Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

To partake of the fruits of your humble labors one must first be honest, dignified and devoted to the sole causes of peace and purpose that you pursue. You patrolled your neighborhood of Dade County, Officer Cook, without any lack of compromise nor absence of integrity, heart and reverence. Our Maker sees and hears everything. You voice of calm and passion was soothing and just clear to the point never a waver or hesitation. To make a firm commitment to pride and excellence scruples and morals had to remain intact for if any area of awareness or acumen were to fall apart your earthly journeys would have been devoid of their due diligence and fortitude put forth by your fierce dedication and master virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

Constant disappoint cannot conduct its rightful business defending the citizens of a community. But, honesty, integrity and dignity had always followed you, Officer Cook, heroically through your trails of truth and trust. Dade County was where you served and provided our tranquility and liberties. For having clear and succinct character, superb commitment and faithful convictions my your beloved and esteemed heart, soul and spirit be guarded by the everlasting grace of God's compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

Dignity and integrity are honor's wings of gentleness and humility. with your humanely heroic heart, Officer Cook, all Dade County was loyally served, protected and preserved from harm. Your cherished name, admired character and truly trusted commitments of virtue, wisdom and responsibility have forever been saluted for their staunch and stoic roles. A gentleman of sincerity who tried his utmost to prevent more harm. Our security, serenity and safety came through your tireless, unselfish and most unwavering efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

Ducking and dodging only creates a system that has no diligence. To rely upon you, Officer Cook, was to allow a man who championed safe trails for all here in Dade County to keep up the tasks at hand. Integrity, dignity and dedication were forevermore to be so honored for being poignant and punctual. We won't forget your heart and sincere grit to function as a composed man of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, charisma and smile worth more than you could imagine. The battles rage on with your soul and spirit observing and delivering some much needed divine intervention.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

Sometimes you must crack the whip. Terror needs to be taught a lesson in humility a trait, Officer Cook, you honorably exposed to. Never a moment that goes by without remembering a gentleman of gallantry whose dignity, integrity and tenacity helped to tame torment. Dade County has saluted you as a man of scruples whose earthly purposes were carried out to the letter of the law. The reality is ideals and intelligence assist a heart and soul keeping up its activities. You my neighbor, friend and hero were beloved, admired and forever unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

A blast of boldness is surely preferred than a bomb of terror. It's evil that robs the world of its faith, hope and goodwill that's for certain. You preserved the quality of life here in Dade County, Officer Cook, always giving superior effort. A man of honor, integrity and dignity shall only win over the horrible sight of unending wickedness. Cornerstones of character, commitments all founded in truth and trust, the validity of virtue and versatility always seen. You are missed so much as your family continues your legacy of heroism, nobility and only civility given to humanity to treasure. Loyalty and a heart go hand in hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

Your professional demeanor must add up to honor, integrity and dignity for without fortitude, ingenuity and intuition, our world would forever continue being bombarded by violence. Dade County was where you laid your stakes of success down for security to take its proper shape. Officer Cook, honor, humility and your trustworthy heart of gold brought everlasting relief and your blessed, cherished and treasured name will stand forever for heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

Acumen accentuated. Dignity never diluted. Integrity and honesty that fit the discipline required for such a tough position of truth and trust, yes, Officer Cook, you persevered as you proudly served the good citizens of Dade County. A man of concern, caring and character who made a choice and never disappointed anyone. You built foundations of virtue, versatility and valor through your life and career of humbleness and sacrifice. The plans, preparations and training all for the sense of serenity to sink in. A gentleman to be loudly and fondly saluted for everything good with society as your community pays its reverence to a most respectful man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

Vision is being able to view this world. With your wisdom and maturity, Officer Cook, you were capably diligent in protecting Dade County and its residents. So much truth, trust and unselfish faithfulness all paired with unrelenting tenacity, integrity that was humble and honor that was priceless. You paid the ultimate sacrifice for our very freedoms and serenity and will remain a cherished and noble warrior. God has more vital eternal roles for his angels, the flock of character, tireless commitment to morals and excellence and the convictions accentuated in virtue and driven by the vehicles of versatility and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2022

We all don't get to complete the things we started for somehow God has other more important intentions for His creatures. For those who live we must summon the vision, wisdom and enthusiasm to chase down our aspirations, goals and pure desires. Police work was your chosen profession, Officer Cook and Dade County citizens had to be humbly grateful for your day after day presence continuing to build and to shape your future missions of honesty, hope and humility from a heart of virtue. The vehicles of integrity and dignity following you down the roads of stardom. No one could have ever predicted your life and career would come to a terrible conclusion because of a wicked man bent on violence against the authority that stands firmly grounded upon its scruples and politeness. But, your respected character and of the truest convictions all mattered, they all were consummate commitments upon your sacred affirmation to preserve and to protect the freedom and goodwill of humanity which has missed you and your smile tremendously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

Take firm hold of your God given abilities, talents and skills for when the day comes calling you'll never know when they might come in handy. Officer Cook, you were a genuinely nice man and a man of loyalty, faith and devotion to duty's causes serving all Dade County with everlasting appeal and acumen. The class of decency stroking dignity's wings and integrity that made your honor more solemn, now we must salute your valor and vision, as your service was sadly deemed as completed. Violence and evil should not have ended your life and career for your destinies were to go higher up the ladder of humility, heart and concern. Your superiors never worried whether the assignments would be done, your safety was of paramount importance. Your family suffered grief upon sorrow and when you were alive you certainly were that glue that kept your loved ones together in devoutness, humbleness and blessing during family tragedies. Your angelic spirit shall be rewarded for its tireless and energetic service to society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The songs of praise are loud and clear as a loud ringing bell. Boldness speaks volumes while bravado lacks any communication. Better to be mindful than boastful. You accomplished your roles and tasks with a versatile consideration that was highly valued.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

Compliance is more preferable than disobedience. To listen when an officer instructs you better suits a community's peace and factors in to a more resourceful solution. Situations present themselves and not all are alike. Dade County was your home, Officer Cook, the classroom where all your lessons were applied to provide a better state of serenity for all. Whenever integrity, dignity and character are in danger we must take drastic measures to assure the stability of humanity and your smile and friendliness are sincerely missed forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. you represented all walks of life as only a man of sanctity must with truth and trust deliberating their just missions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

Treachery tears up one's inside so much their lives seem to just go in circles without any profound reason for being. You solved problems, resolved dilemmas and handled all circumstances like a professional public servant has to, Officer Cook. To better serve and to protect Dade County you needed the entire essential package of perseverance, proficiency and endeavor clearly above the field. The honor, dignity and integrity humbly, humanely and heroically flowed in your veins and made your beating heart much stronger. For a young man as you were my neighbor, friend and hero may God shine His grace upon your spirit of virtue and keep you forever sheltered in His wings where only angels fly. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

Resolve and resourcefulness are the thoughtfulness of an unselfish man of honor, character, integrity and dignity all pursuing peace and stability for all Dade County. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, as you never dropped a pass, never dodged an incident and for everlasting resilience and efficiency my the will of God shine down upon your heroic soul and heart so uplifting, so vital to the causes of true justice. To administer to mankind's faith, hope and goodwill took every bit of character, commitment and the intuition of having integrity support your sincere ingenuity. The wisdom of being accountable to your peers who have saluted you and always revered your work ethics and principles. The ideals and values so meaningful to living a stable life of harmony and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

Society, mankind and humanity have already suffered enough torture and terrors, such insulting and truculent behavior committed by vile and callous individuals who probably lacked any heart, soul and honesty whatsoever. You cared, Officer Cook, for the people of Dade County and despite being a high class man filled with decency, dignity and integrity realized the streets where you gave your life were perilous and its a terrible tragedy that you could not join the crime scene squad where your photographic talents were best suited. You would still wear a badge of humility and a uniform of virtue, well God only knows and now He has your sweet and special soul and spirit of mankind forever tucked away for eternal safekeeping where angels of heroism roam, soar and ascend that gallant ladder of trustworthiness and truth. A real gentleman with a warriorlike mentality, the maturity, wisdom and vision that has provided us with more than sensation of serenity, safety and security. You built the steps of compassion from the bottom up. The cornerstones and foundations remain solid for all future generations. Dade County was your community where you were consummate, beloved, admired and treasured as your family and department's hero. A legacy stating the facts of your tenacity, fortitude and unyielding ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2022

To return home safely and to wake up to face another day where the grind gets as tough as your missions. So horrible and sad, Officer Cook, that you are not here today, right now to help us get through the day. Your heart, soul and spirit ascend the ladders of God's plains watching over us and your family, we pray for the very souls of those who serve with honesty, integrity and dignity's distinction. Dade County relies upon them just as your truth and trust carried us mightily through anguish, grief and adversity. The world needs a cleaning out and you were just the proper man to navigate the terrains. The neighbor, friend and hero who rests in peace with character, charm and a wise and sincerely pious humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

You look at yourself in the mirror everyday and what happens? Only God and you know. We understand one who has honesty, resourcefulness and dignity lying in their hearts. Integrity incorporated all your earthly journeys, Officer Cook, heroism that was wise, visionary and full of vitality, versatility and the accountability of being relied upon to come through in the clutch when lives mattered. You, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero can partake of the heavens gallantry where you now and forevermore serve your missions walking a pristine beat guarding the pearly gates if trust and truth. No more harm, pain coming your angelic way. It was here in Dade County where undying, undaunting and unwavering compassion and admiration followed your life of exemplary endeavors. Rest in peace. Character that was cool and calm under duress and pressure, a smile your loved ones can forevermore cherish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

The heart and soul separate when one passes and yet the spirit is forever alive and glowing keeping God's perfect gates of heaven aglow. So many wonderful people, humble, heroic and honored who sacrificed their lives of expression and impression to make our very world safer and humbly more harmonious. Dade County was your venue of sacred missions of hope, faithfulness and goodwill, Officer Cook. Such a tremendous loss for your family and department to endure and yet their purpose, faith and respectful characters have guided them all these years later. Your legacy is still sealed within their minds and hearts are they carry your spirit in fortitude and in loyal gratitude admiring your life and career which constructed the very cornerstones and foundations of our futures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

The dates change on our calendars just as the landscape. What stays imparted in your family and professional peers of justice, truth and trust is May 16,1979, the day you gave your life and career for Dade County to live in freedom, Officer Cook. A noble soul with a golden heart of genuine friendliness and a positive frame of mind and soul that is now and for eternity blessed by Our Lord. The never ending wars and battles were fought with safety and dignity's honor leading the paths and trails for intuition, ingenuity and integrity to follow in. With morals and scruples, humility, virtue and wisdom all were the very best, the consummate warrior taking care of his family, community and close friends. A plethora of politeness and manners always treasured, loyal and with a humane smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

I would venture to say that most of your fellow officers during your time, Officer Cook, demonstrated good sense, honesty, integrity and dignity. These public servants, human beings with true heart and soul deserve our very thanks for putting their lives on the line as you did to secure the safe havens here and around the corridors of Dade County. We no other person will cross you were born with a keen mind and a noble perception to grasp the finer points of law enforcement. Humility and strength of conviction, commitment to pride and excellence and reverent character and virtue all are the values you subscribed to my neighbor, friend and hero. You sir shall remain a sacredly blessed and rewarded gentleman. Rest in peace. Badge#1664 will be remembered solemnly, fondly and very wisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

Being ready and available will always be preferrable. You never winked, blinked or quivered, Officer Cook, just straight ahead adherence to honesty, dignity and integrity. Such a kind, sincere and most heroic young man full of passion, unwavering virtue and character all strapped to your uniform and badge of trust and truth that preserved the quality and stabilizing tranquility for all Dade County. Nearly forty-three years later we salute you and your caring heart and enriching soul of unselfish and tireless compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2022

The book of bravery, honor and humility still remains open as your loved ones, Officer Cook, continue to fill those pages of perseverance and integrity with the same characters of dignity and a stoic heart as you had when you patrolled Dade County. Never one to mince words your oath of wisdom, vision and maturity meant something to us and to your peers of justice, truth and trust. You constructed an empire of effort, energy and virtue put forth to attempt to stop a wild and out of control man from hurting others. And you paid the ultimate dear price for our serenity, safety and unities all to be saluted and remembered for each vehicle of learning, yearning and being able to humbly climb that ladder to humane accomplishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2022

With a sound mind and humble heart were you able to pursue our very freedoms and liberties here in Dade County, Officer Cook. The heroism never vanishes it only enhances humanity's chances at a new lease upon its aspirations. With a humane honor, integrity and outstanding dignity you will forever be paid homage for your due vigilance over your beloved community. Now character, commitment and conviction were always loyal and esteemed. Your angelic soul my neighbor, friend and hero shall rest in peace it performed its duties well beyond the calls of responsibility, versatility and accountability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2022

The good it shall live on forever. Whatever is bad must not continue to perpetuate its persistent wickedness. The violence has no mentality it does have a roar and a nasty bark that threatens society's journeys of hope, faith and goodwill. These are the very same, Officer Cook, that you inspired to become and you certainly achieved humility, honesty and dignity all through the resources of integrity and wisdom. Exactly why Dade County prospered under your guiding light driven by your heroic heart and charming character that was succinct and honest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2022

When you think you've got it made you have not because policing the communities is an evolution and an ongoing process involving heart, mind and soul. Yours, Officer Cook, were sound and clear as a bell, the world has surely missed you all these decades later. You rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with your parents all cradled with Our Lord's most cherished love and compassion in His arms where everything is just perfect except for losing you too suddenly because of violence. You take honesty, dignity and integrity and properly place a little ingenuity and sound character next to one another and the likelihood is you will reach some pinnacle of success. Six years of effort, meaning and diligence won't be tarnished, it will remain so humbly and humanely honored for its versatile and virtuous decisions some split second when life hangs in the balance. Continue blazing paths and trails above always looking after your family, peers and close acquaintances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2022

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