Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

This is a world that goes slowly, because it has an eternity to go in. For all your accomplishments, Officer Cook, you deserve all the homage that is due to men and women of your position who boldly risk their lives on a daily basis to keep us-the citizens safe and protected. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and what you meant to your family, friends and department. You meant everything to them and you are deeply missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2013

Time is a flowing river. Happy are those who allow themselves to be carried, unresisting, with the current. Even though you carried yourself with honor and pride, Officer Cook, your feats of police work are and will forever be remembered. Life goes on as you my neighbor, friend and hero lookout from above on our ventures in life that you faithfully maintained in dignity and integrity. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2013

Time has laid his hand upon my heart, gently, not smiting it, but as a harper lays his open palm upon his harp, to deaden its vibrations. God has you cradled in His palms, Officer Cook, for safekeeping and you will not be forgotten for the courage and bravery you took to your profession. You truly made us proud to have known you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Time is a great legalizer, even in the field of morals. These are required in every endeavor you pursue in order to achieve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2013

The day is done and the darkness falls from the wings of night, as a feather is wafted downward from an eagle in his flight. The day and nights have come and gone, Officer Cook and we keep waiting for you to come home. But the fact is, you and your father, Charles, may he rest in peace have been reunited. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hopefully, time does endeavor to heal all wounds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2013

Time! what an empty vapor'tis! and days, how swift they are: Swift as an Indian arrow-fly on like a shooting star; the present moment just is here, then slides away in haste, that we can never say they're ours, but only say they're past. It sure has been somewhat of an empty feeling losing you Officer Cook, but we know you are in a safe place now assisting God as you walk a beat in His golden streets. Arrows and bullets can take a person down if if they are highly trained and properly motivated. The lesson here is to always be cautious. Something you were well adept at doing, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2013

Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future and time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present all time is unredeemable. What might have been is an abstraction remaining a perpetual possibility only in a world of spectulation. For all police officers time present and in the times past who have faithfully performed their duties and gave their lives in saving citizens and making them safe, we could not ask for anything mightier. Officer Cook, your linkage to the past is always going to remain as your legacy, we will remember your loving generosities and will look up to you for sage advice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2013

Give me no changeless hours, for I know moments on earth are sweeter that they go. The memories of your life and career, Officer Cook, are made even sweeter by your presence among your family, friends and colleagues. You were an icon among your peers and your spirit will live forever in those who cherished you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2013

Time is a river without banks. Time cuts down all, both great and small. You were taken in your prime, although you were a young man, Officer Cook, the promise you had as a dedicated police officer, loving son, wonderful brother and caring husband can never be taken away. The diabolical act of a young man who was bent on violence is something to this day that we who knew you still ponder in our minds. Why? If he wanted to be demonstrative then there were surely other means to taking out one's anger and we don't mean shooting police officers like yourself who only want to be able to perform their jobs and eliminate the fears the community suffers and loses out on because of unwanted mayhem. Your status as one of the best police officers in Dade County will forever remain solidified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The rivers of love and unity should only flow with good health, peace and prosperity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2013

There is no boredom or misery to equal the pursuit of distraction alone. We do not slip into happiness. It is strenuously sought and earned. A nation glued to the television screen is not simply at a loss before the iron pioneers of the new collective society. It isn't even having a good time. Your profession, Officer Cook, afforded you the many chances to serve and to protect the citizens of Dade County and for this they will be forever grateful to you and the many officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in an attempt to get evil off the streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2013

In this last reflection, Officer Cook, I meant to say that they should have named the side-panels to honor your memory, the 1664's, and not the 1541's, as this was my father, Owen C. Davis's badge number when he was a policeman in New York City. I wished my dad had an kind of protection, he did not and yet he spent thirty-eight years with his department. So I apologize for the mistake. You were a very dedicated person and officer who paid the dearest price for our freedoms and should not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You sir wore badge#1664 with the honor, pride, dignity and integrity that the position was meant to be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2013

Each new machine or technique, in a sense, changes all existing machines and techniques, by permitting us to put them together into new combinations. The number of possible combinations rises exponentially as the number of new machines or techniques rises arithmetically. Indeed, each new combination may, itself, be regarded as a new super machine. Since your untimely passing, Officer Cook, the Metro-Dade Police department as you can imagine has undergone many tactical as well as some other changes that are meant to better protect each and every officer. One of those are the side-panels. because of your sacrifice, Officer Cook, officers in your department now have them, it's a shame back in your day they did not possess them. They should have named them to honor your memory. The 1541's would sound wonderful as this was your badge number. For now, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

All of your loving family members, friends and colleagues came to the realization, Officer Cook, that you could always be counted upon and relied upon to steady the ship at your department if the morale was lagging a bit. The sophistication that you utilized to advance your career was only appreciated and your selfless sacrifice served as a wake up call for us to take action and to never assume anything in life. Nothing is granted or assured as we count our blessings and moments we share so preciously with our loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your vim, vigor and vital loyalty in serving Dade County citizens to vanquish the causes and effects of evil will be forever looked at as a hallmark of your career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

We cannot be happy without being free; we cannot be free without being secure in our property if, without our consent, others may, as by right, take it away. You allowed us to be free of worry when you were out on patrol, Officer Cook and that is why you have been and always will be thought of for making the necessary sacrifice to insure that these liberties and freedoms will forever continue. You were very blessed in deed with a good life, a strong family upbringing, a devoutness in which you and Karen always placed your achievements in God's hands to guide you both through the good and not so good moments. This is one reason why you were able to assist the less fortunate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A child's good upbringing leads to positive results later on down the road during their lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

Man's capabilities have never been measured; nor are we to judge of what he can do by any precedent, so little has been tried. Your capacities were only to focus on making security your main concern, Officer Cook. You were never better my neighbor, friend and hero at this. The light of your being always glowed when you knew you could come to the aid of somebody. You never backed down from any challenge placed your way and remained as upbeat as possible. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

The peril of every fine faculty is the delight of playing with it for pride. Talent is commonly developed at the expense of character and the greater it grows, the more is the mischief....Talent is mistaken for genius, a dogma or system for truth, ambition for greatness, ingenuity for poetry, sensuality for art. You were ambitious that is for sure, Officer Cook, you had plans to see your career through and unfortunately, Our Creator had even grander plans for men and women such as yourself who make sacrifices that we can only even begin to fathom. Everyone has an inane talent, what is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. Where a person returns when they pass may be dark, but where their souls travel is certainly lit up for their arrivals on God's golden streets. Thank God, Officer Cook, for your humbleness and talented desires to see us have security to fight our way through the doldrums that come our way every now and then. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The true in any person's character is more important than any hidden talents they may have. Honesty molds character, talent shapes success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

I think knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste. Every natural power exhilarates; a true talent delight the possessor first. First and foremost, You were a thinking man's police officer, Officer Cook. If you were not confident in your abilities, you would have surely pursued another career. It was this sense of humor, a sense of knowing that you could offer public service to others. This acronym for COPS. Your humility helped see you through the tough moments that you may have experienced from time to time. The citizens all own a large debt of gratitude to you, Officer Cook, for caring and sharing your ideas with them. As I've said many times before, you'll never be forgotten by myself or our family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2013

The long hot summer is almost behind us, Officer Cook, the day you made the ultimate sacrifice was as hot a day as one could imagine. O summer day beside the joyous sea! O summer day so wonderful and white, so full of gladness and so full of pain! Forever and forever shall you be to some your gravestone that of a courageous hero, to some if not most, the landmark of a new domain. It's called heaven and our Chief Officer, Chief Builder, Chief Architect and Chief Planner has set a daily eternal itinerary for His men and women, all angelic in nature who have fortified our universe with their embodiment and physical beings ready to answer a call that may be their final call. Not afraid to risk and dare, they all had the hearts of a bear. Not flustered in their pursuits to get down and dirty, the mud on their uniforms and badges represents their talents in getting down to the roots of evil and they did not ever fail nor blink even twice. You now carry God's blueprint, Officer Cook, where ever you travel up above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You can watch over my family as we prepare to move to a new home in North Miami Beach and I want to invite your niece, Gina and her husband Trevor and their children over. The pool table that I want to place in our Florida room has a terrazza floor just like the one in your parents home. At least I can think of you and your parents while playing, may your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, live and be well. I'm sure you enjoyed a good game of pool from time to time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Not to the swift, the race; not to the strong, the fight: Not to the righteous, perfect grace: Not to the wise, the light. It was not a race, Officer Cook, but your swiftness on May 16, 1979, saved seven persons. Your strong and unbending spirit will always carry with it the persona of perfect calm, to a scene gone wild and now as your years suggested, you were the wiser of them all and can now witness the light because you endured in the fight to try and stop a mad man who could not see right. He left this world thinking violence was his right and because of this my neighbor, friend and hero, tragically you can never again see nor say to anyone goodnight. Rest in peace. People here in North Miami Beach, Florida are still firing off fireworks both day and night. But better yet, Officer Cook, keep lighting up this universe with your kind hearted soul, it is the only true light to our visions of tomorrow. Because of you, Independence Day occurs daily in our community. Your boldness helped make way for our freedoms to become reality.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Not in the clamor of the crowded street, not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, but in ourselves, are triumph and defeat. Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down. There is only one success-to be able to spend your life in your own way. You spent your life and career with acts of kindness engulfing your personality. Officers have a unique way of drawing the people near them and especially if they attempt to perform in an earnest and honorable fashion. I'm sure while your soul was travelling up to heaven, Officer Cook, you met many wonderful men and women who devoted and dedicated their existences to saving lives and bringing peace as you did to their neighborhoods. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your grace in times of trouble was simply put, truly and amazing feat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Success consists in the climb. Self esteem= Success and pretensions. You climbed the ladder of success, Officer Cook, fortune and fame never jumped or impeded your progress as an officer. For some self-esteem comes through hard working and paying attention to the little details, for others they just do feel they have a worth. Everyone has a value and cam make a difference in this world, no matter how long they reside in this world. Twenty-five years of value and contributions that mere mortal individuals cannot achieve, you my neighbor, friend and hero were truly blessed to accomplish and would now be doing so with your beloved wife, Karen and your family, if Our Creator had not come calling for your soul to reunite you with your beloved father, Charles, may he rest in peace. Two gentlemen with solid convictions who made a difference in the success of us all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed. The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. Often a certain abdication of prudence and foresight is an element of success. You had uplifted your department and its morale, Officer Cook, by succeeding mightily in your battles waged against wickedness. I don't think you were afraid to stare anything evil in your eye. Your laugh, your sense of humor were tools that from time to time came into usage as you were out on patrol. You have to maintain an optimistic and upbeat side of your position. You achieved and did it in spite of everybody and not often with the assistance of everybody. At least you worked with two excellent officers, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, the day in which you made the ultimate sacrifice. The other officer. Officer Keith DeGenova, a close friend and tennis player like yourself. I don't know for sure, but, perhaps you partnered at times with officer Robert Edgerton or Detective Donald Blocker, who killed the man who took your life. The officers in your division knew you were one terrifically sensational officer who never gave less than one-hundred percent at all times. Steady and sure of your abilities, more often than not you were their go to guy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Have little care life is brief and less that art is long. Success is in the silences though fame is in the song. Amazing Grace which is the funeral dirge played at all Inspector's Funerals is what sets the solemn and somber mood and yet we remember all the goodness and richness of the lives and careers of officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, who made success in a truly honest way a large part of your daily routine. The dignity which was the reason you lived well and were able to achieve where others may have failed. Life can be brief, but of course it's how you live and compose yourself and the values you brought with you to your department and division during your career with them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sounds of silence your passing has brought conjure up only the best of the wonderful memories of your stellar life and most meaningful career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

Success is full of promise till men get it; and then it is a last year's nest from which the birds have flown. You had all the pride, all the dignity and honor and to have it snuffed out in an inhuman manner was just not right. Officer Cook, you taught us all the important lessons in life that you have to maintain a dignity about yourself. Not be to boastful, yet have a measure of confidence in knowing you could accomplish the tasks at hand. Your life and career had begun and still there was plenty left for you to achieve. Your heroic act on May 16, 1979, serves to instill in us the success a person can obtain if they are willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals in the sense that you were willing to put in the long hours of tireless dedication during your training at the police academy at Miami-Dade Community College, one of my alma maters. Success means that you have at very least achieved some of your goals, aspirations and dreams. You'll never be forgotten and may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank you so very much for giving your being in the line of duty so that we may continue carrying the torches of freedom and liberty that were central in your service and protection for six years with Metro-Dade Police Department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

The opportunist thinks of me and today. The statesman thinks of us and tomorrow. The police officer thinks of us all the time, it's a never ending battles of various emotions. You took full advantages of the opportunities you had, Officer Cook, to avail in joining the police academy where you were fully trained and given the skills, the will and the mind set to go out into society to serve and to protect our best interests. Quite a big spark is very much necessary in these endeavors if you are going to accomplish those dreams and goals that you set forth to achieve. Even being placed in precarious positions, you overcame them and stood out in front of other officers and were able to maintain a calming sense of peace, unity and a purposeful reason. Law and order carried out with a sense of urgency and a mild-mannered approach as opposed to a harsh and hot-tempered engagement does not always work efficiently. But you were the very best at calming people down, letting their emotions simmer awhile, as you were thoughtfully conjuring up solutions to their problems. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What we need to do is continue making positive strides in bettering this world. When you get to the next life, the first thing God asks of us is the question, did we perform good deeds and watch how we used our tongues toward one another?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

The air made love to all it touched as if its care were all to spare; the earth prickled with lust of birth; the woodland streams babbled the incoherence of the thousand dreams wherewith the warm sun teems. The air we inhale is so vital to our lungs, our beating hearts, to our whole existence. You gave your life, Officer Cook, and every measure of your physical abilities right down to the last breath you took. It's very sad that a heinous act took you from this world in which you absolutely could have continued making a deeper impact. You touched so very many souls during your time, you lived a life full of humility, faith personified and the grace that you and your loving sister, Nancy were nurtured by your giving parents. The essence of the soul is a powerful spark of Divine Creative intention. My neighbor, friend and hero, you were the spark of which not many can say they contained. You were a joyful person who could conjure up a funny and yet a very revealing side of you not readily seen by others. Rest in peace and keep smiling down on all of us and provide us with that burning fire of motivation and that ever present glow of youthful emotion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2013

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