirations. Forevermore will you be the light and beacon of inspiration and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

Direction really is the personification of one's heroic paths of character, dignity and integrity. All the heart, soul and due diligence poured into your passions and labors of humility, Officer Cook. For certain Dade County will not forget your most instrumental life of function and reason. Our very serenity all because of your undying soul on a mission of hope, smartness and the maturity to see true trust bear its allegiance. You'll always be well regarded and rewarded as a blessed public servant for coming through when the problems and dilemmas mounted. A young man built on the very foundations of ferocity utilizing tenacity to chase down and tackle terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

With commitment and conviction comes character and courage humbly walking those lines of learning and yearning to become the very best public servant. That you were, Officer Cook, humble, dependable and most accountable. Dade County never worried nor wavered when you laid your life down to save your peers and the citizens under an evil man's attacks upon humanity. integrity, dignity and honor never borrowed only bestowed upon your wonderful truth and trust from a humane heart of ethics. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

Boldness blocks the evil waves of adversity from settling down. Dade County was your community where your honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, performed their heroic actions to shelter us in safety and in prosperity. No doubt you were a man whose word meant something and with an unselfish heart, soul and spirit God deemed your journeys as completed and now as an angel of virtue, wisdom and maturity may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character always esteemed, loyal and cherished. May your family be comforted in carrying on their everyday lives with your legacy forever in their minds and hearts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2022

Today, Officer Cook, I visited your grave and saluted you for being a hero who served with honor, pride and distinction all Dade County. You were a man who cared and dedicated his life and career to humbly serving the public interest and left no doubt you were dignified and had integrity in every blessed and rewarded bone of your being. A heart strong and confident, a soul of authority and virtue, a prideful gentleman who needed no prodding. I only wish as your family did that you could have gotten that position of essentiality with the crime scene as a photographer thus taken you off of those perilous streets where you fought for stability and serenity. A life is obviously too precious too lose and your mother who mourned you for nearly forty years until her passing on March 7, 2019 missed her "Billy" tremendously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class, desire and decency surround Our Creator twenty-four seven. You are to be honored and paid homage for loyalty never losing sight of truth and trustworthiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

Gold, silver and copper are valuable elements. But, then so are dignity, honesty and integrity that were maintained throughout your young life and police career, Officer Cook, serving Dade County's citizens with heroic action, wisdom so strong and virtue unbreakable. We remember just as your family and comrades do my neighbor, friend and hero. A heart of character, a soul of commitment, true and trusted conviction. The doors to heaven stay opened to receive angels of bravery, vision and versatility. You walk your perfect beat my neighbor, friend and hero as a humbly rewarded prince of accountability and sanctity. Rest in peace. The wars rage on one day the smoke will clear forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

A callous man commits mayhem. A courageous gentleman saves lives. A humble human being serving his passions and earthly calling as you solemnly did on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. You'll always be held in high regard. For preserving the integrity and dignity of life may you be paid homage and saluted for stabilizing our very community. You never want for anyone to lose their life and you made that sacrifice, Officer Cook, humanity forever cherishes your heart, soul and humbleness, esteem and dedication so faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

Courtesy, honesty and safety. They all walk the paths of perseverance and proficiency because of you, Officer Cook and your professional acumen, awareness and by being astute. By staying the course and by demonstrating integrity, dignity and true character Dade County was always protected and given the very best of public servants to patrol its corridors of hope, faith and goodwill. Your legacy serves as both an aspiration and inspiration to many who knew you, worked beside you and just admired your boldness, heart and soul all energy, all tireless and always unselfish and enriching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

Vision is more than believing. It's renewing our faith and loyalty within your vigilance, Officer Cook, your heroism shall never go without gratefulness. For thoughtfulness and resourcefulness may Our Maker bless and keep your spirit and soul next to Him every moment. Dade County remembers you and forever honors your undivided courage, caring and concern toward humanity. They have their tranquility and stability because of your undying compassion and a passion to create newer roads for our futures one you should have been permitted to see. Integrity so vital and dignity so focused and wise. The heavens above have an angel so loyal and esteemed. May your loving family be blessed for having such a valiant and cherished loved one who kept his family together during tragedy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

The purpose of mettle, morals, values, ideals and discipline is to let the people whom you serve know that even though evil and adversity may strike at our very hearts and souls, there are good and honest men and women devoted and faithful to all the right causes. God placed these beautiful angels at our hands and feet right at our doorsteps. You were one of them, Officer Cook, a hero of class, reverence, decency and dignity all reaching out to serve, protect and to instill safety and security so that our lives, journeys and missions here in Dade County could continue onward. Yours too were earthly and though you gave the ultimate sacrifice, you won't be forgotten for integrity, humility and for possessing a heart and soul of gold so gentle and lovable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

A prince of a man, a personality girded in humble laughter with a serene smile yet all business when serious trouble arose. Yes, you were a special human being and a loyal and professional Dade County public servant, Officer Cook, one whose honor, dignity and integrity helped to reform the very streets you patrolled for six years of inspiring character, artful commitment and truly trusted convictions. Violence sadly has a way of swooping down and robbing us of our most precious and diligent of warriors. Always fondly remembered and solemnly saluted for gallantry, wisdom and virtue beyond your twenty-five years of tireless and unselfish devotion, dedication and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2022

You wear the crowns of a good name, a blessed heart and soul and a man dignifying our society with only truth and integrity. Officer Cook, you'll forever be regarded as a Dade County hero. The outstanding life and career chronicled with courage and undying conviction all of solid character and the influences of intuition, ingenuity and intelligence. All relevant and all humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Salutes from now and forevermore for your life and career bound up in desire and the articles of awareness and versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

A crime that just ruined mankind and temporarily disrupted the good work of your department, Officer Cook. You paid the ultimate sacrifice for Dade County to be free of problems and because of your honor blessed with dignity and integrity it's why The Lord has blessed and kept you in His arms for eternal safekeeping. You made your parents, sister and wife proud of you always their hero in shining armor and acumen. Humbleness bestowed upon your heart, soul and spirit of valor, versatility and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

Evil employs its ugliness while effort encourages goodwill and the liberty to move about without restraint. You preserved and protected us, Officer Cook, so honorably, so heroically and so humanely it's why Dade County pays its homage to you. A tireless heart and soul walking its gallant beat here and now your integrity, dignity and character, all respect and admiration are steering the rudders above in heaven. A man with virtue and vision demonstrating his tools of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

A badge of certainty worn as part of your sacred uniform, Officer Cook, reminding us of how diligent and devoted you were to your family and peers. Dade County suffered just as much as your family and it's your honesty, humility and heart that made up your soul of relentless pursuit of peace trying to eliminate from our midst. No matter what the circumstance was your legacy and memory will for generations to come be the building block for bravery and boldness, maturity and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

Class and decency belong together with honesty, integrity and dignity as you used these humble traits, Officer Cook, to make Dade County safer. A gentleman with a plan and all the wisdom coming from your serene and esteemed heart and soul. All to be remembered and saluted for their unassuming, unselfish dedication and devotion to your central responsibilities. Keeping evil off the streets takes a real person sacred, noble and loyal to those whom you protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and truth all chiseled upon your gravestone to be blessed and profoundly rewarded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

The outrage of such evil and callous disregard for human life. Such Tragedy that usurped the goodwill, hope and faith of mankind taking a precious young man from his family, department and the entire universe. Your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, were all just so special and full of virtue. Dade County and its residents will not forget your character, commitment to excellence and the total pride, humble and heroic were your true and trustworthy convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2022

Your career of courage and life of learning, Officer Cook, focused on the finer points of an important and essential role making society safer once again. Violence can just erupt like a volcano and deliver a knockout blow so powerful to remain upright. You kept your diligence and vigilance about you and worn a uniform filled with hope and promise, honor, dignity and integrity all so wise and so united in virtue. Dade County and your family has missed you very much and knows that one day you will be together one final time. The redemption is soon let us pray. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2022

Peace is built with patience. Stability is a statue that should last forever. Nothing can be taken for granted and you never shied away from your professional roles, assignments and tasks of peril, Officer Cook, securing the people of Dade County with enrichment, enhancement and uplifting the souls of those less fortunate. Integrity and dignity that incorporated meaning and goodwill as only a man of honor and unselfishness would do. You performed your roles and missions with the very same kind of concern and care never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2022

Crying is a natural means of displaying your feelings. Dade County was your companion on your trusted and truthful trails of justice, peace and prosperity, Officer Cook. Heroism that constructed pride and equality for all citizens of goodwill, hope and faith. Your career and life as a public servant bore out the facts of your ferocity, approachability, reliability and accountability. All of these were a blessing that was implanted in your sweet soul and considerate heart. Integrity and dignity that fought and faced the evil that today still invades our space. You'll keep looking down as God delivers His reward to you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2022

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